Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Good Bye 2nd Amendment

Monday, August 5, 2019

Good Bye 2nd Amendment

In the wake of the FBI/CIA Orchestrated Mass Shootings over the weekend in El Paso and Ohio we must assume that even the President will begin to implement Gun Control Laws

Rather than arming The public and preparing them for the Demon Possessed Intel Agencies we are disarming Americans in full violation of our Constitutional Rights

I Am An America - william mount

Not A Corporation WILLIAM MOUNT

For now we must trust Trump as GOD says support him - but GOD is about fed up with his not listening and he may be replaced with the NEW TRUMP soon

Generally - the Red Ties Trump is the real Trump

And - as our large corporations continue to gut America and remove our Freedom of Speech on TV, Radio Newspapers and on Social Media it is time to Hunker Down

Throw out the TV, Pull your kids out of Public School, Arm Private School Teachers, and do not go to large stores.

The CIA/FBI will now openly target these Large Stores across the nation using their Underground Forces to kill, randomly kill - openly kill - to create Chaos.

as our nation is "Sisified" - no one will have the ability to fight back.

No One

The Demon Possessed Cockroaches and Pigs in our Intelligent Community will now push hard - watch as America turns form GOD to our Government and TV for help - but it will not come. 

Hunker Down Folks -


The Wall of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

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Trump Catching Swamp Creatures - Removing Them With Epstein Videos

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Trump Catches More Swamp Creatures & Evicts Them

Not that President Trump has all those Epstein Videos covering almost every Swamp Creature in DC it is easy to get rid of them once they show their ugly heads..

This week - in a stroke of genius - President Trump appointed Congressman John Rattcliff as the new Director of National Intelligence.

Suddenly dozens of Swamp Creatures surfaced and President Trump simply evicted them from office by threatening to make public the Epstein Videos on them,

Once out of DC they will be dealt with one by one for what they have done ground up into fertilizers and replaced with useless Brain Dead doubles. Not Kidding.

Further - as Gillette trashes White Males they have just announced a $2 Billion Dollar Loss in company revenues - they are about to become insolvent.

Companies supporting Politically Correctness are dying on the vine.

VIDEO:  (1662) Trump Catching Swamp Creatures - Removing Them With Epstein Videos - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Be Politically Incorrect & Do As THE Central Banks Are Doing

Invest In Hard Assets - Not Paper

We Go To: Noble Gold Investments - #1 Gold & Silver IRA Advisor

Then call Charles or Collins At: 877=646-5347

Friday, August 2, 2019

World Economy Tumbling, Rejection Of Dollar Accelerates

As our world's economy begins to fall hard we are seeing the world rejecting the US Dollar at an ever increasing rate.

This weaponization of the US Dollar to create war after war and keep the Elite's in check is falling apart.

The Dollar will never go away totally as the CIA uses it of it's Covert Wars to help destroy Humanity - Such as the War In Syria

What is so odd about this war is it is partially supported by money created out of thin air to support the Syrian Rebels and Kurd

Yes - the IMF Openly supports the KURDS and thus those now killing soldiers in Turkey, Iraq Afghanistan.

The rest of the world wants nothing more to do with these Insane Wars and are now turning to a Gold Backed Yuan to try and stop them.

The US State Department is so corrupted and evil they are sending weapons to Saudi Arabia to kill the Yemen People so the Saudi's can steal their oil.

To top that off - the Foreign Owned Corporation known as the FBI is now classifying anyone telling the truth as Possible Terrorists. They can Eat My Shorts.

Since when does a Foreign Owned Corporation have the authority to arrest American's?

they  do it because they can - no one in the White House is stopping them - no one. They are not even arresting the leaders of an ongoing Coup to kill President Trump. like Robert Mueller or James Comey!

So the world is turning to GOLD as the next standard in the financial markets.

VIDEO:   (1623) World Economy Falling As US Dollar Rejection Accelerates - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount
Time to do as the Bankstas do - Convert Wealth To Gold

Goto:Noble Gold Investments - #1 Gold & Silver IRA Advisor

Then call them At: 877-646-5347

As World Economy Tumbles Nations Pull Away From The Dollar

Another Trump Russian Connection - Really? - As Feds Go Nuts