Thursday, April 4, 2019

Presidents Strategy To Make America Great

Presidents Strategy To Make America Great

This Economy Is Ready To Collapse

Americans Borrowed $88 Billion To Cover Medical Costs In 2018

When I was a child we never heard of such atrcoties.

It was only when the Governments stepped in to control costs with a Gun that we began to see these horrible things occur..

Now that the Government controls the Health Care System it's costs have gone sky high

The Same inhaler -

1) Mexico - 42.73

2) In America $145 as of 3 days ago _+ a Doctors Prescription - with an appointment - at over $150.

3) With 100% VA Coverage For Service Connected Disability: $53.

Despite all claims coming form Congress and the White House - it;'s only getting worse.

Video:  Home - Noble Gold Investments

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

This Economy Is Ready To Collapse

Our Current Economy Is About To Fall

All Economic Indicators clearly State The US Economy Is About To Fall Hard

Be Ready: Video: (118) This Economy Is Ready To Collapse - YouTube

Yield Curves Inverted IN China in May 2018 and the Economy Fell a few months later

US Yield Curves Fell Beginning in December

Further - Since most of the US Gold was vaporized at 11:49PM 22 April 2011 just south of Trinidad Colorado at the end of the Top Secret 412 Underground Rail System - converting to a Gold Backed Economy may be difficult for the US.

What little gold they had left was stolen by the Bush Crime Family.

So getting gold is getting tougher and tougher as the COMEX is no longer delivering gold according to Jim Willie's Latest Report - an essential News Letter.

Buy it while you still can - as Noble Gold still has sources:

Noble Gold: Home - Noble Gold Investments   Or Call 877-646-5347

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B Mount

The Rats Are Jumping Ship