Wednesday, January 14, 2015

US Population: Year 2025: 69 Million

By now you have read the store is about the Daegel Corporation, estimates that the US Population will be 69 Million by the year 2025.

(((First - please Pray - Visualize Hard - that those wishing to harm Humans or Planet Earth become violently sick when within 1 million miles of this planet --- so violently sick they cannot even stand up)))

So who are they and is it true and who has ordered it?

1) The Daegel Corporation is a military contractor. Here are their estimates:

They may be taken off line very soon.

2) Where did they get these estimates?

The Deagel Corporation published these results after reading a Private Report from the Rand Corporation  that has been pulled off the internet yet YOU paid for it.

3) Who Ordered this?

The Director of the US State Department, Dumb Dumb John Kerry, who is about to get hit by yet another Base Ball Bat between the eyes.

The Secretary of State has ordered the US State Department Office of Population (Control) to reduce the US Population to 69 million by the year 2025 without disrupting the economy through Plague, War, Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (Chem Trails) , and Frequency Weapons, GMO Foods and Weather Modification --- and YOU are paying for it.

4) Supporting Documents:

a)  Operation Devolution: The ongoing operation of the US Corporate Government without a surface population.

b) Operation Gwendy: "COOK YOUR GOOSE"

The use of GWEN Cell Towers worldwide to fry people - like a microwave gun. Their range to be able to destroy your brain is about 200 miles and there are tens of thousands across this nation.

Using frequencies similar to a Cell Phone of Microwave (Radar) they have particular frequencies that can literally destroy your ability to think.

These GWEN units not only effect aerial frequencies but have huge and very long Copper wires running  going deep into the Earth to cause huge disruptions in the Earth's Frequencies and causing Plate Disruptions thus destabilizing the Earth;'s Crust - causing Huge Earthquakes around the world.

c) Operation Woodpecker

A Russian High Frequency weapon similar to HAARP that literally changes the Earth's Magnetic Field and fries your brain.

d) HAARP: There are literally thousands of HAARP arrays around hte world, but here is a map showing hte major arrays:

Intel Geeks: These Lucifarians are at war with life itself and must be contained or killed.

aa) As a side not: The US Corporation has now sponsored Monsanto to spray the entire Ukraine with GMO Corporation to kill Ukrainians and Russians. As you read this US Planes and Jets are spreading these deadly spores all over the Ukraine.

bb) This morning two Ukrainian Reactors went down - they overloaded and went off line. This caused their backup cooling systems to come online and the water comes directly out of the river. runs along in tubes directly next to the Nuclear Rods, and then back in to the river.

In other words - the Reactors are pumping huge amounts of radiation directly in the rivers people drink out of. These rivers that run down into the Black Sea and are absorbed by the fish  - yup - the FIsh are now becoming radioactive in the Red Sea.

All part of US DOD: "Operation scorched Earth, Ukraine."

This will not be reported in the news. I would describe where these are but it would cause panic.

Wait until the cancer skyrockets along these rivers in Southern Ukraine.

cc) US DOD - did you not see the Chinese and Russian Nuclear Subs in the Puget Sound a few hours ago - the Russian being just south of the Tacoma Narrow Bridge at about 400 feet and the Chinese being just North West of Seattle and about 100 feet?

They both carried about 12 Nukes on them - yet you have not even one destroyer on the water or plane in the air.

Getting sloppy US Navy - very sloppy.

Too busy checking toilets on private boats to bother --- oh wait - at 2PM there were no private boats on the water at least in the South Puget Sound.

What about the mini Russian Sub in New York Harbor this morning?

Or the Chinese Nuclear Armed Submarine off of Galveston?

Finally - you have been briefed about the Nuclear attempts on February 2015. How about the next attempt on 17 March 2015 around the world?

Also - SVR (KGB) I hope you are still varying Pres Putin's Schedule as one of the Oligarchs is tracking his through a low paid employee about 20, male, thin. They will begin tracking PM Medvedev very soon - perhaps as soon as tomorrow but alas - it is time for bed. Maybe more tomorrow.
OK - To much Info

The News You Need To Hear

Dr. William B. Mount

Sorry about the miss spelled words. A gift from US Army Cyber Command.

Sorry for their stupidity.

Finally: The Cure For Cancer: Put this on your Face Book Page if anyone you know died of Cancer - do not let these idiots win:

Do You Think the US Corporation, with 65,000+ Nukes, will go down without a fight?

May I suggest doing it GODs way?

Monday, January 12, 2015

Operation Dead Duck

Operation Dead Duck, commonly referred to as "Quack Quack" is an operation set forth about many moons  ago to test a new frequency weapon developed for underwater warfare.

For the last 5 years the US Navy has been testing this frequency directed weapon on Whales, Dolphins, Sharks and recently some Old US Tankers. The tankers hulls simply dissolved first  - coming apart at the seems and then dissolving.

When tested on Sea Life the animal literally cooks itself in the water. This is why we see so many dead whales - their brains were targeted and they were literally cooked from the inside out --- like an Underwater Microwave Gun.

These tests were initiated just after Iran perfected the Neutron Beam Weapon - literally - Berrillium in a can then plugged into a wall outlet.

The next phase of the test will be against moving Chinese Cargo Ships. If the shipping lanes can be disrupted then trade comes to a stop and the Chinese Economy dies over night. Not even the New SILK HIGHWAY will help.

Captain Nemo on steroids.

The Next Phase:

1) The First ship targeted just south of the city of NAHA will be registered in Southern China and contain allot of Chinese writing on it and has a name similar to "Shang Ha." It will be headed to LA carrying mainly plastic toys painted with led paint.

In a few personal lockers and a "Boyancy Room" welded shut will be weapons. The Captain will be clueless what is in this room - Plausible Deniability.

Since the Rothchilds control the Central Chinese Bank it is unlikely the Chinese will be able to respond in any significant manner so the Red Dragon Family will have to once again bow to their Western Masters - something they have done now since 1727.

2) The Second Ship to be sunk has a name similar to "Dong Shu?" It will be carrying containes filled with various products and will pass just south of Naha 2 days later. I will not research it's contents. Ilive in Tacoma and it takes too much effort.

The Submarine will initially be accompanied by 2 other US Attack Subs - a NAZI Wolf Pack -  and as soon as they reach their destination they are to get out of hte area at a High Rate of Speed.

What you will see from the air is a Donut of Bad Weather but the center will be very calm. The US/UK  Press will black Out the stories of these missing ships.

The Offending Submarines are too deep to read their names but they wear funny uniforms similar to the NAZIs in WW2 and the sailors are very clean and well dressed. No slackers in this bunch of All Men.
What you can do in China:

1) Tripple coat the Rubber Life Rafts with Rubber and Wax on the bottom and provide NON-MATAL paddles. When the ship begins to "Buzz" ever so slightly, the ship will begin to jar as if it has no rudder, it will slow as the propeller dissolves,  and then all the crew members begin to get very hot.

2) As the hull begins to peel and then dissolve. Get on the Life Rafts and paddle like Mad Men to get out of the area.

3) Film Everything.

4) Create Pressure Sensitive Depth Charges wrapped in Paper or Plastic using CDX Russian High Explosives set to go off at the depth of the shelf just South East off NAHA. The coating is important and a great coating would be with Altamont Crude Wax from Utah, wrapped in a Parchment Paper.

Although it will take several minutes for the Depth Charges to reach their target and the ship will not be saved - it might just cripple the US Submarine and save the second ship.

Test the Depth Charges as they go down because buoyancy changes the deeper you get and non metallic charges just might not sink deep enough unless weighed down with very heavy plastics.

In hte Korean War we found many Metal Free Land Mines. Go back to your old 1955 Mine Manuals and look at these Land Mines - then use a Plastic Pressure Sensitive Detonators.

5) This Frequency Weapon is Unidirectional so another option is to use a Chinese Submarine that goes to 3,000 feet and can fire a Nuclear torpedo just after the ship begins to dissolve and target the bottom of the shelf. You must a long ways away to sue these torpedoes.
On to other mattters:

1) The Red Dragon Family is about to start buying US Press Outlets - this will be a Game Changer.

2) The White House ordered the French Police Commissioner of Paris to be killed because he was issuing an Arrest Warrant of Obama for the Paris False Flag. Apparently one of the Gun Men was seen eating and dining with the French President in 2009 as an honored Guest and was the guest of many in DC.

It was all a False Flag meant to create Military Rule and to kill the French people.

3) When Hillary ordered the death of Christopher Stevens for taking HER commission for 400 tons of weapons sold to the Muhujadeen Al Kaleek (MEK) and ordered the death of the Black Dragon (Japanese) Ambassador to the Golden Dragon (China) family this set out a series of events that are about to lead to some very serious consequences for Obama's Handlers.

4) Obama's Staff is Weak, stupid, and pre-occupied with Gay Sex and Drugs in White House. They are ripe for toppling.

5) Russia is getting clobbered by the Rothchilds Russian Central Bank - they refuse GOD's Protection by doing as HE has directed them so the Blood os on their heads.

The Russian Oligarchs set up by the SVR (KGB) are becoming anxious and loosing faith in their leadership - mainly President Putin. They are rips for bribes and blackmail. This will continue to get worse until Putin and Medvedev decide to follow GOD.

6) The Russian Navy is about to experience huge poblems. They ware about to have several wiring 'Fires" in their High Tech Ships. They contracted out many wiring harnesses to bae made in China and they subcontracted them to be made in Southeast Asia. The Wiring sizes were decreased and Fuse Panels were not installed in critical places to save costs.

The Fix will cost them about $50 Billion Dollars - or about 2.5 Trillion Rubles.

These are the same troubles the Ukrainian Reactors are having - the wiring is too small and no Fuse Breakers or Circuit Breakers in critical places and the New US Rods supplied by Westinghouse (By Orders of the US DOD) are too hot and burn out their wires. Another reactor went off line today --- but it is not in the news.

There are 6 Reactor Shut Downs in the last 60 days in the Ukraine due to US Meddling in Ukrainian Affairs.

Ukraine - have you not had enough Nuclear Reactor Problems?

The US Goal in the Ukraine is "Scorched Earth" - to kill everyone in the Ukraine and make it uninhabitable.

It is called: "Ukraine, Operation Scorched Earth."

7) The problems with Russian Navy Ships will also now be found on Russian High Tech Jets and Tanks. Your electrical Engineers thought 18 Guage is better than 16 Guage - they have NO practical Experience and got confused by the contractors on the phone.

The Sales Reps for these Subcontractors need to be hung and your High Tech folks need a US Electrical Contractor's Course. Not kiddng.

This is why many of your Nukes now need rebuilding - bad electrical work caused by thinner wires.

7) I had an Audiovox Cell Phone and a worm crawled across the face from inside while I was on the phone with Verizon. There are worms that eat wiring and they come from South East Asia. If you have your parts made there they come with these worms and they eat your wiring. This is very bad in High Tech Jets, Ships, Tanks and Nukes - think about it.

8) Prince William Mount, my 12th Cousin Removed, will now quietly take the thrown of England as the Queen is incapacitated.

9) If you research this - neither Eric Holder nor Chuck Hagel have officially resigned. Check it out in Wikipedia - you have been lied to. It was all done to pacify the Red Dragon Family. They were lied to again - double crossed.

By the way - weapons are still being shipped into Mexico while laws tighten about YOUR ownership of guns.


Perhaps tomorrow we will discuss "Operation Cook Your Goose" - a real Operation to kill people around the world.

OK - Enough

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

The Cure For Cancer Video - Lets hope they do not screw with this link:

The Next stepp in DEAD DUCK (Operation Hull Devolution) will be a

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Red Dragon Family Has reached A Decision

The Red Dragon Family has reached a decision. In the morning they plan to call their Ambassador to deliver a message to the Rothchild's and their the Committee of 300 and their Round Table:" Obey Or Die. You have 24 hours to decide."

(((Please pray that those who wish Humans and Planet Earth harm become violently sick when within 1 million miles of Planet Earth.)))

As you recall - the Red Dragon Family has been double crossed again and again and when they gave the Rothchilds the Ultimatum last week they responded with a Fake Shooting by French Special Forces on a Gay Porno magazine that the French SPecial Forces was running. In other words - they told hte Red Dragon Family to "Go "F" Off."

That was apparently the last straw for the Red Dragon Family.

Time will tell what happens now. Neither the Rothchilds, the US Treasury, the Russians or the Red Dragon Family are doing as GOD has directed so expect some sparks to fly.

In about a month President Obama the Traitor will host an Anti-Terrorism Conference in DC. In the day great speeches will be delivered, behind closed doors these Evil Presidential Handlers will discuss their next terrorist plots, which World Leaders they will kill and replace with a double, and the times of these events. The desires of the Red Dragon Family are NOT on the agenda. 

The Rothchidls and their Evil Lucfarians know full well that unless the US Treasury, Russia or the Red Dragon Family do as the Living GOD has told them they have ZERO protection form Lucifer and his minions. NONE. The Rothchilds (Bauers from Germany)ey please.  

These NAZI sponsored Terrorist Attacks will be centered around the Full Moon - as was the Fake Attack on Paris - +- 3 days roughly.

So what are they planning:

1) The Russian Federation has just lost a BBB Credit Rating and has ben down graded to a BBB-, soo to be made a C+ - their bonds will be rated as Junk, non-investment grade. They ignored GOD's requests.  Too bad, so sad. Now their economy is going down thanks to their leadership of Pres Putin and PM Medvedev.

This morning PM Medvedev is trying to stop the huge price rise in food all over Russia.

Did Pres Putin, PM Medvedev and other Russian Leaders think GOD was joking?

Is a 20% rise in Bread Prices in St Petersburg funny to an older retired person?

What good is your military might when your relatives cannot afford bread?


2) Chinese held Treasury and Federal Reserve Bonds will no longer be honored by the US Treasury of Federal Reserve. They will not honor my bond, GOD will destroy their ability to cash in on theirs. They are holding Useless Paper they paid good money for. Too bad, So sad, Touche'.

3) Before the Conference there will be an "Attempt" on an Obama Clone. Failing this the Rothchilds will set up a Fake Hit against the Roman Pope. 

4) If the Red Dragon Family plays by GOD''s Rules and actually has the guts to honor what they have been told to honor (Not Likely, but just maybe) then many in leadership positions who work for the Rothchilds and Lucifer will simply vanish. GOD will bless these Red Dragon Family Members, not kill them. 

The Rothchilds know the Red Dragon Family. To play according to GOD's Rules and to be Honorable is only for Holly Wood and the poor. They count on the Red Dragon Family not having the guts to do as GOD has directed them to do  - or so they think.

Time will tell.

5) The US Corporation has ordered a huge increase in Child Kidnapping tall over the world to support their insatiable desire to kill and destroy by raping and poisoning. The Area just North of Northern Idaho will increase in activity in Child Porn Video Making and Child Murder - films used to control their Illuminated Members and supported by Hillary and Mit Romney's Wife. See Abel Danger for a confirmations - or previous APFN Stories. 

The US Child Protective Services and FBI will be fully responsible for these kidnappings, rapings and murders. Look at their website - every one they arrest has Child Porn on their computer - supplied by the FBI after the arrests. 

6) The US Rand Corporation estimates US Population to be 69 Million by the year 2015. Now how do you suppose that they will kill what - 280,000,000 Americans?

Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons - that's how. They will blame it on "Terrorist Attacks."

So how are you going to drives your truck Macho Man when the gas stations are gone and what you gonna eat when the Deer, Bear, fish, etc all die of what they are spraying us with?

7) These coming attacks worldwide will center aroudn the Full Moon +- 4 days. Consider 1863 in the American Civil War, who's many battle were fought at "Devils Den, Devils Etc:

Date Full Moon         Battle                      Casualties
Jan 5                         Galveston                1500
Feb 3                         Dover                     1200
Mar 5                       Thompson Station    1000
Apr 4                         Charleston Harbor       36, many, many  more on land
May 3                       Chanslorville            30,000
June 1                       Port Hudson             18,000
July 1                        Gettysburg                40,000
July 30                      Stoney Lake                     5 Started a Series of Indian Wars
August 28                  Devils Backbone            31
Sep 27                      Sterlings                        800
Oct 26                      Whatahoochie               700
Nov 25                      Chartanooga             13,000
Dec 25                       Mossy Creek              400

All were fought as a Sacrifice to Lucifer and the Rothchilds profited by selling weapons to both sides.

The purpose of these Terrorist Attacks will be to start WW3, and take away your rights.

Terrorsts shoot at innocent victims so take away the public's right to defend themselves.
About 20% of the public will wake up. WHat you need is :

a.....Food - Incuding your medications. What I recommend is: Immusist, Diatamations Earth, Sea Weed, and Oregano Oil, and Citri Care and an Essential Oil to help you breath like Uncle Harrys Breathing Oil.  months.
b....Water - one gallon per day per person for 6 months.
c....Toilet Paper - Lots
d....Ammunition - One pistol  per person along with 20 rounds. Hide the pistols when the NAZIs come by to seize your guns and food.
e....Heat - Wood or Propane to last the winter
f...Communications - a way to summon your neighbors in an emergency.
When things break down a little silver and gold may also be useful - but for how long I do not know.

Buy a 50 pound bag of rice and mix Diatamatious Earth in with it and it will not go rotten. This will go an awful long way. One pint of the Diatanmatious Earth per 50 pounds of rice. It can be stored in a Home Depot Bucket very easily. Rinse before cooking.
At this point - expect anything. The Assassination Attempts on Obama will be stepped up - as well as Real Attempts of Chinese, Russian, Tajikistan, Khazahstan, Mongolian, Indian and African and South American Leaders who will not comply with the Rothchilds. This will continue until either the Russian's or Chinese Leadership decides to be Honorable and do as GOD has directed them to do, So HE has said it, so it shall be.
The News You Need

Ambassador, Dr William B. Mount

Sorry - I could pinpoint the next False Flags but I live in an area that only allows me to access certain amount of Information - too much electrical interference. So when the Chinese President,  or Argentina (Etc) is targeted - sorry. You will die because you have ignored what GOD has asked you to to.

Remember - HELL is forever and I have the formula for living a Very, Very long life.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Obama's Staff Is Loaded With Traitors

Obama's Staff is loaded with traitors and the Red Dragon Family has given them an ultimatum: Surrender or Die.

Their official response was to carry out a False Flag operation in Paris and spit in the eyes of the Red Dragon Family telling them to: "Go To Hell, You Do Not Have The Guts You Cowards."

The story just gets worse day by day ans the Alternate Media folks understand how fake the shooing was and and the TV watchers drool into their beers and say how horrible hte shooting was.

The only option for the BRIC Nations, and the Red Dragon Family, is to make good on their threats or go down in history as another John Kerry":" Do Not Cross This Line Or Else"

Either way - if the Rusians, Rothchoilds and Red Dragon Family continues to move forward there will be CAOS - GOD will not let either win until one side, or the other, does as GOD has directed, so HE has said it, so it shall be.


In a sign of his Traitorous Acts the President's Staff personally go involved in a trial of a US Second Lieutentant who shot at 3 men approaching his platoon in Afghanistan and was charged,, and convicted, of murder.

Apparently in 2012 Lt Clint Lorance of the 82nd Airborne was on routine patrols to protect the CIA Opium Fields there when he was warned over the radio by helicopter patrols to watch out for 3 Motorcycle Riders - they were the enemy and a threat..

Shortly this after 3 men on motorcycles headed straight towards them and he had his platoon open fire on them, killing 2 and wounding 1.

Rather than awarding him a commendation for his highly accurate assessment of the situation President Obama ordered him to go to jail for Murder. These actions make President Obama, and his staff, traitors in accordance with the United States Codes.

I spent a hour with a Marine who just got out and what you read here is very typical of the right now in Afghanistan.  This policy is part of the  "Rules of Engagement" the Obama Administration just signed while he was not in the White House.

May I remind you President Obama and your Gay Cowards in the White House: The Red Dragons do not like traitors and if this is true and you do not Pardon this 82nd Airborne LT, they will deal with you. You may be out of office soon. I am only a messenger but I can see the hand writing on the wall.



His Handlers are assigned by the Committee Of 300. They need to be contained or die.

(((Please pray - visualize - that the Committee of 300 is completely immobilized from this day forward and forever.)))

The real question is: Is there any general in these Chain of Command who is MAN enough to arrest these Traitors in the White House or is the US Military filled with Gay Drug Users that do not care?

Are there and MEN left in the Pentagon, is John Ashcroft another Wimpy Little Gay Boy like President Obama?

(((Pray (Visualize) that these Gay Cowards in the White House and Pentagon wish to kill and destroy become so violently sick they cannot stand up when within 1 million miles of Planet Earth)))

(((Pray (Visualize) that all those involved in prosecuting Lt Lorence become so violently sick they cannot even stand up until they reverse these false  charges and place him back on Active Duty)))

We are winning.

(((I also wish to pray that the Red Dragon Family, Putin's Handlers and the Rothchilds do as GOD has directed here on APFN or become so violently sick they can never stand again)))
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Friday, January 9, 2015

Red Dragons Give Ultimatum, Respose is False Flag in Paris

In a recent video by Ron Van Dyke the Red Dragon Family Ambassador has stated that the Red Dragon Family has apparently given the Illuminati (Rothchilds, Committee of 300, Round Table, etc) an ultimatum: Surrender or die.

The Dragon Family finally realized that the Illuminati is at war against Life itself. They are Evil and will surrender or be imprisoned or killed.

In response the Illuminati unleashed a False Flag Shooting in Paris to show just how powerful their lies can be.

(((Please pray that those who wish to harm humans and Planet Earth become violently sichk when within 1 million miles  of Earth))

How do we know hte shootinf was false - a FALSE FLAG?

1) Thye shooters speak perfect French - they were not Muslim Extremists.

2) There was no blood.

3) The shooters and Victims wore Army Boots. Now how many Random Victims would be wearing Army Boots with NO wear and tear on their souls?

4) The Wall Street Journal and KOMO news said one of the shooters was from Yemen.

Gee Whillikers Batman - did we not state the US Corporation needs a way to start a war in YEMEN to seize their wealth?

Golly Geepers - you take away the guns form the people and they cannot shoot back - they become SLAVES to their MASTERS. Zeig Heil Batman.
Since the Red Dragon Family is not proceeding with GOD's GUIDANCE they can expect anything from these Evil people.

I will state this about the Red Dragon Ambassador - he is a good Ambassador and has a good heart. This is very rare in the Diplomatic Corp and his Internet Spokesman - Ron Vandyke - is not an easy push over. About 3 months ago he asked him some very tough questions and the Ambassador's Response was very professional and good natured and he explains himself very well.

I personally ask very tough questions and so does Ron - but they were all answered to my satisfaction and I let nothing slide.

After John Kerry and Harry Reid got their faces re-arranged you can expect some swift changes nest month after the Red Dragon Family gets a handle on what is going on - who to trust, etc.

(((Please pray - Visualize) that they move forward as GOD directs)))
The News You Need

Ambassador, Dr William B. Mount

No Blood, done to piss off the Red Dragon Family and start another war - in Yemen.

Red Dragon Ultimatum with Ron Van Dkye

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Harry Reid and John Kerry Have thir Faces Rearranged

Both Senator Harry Reid (Dirty Harry) and Secretary of State John Kerry have recently had their faces re-arranged. It has something to do with the Land Theft of the Bundy Land in Nevada, and the murder of an Ambassador named Christopher Stevens.

Dirty Harry claimed he fell of an Exercise machine, although he has a Broken Face Bone, 5 Cracked Ribs and a bruised left leg and sprained ankle - - - yea - he fell off of a Rowing Machine?

John Kerry ran into a Door Knob, right?

(((Please pray that those who would do Humans harm or harm planet Earth become violently sick when within 1 Million Miles of Planet Earth. Please also pray that all their Mechanical Toys break when within 1 million miles of Planet Earth)))

Harry Reid is about to have another stroke (SO is Nancy Pe'lousey') and John Kerry is about to run into a whole lot more doors unless they stop their evil killing and thievery, so says the I AM That I AM, who was and is and is to come. The Red Dragon Family has ZERO patients.

GOD directed you both what to do, you though you were so High and Might you could ignore the Living GOD, and now you will pay. HE has spoken, so it shall be.

As a side note - Nancy Pelosi just plain smells bad and has terrible bad breath.
So here is what these Freaks are planning. Apparently you did not hit wither of them hard enough. Put me in a room with these Cowardly Freaks:

1) Watch the Swiss - they have all Banking Codes and are padding their accounts ever so slightly.

2) Red Dragon Family - you were told what to do by GOD, you are too high and mighty to listen, so the Rothchilds have been given permission by GOD to double cross you at every instance. Stupid is as Stupid Does.


3) School shooting False Flag heavily published 11 Feb 2015. It will be fake but look real, again along with a Fake Mall Shooting in Atlanta - but the time frame on this is weak. Too much interference here in Tacoma - sorry.You disobey GOD, I stay in Tacoma, you get sketchy info.

4) Four highly publicised school shooting this year planned by the CIA/Rothchilds.

5) April/May GOD will hit the US West Coast with earthquakes all up and down the coast.

6) Japan will begin rolling to the right eve so slowly beginning around Mid Year 2015.

7) US will begin to interfere in Chinese Politics next month in a strong way. They did not do as GOD directed to the Chinese Red Dragon Family will be vulnerable to bribes and double crosses.

8) Riots - the CIA is planning to bring forth many White Cops shooting Blacks all over the nation so Paid Agitators like AL Sharpton (A Real Jerk) will be used to stir up riots by mid-summer and the rounding up of Dissident Black should begin by September.Jessee Jackson has become lazy and also had a stroke - so he is now ineffective. A side effect of all the drugs he is currently using.

9) April - forces loyal to the Traitor Obama will begin interfering with food distribution for fun.

10) By June the US Republic will be touted as coming on line - it will be a lie. A Republic means no property taxes and that is not happening therefor the Republic is a complete lie and General Ham is a fake.

We shall see. I get a bad feeling about this "New Republic."

As long as the Red Dragon Family ignores GOD - they will be double crossed at every level, so HE has said it, so it shall be.

11) The US Submarine Fleet will begin to sabotage Chinese Tankers headed East just south of NAHA (Okinawa). The US will be sitting at the bottom of a large ledge and test a New Weapon that allows frequencies to be transmitted thousands of feet through the water. The ships will literally begin to tear apart - the structure of the metal will dissolve.There will be no survivors.

Chinese Trade Ships should avoid deep trenches or face being sunk as a test.

12) Old Man Rothchilds drinks a Tan Colored Liquid with alcohol in it and just had a Minor Stroke. He is not long for this world and I hold the key to his longevity. When he dies he must then face GOD.

13) Violence agianst cops is up 24% over last year. Already within a month 4 New York Cops have been shot. This will accelerate this year.

CIA - runs druhgs into America to build underground bases. They use Buffalo Airlines and the USAF - and use bases like Mina Arkansas (Bill Clinton ring a bell?) to bring in these drugs They are all tagged with the Verichip.

FBI - Runs the Fusion Centers to distribute these drugs. They also give away hundreds of thousands of pistols to the Drug Guns to run these drugs.

Local Police - ensure the drugs sell.

Police - Policy Enforcer. Except they run drugs.

14) The US DOD is planning a Carrier Attack off of Yemen for June but may move it up to March. The Carl Vincent looks like it will be hit and a propeller will be damaged and a Shaft bent, along with a hole ion the side of the carrier. A different carrier maybe substituted - but I see a freshly rebuilt carrier with a Bird Mascot.

It is all set up by the DOD. The US wants war in Yemen/Oman to seize their wealth to extend their empire a little longer. Blood for money.

15) US Corporate Carriers need to be rebuilt to handle refugees considering what US Corporate Made, and  Natural  disasters, are coming. These are the only ships (Along with the 200 US Corporate Submarines) they will be able to get in and out considering the severity of the coming storms.

16) Eight years ago I flew with a guy who was going to the Ukraine to look for oil. He told me the oil in that region was all dries up. Dirty Harry Reid sent his son in not to extract more oil but to push Benzene into the Ground Water (Fracking) to kill Ukrainians.

GOD calls it murder.

Fracking is a type of Murder - this is the real reason  oil prices dropped - to stop the Murders put forth by the Rockefellars world wide for no reason other than to destroy the Earth and murder it's people.

This is why Oil Prices have fallen - to stop the murders.

For Fun: The worlds first 3-D Printable AK 47 Magazine: The Fienstein.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount