Thursday, July 10, 2014

One Million Workers in UK on Strike

What you are not reading is that One Million workers in the UK are on strike.

The cutbacks are due to the huge influx of Middle Eastern Muslims who have overwhelmed the welfare system.

Sound Familiar?

It is the destruction of Planet Earth.

Please pray that those who are doing this are removed form this planet permanently - starting with London and DC.

1 million UK public sector workers on strike - The Hindu

Isn't a shame we have to go outside the Fascist US to get the real news?

Dr William Mount

Governments Around The World Admit to Using False Flags

Governments from around the world admit they use False Flags to create Terror within their own nations to achieve the goals they desire.

The Only difference is: Since 30 September 2006 the US Corporation has been trying to conduct these False Flags using Nuclear Weapons.

Be careful going to the article because it is booby trapped with viruses.

Try using Safari Search Engine.

The Article:

 Governments from Around the World – Including Western, Islamic, Asian and African Nations – ADMIT They Use False Flag Terror | Zero Hedge

Governments from Around the World – Including Western, Islamic, Asian and African Nations – ADMIT They Use False Flag Terror | Zero Hedge

The News You Are Not Supposed To Read

Dr William B. Mount

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The World Is Waking Up


Seven years ago when I stood in front of Pres Putin's Staff and told them that there were 350 Nukes in Iran built under the Atoms For Peace Program for the Shah of Iran I stood alone.  Fortunately for me not only had they verified what I had said before I even left America they already had plans to seize these weapons.

Six years ago when I stood before a TV Camera and showed Operation evolution and shared with thousands that this is the US plan to terminate Surface Dwellers I stood alone.

In November 2009  when I raised my hands on TV and said the Living GOD will now make the sun break out with Sun Spots to get your attention, and it happened within a few minutes, I stood alone. I thank GOD my producer, Dr Will Wilson and his assistant Kieth Ljunghammer, stood by me.

When I wrote that St Petersburg (Russia) would have a population of 0 in 10 years and Russia will shake to verify this - within minutes an earthquake started in central Russia that lasted for 10 hours - it was a 4.2 quake - I stood alone.

Today the truth is breaking out everywhere, in books, on the net, on the radio, etc...

People like George Noory and others are leading the charge, but they are still few and far between.

Not in the Main Street Press though - they still lie. Yesterday  I looked at yesterdays Wall street Journal showing a burned out house in Africa (Except the roofing metal has no burn marks on them), The Economist with a Muslim standing in the desert (Barefoot and there are no foot prints in the sand) and look and the pictures of the 3 dead Israeli children wrapped in the Jewish Flag (Plastic heads, no bodies) and realize all these photos and fake - a lie - and allot of the world is waking up to this fact.

Today on Sorcha there is an article describing the German Intel Geeks chasing nukes headed for Europe for a False Flag Detonation 28 July.

After the Nuke was found under a bridge in London on the 4th Europe woke up.

There are actually 7 US Corporate Nukes (Old Russian Nukes) headed for the 7 major cities in Europe and detonation time was originally set for 21 July (7AM), and one is again headed for Wall Street and Water Street.

The 7 cities targeted in Europe are: Berlin, Paris, Madrid, Naples (Not Rome), Prague, and 2 others that escape me - sorry Europe.

Simultaneously Greece will be taken down financially by the IMF at 7AM London Time.

The beauty of this is we can now all focus on - pray that - these folks trying to kill us are unsuccessful.

The world is also waking up to the Illuminati's Number Game as well.

Do you not find is strange that on the 7th day of the 7th month of a 7 year (2+1+4 = 7) we exposed the 7th Hit Attempt on Putin (Again, another in 7 hours) and the 70th Hit Attempt on Obama (Tomorrow Morning at 7AM all will be set) in the 7th year after I got involved in politics and the 77 attempt to conduct a false flag in the 7th month in a 7 year exposed by a man who has been a Russian Orthodox Bishop for about 7 years?


That's allot of 7s.!

A note to Governor Rick Perry - the Texas Rangers are nor sold out - get them to change the President's Rout tomorrow - DHS wants an Obama Double dead.

The following video was sent to me by an APFN reader and I was asked to post it. It really describes how we all feel by the US Corporate Government - betrayed.

In Vietnam we thought we were doing good for the people.

In Iraq we thought we were fighting for freedom

What we have learned is that we are merely corporate pawns.

"The Video is: A Cosmic Housecleaning is Going On"

The day before he released the video Lucifer's Kingdom began to fall apart - splinter.

One last note - we are getting calls form folkjs all over the country.

They have worked hard all their lives and have not only lost them they have become very sick.

They go to the doctor and take their pills and get even sicker.

Their boys usually join the military and come back sick and the VA laughs at them.

They are desperate and sick and they are beginning to wake up, turning to GOD for help.

Then they call me asking how to get better so I say go to:


Do not eat Wheat, Dairy and Canola Oil and chemicals like MSG and Aspertane, go organic and eat Immusist and Sea Weed.

The ones that listen slowly get better, the ones that do not listen get sicker.
APFN - thank you for allowing so many people to release their emotions and spill their guts - once they release this they can live normal lives.

For all those who do write how they feel on APFN - thank you.

From one vet to another - thank you.

Dr William B. Mount

Monday, July 7, 2014

Another Attempt on Obama - Yawn Yawn

Yes - the CIA has coordinated yet another attempt on an Obama Double - yawn, yawn.

(Please pray that this too falls apart)

During the last attempt Obama missed his speech on the 4th in Arlington and instead declared himself Dictator

"Idle Hands are the Devils Workshop."

So now an Obama Double is planed to fly into Austin Texas and give a speech and order DHS to kill the American Militia currently on the boarder trying to stop 100,000 more sick immigrants from flooding into this country and infecting, and killing, yet more Americans.

Well - he should land either morning or afternoon, go to his hotel, use some Cocaine, party and stay yup half the night, wake up late the next day and travel to meet with DHS.

At this point there are three Snipers (JFK all over again) and get popped by some Jesuit Scum who is paid by the CIA. DHS will ensure the rout is open enough to kill him.

At that point - after 3 shots are fired - a "Lone Gunman" that looks allot like the JFK Shooter Oswald (Now on the CIA Wall Of Fame) will be brought to justice and then "Killed" (Fake) and then he will be described as a Military Veteran White Male Survivalist Neo NAZI bla bla bla, riots break out, and the 14,000 Russian troops now in Fort Carson and 15,000 other Russian Troops will man the DHS vehicles and declare Marshal Law.

Same garbage, different day.

Kill hte Jesuits and you get your nation back, your money back, your wife back, your truck back......

The New kicker to this is the CIA (Oops Russian, I forgot to lie) created Virus now destroying the Power Grid in the USA should begin to work by Friday - and take down the grid for 90 days.

Just remember - the gal who planned this, former SS Commander (DHS) lives the Chancellor at UC Berkeley and lives on campus - so she cannot hide.

Video: Dragon Fly Virus Strikes US Power Plants. They Admit They Can't Stop It.

Red Alert!!!Sgt Major Dan Page The Truth Of America's Future. Wake Up!!!
A Message to the Intel Groups

Your allies are weak and about to be disrupted terribly. The Living GOD will take them down.

Keep up trying to destroy America DHS and CIA - you are absolute scum and now it is pay back time, so says hte Living GOD - and I mean GOD - not your Lucifer Puke and his tiny allies. You chose the wrong allies, stupid is as stupid does.

Further - you missed the 12 June deadline - that was really stupid.

APFN - You ask me why I endeavour to save Obama's Life, a Fascist Pig married to a Drag Queen.

Because it is the right thing to do - although I question GOD daily on this. I suppose if Obama wished to live he would assist me - but he is only a puppet in a box who is completely controlled like a marionette. So after this what happens happens.

There is also another attempt on Putin by the same folks in Moscow - Simultaneous Assassinations are planned to try and torch off a Major World War, claiming the snipers were again White Male US Vets who are survivalists living in Northern Idaho.

Same stuff, different day - but these CIA/DHS Jesuit Agents are dangerous and suicidal - believing in sacrificing themselves for the mighty Lucifer.

The News You Are Not Supposed To Have

Dr William B. Mount

Six Zeroes Strikes Yet Again - JP Morgan

Yep - Six Zeroes has struck yet again.

(Please Pray - Visualize - that these Bankstas who have destroyed America go away permanently)

This time the two that were killed were associated with JP Morgan Bank, a wholly owned corporation by the Rockefellar Trusts.

Jefferson Police were called to the house of Julian Knott and his wife because they were found unconscious in their log home under "Suspicious Circumstances."

The wife - Alita Knott was a sales associate with Caldwell Bank.

Julina Knott was the head of the Global Network Operations Center for JP Morgan Bank in Whippany, NJ. .
No further information was available from the Morris County (New Jersey) Prosecutors Office of Coroner's Office.

Too bad, too sad - you were warned here on APFN and in Pravda

Further - your 12 June deadline was also missed so many more will die and your reset on 20 July will fail, so says the King of Kings - and not your king but the Real KING.

There will now be a war in hte heavens - those who have managed this planet have done a rotten job and it is time for a change in leadership so this is what GOD will now do. So HE has said it, so it shall be.

12 June baby - and you missed it. There are consequences and this is the age of these consequences to come true. Keep ignoring it and more will die, more will fall apart - it is what GOD does.

Who's next?
This News You Were Not Supposed To Hear.

Dr William B. Mount

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Ashtar Command - the UN Philosophy

by Ashtar-Athena
5 June, 1995
from SpiritWeb Website
recovered through WayBackMavhine Website

The Ashtar Command is the airborne division of the Great Brother/Sisterhood of Light, under the administrative direction of Commander Ashtar and the spiritual guidance of Lord Sananda, know to Earth as Jesus, or the Christ, our Commander-in-Chief. Composed of millions of starships and personnel from many civilizations, we are here to assist Earth and humanity through the current cycle of planetary cleansing and polar realignment.

We serve like midwives in the birthing of humanity from dense-physical to physical-etheric bodies of light, capable of ascending into the fifth dimension along with the Earth.
We are the Hosts of Heaven who serve the Most Radiant One (the Christ) in his mission of love. We work in coordination with the legions of Michael, Uriel, Jophiel, Gabriel and the 70 Brotherhoods of Light that administer the Divine Plan. We serve by monitoring and stabilizing the planetary grid systems and serve as protectors of this universal sector.

Different fleets within the Command specialize in spiritual education, ascension, scientific survey, communication, monitoring planetary affairs, and the well-being of our personnel, universal and intergalactic statesmanship and law, species observation, education, relocation, media and artistic expression, healing, horticulture, zoology, and many other areas of research.

A major focus at this time is the activation of the collective Messiah, the 144,000 ascended masters (referred to as Eagles within the Command) who form the Legion of Special Volunteers. These are the star-seeded emissaries from the Office of the Christ, through the interstellar Councils of Light, here on earth assignment. Their awakening is crucial to the transition of the planet.

Hence, we and our earth-based representatives are here to facilitate the awakening of the Eagles and other Light servers. Our mission administers the sacred ordinances of the Lord God Most High and functions through the Elohim, the Councils of Orion, the Great Central Sun hierarchy and Order of Melchizedek.

We acknowledge that God, the Source, is one omnipresent, eternal life force, universally recognized by many names and forms.

We affirm that there is one "only begotten Son of God," as pure unconditional love extended throughout creation. The Lord God of the highest positive realms of spirit created and extended only love.

This Son of God exists as a state of divine consciousness or Chrishood exemplified by divine embodiments such as Jesus, Sanada, Maitreya, Krishna and others. These and all true teachers or avatars represent a multidimensional collective of love-wisdom, focalized and extended through the Office of the Christ. This office, as well as other divine thrones of celestial administration, is anchored by a trinity. Currently the Office of the Christ is held by Lord Jesus, Lord Moses and Lord Elijah.

The current planetary Christ is Lord Maitreya. These Christed energies are held as well by Lord Kuthumi and others as our cycle progress into the future and the new hierarchy of masters take their places.) Lord Sathva Sai Baba, currently residing in South India, manifests cosmic Christhood and also Father-Mother Godhood as an extremely rare full avatar, known as the Kalkhi Avatar or tenth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. The Christ also manifests as the individualized soul within mankind with the potential of expressing perfect sonship, or Christhood.

The collective Messiah consists of those 144,000 ascended masters who accompany the Christ or appointed Messiah on a mission of love. These constitute the true church or body of Christ. This body of divine sonship is not limited to 144,000, but requires that minimum number to leaven and give rise to the loaf of humanity (the ascension) or shift into a new paradigm. The door of grace is open to any who would step forth and choose conscious sonship.

(The term son, father and mankind refer not to gender but to the directive spiritual function, purusha, or spirit. Prakrithi, or material creation, refers to the receptive spiritual function know by the terms daughter, mother, Goddess, Shakti etc. through which spirit is birthed into form as the son-daughter of God, soul or Christ principal. As there seems to be much controversy regarding these issues, we have wished to bring some light and clarity. We of the Ashtar Command simply refer to the Christ as the Most Radiant One or the Beloved.)

We teach that in highest truth, you have never left the heart of God. As rays of God Source, we have the divine function of extending God's love throughout the cosmos.

(The belief in separation we refer to as the father of all lies and the root cause of all fear and negativity or ignorance, expressed as what we refer to as the ego or false self.)

We practice the one true religion of unconditional love. We ever strive to inspire faith and trust in the One Source and in the divine purpose and plan. Our message is always a positive one of hope and affirmation. We encourage your worship of God along the path of your preference, for we have not come to start yet another religion! We ask not to be set apart, idolized or worshipped, but to be respected and seen as your elder brothers and sisters in survive to the One God.

We are universal ambassadors of peace, peacemakers and peacekeepers. Our spaceships have no defense mechanisms whatsoever. Our commitment to complete harmlessness in thought, word and deed serves as its own protection. We ever encourage unity, harmony and the peaceful co-existence of all.

The terms "command" and "commanders" refer to our self-elected duty of being in command of ourselves and responsible for our positions of trust and stewardship at e command of the Lord God Most High and the Most Radiant One. (In no way do these terms imply an attitude of militancy.) A true commander walks in a spirit of humility and service in purest attunement to the divine directive.

We abide strictly within Confederation policy of noninterference with free will. While we may point out the possible consequences of some of your choices of action, we allow you to live, express and govern your lives and planet as you choose. The only exception would be if your actions could jeopardize survival of your planet and populations a whole or have repercussions throughout the rest of the solar system. We are, however, always available to respond to your specific requests for assistance. We are enthusiastic about joining with you in more conscious interaction and co-creative endeavor.

We honor all life and all people as inherently divine. We recognize but one race, the race of humanity - heavenly universal Man.

(Man, manifestation of the One [AN]; also Manas, the divine mind or thinker and Hu-man, God-man the one who can know the heavenly universal divine self; also HU, an ancient word for God.)

We celebrate the great diversity within creation and honor all races, colors, creeds and governmental forms which honor individual right to freedom of expression and human rights. We love you unconditionally and hold the vision of Earth and its humanity as living, ascended, whole and joyously radiant in abundance and freedom.

We are the guardian action shepherding your Earth. ASH means shepherd, a Melchizedek elder. Ashtar is a code name for the one who oversees as commander the administrative fleets of the Most Radiant One, Sananda. Athena is the counterpart energy of Ashtar and is the aspect often sent forth into objective form to serve by sharing wisdom through teaching and activating the star-seed.

Thus Ashtar and Athena can function separately or as two rays combined in one form, the code name for this function being Ashtar-Athena; or they can function upon cosmic levels as a vast oversoul consciousness or star family of Ashtar and Athena encodements. The name often seen linked with Ashtar's, SherAn, is a code name that refers to one who has come into this universal sector to assist in resurrecting and ascending a planetary world from the involutionary codes of 666, into those of resurrected life eternal, or 999, thereby re-splicing, as it were, a planetary world back into the tree of life everlasting.

It specifically refers to one working with the energies of salvation, the restoral of a world to the Divine Plan through the Christ pattern. The lineage of AN or ON appears at the beginning and ending of major cycles as teachers of the universal law of Oneness. We do not have names as you understand them. We have code designations which represent our divine functions.

We function as units of divine purpose joined by unified intention and total harmony. The status any of us may hold is solely, a result of spiritual purity and integration. The same is also true for you. When one is in clear alignment with Source, one becomes a channel or conduit for the flow of greater divine empowerment. When one is clogged with the debris of ego, that divine flow will seek a clearer conduit. Neither we nor our Earth-based representatives are authorized to promote or demote anyone! Each of us is accountable only to the Lord God within.

Thus you and we share a common task: to transcend the lesser self, to maintain spiritual clarity, and to always focus upon selfless, loving service. We all came divinely endowned with all that we truly need to ascend into ever more glorious states of being; an eternal divine spirit, a heart, and freedom of choice. For this reason we do not encourage dependency upon outer technologies, whether spiritual or material. To ascend, you need only a pure heart filled with the love of God and shared with your fellow man.

Our major teaching and message is spiritual, focusing upon the recognition, realization and embodying of the divine self. This is an individual task of spiritual infusion. For earth's humanity, this means the integration of the energies of the soul and high self into the physical, emotional and mental bodies and transcending from the third and fourth dimension into the fifth dimension of the Adam Kadmon, or state of perfected Manhood. This is accomplished by gradually training oneself to vibrate at only the highest levels of pure love and light. We continue in a similar manner at cosmic levels. The process is ongoing.

The administrative levels of the Ashtar Command function from divine and cosmic dimensions and can best be understood as celestial or angelic in nature. At these levels we function as Councils of Light, collectives of divine purpose and holy endeavor. We function as pure love and light, existing in what you call ascended (or non-descended) etheric and immortal bodies of light. Being multidimensional, we can raise or lower our vibrations to any dimensional plane in order to manifest in service.

The Ashtar Command, also know as the Galactic Command and the Solar Cross Fleets, is composed of personnel representing many dimensions, civilizations and points of cosmic origin. We have thousands of Earth-based and Earth-born representatives here as volunteers to assist with the planetary ascension. We have commanders, walk-ins and embodied rays of some of the commanders who function often from oversoul levels. Our major characteristics are joyous service, serenity, radiance and, above all else, goodwill and love.

There are many extraterrestrial civilizations visiting and observing earth during its transformation and ascension. Some are curious observers, some genetic scientists gathering data, some scientific survey teams and others of various degrees of non-ascended evolvement. Any being that brings in energies of fear, foreboding, depression or coercion is not aligned with the Ashtar Command!

Our energy signature is always one of love. We play no part whatsoever in scenarios of abduction, implantation, manipulation, intimidation or any type of mental control. We are not fortunetellers, nor will we ever tell you what you must or should do. We may point out areas where your service could be useful, if you so choose. Always and ever we honor your free will and right to choose to live your own life in your own manner. Likewise, we place no judgment upon what you do. That is between you and God. We don't keep score.

Trust yourself if you would interact with us. Trust your intuitive inner knowing, for we communicate through tele-thought transmissions or telepathic impression. Our transmissions may sound like ringing tones, Morse code in your ears or head, or like your own thoughts.

(However, our counsel is ever divinely affirming, positive and loving.) We also communicate through a language of light that can appear as pictograms within your mind, which you then interpret and express in your own words and concepts. We can also place you within a transmission beam so that you are beamed messages from our ships or minds to your typewriter, computer or pen and paper!

We will transmit our messages to you if you sincerely present yourself with a pure heart and wish to serve as a transmitter of our message.

We and our starships are invisible to you unless you raise your frequency to match the level we are maintaining or vice versa! By raising or lowering our vibrations we can seem to appear or disappear. You can only see and hear upon the dimensional level that matches your frequency. As you learn to operate and modulate your frequency to include more multidimensional bands, you will discover the many life forms that share the cosmos with you. You will also learn, as we have, to materialize and dematerialize and create with your mind whatever you need.

We are not limited by time, space, distance or size. Thus we can appear as a tiny spark, a glowing bubble, a form as large as a skyscraper or in a city-sized mothership! Our starships are called merkabah, lightbody vehicles of great beauty, molded of our harmony and love to serve our missions and unified intention. They are as real at our level as your environment is to you at your!

Sometimes our starships partially densify so as to appear as stationary lenticular (or other) cloud formations or as a rainbow shimmer. We can also densify to land upon third-dimensional Earth or within the forth dimension as well. We can look like a bright star flashing red, white and green or appear as your familiar flying disks. Our ships are always very radiant and beautiful, glowing with an aura of safety and friendliness.

We send you messages of love and wisdom via crop circles or snow and ice circles. We also form messages within your skies. These will continue and increase until your planet realizes that you are not alone, that you are loved and part of a plan more beautiful and wondrous than you could have ever imagined. We have attempted in this transmission to convey to you a little of our heart's purpose. Please receive our love which we offer so freely to each one of you upon your beautiful planet.
In summation, you may know us as the Christ forces on a mission of love. We are the celestial heralds of the good news of God's love for all creation and of the entering of your world into an era of peace and goodwill for all.

With blessings, we are the Ashtar Command.


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