Monday, April 7, 2014

It's Over

Pray with me - really visualize - that it is over for Lucifer, that every thing he does to hurt humanity fails form this day forward.

It's Over Lucifer.

Your kingdom is falling apart.

Your priests and Bishops in Rome and your Homo Prometheus Arch Bishops are loosing control.

You have been exposed at every turn.

Every One knows:

1)The Roman Pope declared himself as Lucifer Incarnate.

2) Rothcihlds answer to the Roman Pope and control the wealth of England.

3) The CIA is a corporation owned buy the English Royalty.

4) The CIA is behind WACO, Oklahoma City Bombing, Klakamas Mall Shooting, Downing of Flights 370, 800 and 447, the Syrian Crisis, Egypt Crisis, Ukraine Crisis, Fort Hood Shooting, the finding of Al Kada, killing of countless Americans, the Nukes under the Sorchi Olympic Games, the 5 attempts on Putin's Life in the last 4 years, the 2 attempts on PM Medvedev's life in the last 4 years, the 70+ attempts on Obama in the last 5 years, the 4 attempts on Pres Bush Jr's life, the 3 attempts on Gov Rick Perry's life. The list goes on and on.You were stopped at every turn.

5) Every one knows the US is a Corporation.

6) You are now attempting to start WW3 through an economic crash and the destruction of America.

7) As for the Sandi Hook Elementary School shooting - is was such a farce - only a MORON could believe children were actually killed in the shooting. There were not even any Bullet Holes in the walls of the school - Hello?

We could go on an on and on............

It is all out in the open.

The Gig's Up Lucifer and your minions. Your organizations are falling apart and GOD will deal with you folks personally now - and YOU fear this intensely.

It is over Lucifer except the screaming.

Run away Coward, run away before GOD turns your evil back on you.

Not even your most loyal Angels will obey you now - they hate you and will now come against you as the Living GOD has shown them that they did not have to follow you, nor do they even now.

When they defect GOD will protect them and you will not be able to touch them.

Even your most loyal Aliens know now that you have screwed with their DNA and are trying to kill them and they are not happy with you and your allies - the US Corporation.

As for the Fort Hood Shooting: Advertising on Craig's List 7 days before the shooting at Fort Hood for actors to play a shooter, dead men, wounded victims - that was the final straw - what a joke.

Only a moron would believe another False Flag was not made up by your outfit.

Your planned assassination of an Obama Double on TV in a few days will be a failure.

Your nuke you are bringing into BOSTON in a week will fail.

Your claiming Al Kada (Which YOU fund) is flying a plane into Boston or Seattle will fail - every one knows YOU are doing this.

Your Bankstas are dying - GO 6 ZEROS. He will strike again soon.


Lucifer - every one knows the cure for cancer, heart disease, Autism, MS, etc and if they are not using these products it is their own fault - but they now all know around the world.

We have shown the Water Powered Car, the Tacheon Generator, the Anti Gravity Propulsion Aircraft Blue Prints.

It is all out there for the world to see.

From this day forward only a moron would believe any TV or Radio news spot - Only a MORON.

Your world leaders that follow you will now find themselves isolated from the world and unable to create Was and steal, so says the I AM That I AM, who was and is and is to come.

We now visualize - pray - that all that you order and try fails miserably Lucifer.

You are finished you Loozerfer.
You heard this first here on APFN

Dr William B. Mount

Sunday, April 6, 2014

This Is How Stupid It Has Become

Stolichnaya Vodka Bans Obama, Kerry and McCain From Drinking Its Product - Retaliation Of McDonald's Latest Activity

First, McDonalds announced that it was removing their restaurants from Crimea due to tensions between the U.S. and Russia causing Moscow to fire back and suggest the removal of the fast food chain. A few days back, a Mexican fast food establishment banned Vladimir Putin from its restaurant. Now, in a move seen by many insiders/specialists/idiots, Stolichnaya vodka has retaliated against the president of the U.S, Barack Obama.

From Stolichnaya's website: "Due to conflict between the two nations, and the recent lashing carried out by fatty establishments, it is our regret to announce, that Smirnoff will effectively ban any purchase or consumption of our product by the president of the United States, Barack Obama. This ban will also take effect on Secretary John Kerry, senator grouch, John McCain, and senator Dan Coats for his remarks and blame towards our country for appearing at a wrong hearing. Again, this is not a complete U.S. ban but a ban on the children running the country."

Obama Administration press speaker, Jay Carney responded early calling the ban a "international crime," "regrettable" "mind numbing, speech slurring, and a sobering move."

" We are sorry to hear the recent ban, in which is most likely carried out by Moscow. For many years, Stolichnaya has offered the U.S. the intoxication needed during conflicts throughout the world. The vodka brand was a mainstay for closed/clandestine meetings and a provider of tolerating most of our wives. We hope to carry out diplomatic discussions to lift these bans as they are troubling for all fans of 80% absolutists. We call for the Russians to pressure Stolichnaya and reverse this decision," Carney said in a prepared speech.

An inside drunken source confirmed to this blog post that Obama won't be deterred and may pursue further sanctions against Russia. "The president realizes this will be devastating for John Kerry. The president doesn't drink Stolichnaya, but is a fan of fancy aging Merlot."

John McCain tweeted, " what the hell am I supposed to drink now, Zhenka?"

Neo-conservatives are calling president Obama's vodka policy "feckless, weak and an international crisis."

"How can the president expect Americans to take his vodka policy serious, when our key leaders aren't allowed to consume top shelf shit?" John Boehner said from a tanning booth.

Cabinet officials say this could further implicate troop escalation and/or a coup on the Stolichnaya factory. More on this situation as it develops.

(This could be true, but I haven't found it to be. This is a complete fictional account written by yours truly, D.S. Wood. Now, back to my shitty vodka)
Posted by D.S. Wood at 9:01 AM
Thank You D.S. Wood

Saturday, April 5, 2014

How Do You Sift Through The Lies

First - please pray - visualize - that your eyes are opened as to the truth.

Every day we are pummelled with more and more lies from the media all around us.

We drive down the road and see thousands of advertisements telling us to eat this, go there, send money over there - and on top of that we have stupid street signs every where like: Duck Crossing or Watch For Pedestrians.

We turn on the TV or radio ad hear garbage daily.

Even the alternate media is filled with more garbage than you can shake a stick at.

Consider the latest three stories:

1) Flight 370. They have beaten this one to death. The latest I heard was that Aliens took the Jet off world to Mars just before it crashed.

I know DOD - you are going to post another 4 or 5 stories here on APFN after I post this story stating this Jumbo Jet landed on an Air Craft Carrier. Can't you give it a rest?


It will only show how stupid your SLAVES really are in the DOD and Homeland Security.

Tell a lie long enough and people believe it.

Most of the American Public still believe it was a Jumbo Jet that made a 122 foot hole in the pentagon on 911, or that cancer and Heart Disease are incurable!

Can we Zeig Heil yet?

2) Osa Land Slide. Snohomish County (Wa) gave a permit to build a housing complex on a river bend with a mountain that was already coming down and refused to put in drainage pipes or use the fertilizer we use to stabilize hillsides. Now a bunch of folks are dead.

Complete County Incompetence and payoffs.

3) Fort Hood Shooting. The media just keeps going on and on and on about this soldier when we have already posted the Craig's List ads for actors to openly create a FALSE FLAG at Fort Hood.

So now we hear Army Psychiatrists and Commanding Generals speak out about this horrible shooting and how we should take all the guns away from vets because they all have PTSD.

4) Obama Care: There are 7 Million enrollies?


Add up all the prisoners and those currently on Welfare Medical - gee - they were simply converted to Obama Care and the financial responsibility to take care of these folks is now at the Federal Level.

So here is an example: The guy behind me got out of prison to work at a local Junk Yard to repossess cars at night and do other Nefarious things AFTER being convicted of 1st degree murder, and Child Molestation. HE currently lives with a 12 year old girl. The Federal Program pays the Junk Yard around $15/Hr and they pay him $9/Hr. He gets free medical and now has Obama Care - and YOU pay for it.

Here is Example 2: My adopted relatives live in Kiev. Their daughter gets $7,000 Social Security per month tax free for them, they collect Social Security form the Ukraine Govt (We pay for) and they were switched to Obama Care form State Health Care. They can now get health care for free in Kiev and YOU now pay for it.
So how do you sift through all this garbage?

You mus listen with your heart.

Watch the news without sound and look for anomalies.

If it sounds weird - it is.

Without GOD showing you the way you will more than likely fall for anything. Only HE can show you what is true and what is not true.

No matter how pluasable it is, no matter how good it sounds, dig into a story - find out if the people they are talking about actually existed.

Look carefully at the original pictures and if they change - you have a lie.

Listen carefully at the First Responders.

I wish the best.
For You Intel Geeks:

It also looks like all we discussed is on for the full moon.

I have personally been told much of it was delayed until July - but I believe he came forward to cunfuse me.

Keep the President out of parades and speaking engagements 11-17 April or the world will know the SS was behind his shooting.

If you need any more information you will need to come forward and ask.

And yes - the Roman Empire - Rothchilds, etc - your empire is being torn asunder by the Living GOD, so HE has said it so it shall be. You should never have stolen the money of GOD's Messenger.

By the way - another Banksa died today, Jon Peter Schmittmann, Ex CEO of Dutch Bank ABN-Amro. His wife and daughter were also found dead in their home. Suicide - right?

God asks: "Six Zeros for your life. It's your choice."



So HE has spoken, so it shall be.
You heard this first here in APFN.

Dr William B. Mount

How Do You Get Healthy

Visualize - pray - that people around the globe wake up to the following ideas and that Lucifer's attempt to kill us through Genetic Food Modification fails miserably.

Today we spent a good 5 hours at a Health Food Store learning about how to get healthy.

Our food has been so messed with, and we have been so programed frobirth, to not even know where to begin.

First - eat well.

Garbage in, garbage out and an unhealthy body.

1)Avoid: Wheat, Dairy and Sugar.

2)Avoid: Water with chemicals in it - Fluoride, Chlorine, etc.

3)Avoid Canola Oil (Rapeseed Oil) at all costs.

4)Avoid: Eating Chemicals, like MSG, Disodioum glummare........

If you can't pronounce it your shouldn't eat it.

Go to your local Health Food Stores and begin reading the label son the foods.

"Organic" is a good label.

"Natural" means nothing.

Start eating things like Organically Grown Products like potatoes and onions - they taste like a real potatoes and real onions and do not need things to make them taste good because they already taste good.

Learn about Essential Oils.

We now use Uncle Hairy's Breathing Oil to reduce Inhaler Use and his Citronel Oil to eliminate bugs instead of flea powder.

We just shop and learn.

Check out EDAN FOODS on line. This is where I get all my camping food from. When I go it is all ready and all I need is a can opener - from Chili to canned rice and beans.

I will take effort on your part.

Sure - the cures we give out here on APFN will work - but they work a whole lot faster and better if you eat well and avoid the poisons the American Food Industry is now using to kill you.

Tonight we ate Organic Hot Dogs on Spent Bread and we usually use an Organic Balsamic Vinegar or Home Made Salad Dressing to top it off.

The Salad Dressing is made of Organic Balsamic Vinegar, a pinch of an Organic Oil like Olive Oil, Walnut Oil, or perhaps Coconut Oil, and topped off with spices then mixed in a Magic Bullet (Tiny Blender) ans then stored in one of their containers.

We save so much money buying Organic and I am not so hungry - loosing about 70 pound in 2 years.

We are also having fun shopping for REAL FOOD.

Today we purchased 4 "RIFE MUGS" that have symbols on them that are supposed to help us not age, loose weight, etc.

The symbols on the mugs look identical to m,any of the CROP CIRCLES.

These CROP CIRCLES are usually either computer digital 8 bit message, a symbol like a star system or life form, or symbols for different frequencies that should be used to heal out bodies ----- but the US Corporate DOD and CIA simply suppress this information by killing those who figure out the symbols.

Pray with me as you read this - visualize - that their attempts to silence this area fails miserably.

If these Healing Frequencies are made out of magnetic material on a coffee mug it programs the water particles to do what the message tells it to do - help you loose weight, get smarter, heal your skin, get rid of parasites, etc.

All matter is merely light that is slowed down. We can use you minds collectively to guide this light to accomplish certain goals - IE, we use APFN as a Visual Prayer Network to accomplish this and ask the Living GOD collectively for HIS assistance.

Kind of like the Muslim Mass Prayer.

For Example: A type of healing circle:

But this is for a different day.

So go out and have fun and do not forget:

You heard this first here on APFN

Dr William Mount


Friday, April 4, 2014

Healing Through Frequences

What you are about to read is a private message sent to me by the Ed SKilling Institute.

I have seen the machines in action but have never tried one so what you are about too read is simply personal testimonies about how the Frequency Generators sold by Ed Skilling have helped folks.

I will say this: Warren Starnes (Director) honestly believes in these products and would not be there if he did not. He is an honest, and very busy, guy.

So Here Goes:

Dear William B,

Your Immune System, The Innate Healing Abilities of Your Body:

The Skilling Technologies: the Photon Genius (first energy-infrared) and the
Photon Genie empower the immune system, up-regulate the special forces of the
body, and enhance the innate healing abilities of the body. These Technologies
were instrumental in saving my life from an inoperable terminal cancer
(prostate, bladder) diagnosis in 2007. Now, seven years later, I am high
energy, not just surviving but thriving. I do Photon Genius sessions every day
and sleep with the Photon Genie energy transmitters at night.

Importantly, these technologies are for everybody, not just someone dealing with
catastrophic health situations. They help condition the whole body from the
inside out. Additional examples of people being changed with these instruments
are detailed below and include these kinds of situations:

Bladder Cancer
Liver Cancer
Hepatitis C
Throat Cancer
Brain Cancer

Skilling Institute Featured At National Telsa Conference:

July 30 - August 3, 2014
The Skilling Institute is recognized for its breakthroughs of the Photon Genius
and Photon Genie at the upcoming 2014 ExtraOrdinary Technology Tesla Conference
being held in Albuquerque, NM, July 30 - August 3 where Warren Starnes,
Director, is scheduled to speak on Saturday, August 2:

Examples of Skilling Technologies Assisting Others:

Improved strength, balance, to walk after being in wheel chair

"Her husband has been confined to a wheel chair for over a year, and had a brain
tumor, did chemo & radiation that incapacitated him. Within 2 weeks of using the
Photon Genie he was able to stand and balance himself for short periods. Within
2-3 weeks he was able to walk to the bathroom, within 4 weeks he started doing a
few squats. He has been using the Photon Genie every day and sleeping with the
transmitters at night for 5 weeks and can now do over 100 squats! He had been
experiencing double vision, now his eyesight is "noticeably" improving. They
have several friends who are asking what happened and what he is doing." - Z.W.

Emphysema: No longer requires oxygen tank; breathing better

"He suffered from really bad bouts of not being able to breathe, shortness of
breath, etc. He was on an oxygen tank all the time, and could not drive anywhere
without being on oxygen. He started getting Photon Genius sessions for
emphysema. After just 6 sessions he no longer needed the oxygen while driving.
"Doing regular Photon Genius sessions for the last 5 months, sometimes 2 times a
day every day. And now after many months he rarely needs it at all." He is
getting a lot better. If he has any trouble breathing now he goes for a Genius
session and he is noticeably better." - R.B.

Throat Cancer Gone After Using the Photon Genius and Photon Genie

"This woman was dealing with throat cancer. She used the Photon Genie daily and
the Photon Genius regularly. She gained mobility with her arm that had been
paralyzed. She is able to hold a cup and move her arm. After doing Photon
Genius sessions for several weeks, she went to the doctors for a scan and the
scan showed her throat cancer was gone." - N.R.

Pain disappeared from surgery site after first session; Improved energy and pain

"I use the Photon Genius 2-3 times a week and I have noticed many improvements
in my physiology that include reducing neuropathy in my feet, thighs, and hands.
Overall, my level of energy has improved so much with the Genius, supplements,
and other alternative protocols. I'm fighting this diagnosis with everything I
can use. But, just so you know, the first time I used the Genius all the pain
disappeared where part of my lung and 1/2 my diaphragm was previously removed. I
was astounded as I'm sure you can imagine." - B.H.

Brain Cancer Halted In Its Tracks

"A young 21 year old mom with a 2 year old daughter was given 3 months to live.
She was diagnosed with the worst kind of brain cancer, extremely aggressive.
The Doctors wanted to schedule her right away for a $14,000 chemo program.

Immediately after her diagnosis, she went for her first Photon Genius session.
She was brought in by her caretaker and she was very reluctant to do a session.
This young woman was physically very depleted, not eating, throwing up, was not
able to take care of herself, depressed, and hopeless.

Her first Photon Genius session was 30 minutes (15 minutes with Energy-Infrared
and Noble Gas Harmonic Lights, and 15 minutes with lights only). After her
first session, she was able to start eating again and had stopped throwing up.
Her second session was one week later for another 30 minutes. After these two
sessions, she went back for another scan and the doctors told her the tumor had
stopped growing for two weeks! The Photon Genius has improved her quality of
life. She continues regular sessions with the Photon Genius and is able to do
things for herself. She has her head up with new found hope." - M.M.

Hepatitis C & Liver Cancer Cleared with Photon Genius sessions

"A woman in her mid-fifties was diagnosed with Hep C and Liver Cancer and had
part of her Liver removed and indicated that she might need a liver transplant.
She was being seen by Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU). This woman
did seven Photon Genius sessions for an hour each. The first few sessions were
really difficult for her, but after each session it got easier and she started
feeling better. She went back to get checked and the doctors could not find any
indication of liver cancer." - M.M.

A Woman Dealing With Bladder Cancer; Tumors Disappear After Doing Photon Genius

"After doing several Photon Genius sessions, this woman went in for her pre-op
evaluation and the doctors discovered that the tumors in her bladder were gone!"
- T.W.

Gentleman Averts Surgery on Neck/Shoulder; Dot is Ball Room Dancing Again! See
details in the following video link:

Serious Burns Relieved and Healing

"I've had two different clients with serious burns come in the clinic. The most
recent was an arm burn from cooking oil in the kitchen. Upon removing his
bandages we applied the Photon Genie to the edges of the burn and it seemed to
have a very healing effect quickly. The wound and the skin looked more
developed where the Genie was used and then he went in for Photon Genius
sessions after that and with a series of 3 Thirty minute sessions his burn
healed very quickly.

The second gentleman had third-degree burns over most of his body. He has done
about 30-40 Photon Genius sessions and got a Photon Genie that he has been using
for four weeks. His skin has become noticeably more clear in the burn areas.
This client said he was healing quicker using the Photon Genie and the Photon
Genius than he was doing all the treatments that the hospital had provided and
much, much faster. The deep purple blotches on his right knee are gone and this
was from the 1st 3 sessions alone." - J.B.

Photon Genie Helps Mom Live Longer & Pain Free

Finally, the following audios from a practitioner in Canada share how the Photon
Genie helped her elderly mom who was dealing with: Lyme Disease, Staph
Infection, Dementia, Bed Sores (severe pain) and other conditions. Her mom had
been given a few weeks to live and ended up living 18 months pain free and
peacefully. She shares that the Photon Genie is very "broad spectrum" and
something that everyone can benefit from. The Photon Genie can assist with pain
and avert unnecessary suffering!

Call or email with questions. Thank you.

Best Regards,

Warren Starnes
Skilling Institute

Photon Genie & Photon Genius Online Store Link:

This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Neither the information, nor any technologies, formula(s), protocol(s) mentioned
are intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Important Warning: This information is intended for the use of the person and/or
entity to whom it is addressed. This information may be confidential and
privileged: the disclosure of which is governed by applicable federal and state
laws. If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby notified that any
disclosure, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this information is
strictly prohibited.
APFN - thank you once again for allowing me to post a possible way to heal people using techniques that actually seem to work.

Honorable Grace
Dr William B. Mount
K of M - Russian - aa-00029
Cpt (Ret) USA

Lease this

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Evils of Canola Oil

Please pray that the growers of Canola Oil switch products of are put out of Business.

We will doing a series of article on foods to avoid to get healthy and along with Wheat Flour, Soy Products, MSG, Aspertane, Sugars and Dairy Products we highly recommend stopping the ingestions of Canola Oil.

Put quite bluntly - one tea spoon of Canola Oil per day has been shown in most people to shut down 50% of your kidney Functions and 50% of your liver functions.

Sure - it's great to grease your wheels with it - but if you eat it you get FAT AND STUPID.

My face used to break out horribly until I eliminated "Organic Canola Oil.

This nasty oil was put in foods to kill you , just like hundreds of other food additives - like Propylelne Glygol - what farmers use to fatten cattle with and is in almost ALL salad Dressings.

"I'll have a salad tonight and cut my calories" - so you put just a bit of Ranch Dressing on the lettuce and wake up fatter in the morning. You just ate Cattle Fatner.

Just a few of the problems associated with Canola Oil - which comes
from the Rape Seed:

• Canola depletes vitamin E.
• Canola increases the rigidity of membranes, which can trigger degenerative diseases.
• Because of canola's high sulfur content, it goes rancid easily, which can exacerbate allergies and compound problems for people with bronchial or asthmatic issues.
• Human studies reveal canola causes an increase in lung cancers.
• Canola can shorten lifespan of animals and lower platelet count.
• Daily canola consumption can raise your triglycerides over 40 percent.
• Canola oil molds quickly and also inhibits enzyme function.
• It opens the door for free radicals, undermining natural antioxidants, and can be linked to increased incidence of many diseases.
• Canola leaves no foul taste when it's spoiled, so it's hard to tell if you're eating rancid erucic acid.

Thank you Natural News for your incredible article on Canola Oil.
Get Rebellious - Eat to make yourself skinny and smart.

Eat right to get rid of cancer.

Eat right to get rid of Heart Disease.

Eat right and walk your child out of autism.

Make yourself healthy and really make Homeland Security (SS) MAD.

We just watched a guy follow the procedures we have outlined here on APFN and his Brain Injury completely healed itself. The brain regrew and he is now fine, and 30 pounds lighter I might add.

Pretty cool, eh?

You head this first here on APFN

Dr William B. Mount

Fort Hood Shooting Was A False Flag - Craig's List Avdertised for Actors

Please pray - visualize - that all False flags created by this Punk Lucifer are exposed immediately.

Before you freaks in the DOD post hundreds of stories here on APFN about this shooter we already know it was a false flag.

There were advertisements on Craig's List looking for Roll Players for this shooting. I saw the ads myself you Perverts. You are as twisted as Perv Snyder, Governor of Michigan.

You will fill the newspapers and TV with Lies about this shooter, how all Military Vets are mentally unstable and force them to take drugs.

KMA - You Lie and now the rest of the world knows the DOD, CIA, FBI, American Media Lie like a rug.

Just as spoon as you pull this off the air Russia will repost it.

By the time you read this over 100 Russian/Chinese agencies will have this. Your Home Prometheus and Demon Possessed freaks will not have a chance to deny this.

How dare you freaks lie about this.

Your monetayr system is coming down.

You were warned in a letter to the White House that your SS Folks will pay me back or the Living GOD will take away their money. Vatican Freaks - this includes you folks as well since you run the Rothchilds.

As you Bankstas are killed "En Mass" look up - my help comes from above.

The New Rubble will be worth around $150 and will serve as the New Petro Dollar. Your money is going away.

Your Empire is falling, Vatican - Rome is falling and the Living GOD is in charge of this one. Your Jesuits, your Roman Knights of Malta, your Arch Bishops will soon be torn apart by this living GOD.

GOD does not budge on this one. YOU were told.

Here is what is really going on folks, except that the Living GOD is about to change every thing. Here is where YOUR money is and why YOU are way deep in debt, a Whistle Blower from the IMF:

Been hacked - gotts go

Dr William B Mount