Are you ready for the new Treasury debt Note to replace the US federal reserve Dollar?
banks and internet are all Hush Hush about this but the recent take
Over of the IMF by the red Dragon Family means that changes are coming
very rapidly.
Scuttle Butt has it that these New Dollars will be hitting hte Major Banks in as little as 24 hours.
will take some time for this o all filter down to us, the peons - but I
have three promises that if not kept will cause these New financial
leaders undo harm. These are:
First: Out Republic is returning.
Those who receive Social Security retirement Pay and Physical
disability as a result of a Work Place Injury will continue to receive
Third: Those who are retired military and physically disabled military (VA Physical) will continue to receive a check.
Everything else is off the tables and up to the individual states and has no contractual obligation for payments.
We shall see what happens.
keep one thing in mind - they are doing this not in accordance to what
the Living GOD wishes so --- we shall see what happens.
Since the entire US Fleet and all ICBMs are now ineffective it should be interesting.
one of their leaders in the BRIC nations denies the bond I hold, or
delays it's payments, their credit rating should tumble and the damage
to the red Dragon Family would be incalculatable.
The Honor of
the red Dragon family would forever be singed and burned into their
foreheads, so says the I Am That I Am, who was and is and is to come.
last note: Hide your guns, your silver and gold. The US Corporate
Forces cannot be trusted during this change are likely to try and raid
homes for no other reason than to steal your property - much like the
NAZIs did before WW2 to the Jews.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Message For Pres Putin And The Orthodox Church
Dear President Putin;
You know I do not lie and have no reason to mislead you or your staff. My job has been to prevent major leader assassinations and prevent this coming Nuclear War and have do so to the best of my ability.
You are aware of the Nukes found under Moscow ready for detonation I located for the sole purpose of stopping this coming war and are also aware of the many alerts I have published to save your life.
I come before the world now to once again help you, and Russia, in your struggles against the Fascist Pigs we now find populating the US Corporate Leadership. As an American I assure you I am more than disgusted with these traitors we now find leading America as a Corporation.
I have in my possession a valid Bond from Russia from 2 March 1902 at a face value of 181,959,000 Rubles with a valid interest rate of 4%.
Using the 4% interest rate promised in 1902 and a 3 cent Ruble this gives the Current value of the bond at somewhere around $551,391,000 - or half a Billion US Dollars.
Since it is now public knowledge that Russia still exists in Saint Petersburg, I would like to cash this bond in immediately. we all know that the money is simply generated on a computer so giving this to the church is merely a Computer Transfer.
I would also like to give this as a gift to the Russian Orthodox church in Saint Petersburgh for the purpose of rebuilding the church - something a Bishop of this church would do.
This would ensure enormous amounts of positive free publicity world wide for You (President Putin) if you made this happen and would more than make your next re-election a sure thing.
It would also silence the negativity you might receive as you could rightfully claim you made this happen for the good of Russia and it's people.
Further - the rebuilding of the church would absolutely ensure a greater loyalty to the Russian Federation all across your nation. and would make US efforts to split your nation up into 10 regions almost impossible.
If you hold these funds from your Holy Orthodox Church and keep them from receiving them not only will there be emnity between you and your church leaders but GOD will be forced to act in a way negative to hte current leadership of Russia, so HE has said it so it shall be.
I would not wait very long as other interests would love to get a hold of this document and use it to either Black Mail or help destroy you and Russia - entities like the US DOD, CIA, NSA, etc.
May the Living GOD lead you to your decision.
You have my number.
Dr William B. Mount
You know I do not lie and have no reason to mislead you or your staff. My job has been to prevent major leader assassinations and prevent this coming Nuclear War and have do so to the best of my ability.
You are aware of the Nukes found under Moscow ready for detonation I located for the sole purpose of stopping this coming war and are also aware of the many alerts I have published to save your life.
I come before the world now to once again help you, and Russia, in your struggles against the Fascist Pigs we now find populating the US Corporate Leadership. As an American I assure you I am more than disgusted with these traitors we now find leading America as a Corporation.
I have in my possession a valid Bond from Russia from 2 March 1902 at a face value of 181,959,000 Rubles with a valid interest rate of 4%.
Using the 4% interest rate promised in 1902 and a 3 cent Ruble this gives the Current value of the bond at somewhere around $551,391,000 - or half a Billion US Dollars.
Since it is now public knowledge that Russia still exists in Saint Petersburg, I would like to cash this bond in immediately. we all know that the money is simply generated on a computer so giving this to the church is merely a Computer Transfer.
I would also like to give this as a gift to the Russian Orthodox church in Saint Petersburgh for the purpose of rebuilding the church - something a Bishop of this church would do.
This would ensure enormous amounts of positive free publicity world wide for You (President Putin) if you made this happen and would more than make your next re-election a sure thing.
It would also silence the negativity you might receive as you could rightfully claim you made this happen for the good of Russia and it's people.
Further - the rebuilding of the church would absolutely ensure a greater loyalty to the Russian Federation all across your nation. and would make US efforts to split your nation up into 10 regions almost impossible.
If you hold these funds from your Holy Orthodox Church and keep them from receiving them not only will there be emnity between you and your church leaders but GOD will be forced to act in a way negative to hte current leadership of Russia, so HE has said it so it shall be.
I would not wait very long as other interests would love to get a hold of this document and use it to either Black Mail or help destroy you and Russia - entities like the US DOD, CIA, NSA, etc.
May the Living GOD lead you to your decision.
You have my number.
Dr William B. Mount
Monday, November 17, 2014
US Corp Believes Limited Nuclear War Woudl Save the Planet
There are large and powerful factions within the US Corporation (Owned by the IMF) that believe a limited Nuclear War would literally save planet Earth.
(Please pray that these Evil Entities are rounded up and contained immediately)
This is correct - many of these leaders here in America believe that the Earth's population need to be severely reduced and such a limited Nuclear War would stop this march to Global Warming and thus save the entire Earth from drying out.
Eight years ago I would have told you that you are nuts, no one in their right minds could believe this, no one was that stupid or evil, especially the Great United States!
Then the First Special Forces came forward and asked me to stop just this scenario - Presidential assassination, a Nuke in Salt Lake and voila - 300-500 nukes go off in various per-planned cities like Moscow, Paris, New York City...where welfare rats are concentrated and we have a Pre-Planned Nuclear winter.
If you told me the Secret Service would cuss me out at a Star Bucks Coffee Shop in Vienna as an Ambassador of another nation, and that the Secret service would even know my name, I would tell you that you were mad. I hate politicians, and how hte heck woud some off the cuff freaks Secret Service Employee half way around hte world even know my name?
Further - why would they cuss me out on camera for saving the President's life and stopping a Nuclear Weapon from going off 3 blocks south of the Salt Lake City Event's Center?
But it happened and it is all documented on video tape - every last cuss word by this Secret service agent, my reply, and my fear - yes, fear.
This limited Nuclear War would focus on resetting the Global Economy through destruction - something that is resolutely wrong.
Certain populations, such as African, Chinese Indian and Western Russian would simply be completely destroyed.
A few years after the 300-500 NuclearWeapons Exchange the US Corporation would emerge from the fires and destruction and lack of summers with a New World Order, with full employment, and an average life span of about 55-60 years old. Cancer will be the primary killer.
The US would again be the leader of the free (Slave) world with a submissive population doing exactly what the Television tells them to do.
The Earth would be (permanently) a few degrees cooler and thus Global warming would be reversed.
When the population topped 4-5 Billion the process could be repeated again, and again, and again. In this way the world would serve their masters in Rome forever - a Paradise on Earth - if you were one of the elite.
All debts will be cancelled so that all nations and all people begin free of debts. A veritable Paradise.
The New world religion will be that of worshiping the Ascended Masters and Lucifer himself. It would be a Selfless religion where we lived in little huts or apartments and no one lived above their means. Excesses would be frowned upon - like more that 3 pairs of shoes.
We would serve the community (elites) as happy little workers (Slaves) who worked for the good of Humanity.
If you think this is mad consider this: A few years ago this idea was presented to the "American Association For The Advancement of Science" in a meeting in Washington DC and National Geographic presented it as a real alternative. Only .3% of the worlds Nuclear Arsenal would have to be sued to "Save The Planet."
This idea of a limited Nuclear War has not only permeated the entire science community but many in the White House have openly spoke about this possibility - in parts.
Consider the last Nuke that headed to Halifax where the Rothchilds were to deliver it to London and blow up the financial Center, blame it on the evil Muslims, and viola - a limited Nuclear War. China contained this nuke as you recall.
Please also consider the fact that for the last 8 years I have been involved in stopping these Nuclear Wars and rather than assisting me the world Leaders have taken all I have owned, let me live homeless for 6 months, and had me tailed, arrested, stabbed, poisoned, followed, and challenged at ecvery step tehy have destroyed my computer several times.
So rather than being placed on a Hero status they have tried to destroy me over and over again, The initial attempts were done here in the states, but the one most prominent was my Nuclear Poisoning in Kiev by the Russians. Fortunately I knew what I had just ingested and how to deal with it.
This does not make me any better than any one else -- but it does illustrate the fact that this kind of thinking does seem to permeate the entire world leadership thinking process.
Without this massive die-off the next best thing is to poison our water, poison our vaccines and medications, poison our air, poison our food and reduce the population by killing people this way.
So far - so good. About half a million American's alone die form medications and countless are now dropping dead from these vaccinations, heart disease, cancer, and limited outbreaks of diseases created by the Department of Homeland Security.
we have a friend who now takes medication to keep his heart beating that is destroying his Liver Lobes and Kidneys. rather than eating Kelp and Immusist he uses the Doctors crap. His has gone mad as the medications, especially Statins, cause him to be angry 24/7. His wife's 87 year old mother is ready to strangle him. The meds have caused him to get so fat he cannot get off the couch or floor without help.
Remember - the demons (Lucifer's finest) love to feed off of the anger.
The US corporation is still trying to create this Limited Nuclear War: The idea of a Power Grid shut down (Window 9-17 Nov 2014) however died when we published Janet Napalatono's Address, the former head of DHS. She planned this complete power grid take down several year ago.
Janet Napalatano currently live ion hte University of California Berkeley Campus and is their Chancelor. If the grid goes down - she is responsible. Like all Obama appointees this Flaming Liberal (Fascist Pig) is also a Coward.
Further - placing your bank accounts in the hands of the Banks so that when the banks fail you have nothing - this is what the G-20 did this morning to your accounts - is not the way.See WhatReallyHappened this morning at 7:25 Am
Perhaps there is a better way to control the World's population, perhaps we do not need to kill off 5 Billion people in a matter of 5 years. Perhaps we can try a new road?
Perhaps Mass Murder of 5 Billion people by Fascist Pigs is not a good idea?
Perhaps the report from Iron Mountain is not a great plan for this planet?
Pray with me that GOD immobilizes, and removes, all world leaders who are planning this Massive Population Kill and places in their place those who would instead follow you.
Please also consider the 3 previous thousand year empires:
1) Israel - from Abraham to the end of Jerusalem was 1,000 years.
2) Roman Empire - Form about 600BC to 400AD.
3) Holy German/ Roman Empire - From 945 AD to 1945AD.
4) The Fourth Reich run out of Rome, who's financial center is in Frankfurt, military center was in the United States Corporation, and who's Official Financial center is currently London. It began 14 July 1944 with the Bretton Woods Agreement.
Either we Zeig Heil our masters and prepare to die or we ask the Living GOD for help
One last note - the Rothchilds and the Red Dragon Families have been shown what they must do --- but they do not care. The 12 June and 6 November deadlines were ignored. Now it is GOD's turn to deal with them.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
PS: Putin, White Male, Cook, Loyal to you, but is bringing in GMO food for you to eat. He is loyal, just stupid and it is poisoning you. You looked 80 climbing into the jest yesterday morning. The food make you do easy to control, like a marionette.
Yet Another Nuclear detonation planned in London and Moscow around .......14 a presidential assassination on a trip planned by Putin near this date. The idea of Medvedev as a substitute as Putin is given a minor stroke around 9 December on a trip East of Moscow.
If this fails then another attempt on an Obama Double a few days later at Camp David.
PS: Putin, White Male, Cook, Loyal to you, but is bringing in GMO food for you to eat. He is loyal, just stupid and it is poisoning you. You looked 80 climbing into the jest yesterday morning. The food make you do easy to control, like a marionette.
If these fail - htere are back up plans to hut Obama a few days later at Camp David and failing this go after the Premiers of China and Tajikistan.
The Roman Leaders are despite for a limited Nuclear War. Something is coming.
(Please pray that these Evil Entities are rounded up and contained immediately)
This is correct - many of these leaders here in America believe that the Earth's population need to be severely reduced and such a limited Nuclear War would stop this march to Global Warming and thus save the entire Earth from drying out.
Eight years ago I would have told you that you are nuts, no one in their right minds could believe this, no one was that stupid or evil, especially the Great United States!
Then the First Special Forces came forward and asked me to stop just this scenario - Presidential assassination, a Nuke in Salt Lake and voila - 300-500 nukes go off in various per-planned cities like Moscow, Paris, New York City...where welfare rats are concentrated and we have a Pre-Planned Nuclear winter.
If you told me the Secret Service would cuss me out at a Star Bucks Coffee Shop in Vienna as an Ambassador of another nation, and that the Secret service would even know my name, I would tell you that you were mad. I hate politicians, and how hte heck woud some off the cuff freaks Secret Service Employee half way around hte world even know my name?
Further - why would they cuss me out on camera for saving the President's life and stopping a Nuclear Weapon from going off 3 blocks south of the Salt Lake City Event's Center?
But it happened and it is all documented on video tape - every last cuss word by this Secret service agent, my reply, and my fear - yes, fear.
This limited Nuclear War would focus on resetting the Global Economy through destruction - something that is resolutely wrong.
Certain populations, such as African, Chinese Indian and Western Russian would simply be completely destroyed.
A few years after the 300-500 NuclearWeapons Exchange the US Corporation would emerge from the fires and destruction and lack of summers with a New World Order, with full employment, and an average life span of about 55-60 years old. Cancer will be the primary killer.
The US would again be the leader of the free (Slave) world with a submissive population doing exactly what the Television tells them to do.
The Earth would be (permanently) a few degrees cooler and thus Global warming would be reversed.
When the population topped 4-5 Billion the process could be repeated again, and again, and again. In this way the world would serve their masters in Rome forever - a Paradise on Earth - if you were one of the elite.
All debts will be cancelled so that all nations and all people begin free of debts. A veritable Paradise.
The New world religion will be that of worshiping the Ascended Masters and Lucifer himself. It would be a Selfless religion where we lived in little huts or apartments and no one lived above their means. Excesses would be frowned upon - like more that 3 pairs of shoes.
We would serve the community (elites) as happy little workers (Slaves) who worked for the good of Humanity.
If you think this is mad consider this: A few years ago this idea was presented to the "American Association For The Advancement of Science" in a meeting in Washington DC and National Geographic presented it as a real alternative. Only .3% of the worlds Nuclear Arsenal would have to be sued to "Save The Planet."
This idea of a limited Nuclear War has not only permeated the entire science community but many in the White House have openly spoke about this possibility - in parts.
Consider the last Nuke that headed to Halifax where the Rothchilds were to deliver it to London and blow up the financial Center, blame it on the evil Muslims, and viola - a limited Nuclear War. China contained this nuke as you recall.
Please also consider the fact that for the last 8 years I have been involved in stopping these Nuclear Wars and rather than assisting me the world Leaders have taken all I have owned, let me live homeless for 6 months, and had me tailed, arrested, stabbed, poisoned, followed, and challenged at ecvery step tehy have destroyed my computer several times.
So rather than being placed on a Hero status they have tried to destroy me over and over again, The initial attempts were done here in the states, but the one most prominent was my Nuclear Poisoning in Kiev by the Russians. Fortunately I knew what I had just ingested and how to deal with it.
This does not make me any better than any one else -- but it does illustrate the fact that this kind of thinking does seem to permeate the entire world leadership thinking process.
Without this massive die-off the next best thing is to poison our water, poison our vaccines and medications, poison our air, poison our food and reduce the population by killing people this way.
So far - so good. About half a million American's alone die form medications and countless are now dropping dead from these vaccinations, heart disease, cancer, and limited outbreaks of diseases created by the Department of Homeland Security.
we have a friend who now takes medication to keep his heart beating that is destroying his Liver Lobes and Kidneys. rather than eating Kelp and Immusist he uses the Doctors crap. His has gone mad as the medications, especially Statins, cause him to be angry 24/7. His wife's 87 year old mother is ready to strangle him. The meds have caused him to get so fat he cannot get off the couch or floor without help.
Remember - the demons (Lucifer's finest) love to feed off of the anger.
The US corporation is still trying to create this Limited Nuclear War: The idea of a Power Grid shut down (Window 9-17 Nov 2014) however died when we published Janet Napalatono's Address, the former head of DHS. She planned this complete power grid take down several year ago.
Janet Napalatano currently live ion hte University of California Berkeley Campus and is their Chancelor. If the grid goes down - she is responsible. Like all Obama appointees this Flaming Liberal (Fascist Pig) is also a Coward.
Further - placing your bank accounts in the hands of the Banks so that when the banks fail you have nothing - this is what the G-20 did this morning to your accounts - is not the way.See WhatReallyHappened this morning at 7:25 Am
Perhaps there is a better way to control the World's population, perhaps we do not need to kill off 5 Billion people in a matter of 5 years. Perhaps we can try a new road?
Perhaps Mass Murder of 5 Billion people by Fascist Pigs is not a good idea?
Perhaps the report from Iron Mountain is not a great plan for this planet?
Pray with me that GOD immobilizes, and removes, all world leaders who are planning this Massive Population Kill and places in their place those who would instead follow you.
Please also consider the 3 previous thousand year empires:
1) Israel - from Abraham to the end of Jerusalem was 1,000 years.
2) Roman Empire - Form about 600BC to 400AD.
3) Holy German/ Roman Empire - From 945 AD to 1945AD.
4) The Fourth Reich run out of Rome, who's financial center is in Frankfurt, military center was in the United States Corporation, and who's Official Financial center is currently London. It began 14 July 1944 with the Bretton Woods Agreement.
Either we Zeig Heil our masters and prepare to die or we ask the Living GOD for help
One last note - the Rothchilds and the Red Dragon Families have been shown what they must do --- but they do not care. The 12 June and 6 November deadlines were ignored. Now it is GOD's turn to deal with them.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
PS: Putin, White Male, Cook, Loyal to you, but is bringing in GMO food for you to eat. He is loyal, just stupid and it is poisoning you. You looked 80 climbing into the jest yesterday morning. The food make you do easy to control, like a marionette.
Yet Another Nuclear detonation planned in London and Moscow around .......14 a presidential assassination on a trip planned by Putin near this date. The idea of Medvedev as a substitute as Putin is given a minor stroke around 9 December on a trip East of Moscow.
If this fails then another attempt on an Obama Double a few days later at Camp David.
PS: Putin, White Male, Cook, Loyal to you, but is bringing in GMO food for you to eat. He is loyal, just stupid and it is poisoning you. You looked 80 climbing into the jest yesterday morning. The food make you do easy to control, like a marionette.
If these fail - htere are back up plans to hut Obama a few days later at Camp David and failing this go after the Premiers of China and Tajikistan.
The Roman Leaders are despite for a limited Nuclear War. Something is coming.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
A Message to US Secretary Of Defense
This message is intended for the US Secretary of Defense, of the one who is acting Secretary of Defense in this case since the current one is out of action - Chuck Hagel.
(Please pray that the Evil that pervades this US Corporation is terminated immediately)
The Secretary of Defense (SecDef) is the Chief Executive Officer - The CEO - of the United States Department of Defense Corporation, which according to USC 5, Sec 103 is no longer controlled by the White House but by the IMF.
The IMF is now controlled by the Red Dragoon Family as of 13 days ago. You have new masters.
The incident concerning the USS Donald Cook in the Black Sea a few months back is not an isolated incident. This has happened several times but it has not been reported.
So here is why this happened: Way back under President Clinton the VA Corporation began selling Military records for grant moneys. This continues to this day - which is why we know you are currently out of action.
Many military members in US Intelligence Offices left the DOD and defected to China and Russia - bringing with them the Mathematical Algorythms to break into ALL US Corporate computers, to include CIA, NSA, DOD, FBI, along with most US and English Corporations.
Further - The Idiots in contracting subcontracted the Top Secret Wiring Harnesses for our most sophisticated aircraft - X33 Auroras, x44s, Blue Origin, etc, to nations like China and they re-subcontracted to companies in places like Cambodia.
Do you think Mr Secretary that there might be an information leak in Chinese, Cambodian, or Vietnamese electrical Sub Contractors paying their people 42 a day in wages?
As a result there are now 14 computers around the world that store this top secret info and it can be accessed 24/7 from these locations. There is one in China just south and west of their capitol, one in Russia South and East of Moscow quite a ways, one in Finland, and 11 other places - but I will not bore you with.
Every time you develop a Top Secret diagram the entire contents are sent to these computers and since your operators are not smart enough to redesign the Auto Batch Files this will continue forever.
Now Mr Secretary - when a boat is sinking the first thing you do is plug the hole, right?
If this concept is foreign to you Mr Secretary read no more - you are also an idiot.
All the Bilge Pumps in the world will not work until you plug the hole.
So until you stop the Records leak and the Information leaks you are just treading water - the system will remain a mess - a Charlie Foxtrot created by a traitor - You.
May I suggest you take my Us Supreme Court Case back to the devils in D.C. and force this issue - or continue to be a traitor against the US Corporation. It is your choice.
I promise you this - the Red Dragon Family does not appreciate Traitors, if you catch my drift.
The Entire US Fleet, and all their electronic munitions, are completely compromised.
May I also be bold enough to suggest you consider putting WW2 Era ships back into the water as our entire electronics system is compromised. Consider the destroyed Turner Joy, the Air Craft Carriers Enterprise and coral Sea.
The leaks are so bad, the electronics so integrated, and your staff is so Arrogant and Stupid, that at the flip of a switch there could be a Nuclear Melt down on any ship - a Carrier, a submarine, a destroyer......
The Super Duper top Secret 10Htz Communications System (Morse Code) for the US Submarines below 7,000 feet has been hacked and if desired the Russians, Iranians, Chinese, Indians... could sink all 100 Deep Water Subs based off of Katchikan, Alaska.
The entire Off World Fleet could literally fall out of the sky with the flip of a switch.
Every thing has a Transponder - even our modern cars and they have ALL been compromised.
You staff has been trying to fix this for 7 years ever since we alerted them - and have apparently failed.
Either your entire staff is stupid or they have been sold out at the highest levels - and my gut says that both are happening.
How much Money - Chuck Hagel. How much money was your staff paid to sell out the American Military?
How Much?
Your Entire Naval fleet, Your ICBMs, your fighters, your bombers, your transport craft, your top secret fleet out of Norfolk, your precious NSA computer system, your entire Aegis Missile Defense System, your Off World Aircraft - all compromised.
Even your tactical nukes - compromised.
All you have left is your Ancient Artillery Nukes, your old Davey Crocket Nukes, your Nuclear Hand Grenades, some rifles and pistols and hand held rocket launchers.
So all you can do is send in men and rifles to places like Iraq to kill ans stir up more trouble.
Even your tanks and troop Carriers and trucks can be shut down by satellite.
Trillions of Dollars - now useless - - - a completely useless fleet of useless toys barely good enough for scrapping.
Your navy is even too scared to enter the Australian Sea at this time where a couple of small Russian destroyers are.
Just the Varyag alone, a 31 year old rusty 600 foot long Russian destroyer, 11,500 tons, which carries a twin 5 inch gun, scares the entire US fleet.
The entire US fleet - Carriers, Jets, Submarines - all scared of a very old Russian Ship which is consistent with the Private Communique I received a few days ago.
See Sorcha Faal, or my story yesterday.
It could be fixed - but again my gut tells me you are a traitor or you would have been here by now.
Thank GOD my security Clearance is higher than yours Mr Secretary.
Mr Secretary - Plug the hole you or face the Red Dragon Family representatives and the living GOD says it will not be pretty for any traitors.
Thank you for your time
Honorable Grace
Dr William B. Mount
Knight of Malta - Russian
Cpt (Ret) USA
Our Brand New Carrier Fleet - afraid to approach a 31 year Rusty Old Russian Destroyer - uttely disgusting.
Look up Mr Secretary - and realize my help comes form above and your entire Mars Base System, and your Nevada Bases, are being terminated. There is a better way.
(Please pray that the Evil that pervades this US Corporation is terminated immediately)
The Secretary of Defense (SecDef) is the Chief Executive Officer - The CEO - of the United States Department of Defense Corporation, which according to USC 5, Sec 103 is no longer controlled by the White House but by the IMF.
The IMF is now controlled by the Red Dragoon Family as of 13 days ago. You have new masters.
The incident concerning the USS Donald Cook in the Black Sea a few months back is not an isolated incident. This has happened several times but it has not been reported.
So here is why this happened: Way back under President Clinton the VA Corporation began selling Military records for grant moneys. This continues to this day - which is why we know you are currently out of action.
Many military members in US Intelligence Offices left the DOD and defected to China and Russia - bringing with them the Mathematical Algorythms to break into ALL US Corporate computers, to include CIA, NSA, DOD, FBI, along with most US and English Corporations.
Further - The Idiots in contracting subcontracted the Top Secret Wiring Harnesses for our most sophisticated aircraft - X33 Auroras, x44s, Blue Origin, etc, to nations like China and they re-subcontracted to companies in places like Cambodia.
Do you think Mr Secretary that there might be an information leak in Chinese, Cambodian, or Vietnamese electrical Sub Contractors paying their people 42 a day in wages?
As a result there are now 14 computers around the world that store this top secret info and it can be accessed 24/7 from these locations. There is one in China just south and west of their capitol, one in Russia South and East of Moscow quite a ways, one in Finland, and 11 other places - but I will not bore you with.
Every time you develop a Top Secret diagram the entire contents are sent to these computers and since your operators are not smart enough to redesign the Auto Batch Files this will continue forever.
Now Mr Secretary - when a boat is sinking the first thing you do is plug the hole, right?
If this concept is foreign to you Mr Secretary read no more - you are also an idiot.
All the Bilge Pumps in the world will not work until you plug the hole.
So until you stop the Records leak and the Information leaks you are just treading water - the system will remain a mess - a Charlie Foxtrot created by a traitor - You.
May I suggest you take my Us Supreme Court Case back to the devils in D.C. and force this issue - or continue to be a traitor against the US Corporation. It is your choice.
I promise you this - the Red Dragon Family does not appreciate Traitors, if you catch my drift.
The Entire US Fleet, and all their electronic munitions, are completely compromised.
May I also be bold enough to suggest you consider putting WW2 Era ships back into the water as our entire electronics system is compromised. Consider the destroyed Turner Joy, the Air Craft Carriers Enterprise and coral Sea.
The leaks are so bad, the electronics so integrated, and your staff is so Arrogant and Stupid, that at the flip of a switch there could be a Nuclear Melt down on any ship - a Carrier, a submarine, a destroyer......
The Super Duper top Secret 10Htz Communications System (Morse Code) for the US Submarines below 7,000 feet has been hacked and if desired the Russians, Iranians, Chinese, Indians... could sink all 100 Deep Water Subs based off of Katchikan, Alaska.
The entire Off World Fleet could literally fall out of the sky with the flip of a switch.
Every thing has a Transponder - even our modern cars and they have ALL been compromised.
You staff has been trying to fix this for 7 years ever since we alerted them - and have apparently failed.
Either your entire staff is stupid or they have been sold out at the highest levels - and my gut says that both are happening.
How much Money - Chuck Hagel. How much money was your staff paid to sell out the American Military?
How Much?
Your Entire Naval fleet, Your ICBMs, your fighters, your bombers, your transport craft, your top secret fleet out of Norfolk, your precious NSA computer system, your entire Aegis Missile Defense System, your Off World Aircraft - all compromised.
Even your tactical nukes - compromised.
All you have left is your Ancient Artillery Nukes, your old Davey Crocket Nukes, your Nuclear Hand Grenades, some rifles and pistols and hand held rocket launchers.
So all you can do is send in men and rifles to places like Iraq to kill ans stir up more trouble.
Even your tanks and troop Carriers and trucks can be shut down by satellite.
Trillions of Dollars - now useless - - - a completely useless fleet of useless toys barely good enough for scrapping.
Your navy is even too scared to enter the Australian Sea at this time where a couple of small Russian destroyers are.
Just the Varyag alone, a 31 year old rusty 600 foot long Russian destroyer, 11,500 tons, which carries a twin 5 inch gun, scares the entire US fleet.
The entire US fleet - Carriers, Jets, Submarines - all scared of a very old Russian Ship which is consistent with the Private Communique I received a few days ago.
See Sorcha Faal, or my story yesterday.
It could be fixed - but again my gut tells me you are a traitor or you would have been here by now.
Thank GOD my security Clearance is higher than yours Mr Secretary.
Mr Secretary - Plug the hole you or face the Red Dragon Family representatives and the living GOD says it will not be pretty for any traitors.
Thank you for your time
Honorable Grace
Dr William B. Mount
Knight of Malta - Russian
Cpt (Ret) USA
Our Brand New Carrier Fleet - afraid to approach a 31 year Rusty Old Russian Destroyer - uttely disgusting.
Look up Mr Secretary - and realize my help comes form above and your entire Mars Base System, and your Nevada Bases, are being terminated. There is a better way.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Gulf Of Tonkin Never Happened
In the following video you will see th actual dialogue at the Gulf of Tonkin Incident by Admiral Sharp and then by Robert MacNamara, Secretary of defense, clearly stating that the incident that started the Vietnam War never happened.
further - tehy knew it at the time.
Over 1,000,000 American's Dead, 300,000 injured, over 2,000,000 American's exposed to Agent liek Agent Orange (2-4-5-T) , Agent Purple, Agent White (Angel dust), Agent Blue, and countless other chemicals for no reason other than to make money for the Bankstas.
Over 10,000,000 dead South East Asians and Chinese - all based on an incident that never happened.
At 7 Minutes and 18 seconds you will be able to watch the actual sonar room of the ship in hte gulf of Tonkin that was fired upon.
The film is called: Economic Collapse - american Riots Will Be The worst In The World
The Entire war created based on an incident that did not happen.
Get Mad and fight. Throw the TV out the window and join us.
for You Navy Geeks:
Just got a communique - ALL Us ships have been hacked and the Chinese and Russians can shut them down 24/7.
So why do you not force my case in the US Corporate Supreme Court and force the VA to stop selling Military records around the world.
Are you lazy US Intel, Stupid or just plain do not care, or maybe your CIA and FBI and Naval Intel are all traitors?
See: N3K.Org, LMSAL, and SOHOWWW.
The coming Solar Blasts should be pretty bad so try and stay indoors - especially if you live near the Equator.
See: APFN The Cure For Cancer Update 4
Dr William B. Mount
further - tehy knew it at the time.
Over 1,000,000 American's Dead, 300,000 injured, over 2,000,000 American's exposed to Agent liek Agent Orange (2-4-5-T) , Agent Purple, Agent White (Angel dust), Agent Blue, and countless other chemicals for no reason other than to make money for the Bankstas.
Over 10,000,000 dead South East Asians and Chinese - all based on an incident that never happened.
At 7 Minutes and 18 seconds you will be able to watch the actual sonar room of the ship in hte gulf of Tonkin that was fired upon.
The film is called: Economic Collapse - american Riots Will Be The worst In The World
The Entire war created based on an incident that did not happen.
Get Mad and fight. Throw the TV out the window and join us.
for You Navy Geeks:
Just got a communique - ALL Us ships have been hacked and the Chinese and Russians can shut them down 24/7.
So why do you not force my case in the US Corporate Supreme Court and force the VA to stop selling Military records around the world.
Are you lazy US Intel, Stupid or just plain do not care, or maybe your CIA and FBI and Naval Intel are all traitors?
See: N3K.Org, LMSAL, and SOHOWWW.
The coming Solar Blasts should be pretty bad so try and stay indoors - especially if you live near the Equator.
See: APFN The Cure For Cancer Update 4
Dr William B. Mount
Friday, November 14, 2014
Over $420 Million In Weapons go Missing In Afghanistan
Remember that story you read about 6 months ago we did about US troops being ordered to sell US Weapons to the highest bidder, and remember that story about a C-5 that crashed in India that was loaded with $100 bills?
(Please pray your mind is opened as to the truth and pray that those who did this are removed from Planet Earth Immediately and with Prejudice)
The US entered Afghanistan well over 20 years ago to sell Opium and sell weapons to the locals.
The story we did alerteed teh US Army Logistics Command and they began investigating why these reports from htis Ambassador.
The task was then given to the 401st army field Support Brigade and they investigates two bases in Bangram and Kandahar Afghanistan. What they found was 174,000 missing pieces of equipment - enough weaponry to outfit 20 combat divisions. These missing weapons include; M-16s, Stinger rocket Launchers, 9mm Pistols, sniper rifles, enough ammo to conduct a prolonged war, etc.
1) Who has the US Made, and paid for by US Taxpayer, weapons?
2) Where did the money come from to buy these weapons - who in the US Air Force has been transporting these plane loads of $100?
3) Where did the money go once the weapons were purchased?
4) Why so many weapons?
5) Is General ED Dempsey, Commander and Chief Coward of the US Military, going to find out and prosecute those who are guilty and return the money to the US Treasury?
Consider this: No Leader in Asia is now safe, not the leaders of regions in Mongolia who refuse Nuclear Power, not the Premier of China, not the president of Kazakhstan, or the Prime Minister of any nation there.
Thanks to the likes of General ED Dempsey and Eric Holder Asia is now filled with US Made weapons.
So while they are taking away your rights to own weapons the US is still sending weapons into the hands of Drug Dealers and murders in: Central Asia, Mexico, Western Brazil, Peru, 35 nations in Africa, Dagastan Russia, Northern Sibera near Archangel through Finland, Kamchatka Peninsula Russia, Northern Canada, an island off of Fiji, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Northern Thailand.
Again, please visualize (pray) - that the US Corporate Leadership is immediately destroyed and that the Red Dragon Society (And their Masters) are shaken hard until they do as GOD has directed them to do.
For You Intel Geeks
There was a Fly By of USS Donald Cook in the Black Sea a while back where one little Russian Jet shut the entire destroyed down, remember?
The story you are telling is a lie - an entire group of Russian Jets flew by this destroyer and all Aegis Systems on the US ship shut down.
In fact - this has now happened several times - not just once - but again the Pentagon "Spokesman" lied. go figure?
How much has that cost the US Tax Payer and how many soldiers left after each and every incident?
We have been talking about the US Selling Military records around the world for money and as a result many US Military Members left and defected to China with our CIA. FBI, DOD Algorythms that allows Foreign Entities to break into our computers- do you recall?
Further - the Top Secret Wiring diagrams of our ships, planes, submarines and Off world Aircraft are sub contracted out to countries like China, Cambodia, Malaysia where security may be a problem?
Remember USC 18 - the Espionage Clause, Sec 793, 794, 796...?
All they have to do is fly over any US Ship and the ship ceases to function. In fact - this may be down by satellite.
Since the US Joint Chiefs of Cowards (Dempsey, etc) are cowards and traitors, Visualize, Pray, that the first set of Bombs that fall in this coming war hit the bases where these traitors live.
Now your US Air Force and Naval Planes are experimenting with their own EMP devices in the mountains of Western Washington with EMP pulses strong enough to kill local folks in this area, not to mention the Birds, deer, bear, elk, etc?
Where else have you been testing these devices?
We know about Western China, Northern Russia, Hills of Kentucky, Northern Norway, Northern Canada, and under the waters of Southern California and in various places in the Middle East. where else US Joint chiefs of Staff Pigs?
Your Goal is to kill and test your EMP devices out on both Chinese and Russian Ships - a Tit For Tat game?
There will now be retribution against the US Corporation, and their leaders, for these murders they are now conducting in a large manner starting today, this very hours, so says the I Am That I Am, who was and is and is to come.
Ask yourself: General Dempsey has plenty of money, so whoy would he accept more money to sell out the military - one more Bon Bon?
Because he is Evil to the core.
Fascist Pigs like Dempsey, Obama, Holder, Pelosi, Reed, Biden, the Rothchilds, the Brazinskis and Rockefellars, etc and their staffs, are Evil and Evil cannot be negotiated with - it simply must be rounded up and contained or terminated.
There is no other way.
I hope the US Air force checked out all of the "Porcelain wiring" on all 3 Jets and seriously looked at the Compass on the currently downed Air force One replacements. Until then - but your pilots a hand held compass and consider Declination - not kidding US Air Force Ones.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Over 100,000 weapons - missing form one main base in central Asia ----------
US Navy testing EMP and Radiation Emitting devices over Western Washington:
Navy Environmental Plan (Environmental Impact Statement) to sterilize the Olympic Penninsula: Murder is OK as long as it is in an Environmental Impact Statement - not kidding. I learned this when I wrote my first EIS 25 years ago.
PS - Putin, Medvedev, you are still being slowly poisoned. Sorry. US Dollars Talk, BS Walks.
(Please pray your mind is opened as to the truth and pray that those who did this are removed from Planet Earth Immediately and with Prejudice)
The US entered Afghanistan well over 20 years ago to sell Opium and sell weapons to the locals.
The story we did alerteed teh US Army Logistics Command and they began investigating why these reports from htis Ambassador.
The task was then given to the 401st army field Support Brigade and they investigates two bases in Bangram and Kandahar Afghanistan. What they found was 174,000 missing pieces of equipment - enough weaponry to outfit 20 combat divisions. These missing weapons include; M-16s, Stinger rocket Launchers, 9mm Pistols, sniper rifles, enough ammo to conduct a prolonged war, etc.
1) Who has the US Made, and paid for by US Taxpayer, weapons?
2) Where did the money come from to buy these weapons - who in the US Air Force has been transporting these plane loads of $100?
3) Where did the money go once the weapons were purchased?
4) Why so many weapons?
5) Is General ED Dempsey, Commander and Chief Coward of the US Military, going to find out and prosecute those who are guilty and return the money to the US Treasury?
Consider this: No Leader in Asia is now safe, not the leaders of regions in Mongolia who refuse Nuclear Power, not the Premier of China, not the president of Kazakhstan, or the Prime Minister of any nation there.
Thanks to the likes of General ED Dempsey and Eric Holder Asia is now filled with US Made weapons.
So while they are taking away your rights to own weapons the US is still sending weapons into the hands of Drug Dealers and murders in: Central Asia, Mexico, Western Brazil, Peru, 35 nations in Africa, Dagastan Russia, Northern Sibera near Archangel through Finland, Kamchatka Peninsula Russia, Northern Canada, an island off of Fiji, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Northern Thailand.
Again, please visualize (pray) - that the US Corporate Leadership is immediately destroyed and that the Red Dragon Society (And their Masters) are shaken hard until they do as GOD has directed them to do.
For You Intel Geeks
There was a Fly By of USS Donald Cook in the Black Sea a while back where one little Russian Jet shut the entire destroyed down, remember?
The story you are telling is a lie - an entire group of Russian Jets flew by this destroyer and all Aegis Systems on the US ship shut down.
In fact - this has now happened several times - not just once - but again the Pentagon "Spokesman" lied. go figure?
How much has that cost the US Tax Payer and how many soldiers left after each and every incident?
We have been talking about the US Selling Military records around the world for money and as a result many US Military Members left and defected to China with our CIA. FBI, DOD Algorythms that allows Foreign Entities to break into our computers- do you recall?
Further - the Top Secret Wiring diagrams of our ships, planes, submarines and Off world Aircraft are sub contracted out to countries like China, Cambodia, Malaysia where security may be a problem?
Remember USC 18 - the Espionage Clause, Sec 793, 794, 796...?
All they have to do is fly over any US Ship and the ship ceases to function. In fact - this may be down by satellite.
Since the US Joint Chiefs of Cowards (Dempsey, etc) are cowards and traitors, Visualize, Pray, that the first set of Bombs that fall in this coming war hit the bases where these traitors live.
Now your US Air Force and Naval Planes are experimenting with their own EMP devices in the mountains of Western Washington with EMP pulses strong enough to kill local folks in this area, not to mention the Birds, deer, bear, elk, etc?
Where else have you been testing these devices?
We know about Western China, Northern Russia, Hills of Kentucky, Northern Norway, Northern Canada, and under the waters of Southern California and in various places in the Middle East. where else US Joint chiefs of Staff Pigs?
Your Goal is to kill and test your EMP devices out on both Chinese and Russian Ships - a Tit For Tat game?
There will now be retribution against the US Corporation, and their leaders, for these murders they are now conducting in a large manner starting today, this very hours, so says the I Am That I Am, who was and is and is to come.
Ask yourself: General Dempsey has plenty of money, so whoy would he accept more money to sell out the military - one more Bon Bon?
Because he is Evil to the core.
Fascist Pigs like Dempsey, Obama, Holder, Pelosi, Reed, Biden, the Rothchilds, the Brazinskis and Rockefellars, etc and their staffs, are Evil and Evil cannot be negotiated with - it simply must be rounded up and contained or terminated.
There is no other way.
I hope the US Air force checked out all of the "Porcelain wiring" on all 3 Jets and seriously looked at the Compass on the currently downed Air force One replacements. Until then - but your pilots a hand held compass and consider Declination - not kidding US Air Force Ones.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Over 100,000 weapons - missing form one main base in central Asia ----------
US Navy testing EMP and Radiation Emitting devices over Western Washington:
Navy Environmental Plan (Environmental Impact Statement) to sterilize the Olympic Penninsula: Murder is OK as long as it is in an Environmental Impact Statement - not kidding. I learned this when I wrote my first EIS 25 years ago.
PS - Putin, Medvedev, you are still being slowly poisoned. Sorry. US Dollars Talk, BS Walks.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
US Debt Is Sustainable Forever
The US debt Level is sustainable forever, unlike many economists state.
(Please pray (Visualize) for those in charge to either fix the mess or die immediately.)
Unlike what most economists state, the US debt is fully sustainable for centuries to come.
There are three types of debts:
1) National debts. This is where a nation has a Trade deficit. The current US trade Deficit is around $400 Billion per year. This was designed by the Bretton Woods Agreement in 1944 to send US Dollars Worldwide to make the Federal reserve Dollar the World wide Currency.
This means that about 2% of the economy goes away per year.
At the stroke of a pen the US could produce enough Cheap Oil to run the entire world for 2oo years - see Baken Oil reserves, Gull Island Oil reserves, Oil Reserves Thunderhorse. The US could under cut the Middle East by 50% and fuel the world.
Further - the US as the capacity to out produce the world in Iron, Chrome (I know where the deposits are), and a host of other metals in one year. This we could simply outsell every other nation on the planet.
Finally - if the leaders of Monsanto and other GMO producing corporations were killed, we could grow enough non-GMO foods to feed the world -but again, Monsanto, Dupont and a host of other Corporate Presidents would have to die first.
2) Budget deficits: The US corporation will have a budget Deficit of around 41.5 Trillion Dollars this year. This could be eliminate in one day of the US Corporation funded only what was Constitutional Needs - 1789 Constitution, not THE 1871 Organic Constitution.
So consider the fact that 2% on $300 trillion is about 46 Trillion Dollars a year. The US Treasury could sustain a $1.5 Trillion Dollar Yearly Loss yearly indefinitely, right?
3) Personal debts. These could be eliminated in one day. Since all debt eventually leads to the IMF, put a gun to their heads and make them cancel all of it. Voila - no debt.
Unfortunately - it is not about sustaining the deficits but about destroying America.
We have no MEN at the top willing to fix the problems.
Envision with me - visualize - pray - that the current leadership of planet Earth is pushed off the planet and a new leadership comes that will do as GOD directs immediately.
For You Intel Geeks and freaks:
1) Again, USAF One - Main Compass - stop banging the Dash Board. Go out and buy a $5 compass and use this to fly the plane. Please adjust for the 15 Degree Offset. Oh - and good luck on finding the loose window and wheel nut. No data - you find it. You will have to pressure test and inspect each window on all 3 Air Force 1 jets.
Hey - it is not my but on the line. A Wheel falls off, a window falls out at 40,000 feet - Air Force One flies in circles - oh well. It is only a Presidential Staff.
2) If someone in Norfolk and Langley jointly order the downing of Putin's Plane GOD will allow the Russians to send a Nuke up your proboscus with NO consequences. Do I make myself perfectly clear you CIA/Naval freaks?
3) The cook who is now poisoning Putin's Staff with GMO foods is now openly doing this. He has a "Friend" who is form the NSA and. This is how the whereabouts of Putin is determined - Loose Lips Sink Ships and one of your cooks has really loose lips.
I am sorry Pres Putin and your Intel Staff that your Mantle Feoo is not in Russia - not my fault. If your plane goes down look in the mirror and say: "I did not do as Antonoio Valadiko told me to, I love ME more that Russia, And now I must pay for it"
GOD did state that if the Red Dragon Family did not do as GOD directed them to do by 6 November then it is Open Season on red Dragon Leaders, right?
Were you not told this Red Dragon Leaders: IE Leaders of Russia, China, and India?
Is not Shaballa being torn up until you do as GOD directed you to do by 6 Nov 2014?
So is it really surprising to you that someone from the US Navy conspiring with the CIA Murderers are planning to kill you as you fly to the G-20 Summit?
Could you not put the pieces together President Putin and staff?
Are you not next PM Medvedev!
I give up on you, let the Living GOD now speak in words you will never forget, so HE has said it, so it shall be.
Putin - DO NOT shake Obama 's Hand - it could be deadly. Not kidding.
One last note - the FBI finally admitted Sandy Hook was completely fake.
You FBI Freaks, Gay Boys, Cross Dressers, Human Sacrificing Creeps, and Pedaphiles, and Cowards - you steal money, murder people, and now collect money to help Sandy Hook Victims. You are lying Thieves and Murders. GOD says your days are numbered.
Someday I will tell you haw I really feel about you.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
(Please pray (Visualize) for those in charge to either fix the mess or die immediately.)
Unlike what most economists state, the US debt is fully sustainable for centuries to come.
There are three types of debts:
1) National debts. This is where a nation has a Trade deficit. The current US trade Deficit is around $400 Billion per year. This was designed by the Bretton Woods Agreement in 1944 to send US Dollars Worldwide to make the Federal reserve Dollar the World wide Currency.
This means that about 2% of the economy goes away per year.
At the stroke of a pen the US could produce enough Cheap Oil to run the entire world for 2oo years - see Baken Oil reserves, Gull Island Oil reserves, Oil Reserves Thunderhorse. The US could under cut the Middle East by 50% and fuel the world.
Further - the US as the capacity to out produce the world in Iron, Chrome (I know where the deposits are), and a host of other metals in one year. This we could simply outsell every other nation on the planet.
Finally - if the leaders of Monsanto and other GMO producing corporations were killed, we could grow enough non-GMO foods to feed the world -but again, Monsanto, Dupont and a host of other Corporate Presidents would have to die first.
2) Budget deficits: The US corporation will have a budget Deficit of around 41.5 Trillion Dollars this year. This could be eliminate in one day of the US Corporation funded only what was Constitutional Needs - 1789 Constitution, not THE 1871 Organic Constitution.
So consider the fact that 2% on $300 trillion is about 46 Trillion Dollars a year. The US Treasury could sustain a $1.5 Trillion Dollar Yearly Loss yearly indefinitely, right?
3) Personal debts. These could be eliminated in one day. Since all debt eventually leads to the IMF, put a gun to their heads and make them cancel all of it. Voila - no debt.
Unfortunately - it is not about sustaining the deficits but about destroying America.
We have no MEN at the top willing to fix the problems.
Envision with me - visualize - pray - that the current leadership of planet Earth is pushed off the planet and a new leadership comes that will do as GOD directs immediately.
For You Intel Geeks and freaks:
1) Again, USAF One - Main Compass - stop banging the Dash Board. Go out and buy a $5 compass and use this to fly the plane. Please adjust for the 15 Degree Offset. Oh - and good luck on finding the loose window and wheel nut. No data - you find it. You will have to pressure test and inspect each window on all 3 Air Force 1 jets.
Hey - it is not my but on the line. A Wheel falls off, a window falls out at 40,000 feet - Air Force One flies in circles - oh well. It is only a Presidential Staff.
2) If someone in Norfolk and Langley jointly order the downing of Putin's Plane GOD will allow the Russians to send a Nuke up your proboscus with NO consequences. Do I make myself perfectly clear you CIA/Naval freaks?
3) The cook who is now poisoning Putin's Staff with GMO foods is now openly doing this. He has a "Friend" who is form the NSA and. This is how the whereabouts of Putin is determined - Loose Lips Sink Ships and one of your cooks has really loose lips.
I am sorry Pres Putin and your Intel Staff that your Mantle Feoo is not in Russia - not my fault. If your plane goes down look in the mirror and say: "I did not do as Antonoio Valadiko told me to, I love ME more that Russia, And now I must pay for it"
GOD did state that if the Red Dragon Family did not do as GOD directed them to do by 6 November then it is Open Season on red Dragon Leaders, right?
Were you not told this Red Dragon Leaders: IE Leaders of Russia, China, and India?
Is not Shaballa being torn up until you do as GOD directed you to do by 6 Nov 2014?
So is it really surprising to you that someone from the US Navy conspiring with the CIA Murderers are planning to kill you as you fly to the G-20 Summit?
Could you not put the pieces together President Putin and staff?
Are you not next PM Medvedev!
I give up on you, let the Living GOD now speak in words you will never forget, so HE has said it, so it shall be.
Putin - DO NOT shake Obama 's Hand - it could be deadly. Not kidding.
One last note - the FBI finally admitted Sandy Hook was completely fake.
You FBI Freaks, Gay Boys, Cross Dressers, Human Sacrificing Creeps, and Pedaphiles, and Cowards - you steal money, murder people, and now collect money to help Sandy Hook Victims. You are lying Thieves and Murders. GOD says your days are numbered.
Someday I will tell you haw I really feel about you.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
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