Thursday, March 19, 2015

We Have Reached Critical Mass - Help

We Have Reached Critical Mass - Pray

We have reached critical mass - please Pray - Visualize - those who want war are completely immobilized for life immediately.

Several months ago we talked about the Drop Dead Date for a full scale Nuclear War was 3 April 2015, eight years after the FBI stole every thing I owned be cause I stopped the Nuclear War with Iran, IE: The Full Scale Nuclear War.

These people in the FBI and CIA are perverted War Mongers and apparently are now demanding this Nuclear War and have been for 8 years. They are desperate.

The Russians found out I was telling the truth and  that PM Cameron of England was planning a Pre-Emptive strike on Moscow in 4 days so Russia went on High Alert.

Several things are precipitating this as well:

1) US Debt Sealing was reached 2 days ago yet there is no slowing down of US Corporate Spending.

2) The US could not pay their gold debt to C\hina

3) HSBC Wayerhouses have NO gold, so hte hundreds of millions of dollars of Gold Certificates they sold are backed worth nothing.

4) NATO Troops entered Ukraine today.

5) China just took over the Gold Pricing in hte west and Gold prices went down - the Rothchilds will not let go.

6) Top US Commander at Tinker Air Force Base refused to deploy for a Nuclear War on the 15th and was fired on the 18th - it took the Obama Administration 72 hours to gain control of the Nuclear Forces and One Paper Clip dropped into the Main Frame at Tinker would shut down all Nuclear Forces - so would a Directed Nuclear Pulse.

7) Finally: The Feds have announced they will raise Interest Rates soon --- QE to infinity is falling flat on it's face.

8) Every one realizes now that the Derivatives are filled worth huge amouts of Toxic Assets - investments sold by US Corporations that are absolutely worthless.

Please Pray:

We Have Reached Critical Mass - Help - YouTube

Dr William B. Mount

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

White House Prepares For Nuclear War

Several days ago the Obama Administration ordered the deployment of our Nuclear Forces.

Please Pray - (Visualize) that the war is stopped and those responsible become so sick they can never move again for he rest of their lives)

Nothing happened.

The 5 star went to the 4 star.

The 4 star went to the 3 star.

The 3 star went to the 2 star

The 2 star went to the 1 star.

The one star went to the Navy Captain and found out what had happened and promptly relieve the Navy Captain and re-assigned her tot the CNAP Staff.

Apparently Naval Captain Heather E Cole ran the organization who's aircraft allowed the President and Secretary of Defense to communicate with the Nuclear Forces of the United States Corporation - the "Strategic Communications Wing 1" out of Tinker Air force Base in Oklahoma.

Affirmative Action at it's finest.

Obama and his staf lost total control of our Nuclear Weapons for days - Days.

Think about it - they lost total control of 65,000 Nukes for days.

Captain Brian McCormich was instantly assigned to get the communications network operational.,

As we speak over 65,000 US Nukes are being deployed around the world.

What should bother you is the 6 Nuke Submarines being deployed in the US West Coast.

Think about it.

A US Submarine with 12 missiles containing 144 Nuke Warheads with a range of 1,500 miles off of Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, etc.

1,500 mile range - not even far enough to hit Hawaii.

Four more off the East Coast and 4 along the Gulf Coast.

This means that 14 Nuke Submarines containing 2,016 Nuclear Warheads are being posted off of our coasts ready to launch.

So where do you suppose the targets are?

An Old Submarine Commander I knew had no clue where he was to go or where he was to launch his 144 Nukes if he was deployed for WW3  but if he was deployed off the US Coasts he was told the targets are in the Unites States --- 2,105 Nukes --- 15KT Nukes --- pointed at the United States by US Corporate Submarines.

This also means that the Communications Cables that run out 200 miles into the ocean - like the several cables next to "The Elephant"  at Coronado Bay (CA) , the one at Pacific Beach in Washington, etc are all running at full capacity.

This means that all up and down the coasts these cables are in full operation blowing up hte brains of Whales, Porpouses, Dolphins, fish, etc.It is, at best, a mass slaughter of whatever sea life is left and at worst the end of Planet Earth.


Navy Strategic Air Wing Commander Fired |

Does it not appear that the Obama staff is utterly mad and suicidal?

Time to really pray for help.

Dr William B. Mount

Prepare For War - Not Kidding!

Sorcha just contacted me and stated their main servers were melted down.

I will post their story in total to get the word out. By the way - the Main Putin is still under-ground and the Double #1 (Fat Finger) Putin  is filling in.

They must have war by 3 April, and Russia confirmed what we stated months ago here.

Please pray with me (visualize) that those ready to order a nuclear war become so violently sick they can neither speak nor get out of bed.

Intel: Please tell me what the Underground State needs with Congressman, Senators and Intel Agents?

Marduk, Adama, Mars, Earth - do you get it yet Intel Community?

Maybe you need to call and do it as GOD directed, or become Dehydrated Protein Cakes blowing in hte wind?

Sorcha Will Not Be Silenced:

March 17, 2015
Moscow Bomb Shelters Begin To Fill As RussiaPrepares For War
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

The Ministry of Defense (MoD) is reporting today that President Putin has “effectively warned” both the United States and European Union that British Prime Minister David Cameron “must be removed” in order to avert the catastrophic consequences of total war.
According to this report, President Putin and other top officials were put under the “protection” of the MoD during the past fortnight after intelligence reports revealed a planned nuclear first-strike against the Federation planned by Prime Minister Cameron due to occur this week…and which we had previously reported on in our 14 March report titled Russia Warns “State Of War” Exists As UK Nukes Prepare First Strike...............................

To if the United States has been complicate in this planned nuclear attack by Prime Minister Cameron against the Federation this MoD report leaves uncertain; based upon information obtained by Federal Security Service (FSB) Director Alexander Bortnikov after his private White House meeting with President Barack Obama a few weeks ago.
Also, and as we had reported on 15 March in our report titled Obama Meets With Top Russian Spy, Warns He Can’t Stop War, and the MoD again states in their new report today, no one in the Kremlin is even sure if President Obama is in control of his own nation anymore after US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland “raged” last week at Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov claiming that former Vice President Richard “Dick” Cheney was in charge of the United States now.
Even worse, this MoD report continues, regardless of who is in charge of the US right now, a “de facto state of war” now exists between the Federation and America after the Obama regimes statement yesterday that their sanctions against Russia would, basically, go on forever as the Federation will never allow Crimea to retaken by the Nazi-led government of Ukraine.  

The total war plans ordered by President Putin in response to this extraordinary threat, this report further notes, were made under MoD “supervision and consultation” over the past fortnight at the highly secretive, and mammoth, underground Mount Yamantau complex in the Ural Mountains and include offensive, defensive, covert, and psychological measures intended to prevent total war…but in failing in that effort the Federation would then “massively respond” against the West using all of their capabilities, including “nuclear options”.

Interesting to note in this MoD report is how it details one of the psychological measures used in this total war plan that included this past Sunday’s television documentary wherein President Putin for the first time publically admitted that he privately threatened the West with nuclear war over the Crimea crisis…and which, likewise, we had reported on in our 24 February 2014 report titledPutin Orders Troops To Crimea Passes, Warns NATO Of War.

This MoD report states that this specific psychological measure employed by President Putin in publicly admitting to his private threat to use nuclear weapons to protect the Federation was intended to “alert” the citizens of both the US and EU to “grave and horrific dangers” they were facing due to the secret war actions of their governments without their knowing.
On Monday upon his return to Moscow, this MoD report continues, President Putin than initiated further actions of the Federations total war plan which include:

1.)    The immediate opening of Moscow’s 5,000 new bomb shelters President Putin hadordered built in 2010 and which were completed in 2012.

2.)    The immediate transferring to these bomb shelters all critical equipment and personnel belonging to the Central Clinical Hospital and Polyclinic Office of the President of the Russian Federation (CCHP).

As this nationwide show of force is currently ongoing, this MoD report says, Belarus military forces have put their forces on full combat alert too and joined their Russian counterparts in this strategic offensive as, likewise, Ukraine has issued plans and aggressive maps, showing an attack of Crimea and also Kuban [region in southern Russia] by the Ukrainian Army, with the support of NATO navies.
Even though the Administrator-General of the Eurasian Observatory for Democracy & Elections (EODE), Alexander Mosesov, has stated that “Nobody in NATO is ready to pay the price of this sort of war [with Russia over Crimea], which can involve a nuclear conflict and a third world war. Only the Kiev Junta, with its team of adventurous far-right and low-level politicians can dream of this sort of military aggression”, MoD experts in this report state that the continued aggressive war actions by the US and EU, combined with the continued demonization of President Putin and Russia people in the Western press, seems to prove they do, indeed, want nothing but total war.
And with Special Assistant to the US President Celeste Wallander stating earlier today that President Obama was “well aware” of President Putin’s nuclear war threat, this MoD report chillingly concludes, the West has still failed to assure the Federation that Prime Minister Cameron will be removed from office, or even more dangerously, that they will be able to stop this total war at all.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Red Dragon Family Closes HSBC Vaults To Access Damages

The financial system is in a mess. The holder of the World Currency has allowed their system to run amuck.

Several months ago the Red Dragon Family took marginal control of the IMF and is now involved in assessing the damages and how to fix the system.

So how does a World GDP of around $85 Trillion Dollars end up with hundreds of trillions of dollars of worthless Derivatitve Funds, all sold illegally, and what is a derivative anyway?

A Deriviative is a paper bond that is valued at it's underlying value. For example: A building worth $10 may have a debt on it for $10 and this debt note may be ten shares at $1 a piece, or 5 shares at $2 a piece, etc.

Now here is where it gets tricky: One share of the building worth $1 may be bundled with a share from a bond, and a share form gold, etc - bundled and sold as Derivaties into HEDGE FUNDS.

A Hedge Fund is where a group of investors buy stuff together - a mutual fund.

So what happened and why did the IMF close HSBC Gold Vaults?


Take a Derivative fund worth - oh - $5 Trillion. It may be filled with:

1) Gold Funds.

     a) Under Nixon there was a 1/1 ration for gold to gold bonds.
     b) Under reagan/Bush this was a 9/1 Ratio
     c) Under Clinton - there was a 100/1 Ratio
     d) Under Obama the gold vanished.

So what this means is there is no 100/1 ratio on Gold Bond Certificates to gold, there is no gold making this part of the Fund worthless.

Even if there was some gold left these funds were sold with a gold value at $2,000 per ounce.

2) Home loans were sold at their Face Value. So, for example, a $300,000 mortgage was placed into the fund with a value of $300,000. Well - what if you owe $300,000 -  it was sold as a $300,000 value.

Worse  - if the home is now worth $150,000 and you will owe $300,000 the fund is upside down - bankrupt.

3) Take some California School bonds - they have announced they will no longer pay on these binds until the year 2054 - no more interest for 40 years so you sit on paper devaluing at 6-8% every year - worthless bonds.  They never intended to pay them off, they issued them illegally. Yes they should go to jail forever - but they will not and this part of the derivative is loosing 8% every year.

4) Shares form our National Forests, National Parks, Etc were also added into these derivatives and since you cannot sell timber form these areas the underlying value of most of these derivatives is $0, yet they were valued in the $ Trillions.

In other words - the Derivatives invested into by the Hedge Funds - most have a value of nothing, zero, ziltch - pure nothingness, worthless paper.

So the Red Dragon Family is assessing the damage to the world markets.

Add to this that the investments in the US Stock Markets do not match the payouts of the stock - most stocks on the NY and Chicago Stock Exchanges are about 60-90% over valued.

For example: If a US Treasury Bond pays out 4% a year then a stock should do as well.

If you invest $1 in a US Treasury bill at 4% you should get back $104 at the end of the year, right?

If you invest say $100 in Boeing Stock you should be worth $104 at the end of the year - right?

If your payout is only $1 then the stock needs to go down in value by 75% so that then you invest $100 you get $104 at the end of the year.

Such is the state of the entire US Stock Market System. It needs a 75% reduction in value at this time. So a 16,000 DOW should correct out to $4000, right?

So before the market corrects itself and before the lid is blown off of this Derivative Market illegally purchased bu Hedge Fund Managers - the damage needs to be assessed and steps need to be taken to limit damage as the system is corrected.

Now you know why the HSBC vaults are closed.

About 10,000  Bankstas run the worlds financial system. Out of that number about 1,000 Bankstas are dead and it appears another 1,200 may die very soon. The rest have made deals directly with the Red Dragon Family and their lives may be spared. We shall see.

As for the 8,000+ that have made deals they have agreed to let the IMF close most of their accounts and zero them out - this is why the Swiss Banks are denying access to large accounts. The Swiss Bankstas  must first identify which accounts will be left open and which are to be closed. No mistakes allowed.

Expect some Banking Glitches towards the end of the month as things begin to change.

If the Dragon Families do as GOD asked them then things will go smoothly. If not - it will be a very long year.

Food, Water, Toilet Paper, Ammunition, Heat and Communications for 3 months.
The News You Need To Know

Dr William B. Mount

All spelling errors brought to you by US Army Cyber Command.

Sunday, March 15, 2015


President Putin's Schedule from his President's Page on the web:

Vladimir Putin will meet with President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov on March 18

Vladimir Putin will meet with President of the Republic of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov on March 18.

Vladimir Putin will meet with President of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev on March 16

Vladimir Putin will meet with President of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev in St Petersburg on March 16.

The President will participate in a session of the Interior Ministry Board and hold a meeting with Government members on March 4

The expanded session will address the outcomes of the department’s work in 2014, including fighting crime, maintaining public order, countering extremism and fighting corruption, and set priorities for the Interior Ministry’s work in 2015.

On March 5, Vladimir Putin will meet with Prime Minister of Italy Matteo Renzi

Prime Minister of Italy Matteo Renzi will visit Moscow on March 5 at Vladimir Putin’s invitation.

On March 3, Vladimir Putin will take part in a meeting of the Union State Supreme State Council

On March 3, Vladimir Putin and President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, who will be in Russia on a working visit, will take part in a meeting of the Supreme State Council of the Union State.

Vladimir Putin will hold a State Council Presidium meeting on February 24

The President will chair a meeting of the State Council Presidium on February 24.

President of Russia


Any more questions US Intel - like how I knew what happened to him and where he was?

Dr William B. Mount












