After receiving news of a dozen Nukes being transported to the Eastern Ukraine the Secretary of Defense waas fired by an Obama Double.
In Retaliation for stopping over a dozen nukes from being detonated in Russia and killing Million of Russians the Russian central Bank called Deutch Bank - which I am working with on a $551 Million Dollar Russian Bond - and told Deutch Bank to place a copy of the bond on line and sell copies out of Deutch Bank HQ as fake Bonds.
So in retaliation for saving over a million Russian Lives Russia retaliated and refuses to honor a bond that was headed for their own church - 80% of it.
Thus for stopping the nuking of Russians the Russian Orthodox Church in St Petersburg looses about $42,000,000 per year - or around 218,000,000 Rubles per month forever.
You loose.
218,000,000 rubles per month, forever.
The order either had to come from Putin or Medvedev for this kind of thing to happen.
They can reverse the order - it makes me physically ill.
Sorry Russian Orthodox church - you loose the proceeds form over $400,000,000.
You do the math - $551,000,000 times 80% at 9 1/2 percent/Yr Russian Bond = ?
Either Putin or Medvedev - no one else would have the power to destroy this bond.
I am so sorry st Petersburg Church, so sorry.
Dr William B. Mount
Monday, November 24, 2014
Sunday, November 23, 2014
US Corporation Has Gone Over The Top
The US Corporation has gone over the toop - again.
What you are about to read has made me sick - physically ill.
(((Please pray - Visualize Hard - these evil Minions in the US Corporation leave Planet Earth Immediately)))
As you read this the US corporation is sending two plane loads of weapons to the Ukraine.
The proposed rout is through Ireland and then into the Kiev Airport at Boryspol?
The money for these arms was routed through Saudi Arabia and into the US Arms Manufacturers. Many of the weapons were purchased overseas. PM Abe of Japan has his fingers in this - which is why he is calling for an immediate election in Japan because it was rigged in his favor by the Saudis to start this war.
If the two US Transports have a Very Cold Freezer on board then they are carrying the more Atomic Bullets (A few Nuke Hand Grenades and two working Brief Case Nukes from Laurence Livermore))) - many of which have degraded and do not work.
The Mercenaries that will be given these Special bullets - Red in color I Believe - will be dead within a month after using them - radiation leakage.
The US Transports are carrying "Medical Supplies and Humanitarian Aid" from the UN and Red Cross.
Did we mention the Orange Bullets loaded with Sarin Gas also in this inventory.
It will be wholesale Slaughter - Genocide, the start of WW3.
It is like watching the start of WW1 in slow motion crying: "No, Stop, No, No" - and no one is listening.
When I found this out I became physically ill because I see what is coming.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
What you are about to read has made me sick - physically ill.
(((Please pray - Visualize Hard - these evil Minions in the US Corporation leave Planet Earth Immediately)))
As you read this the US corporation is sending two plane loads of weapons to the Ukraine.
The proposed rout is through Ireland and then into the Kiev Airport at Boryspol?
The money for these arms was routed through Saudi Arabia and into the US Arms Manufacturers. Many of the weapons were purchased overseas. PM Abe of Japan has his fingers in this - which is why he is calling for an immediate election in Japan because it was rigged in his favor by the Saudis to start this war.
If the two US Transports have a Very Cold Freezer on board then they are carrying the more Atomic Bullets (A few Nuke Hand Grenades and two working Brief Case Nukes from Laurence Livermore))) - many of which have degraded and do not work.
The Mercenaries that will be given these Special bullets - Red in color I Believe - will be dead within a month after using them - radiation leakage.
The US Transports are carrying "Medical Supplies and Humanitarian Aid" from the UN and Red Cross.
Did we mention the Orange Bullets loaded with Sarin Gas also in this inventory.
It will be wholesale Slaughter - Genocide, the start of WW3.
It is like watching the start of WW1 in slow motion crying: "No, Stop, No, No" - and no one is listening.
When I found this out I became physically ill because I see what is coming.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Russia And China Both Ban GMOs
Both Russia and China have now both banned GMO products.
(((Please pray that the Fascist Pigs are thrown off this planet immediately))))
I fact, most of Europe and India have also banned GMO foods from their grocery stores and farm fields. Attempts by the Fascists in DC to plant GMO crops in places like Hungary and France have been met with staunch resistance and the destruction of the Farm Fields where the crops were planted.
In the past when America got into economic trouble it relied heavily on it's food production to be sold overseas to help it's economy recover.
Thanks to the Obama Administration these Fascist Pigs have turned most of America into "GMO Land." Once made a GMO farm the DNA remains in the soil for many, many generations.
Thus American Agricultural Crops will be banned forever by most of the world - so an economic recovery based on Food Production is now out the window.
With the recent announcement of the New GMO JR Simplot Potato, and open approval by the Obama Administration of this Poisoned Food, much of Idaho and Eastern Washington will be filled with these Human Killing Crops. So if you go to a Fast Foods restaurant, especially McDonalds, you will now ingest these New And Improved Poisonous Potatoes.
In a recent statement by the Prime Minister of Russia Demitry Medvedev: "If America wants to eat GMO products then let them eat them. We don't need to do that, we have enough space and opportunities to eat organic foods."
In a recent study it was shown that eating GMO foods kills Human Embyrios and makes men sterile.
Ior You Intel Folks
I wish the Russians were more interested in finding the last remaining Third Reich in Argentina but that does not appear to be the Case, does it?
You would think that if someone walked into a Brokerage House with a half a billion dollar bond purchased from Argentina then the Russians, who lost 20 Million People in WW2, would jump on it.
Nope. They do not care.
Well - these NAZIs got a bill signed in the White House two days ago officially giving Dumb Dumb John Kerry $120 Million to pay snipers to kill Russians in the Ukraine ---- and the Russian Leadership --- Medvedev and Putin --- do not want to know where the NAZIs are in Argentina?
The bill is actually an open ended funding of the War In The Ukraine.... and so it begins. Hitler (Obama) openly invades the Ukraine to start WW3.
The War he is creating is against Humanity, not Russia. The Third Reich - centered in Argentina and then to the Antarctica and Agartha - will rage for decades. Much of Humanity is planned to be killed.
So here is what the Rockefellars are planning: 12/17/14 (the Next Kick Off Date): Either kill Obama or Putin. Another President or Vice President may be chosen since these men are so prominent.
With the number of US Supplied rifles in Central Asia now being over 100,000 the idea of killing a world Leader is pretty simple stuff, especially since many are "Sniper rifles."
There are ideas currently floating around to kill the Japanese Prime Minister Abe or the Chinese leaders in a "Islamic Bomb Plot" but we shall see what shakes out. Be assured these Fascist Pigs are very busy right now.
Like we see today in Furgeson, Missouri - they do not even need to kill a real person - they can just make one up and create riots based on a man who never existed.
So these Fascist Pigs in the US Corporation plan to kill "Someone" on the 17th, enrage the public, and storm into Russia with a Ground War. Russia should last about 15 days as Moscow will then lay in ruins a few days after the "War" starts based on another "Islamic Plot" by the evil Mossad, ISIS, ISIL, Al Kada, Hamas ... take your choice.
Thus - a limited Nuclear War leaving only the US and Russia as Oil Producers - Perpetual War - a Fascist Dream. Then comes another MERS, SARS, Swine Flu, Ebola, or some other new DOD created disease to be unleashed on us.
The date of 17 December date will give the NSA time enough to create an Internet Virus to shut down all but their Approved DOD sights - like Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, etc. Thus you will get the news the DOD wants you to get.
Can we ZEIG HEIL yet?
OK - that is the big plan for December - Merry Christmas.
By the way - I got transferred to a Federal Reserve Bank yesterday and so I asked them about the New Treasury Dollar - it ain't happening. The Federal Reserve Banks are here to stay forever and remove 3% of your wealth every year forever.
We are so screwed.
So much for the return of the Republic - it is all smoke and mirrors by the CIA. General Hammond is a sell-out to Lucifer and the CIA and China and Russia will now experience economic downfalls for their leader's arrogance, so says the I Am That I Am, who was and is and is to come.
Go ahead - reset the economy without GOD - see shat happens - you are trying Red Dragons, arn't you - except it is not working is it?
China - your Red Dragons ignore GOD and Russia your Mantle Feoo is not in Europe..
Too Much Info - TMI
The News You Must Have
Dr William B. Mount
(((Please pray that the Fascist Pigs are thrown off this planet immediately))))
I fact, most of Europe and India have also banned GMO foods from their grocery stores and farm fields. Attempts by the Fascists in DC to plant GMO crops in places like Hungary and France have been met with staunch resistance and the destruction of the Farm Fields where the crops were planted.
In the past when America got into economic trouble it relied heavily on it's food production to be sold overseas to help it's economy recover.
Thanks to the Obama Administration these Fascist Pigs have turned most of America into "GMO Land." Once made a GMO farm the DNA remains in the soil for many, many generations.
Thus American Agricultural Crops will be banned forever by most of the world - so an economic recovery based on Food Production is now out the window.
With the recent announcement of the New GMO JR Simplot Potato, and open approval by the Obama Administration of this Poisoned Food, much of Idaho and Eastern Washington will be filled with these Human Killing Crops. So if you go to a Fast Foods restaurant, especially McDonalds, you will now ingest these New And Improved Poisonous Potatoes.
In a recent statement by the Prime Minister of Russia Demitry Medvedev: "If America wants to eat GMO products then let them eat them. We don't need to do that, we have enough space and opportunities to eat organic foods."
In a recent study it was shown that eating GMO foods kills Human Embyrios and makes men sterile.
Ior You Intel Folks
I wish the Russians were more interested in finding the last remaining Third Reich in Argentina but that does not appear to be the Case, does it?
You would think that if someone walked into a Brokerage House with a half a billion dollar bond purchased from Argentina then the Russians, who lost 20 Million People in WW2, would jump on it.
Nope. They do not care.
Well - these NAZIs got a bill signed in the White House two days ago officially giving Dumb Dumb John Kerry $120 Million to pay snipers to kill Russians in the Ukraine ---- and the Russian Leadership --- Medvedev and Putin --- do not want to know where the NAZIs are in Argentina?
The bill is actually an open ended funding of the War In The Ukraine.... and so it begins. Hitler (Obama) openly invades the Ukraine to start WW3.
The War he is creating is against Humanity, not Russia. The Third Reich - centered in Argentina and then to the Antarctica and Agartha - will rage for decades. Much of Humanity is planned to be killed.
So here is what the Rockefellars are planning: 12/17/14 (the Next Kick Off Date): Either kill Obama or Putin. Another President or Vice President may be chosen since these men are so prominent.
With the number of US Supplied rifles in Central Asia now being over 100,000 the idea of killing a world Leader is pretty simple stuff, especially since many are "Sniper rifles."
There are ideas currently floating around to kill the Japanese Prime Minister Abe or the Chinese leaders in a "Islamic Bomb Plot" but we shall see what shakes out. Be assured these Fascist Pigs are very busy right now.
Like we see today in Furgeson, Missouri - they do not even need to kill a real person - they can just make one up and create riots based on a man who never existed.
So these Fascist Pigs in the US Corporation plan to kill "Someone" on the 17th, enrage the public, and storm into Russia with a Ground War. Russia should last about 15 days as Moscow will then lay in ruins a few days after the "War" starts based on another "Islamic Plot" by the evil Mossad, ISIS, ISIL, Al Kada, Hamas ... take your choice.
Thus - a limited Nuclear War leaving only the US and Russia as Oil Producers - Perpetual War - a Fascist Dream. Then comes another MERS, SARS, Swine Flu, Ebola, or some other new DOD created disease to be unleashed on us.
The date of 17 December date will give the NSA time enough to create an Internet Virus to shut down all but their Approved DOD sights - like Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, etc. Thus you will get the news the DOD wants you to get.
Can we ZEIG HEIL yet?
OK - that is the big plan for December - Merry Christmas.
By the way - I got transferred to a Federal Reserve Bank yesterday and so I asked them about the New Treasury Dollar - it ain't happening. The Federal Reserve Banks are here to stay forever and remove 3% of your wealth every year forever.
We are so screwed.
So much for the return of the Republic - it is all smoke and mirrors by the CIA. General Hammond is a sell-out to Lucifer and the CIA and China and Russia will now experience economic downfalls for their leader's arrogance, so says the I Am That I Am, who was and is and is to come.
Go ahead - reset the economy without GOD - see shat happens - you are trying Red Dragons, arn't you - except it is not working is it?
China - your Red Dragons ignore GOD and Russia your Mantle Feoo is not in Europe..
Too Much Info - TMI
The News You Must Have
Dr William B. Mount
Latest Internet Virus Created By NSA
Latest Internet Virus Created and Circulated by tthe NSA to shut down YOUR internet for the coming war.
Feel this worth passing along. With the holidays coming up, this could be a real problem.
The newest virus circulating is the UPS/Fed Ex/USPS Delivery Failure.
You will receive an e-mail from UPS, Fed Ex, or USPS along with a packet number.
It will say that they were unable to deliver a package sent to you on such-and-such a date.
It then asks you to print out the invoice copy attached.
Pass this warning on to all your PC operators at work and home.
This virus has caused Millions of dollars in damage in the past few days.
Snopes confirms that it is real.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
The Atomic Bullet
We all know about atomic Bombs and Atomic (Nuclear) Cruise Missiles but what about hte Atomic (Nuclear) Bullet?
(((Pray that these are never used again - one was just used in Eastern Ukraine by US forces with very a destructive force. It was not an ICBM - it was an Old Atomic Bullet)))
Is it really possible to have a small hand held bullet go Nuclear?
The answer is yes. A New Element was recovered from our Nuclear Reactors and it was named Californium 252 - a highly reactive element.
Way back in the 1960s, when the United States was moving forward, the folks at our Nuclear Facilities began to play around with a fairly new element called Californium - created in nuclear reactors.
It turns out that at only 1.8 Grams (28 Grams - per ounce) you can create a Nuclear Explosion. The impact creates the energy to cause the explosion - something the Japanese could never master in 1945 during their Nuclear Tests.
(((Hitler actually torched off a Nuke in February 1945 that killed 6 POWs, one was an American. This is why the Allies bombed Germany into oblivion - to stop their atomic Bomb program but that is Ancient History except that the Third Reich is still in Argentina and the Antarctica and the leaders of Russia and the Red Dragon Families will allow them to remain - Perpetual War.)))
From these tests came the "Atomic Hand Grenade," Atomic Frisbee," "Briefcase nuke'" and a host of other very powerful weapons like the "Atomic Bullet."
Tests using larger caliber bullets with californium 252 clearly showed that 3-4 bullets from a 45 Caliber Pistol could bring down a sky scraper.
To put it in a political bases - three bullets from a rifle could make the White House, or Kremlin, go away.
News quickly spread about this new element and it's potential - no longer would war be necessary if one man with a 45 Caliber pistol could destroy a tank with one shot - or take out a B-52 with a Sniper rifle.
Both the Soviets and Americans created this Bullet and actually armed their engineers with Machine Guns carrying these bullets.
While the Soviets stopped their production of such weapons the Americans moved forward with their development - adding Nuclear "Accelerants," such as Lithium 6 to enhance, their power.
There are 28.5 grams per ounce, 15 grains per gram. Thus a 230 Gram bullet can weigh around 16 Grams. These Rifle and Machine Gun Bullets made using Californium are currently made in a 30 Caliber Round - a 30/30, a 30-06, 303 British..... - all capable of firing this weapon.
Ever wonder why a car can simply explode with no trace as the CIA of FBI drives away?
So you make a Californium core using 5 Grams, line it with 5 grams of Lithium 6, coat it with copper and then lead and it looks like any other Bullet. You fire on a building from 1 mile away and it simply goes away - a blast unlike a conventional Nuke. It just vanishes. Temperatures in excess of 4 million degrees - Poof!
Today - in the 12 E Inventory - the American Military stores in very cold refrigerators Bullets that could take out a Sky Scraper - just one Bullet.
Is it possible these were used on 9/11 - absolutely Possible - and it is also possible that the Fascist Pigs in the white House will again RE-DEPOLY these weapons .
Hitler: The end Justifies he Mean.
The News You Need To Survive
Dr William B. Mount
Thank You Pravda for resurfacing this old weapon - it may be old but is still plenty powerful.
(((Pray that these are never used again - one was just used in Eastern Ukraine by US forces with very a destructive force. It was not an ICBM - it was an Old Atomic Bullet)))
Is it really possible to have a small hand held bullet go Nuclear?
The answer is yes. A New Element was recovered from our Nuclear Reactors and it was named Californium 252 - a highly reactive element.
Way back in the 1960s, when the United States was moving forward, the folks at our Nuclear Facilities began to play around with a fairly new element called Californium - created in nuclear reactors.
It turns out that at only 1.8 Grams (28 Grams - per ounce) you can create a Nuclear Explosion. The impact creates the energy to cause the explosion - something the Japanese could never master in 1945 during their Nuclear Tests.
(((Hitler actually torched off a Nuke in February 1945 that killed 6 POWs, one was an American. This is why the Allies bombed Germany into oblivion - to stop their atomic Bomb program but that is Ancient History except that the Third Reich is still in Argentina and the Antarctica and the leaders of Russia and the Red Dragon Families will allow them to remain - Perpetual War.)))
From these tests came the "Atomic Hand Grenade," Atomic Frisbee," "Briefcase nuke'" and a host of other very powerful weapons like the "Atomic Bullet."
Tests using larger caliber bullets with californium 252 clearly showed that 3-4 bullets from a 45 Caliber Pistol could bring down a sky scraper.
To put it in a political bases - three bullets from a rifle could make the White House, or Kremlin, go away.
News quickly spread about this new element and it's potential - no longer would war be necessary if one man with a 45 Caliber pistol could destroy a tank with one shot - or take out a B-52 with a Sniper rifle.
Both the Soviets and Americans created this Bullet and actually armed their engineers with Machine Guns carrying these bullets.
While the Soviets stopped their production of such weapons the Americans moved forward with their development - adding Nuclear "Accelerants," such as Lithium 6 to enhance, their power.
There are 28.5 grams per ounce, 15 grains per gram. Thus a 230 Gram bullet can weigh around 16 Grams. These Rifle and Machine Gun Bullets made using Californium are currently made in a 30 Caliber Round - a 30/30, a 30-06, 303 British..... - all capable of firing this weapon.
Ever wonder why a car can simply explode with no trace as the CIA of FBI drives away?
So you make a Californium core using 5 Grams, line it with 5 grams of Lithium 6, coat it with copper and then lead and it looks like any other Bullet. You fire on a building from 1 mile away and it simply goes away - a blast unlike a conventional Nuke. It just vanishes. Temperatures in excess of 4 million degrees - Poof!
Today - in the 12 E Inventory - the American Military stores in very cold refrigerators Bullets that could take out a Sky Scraper - just one Bullet.
Is it possible these were used on 9/11 - absolutely Possible - and it is also possible that the Fascist Pigs in the white House will again RE-DEPOLY these weapons .
Hitler: The end Justifies he Mean.
The News You Need To Survive
Dr William B. Mount
Thank You Pravda for resurfacing this old weapon - it may be old but is still plenty powerful.
Friday, November 21, 2014
Does Putin Really Want Perpetual War
Does the President of Russia really want perpetual war?
Yesterday President Putin stated that the Ukrainian troops were wearing NAZI symbols - and this is true.
As Putin said - no civilized Nation on Earth wants NAZIs in their governments.
The purpose of a National Socialist government (NAZI) is to support the State Corporation - now keep in mind that the United States is a Corporation and by definition NAZI so the purpose of the United States is to support it's military Industrial Complex and create "Perpetual War."
John Shapiro, Assistant Sec of State of the United States1 June 2012: The Purpose of the US State Department is to sell weapons."
So what are the real goals of Russia - to work with the United States Corporation and support more war?
One must ask this question.
Yesterday I presented to Deutch Bank a Russian Bond worth well over half a Billion Dollars. The place I purchased it from is in Argentina. Now that Deutch has a copy of the Bond and they know I own it stealing it, or forging it, would be impossible because there is a Paper Trail on it's ownership.
It is a Bear Bond and is true and honest.
If President Putin approved the Bond I would go to the Nearest Deutch Bank and there a representative of his Government would take the address from whence the bond came and seize the assets of what is left of the Third Reich - right?
Hitler's dream woudl doe with the seizing of the assets - right?
No money, no Third Reich - right?
Would not any civilized government wish to seize these assets and put to bed the last of the NAZI party and their moneys?
Would it not take just two or three agents to shut down the last of the Hitlers Moneys?
Those of you reading this know that I have the eyes and ears of many Presidents around the world and since we once again saved President Putin's Life three days ago would he not have someone monitoring me?
So you must ask the question - why did no one from his office call the Russian Central Bank to approve the bond roll over and get the address of Hitler's Last Funding Source?
Why would any president of any civilized nation not want to terminate the Third Reich once and for all?
Is this all a ruse to make you think they care about you?
Are the current president's not really concerned and just actors on a stage?
One must ask these questions and then act accordingly.
In another couple of days I am sure those in Argentina will read this and pack up their bags and leave, looking for a better unknown outpost to work for - so why is Russian not acting immediately based on what President Putin said?
If these NAZIs are allowed to run and hide again then this World War that is now going on will continue in perpetuity. Perpetual War.
Since the Red Dragon Family now owns the IMF - and since over 50 Million Chinese were killed or displaced from 1933 through 1950 - would they not wish to terminate these NAZI rats in Argentina?
If this is the case why am I told that the White Dragon Family must consider paying on this bond first?
Did thy not loose enough in World War 2?
Do they really want more war, a perpetual state of war?
Is the real goal of this Red and White Dragon Families (And their Gods) then not Perpetual War as well?
Does not delay guarantee this scenario?
So perhaps there is another agenda than Peace and Harmony here on Earth by these political leaders?
Perhaps there Spirit Guides are more interested in War and strife than peace?
(Each Dragon Family has a different God and Putin spoke to a Great White Spirit at the Valaam Monastary north of St Petersburg, as you recall). See Wikipedia and Sorcha Faal.
These world leaders "Sound" sincere when they speak, do they not?
So - why the delays?
You must ask yourself this question.
Perhaps we need to look, listen and learn.
If there are a few more days of delay then these NAZIs in Argentina finding these wars will move and their funding source shall remain for a century.
Perpetual War - a Fascist's Dream.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
((Then we need to pray that these War Mongering Spirits are destroyed immediately.))
Yesterday President Putin stated that the Ukrainian troops were wearing NAZI symbols - and this is true.
As Putin said - no civilized Nation on Earth wants NAZIs in their governments.
The purpose of a National Socialist government (NAZI) is to support the State Corporation - now keep in mind that the United States is a Corporation and by definition NAZI so the purpose of the United States is to support it's military Industrial Complex and create "Perpetual War."
John Shapiro, Assistant Sec of State of the United States1 June 2012: The Purpose of the US State Department is to sell weapons."
So what are the real goals of Russia - to work with the United States Corporation and support more war?
One must ask this question.
Yesterday I presented to Deutch Bank a Russian Bond worth well over half a Billion Dollars. The place I purchased it from is in Argentina. Now that Deutch has a copy of the Bond and they know I own it stealing it, or forging it, would be impossible because there is a Paper Trail on it's ownership.
It is a Bear Bond and is true and honest.
If President Putin approved the Bond I would go to the Nearest Deutch Bank and there a representative of his Government would take the address from whence the bond came and seize the assets of what is left of the Third Reich - right?
Hitler's dream woudl doe with the seizing of the assets - right?
No money, no Third Reich - right?
Would not any civilized government wish to seize these assets and put to bed the last of the NAZI party and their moneys?
Would it not take just two or three agents to shut down the last of the Hitlers Moneys?
Those of you reading this know that I have the eyes and ears of many Presidents around the world and since we once again saved President Putin's Life three days ago would he not have someone monitoring me?
So you must ask the question - why did no one from his office call the Russian Central Bank to approve the bond roll over and get the address of Hitler's Last Funding Source?
Why would any president of any civilized nation not want to terminate the Third Reich once and for all?
Is this all a ruse to make you think they care about you?
Are the current president's not really concerned and just actors on a stage?
One must ask these questions and then act accordingly.
In another couple of days I am sure those in Argentina will read this and pack up their bags and leave, looking for a better unknown outpost to work for - so why is Russian not acting immediately based on what President Putin said?
If these NAZIs are allowed to run and hide again then this World War that is now going on will continue in perpetuity. Perpetual War.
Since the Red Dragon Family now owns the IMF - and since over 50 Million Chinese were killed or displaced from 1933 through 1950 - would they not wish to terminate these NAZI rats in Argentina?
If this is the case why am I told that the White Dragon Family must consider paying on this bond first?
Did thy not loose enough in World War 2?
Do they really want more war, a perpetual state of war?
Is the real goal of this Red and White Dragon Families (And their Gods) then not Perpetual War as well?
Does not delay guarantee this scenario?
So perhaps there is another agenda than Peace and Harmony here on Earth by these political leaders?
Perhaps there Spirit Guides are more interested in War and strife than peace?
(Each Dragon Family has a different God and Putin spoke to a Great White Spirit at the Valaam Monastary north of St Petersburg, as you recall). See Wikipedia and Sorcha Faal.
These world leaders "Sound" sincere when they speak, do they not?
So - why the delays?
You must ask yourself this question.
Perhaps we need to look, listen and learn.
If there are a few more days of delay then these NAZIs in Argentina finding these wars will move and their funding source shall remain for a century.
Perpetual War - a Fascist's Dream.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
((Then we need to pray that these War Mongering Spirits are destroyed immediately.))
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Another Banksta Dead 19 Nov 2014
Yup another Western Banker was found dad in his bath tub in New York city with his Jugular Vein cut. No knife was recovered so the initial New York City Police report stated it was most likely not suicide - Duh.
The Banksta was working for the World Bank, not city Group as FOX news reports - unless a second Banksta was killed.
Apparently FOX news ran a story about some low level city Banksta named Shawn D Miller being killed at home and the apartment Doorman found him in his bath tub.
Now you have to ask yourself - why would the Apartment Doorman go upstairs into a Bankers Apartment and into his bathroom --- yea --- FOX lied.
My sources tell me (Friend of the Red Dragon Ambassador) he was working with a group of Western Bankers that were trying to set up a bank to counter the Red Dragon Leadership now running the World Bank. Many more dead bankers will follow - but most will not be found. This Open Dead Body was a warning to other western Bankstas - stop cheating.
I have also been told that if President Obama and his staff do not surrender to the Red Dragons that La Palma will be detonated and cause much death on the US East Coast and US technology would be useless to counter this attack.
The US Corporate Fleet is useless, their ICBMs have been neutralized, their underground Command and Control Centers destroyed, and their Computer Systems infiltrated and compromised.
Perhaps this is a great time for those Fascist Pigs in the White House to agree to work with the Red Dragon Family?
The bond I have now presented to Deutch Bank worth $551 Million will either be honored by the Russian Central Bank or denied.
If it is accepted then it is a sign that the Red Dragon Family has a firm hold on the Financial Centers of the world and this long Depression will be ended.
The address on the Envelope from whence this bond came is the center for Adolf Hitler's Financial Center. Honor the bond and they put the Funding of the Fourth Reich to bed and the NAZIs left over from WW2 go down. A final end to World War 2.
If the bond is denied then it is a signal that there will be many more dead in both the Rothchids Banking System and the Red Dragon Family.
If the bond is denied then the Fourth Reich Funding Head Quarters remains in tact and the War goes on - a Fascist dream - Perpetual War. Every body looses but the Western Bankstas.
Once the NAZIs find out their address will be exposed expect them to move post haste - so I urge the Russians to move quickly in rolling over this bond simply to get this address.
The War, or Peace, scenario is currently resting with the folks in the Russian Central Bank - will they honor a True and Honest bond and roll it over into current Russian Bonds or not?
If the Russians cooperate with the Red Dragon Family and begin to bank honestly then there will be a unified front to destroy this "Evil Cabal" that has led the west for so long.
The bond will be used to put people back to work in Russia and help feed them as they rebuild the Russian Orthodox Churches. An 8% yearly payout on about 20 Billion rubles would put many, many Russians back to work.
About 10% of these bond funds would go to rebuilding the infra-structure of central Montana - Jobs - but let us not count the chickens before the eggs hatch.
Let us see if those in the Russian Central Bank will be honest and true or lie through their teeth.
The News You Need To Live
Dr William B. Mount
The Banksta was working for the World Bank, not city Group as FOX news reports - unless a second Banksta was killed.
Apparently FOX news ran a story about some low level city Banksta named Shawn D Miller being killed at home and the apartment Doorman found him in his bath tub.
Now you have to ask yourself - why would the Apartment Doorman go upstairs into a Bankers Apartment and into his bathroom --- yea --- FOX lied.
My sources tell me (Friend of the Red Dragon Ambassador) he was working with a group of Western Bankers that were trying to set up a bank to counter the Red Dragon Leadership now running the World Bank. Many more dead bankers will follow - but most will not be found. This Open Dead Body was a warning to other western Bankstas - stop cheating.
I have also been told that if President Obama and his staff do not surrender to the Red Dragons that La Palma will be detonated and cause much death on the US East Coast and US technology would be useless to counter this attack.
The US Corporate Fleet is useless, their ICBMs have been neutralized, their underground Command and Control Centers destroyed, and their Computer Systems infiltrated and compromised.
Perhaps this is a great time for those Fascist Pigs in the White House to agree to work with the Red Dragon Family?
The bond I have now presented to Deutch Bank worth $551 Million will either be honored by the Russian Central Bank or denied.
If it is accepted then it is a sign that the Red Dragon Family has a firm hold on the Financial Centers of the world and this long Depression will be ended.
The address on the Envelope from whence this bond came is the center for Adolf Hitler's Financial Center. Honor the bond and they put the Funding of the Fourth Reich to bed and the NAZIs left over from WW2 go down. A final end to World War 2.
If the bond is denied then it is a signal that there will be many more dead in both the Rothchids Banking System and the Red Dragon Family.
If the bond is denied then the Fourth Reich Funding Head Quarters remains in tact and the War goes on - a Fascist dream - Perpetual War. Every body looses but the Western Bankstas.
Once the NAZIs find out their address will be exposed expect them to move post haste - so I urge the Russians to move quickly in rolling over this bond simply to get this address.
The War, or Peace, scenario is currently resting with the folks in the Russian Central Bank - will they honor a True and Honest bond and roll it over into current Russian Bonds or not?
If the Russians cooperate with the Red Dragon Family and begin to bank honestly then there will be a unified front to destroy this "Evil Cabal" that has led the west for so long.
The bond will be used to put people back to work in Russia and help feed them as they rebuild the Russian Orthodox Churches. An 8% yearly payout on about 20 Billion rubles would put many, many Russians back to work.
About 10% of these bond funds would go to rebuilding the infra-structure of central Montana - Jobs - but let us not count the chickens before the eggs hatch.
Let us see if those in the Russian Central Bank will be honest and true or lie through their teeth.
The News You Need To Live
Dr William B. Mount
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