Welcome to the smartest, most active, and the most loving audience in the world.
Isiah 6:8 : I Heard The Voice Of Adonai (Lord) Whom Shall I Send, Who Will Go For Us, I said “Here I Am”
You are my friends and Family - I will go.
We will do our best to help you prepare for what is coming.
Tomorrow is the day for the Total Eclipse that will go across America.
Predictions from the End Of The World to Total Prosperity have been predicted.
So here is what will happen: The sun will go up, be blocked by the moon for a couple of minutes, then the sun will go down.
The times for the Eclipse are given on this map.
Please - if you are going to the areas where there is a total eclipse - be aware that the roads may be clogged and the hotels and camp grounds filled. We have a friend that has rented a Camp Sight in Central Western Oregon that normally rents for $20 a night and she is paying she is paying $200 a night to stay there for 3 nights as the motels are all full.
Tonight and tomorrow the roads may be jammed so be respectful as all Emergency Service Centers will be in full operation from today through the next 4 days.
Please do not be on the road when the Eclipse happens as many people will probably freak out and swerve to watch it on the Freeway.
If you do go - bring food and water as they may be in short supply tomorrow in certain locations.
And remember - if you cross state lines your Concealed Pistol Permit is no good in another state.
Jane and I carry Bear Spray - the $60 a can stuff --- no permits are needed for Bear Spray.
Finally - at the height of the Eclipse Finally - at the height of the Eclipse President Trump will return the White House after it has been swept clean --- of Explosives and Listening Devices.
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This morning I will
1) Drink the Life Change Tea - Essential with a Colostomy Bag as we are learning
2) Eaten 2 Gymnema to - which has reduced my Insulin Intake by 75%.
3) Eaten one 8th Element for anti aging.
4) Eaten one Sea Weed Supplement
5) And eaten one Nopal Cactus with Coral Calcium to help control my Blood Sugars.
Yesterday I went out and had 2 very large cookies and normally my Blood Sugar really spikes.
I believe their Gymnema helped keep my blood sugar levels from really spiking.
Tell them MOUNT sent you and all profits go into a non-profit to help feed folks in America and Mexico.
If they terminate your subscription - then stand up and be heard and - re-subscribe.
Just by subscribing to our channel - and watching these videos - YOU are helping people eat across America
Please pray that the President is able to identify, and arrest, those coming against America.
Please pray your families are ready for what is coming.
This is OUR country and here WE stand for FREEDOM
This is YOUR channel where about 90% of the stories come from YOU
Often times I have another story read to go - but since is YOUR channel we report on what YOU have asked for.
YOU have a voice
The News You Need
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
2D/3D Printable Pinhole Projectors | Total Solar Eclipse 2017
2017 Total Solar Eclipse
Total Solar Eclipse - August 21, 2017 - Transportation
National maps — Total solar eclipse of Aug 21, 2017
Solar Eclipse 2017 Map & Calendar | Exploratorium