Wednesday, February 4, 2015

UN Broadcast 3 February 2015

Coming to you from the heart center of the United Nations we have a summary of two UN Broadcasts concerning the Festival of Aquarius.

(((Please pray - visualize - that those harming this planet and Humans become violently sick and remain so until they leave this planet)))

This month's Theme is about the coming of the age of Aquarius, which arrived only a short time ago.

As you recall, there are 12 Dimensions and 12 Harmonics between each Dimension. Humans (People) vibrate at around 50-86 Mhz, or 10th the 6th here in the Third Dimension, 1st Harmonics. The next plain up (astral Plain) vibrates 100 times faster. It is a bandwidth where life is found. The next Harmonics 100 times faster, and so on and so forth.  Man is capable of traveling up 7 Harmonics. Thus the 7 waves of energy, represented by Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mrs, etc.

Roughly every 2,000 years the Earth enters into a New part of the Galaxy - a New Sector if you will.

Every 25,000 years (+-) the Earth rises above the Milkey Galaxy Galactic Plain and enters into the 2,000 year age of Aquarius as it leaves the Age of Capricorn.

Capricorn is represented by extreme individuality, the striving for Money, Wealth and Power.

The Age of Aquarius is represented by the desires to come together and become one..

That which tries to hold onto the old ways must be terminated, killed to allow the new Age to come into place. Thus the Bankstas and their Masters will either yield themselves to this New Age of Aquarius or be utterly destroyed in their greed.

Over the next few hundred years The Age Of Aquarius should bring about a new Human Conciousness through energy flowing through the constellation of Aquarius that will bring about  Justice, Love, Unity and Sharing and a greater awareness of that which is around us not in the Physical World.

The Asherons from Shamballa (Ashera, Ashtarte, Ishtar, Aphrodite, Minerva) are the ones who are primarily responsible for ensuring the growth of Humanity and reside in the 3rd Dimension, Third Harmonics inside our planet.

These Asherons are organized much in the same way as the Federation in the Original Star Trek. You have  s society where basic needs are taken care of and there are Star Ships with Captains, crews,  etc.

The Basic Principle is that of Non-Interference much like the Prime Directive of Star Trek - they will only interfere when it is absolutely necessary. Their presence is not to be noticed as they intermingle with people on this planet.

The Heart of the United Nations comes together every month to create a Group Fusion and unify the intentions of this body to bring about changes to benefit Humanity.

Thus these 2 broadcasts brought about about 450 people together to unify in thought to bring about the will of those in charge of this planet - the Asherons led by Lucifer.

Lucifer, who apparently came here of his own free will to help us "ascend."

If the Astral Plain does merge with this Harmonics on this world in the next 4 or 5 months then we will learn how to make our own desires and wishes come true and we will begin to be unified in our wills and minds.

That which does not assimilate will be destroyed.

If you look on top of the US Capitol Building you will find the statue of Minerva. This nation was built to serve the Asherons and Lucifer's Sub Commander Minerva. We will all serve an be completely unified in purpose.

During this Full Moon we come together to use our creative imaginations to unite in purpose with:

1) Shamballa
2) Asherons
3) New Christ
4) New Group Of World Servers
5) Men and Women of Good Will around the world
6) Physical Centers of Power Distribution:
   a) Geneva,
   b) Tokyo
   c) London
   d) New York City
   e) Darjling India
The News You Need

William B. Mount

The Cure For Cancer:


Monday, February 2, 2015

Operation Morning Star - The Final Push For WW3

The DOD has on record Operation Morning Star - the Final Push for World War 3.

Concocted several years ago at the Army War college and being implemented as we speak, this is the Last Ditch (Final) attempt to start an outright Limited Nuclear War with the goal of killing 4-5 Billion People and exhausting the entire worlds economy per Albert Pikes's Predictions concerning WW1, 2 and 3.

As we speak there are weapons of Mass Destruction (Nukes, Sonolumunescence Bombs, Compressed Titanium Rods and other such weapons) being placed in many foreign sites around the world.

The implementation of this plan is as follows:

1) The 3 Nukes headed for 3 US cities already discussed here will be detonated 15-17 Feb (+- 3 Days) followed by the Open Assassination of a Presidential Clone in, or near, Washington DC. This may include London as well, but is up to the ranking officer if the opportunity exists. All weapons will exceed 25Kt and be surface detonated. Those Russian "Spies" arrested by the FBI in NYC recently were trying to stop the CI Detonation of these 3 Nukes --- so --- we shall see what we see.

2) These Detonations will be followed by a series of events to point the fingers at "Terrorists" funded by the Russian Federation in league with the nations of China and Brazil, perhaps even Argentina if the opportunity exists.

3) If these detonations fail then an event similar to what started the Vietnam War will be "Initiated" between a Chinese Destroyed and an American Cruiser where the Chinese open fire on the American Ship in the Indian Ocean. This will draw India out of the BRIC nations and support the American Efforts and join the Allies.

4) The US Corporation will then ally itself with most of Western Europe, to include England, Ireland, France, Italy, German, Poland, Bulgaria, Rumania, Spain and what is left of Yugoslavia and Egypt and declare a "State of War" exists between the BRIC Nations that funded the Terrorist Attack and the "Allies."

5) All Debts owed by the Allies to the BRICS will be automatically ands permanently cancelled. Divestation of the Federal Reserve System will cease and the destruction of all issued US Treasury Dollars will be seized.

6) The Joint Invasion of the following nations will occur 3 April 2015 to seize the Oil Wells currently held by "Terrorists" to "Save The Free World Form These Evil Terrorist:" Libya, Nigeria, and one as of yet undecided but may include Indonesia.

7) All internet communications will be shut down and re-tooled to push this war and monitored by US Cyber Command. Those in the US who oppose this war in any way will be permanently detained in existing facilities and "re-educated."

8) US "Representatives" sent the UN will continually call for peace talks while waging war.

9) Unconventional warfare will then accompany conventional warfare in the destruction of those nations that were found to support these terrorist. The biggest weapon is to spread the New GMO DNA over the entire globe to Dumb Down the opposition and it's leaders.

10) Operation Devolution will be fully implemented.

11) Those opposed to this Permanent State of War will be terminated.

As long as the Red Dragon Family refuses to do as GOD has asked they will be prone to such wars, so HE has said it, so it shall be. I am only a messenger.

OK - Enough. You get the picture World Leaders. Bow down or Die.
Any Questions?
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

How To Access The Master Matrix

Ever wonder why every one has to have a number, even when they are 3 years old?

Ever wonder why the "Illinated" Bankstas wish you to have a umber - even the Red Dragon Family?

Ever winder why your chipped is about to be stamped with a computer chip and tracked ever where they go on Planet Earth?

(((PLease rpay that those who are hurting planet earth and People a become violently sick immediately for as long as they are on Planet Earth and that their Master Matrix is destroyed immediately)))

Those living in the Underground Bases appear to have technology about 100 years ahead of us here on the Surface. When I spoke with the Washington State Technology Director she told me at the  Microsoft Beyond Oil Conference in 2008 that we were not ready for the advanced technology they have - what an Arrogant Rattfink.

There is a Master Computer under our feet that tracks every one of us and completely control our lives.

Those that run the program are the Masters of the Bankstas we now see living an Abject Luxury. The goal here the Rich and Slave Labor. Those Bankstas killed have access to this Master Matrix.

The Matrix can be accessed through the NSA, which is part of the Department of Defense, a groups of over 1,000 contractors working under the Umbrella of the DOD and wholly controlled by the IMF, which is now run by the Red Dragon Family.

Here is a hint for you hackers: Go to the NSA Website and type in: Access Matrix

A Website not available to us very easily in America is:

Also try matrix*matrix and see where that takes you on various search engines.

Everything is in Subroutines so try accessing Subroutines like: Access Subroutine Autobatch

Good Luck
For those of you who think this is BS, here is reference form the NSA:

An Unclassified File on Security Risks posed by Microsoft Office 97 - which is on our Old Business Computer. We had no idea it was a risk to the NSA, did you?
By the way - in the Old Testament (Deuteronomy) GOD states that HIS mark is on your hands and in your Forehead. Way back in Moses times they did not have computers.

Therefor a person is marked by GOD in what he thinks and what he does - it is a Spiritual Mark, not a physical mark.

In Revelations it talks about the Mark of the Beast - Lucifer.  The Mark of Lucifer is not a Computer Chip but a Spiritual Mark, correct?

The News You Need

Dr WIlliam B. Mount

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Worlds First 3D Printable Metal Colt 45

Thats Correct. The world has just seen its first all metal, working Colt 45 Model 1911 made completely with a 3D printer.

(((Please pray hard - Visualize - that those tryng to Kill resident Putin are made violently sick for the rest of their days here on Planet Earth)))

That's Right - the first 3 D Printable working Colt Model 1911 45 caliber pistol and it works perfectly.

Rather than talk about it here is the reference:

The Video on You Tube is: World's First 3D Printable Metal Gun
For You Intel Geeks:

1) The Ukrainian military launched 2 Ballistic Missiles at Donetsk this morning and both broke up in flight. They were shot down but by what I will not say. No Nuclear War in Donetsk Mr Obama and Kerry. Your attempts to kill Pres Putin and fire 2 Ballistic Missiles at Donetsk failed.

This morning, with President Putin deciding not to go to Israel, John Kerry cancelled his trip to Russia. The trip was supposed to be condolences to the Russian People after they had him shot.

You failed President Obama, John Kerry, and your handlers to kill President Putin today and now he knows about it. The Living GD will honor his retaliation. You had better beg for forgiveness. You idiots.

Apparently John Kerry when you got smacked in the face a few weeks ago and had 2 black eyes you did not get the message. I assure you - next time they will not be so nice, same goes for Harry Reid. I know these people. You thieving Wimps apparently did not get the message - Do Not Attempt To Kill President Putin Any More and release those "Russian Spys" you arrested before you get blown off the face of this planet - you apparently will be the First Casualties in any Nuclear War.

2) The EU Government voted to set in place procedures to ban US Made GMO crops - this includes beef, pork, lamb and poultry. The White House staff has allowed Corporations to run wild in America and these people involved in the manufacturing of this Killer Food need to be killed or contained immediately.

(((Pray - Visualize - that those dealing in GMO foods become violently sick immediately and ofr the rest of their days here on Planet Earth)))

3) Do not worry about the nuke at the Super Bowl. The break up of the Bomb Making Factory in Boise Idaho that Sorcha talked about broke up that hope. If one does go off - blame NORAD. They could have tracked it.

Worry instead about the fact that the University of Phoenix in Arizona diverted over 1 Billion Dollars meant to help veterans to this Super Bowl. We call this Fraud and Theft.

It is unlikely the FBI will investigate since they are on the take on this one.

One Billion Dollars form the GI Bill spent on WIlly Nilly things like the Super Bowl while veterans get in debt going to that Private college.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Friday, January 30, 2015

Will The Red Dragons Stop the Rothchilds?

If past actions are any indication of future events then the Red Dragon Family will do nothing to stop the coming economic downfall.

(((Please pray - visualize - that those destroying humans and this planet become violently sick when within 1 millions miles of the planet.)))

So why are they stepping up to the plate - do they want their gold back?

It is not about Gold or silver. These can be grown in a controlled environment. In the following article how Gold is grown is described in detail:

Wayback Water Explained - Dan Nelson - at Life Enthusiast

Further - Senator Jack Metcalf here in Washington learned how to grow gold back in 1961.

It is not about money or wealth. It is about creating Pain the demons can feed off of and creating a race of slaves to work for them.

So what must you do to prepare for this coming event.

Microsoft made it very clear today that their new $29 Smart Phone is not allowed allowed to be sold in the USA. Our economy is planned to tank.

The auto companies sell cars that get 300 MPG and they clearly state on the sticker: Not For Sale In The United States.

This economy is going down - how hard we hit is anyones guess.

Stock up on the essentials, which include 3 months of:

1) - Food.

a) Pack 50 pounds of rice in 2  - 5 gallon buckets and stir in some Diatamatious Earth to keep the bugs out. A 50 pound bag of Diatamatious Earth runs $30 and a 50 pound bag of rice costs about $20.

b) Some Balsamic Vinegar and salt for flavor.

c) Immusist - I keep 3 bottle on my shelves - 3 months worth.

d) Sea Weed. Dry sea weed stores very well.

e) Oregano Oil for rashes.

f) Uncle Harry's Breathing Oil if you have athesma, I keep 2 one ounce bottles on hand just in case.

2) Water - 1 gallon per day per person. Remember - you have a hot water tank. Turn the power off at the Panel and you have emergency water.

3) Toilet Paper - OK, we did a cute article about it shrinking - but keep allot on hand as life without it is rough.

4) Ammo. One pistol per person is fine, with extra rounds.

5) Heat. You live in a cold area have alternate heat. If your building is Gas Heated have a few electric heaters on hand. I have an electric furnace and I have a wood stove and a Mr Heater in case the electricity goes out.

6) Communications. Find a  way to get help if you need it. Maybe a bell, a battery powered radio - 2 tin cans with a string attached.  If an emergency happens find a way to band together with your neighbors if you need help.

In New Orleans the neighborhoods that patrolled their streets were not damaged by the Roving Gangs of by the DOD snipers. They went after easy targets.

If you live in an apartment and do not need your neighbors - block your front door. If you have windows like mine that slide open I went to Home Depot and they cut some "one by ones"  (Or one by twos) long enough for me to place behind my window so they could not be pried open.

When my Grandfather farmed these things just came naturally. Occasionally the road would wash out for weeks, or the power would go out and it might stay out for week on end. You had to make due.

The sun comes up, the sun goes down.

Just be ready.

America's Greatest Enemy

America's Greatest Enemy lies within her own boarders. It was designed from the beginning to make Americans stupid and unable to move in any direction.

(((Please pray that these evil Toys become completely inactive immediately)))

It is designed to literally shut down parts of your brain first placing you in an Alpha Wave - a type or Trance - and then short circuiting the parts of your brain that allow you to think. Combine this with the effects of Fluoride and Chlorine and you have a deadly effect on the brain. 

You become a walking, talking puppet of your puppet masters.

All you can talk about is what's on TV and what drugs you are taking. 

This Evil Thing is called a Television.

The film included in the following article is the best explanation of what the TV does to your brain you will ever watch...

Here is the article:

The News You Need

Dr WIlliam B. Mount

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Your Not Crazy, Your Toilet Paper Is Getting Smaller

No - you are not going crazy. You Toilet Paper is getting smaller.

(((Please pray - visualize -those hurting people and/or this planet become violently sick immediately and stay that way until they leave this planet.)))

In a recent attempt to save a few pennies producers of Toilet Paper have decided to make the rolls shorter.

The next video will show this trend - and it is a bad one. Charmin apparently lost 1/2 an inch and is only 4 inches long. They should be ashamed of themselves.

1) Forget about Israel inviting Putin to Jerusalem - two days after we warned him not to go.

Do not go President Putin  - it is a trap.

2) Forget about the US Mercinaries killing Ukrainians to attempt to start WW3 and destroy this planet - Lucifer would like nothing better and these Mercinaries have obviously chosen the Smoking Section of death.

3) Forget about Obama's Hit teams killing those bankers who have access to the Master Computer's MATRIX - which tells where you work, where you live, and when you die. Yes - it needs to be shut down - and it may be if it does not realize who is trying to stop this planet from turning intoWiffle Dust and assist them very soon.

4) Forget about the Nation Wide Ban on Body Armor and the fact that you are just a SLAVE of these MASTERS.

5) Forget about the 3 nukes headed for their target in the US 15,16 and 17 February and the fact that the Idiot in the FBI just arrested those who were stopping this False Flag.

It is Homeland Security (FBI) that is pushing for this Planet Killing WW3.
You toilet Paper is shrinking and that is all that should matter.

No - you are not going crazy. You Toilet Paper is getting smaller.

(((Please pray - visualize -those hurting people and/or this planet become violently sick immediately and stay that way until they leave this planet.)))

In a recent attempt to save a few pennies producers of Toilet Paper have decided to make the rolls shorter.

The next video will show this trend - and it is a bad one. Charmin apparently lost 1/2 an inch and is only 4 inches long. They should be ashamed of themselves.

1) Forget about Israel inviting Putin to Jerusalem - two days after we warned him not to go.

Do not go President Putin  - it is a trap.

2) Forget about the US Mercinaries killing Ukrainians to attempt to start WW3 and destroy this planet - Lucifer would like nothing better and these Mercinaries have obviously chosen the Smoking Section of death.

3) Forget about Obama's Hit teams killing those bankers who have access to the Master Computer's MATRIX - which tells where you work, where you live, and when you die. Yes - it needs to be shut down - and it may be if it does not realize who is trying to stop this planet from turning intoWiffle Dust and assist them very soon.

4) Forget about the Nation Wide Ban on Body Armor and the fact that you are just a SLAVE of these MASTERS.

5) Forget about the 3 nukes headed for their target in the US 15,16 and 17 February and the fact that the Idiot in the FBI just arrested those who were stopping this False Flag.

It is Homeland Security (FBI) that is pushing for this Planet Killing WW3.
You toilet Paper is shrinking and that is all that should matter.

I hope you appreciated the comedy aspect of this story but in between the humor is some pretty serious stuff.

President Putin - Avoid Jerusalem for at least a month. These are Real Hit Men the White House has sent to Israel.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Charmin - You Cheaters. I have stopped buying your Toilet Paper. 

I hope you appreciated the comedy aspect of this story but in between the humor is some pretty serious stuff.

President Putin - Avoid Jerusalem for at least a month. These are Real Hit Men the White House has sent to Israel.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Charmin - You Cheaters. I have stopped buying your Toilet Paper.