Showing posts with label World War 3. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World War 3. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Proof US tried to Start WW3 This Day

Here is irrefutable proof that the US Attempted To Start A Nuclear War Yesterday, that would have been initiated this very day.

This is who they are - Pray they fail at everything they do.

The Video:

Proof US Attempted To Start WW3 13 Jan 2016 - YouTube

The News You need

Dr William B. Mount

Monday, December 21, 2015

Jim Willie - Currency Wars

This video discusses the Currency Wars that are going on right now.

All currency wars have led to War.

Pray the evil fails to start their Nuclear War.

The Video:

Jim Willie - The Currency Wars - YouTube

The News You need

Dr William B. Mount

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Ashtar Command, WW3, And The New Middle East

The following video shows you the NEW MIDDLE EAST as redrawn by the Pentagon over 45 years ago, how it fits in to the Planned World War 3 Schedule, and what Ashtar Command has to say about all of this.

The Video:

Ashtar Command, WW3, And The New Middle East - YouTube

The News You Must Have

Dr William B. Mount

Saturday, October 10, 2015

FBI Correct: US/UK Leadership Are Insane And Forcing Nuclear War

Those in the Federal Agencies who have talked to be are correct: The leadership on the US/UK have gone insane and are forcing Nuclear War today.

(((Pray that the World War 3 fails to start.))

As you read this the orders to NATO troops (Sanctioned by the Jesuit Pope) have been given to conduct Military Exercises as if the Full Scale Nuclear War has already begun. This means digging in, watching over 5,000 cities in Europe, Asia and Africa getting Nuked, decontaminate, and then re-establish communications with your higher ups. I helped develop this insane doctrine.

If these nukes are launched Israel alone will lunch about 2,500 US Made Nukes at Asia, Africa and Europe every where form 1 Mega Ton down to 20 KT.

Each US Carrier currently carries around 2,000 nukes not including their missiles meant for their aircraft.

Most US Submarines carry 144 Nukes, except the Killer Subs.

If these nukes do launch do the math - what is left of the planet - so why conduct any exercises?

This assumes that one of the 140 Planet Killing Nukes do not automatically detonate as many are set to do under the Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) Treaty.

In addition NATO/US/UK are "Practice Launching" Nukes from Scotland and the Balklins at Russian and Chinese targets.

How the heck do you "Practice Launch" a 100 KT ICBM?

Further - over 100 Nuclear Armed British, American and Australian submarines are being deployed to their Primary Launch Locations.

This necessitates the Full Deployment of all nuclear forces world wide and this time it is not to "Shoot Jesus Out Of The Sky" tomorrow.

So what prompted all this?

Russian Leadership refused to do as GOD asked them to do and God has raised up a scrawney little Cowardly Gay Boy who is 1/6th Afro American to come against over 180 Nations in the BRICS Alliance.

Muslims: Consider your allies carefully:  If Obama were Muslim would he eat Pork or be have a Wife who is a man?

Muslims - you have been led down the road to Pardition by a Satanist.

What prompted the exercise today was that China announced that the Yuan is now capable of handling International Transactions so the Rothchilds have gone utterly insane, demanding to destroy China and Russia.

Russia: I will give you a temporary way out but if what GOD has asked you to do is not done then this is only temporary.

Obama and his 5 doubles are all chipped and you know where he goes. Torch off one of the 6 Underground Bases left that are connected to Fort Belvior and show these cowards that if the war starts they go first. If he and his cowardly little handlers feel they go first they will "Run Away" and stand down. Remember - that Rabbit has fangs.

Either way - please pray that Irish. French, US. UK Union Troops (I....UK..US..U) troops stand down immediately.

Russia: The Ball Is In Your Court.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

If the NSA computer ever becomes sentient it will stop all these Mad Men at the top and put leaders in place to preserve Planet Earth rather than try and destroy it.

Sorry my stories and videos are nowt fancy - they are meant to stop World War 3 and allow people to Cure themselves of their diseases and prepare for what is coming.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

The BRIC Nations Are Going On High Alert

Two hours after I posted the story of the 14 Airplanse seized by the CIA in tripoli as President Obama ordered the US Military not to stop the CIA from their dirty plot set for 11 Sep 2014 President Putin, along with much of the leadership of the BRIC Nations, also went underground.

(((Please Pray (Visualize) that the CIA is stopped dead in it's tracks and the leaders of the Fascist US Corporation (And Their Masters) gets so sick they cannot function forever.)))

As the leaders of many of the BRIC nations entered their Underground Bunkers they ordered their Militaries, and Nuclear Forces, on Full Alert.

We are at the Brink of WW3 - Exactly what Lucifer wants.

Two incidences from China in hte last 24 hours indicate that this is a real threat.

1) The USS Kitty Hark was headed for Hong Kong and China ordered out of the ir waters in violation of the China/UK treaty allowong free access to all US military. That was cancelled a few hours ago.

2) China is withdrawing about $1 Trillion Dollars of Products form the US Markets ---- including US Military Electronics. No spare parts the military stops functioning and some man named Erectile Disfunction General  Dempsey (Chief of Staff) ordered Top Secret Electronics Parts to be made in China.

It is called Treason At The Top.


Russia Orders Nuclear Weapons To High Alert, China Blocks US Warship >> Four Winds 10 - Truth Winds

This could not be more serious. These nations are beyond upset and have taken measures into their own hands. as the Arrogant CIA sits there underground let me explain a few techniques they may use just to take out Langley:

1) A New COmpressed Titanium/Zinc Allow with an air bubble is takes up 32 harmonics, and then sent back down into the these harmonics at the 35th floor and 5 seconds later 152 MHz is pumped into the rod (Shape Charge Facing Up) and where Langley used to be a perfectly round Sink Hope now exists.

2) Russia has 25 Nukes Pre-Placed around the nation. They do not even  have to launch to destroy us. If they take out our COmmand And COntrol Centers - nothing launches does it US Air Force, does it?

3) When the CIA mailed a Nuke to the Swedish Embassy 16 December last year and then came and picked it up another nation with an Embassy Nearby imported in a Diplomatic Bag a weapon that does not become Nuclear until pressure is applied to it. These folks in this Embassy are beyond angry - and it is not Iran.

If the US Corporate Leaders think it is one happy family at the top - think again. Your allies are not their allies any more.

If you do not back out of Kosovo, Syria, Ukraine, Egypt, Libya, North Korea, and a dozen other places very soon we may see Operation Devolution in full swing --- except - all of the 10 Underground Bases will be completely Empty - Sink Holes that go down 5,000+ feet.

As for the Western Bankers - you missed your 12 June Deadline --- You are dead men and Women.  The longer you wait to meet this goal the more of your that will be dead: So says the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Please continue to pray that:

1) Lucifers Toys Break
2) Gentle Rain in the South Western US
3) US Forces stop all their destruction
4) Intervention that neutralizes the Evil here on Earth
The News No One Wants You To Have

Dr William B. Mount

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Poland Mobilizes For War

Poland gave the orders to mobilize for war about 12 hours ago.

Russia gave orders to Mobilize 46 hours ago.

(Please Pray That Eastern European Leaders Really Listen and Do As GOD Asks)

In the last few days as President Obama ordered US troops into the Ukraine to kill Ukrainians and Russians and the US Corporate Air Force to bomb Iraq as the world mobilizes for a full scale war.

Our troops spend 20 years in Iraq and build up lasting friendships and rebuild a nation we utterly destroyed and then a Nut Case like President Obama and Erectile Disfunction General Dempsey (Chief of Staff) orders the US to bomb Iraq while we still have US troops there protecting arms shipments to the Kurds. These leaders like Obama and Dempsey are Murdering Nutcases - Off Their Rocker, Absolutely and Completely Utterly Insane and no one in hte military seems man enough to stop these Fascist Pigs.

We stopped them in 1945, we can stop them again.

I am urging the leaders of Eastern Europe to rethink your full scale mobilization.

A Full scale War will mean the deaths of YOU and your people.

Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Moldov, Bellarus - you have always been run over by the major powers in World Wars and your leaders killed. The presence of US troops and missiles in your countries make you a target for the 177 BRIC nations.

This war is not about you - it is about the expansion of English Fascist Power - the 4th Reich centered in Rome and run out of London.

May I suggest you work with the BRIC nations rather than antagonize them.

OK - the Former Soviet Economic Block can never form as long as The Blessings of Russia reside in the United States - but you can come to an agreement to work with the BRIC Nations, can't you?

Think about it - Norway and Sweden were allies of Hitler and are now staging weapons for the US War Machine.

Remember - the IMF owns the US Corporation and thus funds the Department of Defense.

The IMF is located in London, not DC.

President Obama and his 6 doubles are mere Puppets, Marionettes, controlled by the IMF.

You are not at war with the American People, or the Russian People, or even the English People. You are at war with those who lead the IMF.

Eastern European Leaders - Man Up - face your real enemies. Face the people who run the Fourth Reich and destroy "Zeig Heil"once and for all.

Remember the symbols of Fascism - they are on the walls of the Hermitage. Go there and ask GOD to show you. Then look up and see the 14 foot high Roman Chariot on top of the building - the Legal Home of the Roman Empire. Under this building in an ancient chamber are the papers that confirm this statement. When it is time they will be revealed, or not.

Poland - Stand Down.

Bellarus - Stand Down.

With the help of dozens of Intel Agencies around the world we have stopped this US Formented War for 7 years now.

We can no longer stop this war without your assistance. When the US Corporation again pushes for Nuclear War through a False Flag 17 August do not fall for it. At this time their Intel Agencies are so fragmented their plans are in shambles - but they know they must have a False Flag on 17 August (+- 3 Days).

I recently spoke with a Buddhist Master and they saw a Nuclear Missile flying into New York City and they permanent War work wide after that for hundreds of years. Brothers killing fathers, Mothers killing their children. No time frame was given, just one of many visions we can stop.

Gentleman - stop this madness before GOD does. You will not like HIS methods.

Work with Russia - with with their Economic Council and their military.
The News You Are Not Supposed To Have

Dr William B. Mount

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Here We Go Again - This Time China

Here we go again. Another created war by the great United States Corporation, as ordered by David Rothchilds.

(Please pray that they fail at formenting this war in China)

As you recall last fall and winter we discussed the US funding of a war in a region that has historically been very peaceful - the area between Mongolia and Kazakhstan - the Chinese state of Xinjiang.

Here in Northern Xinjing the region is poor and  primarily agricultural and very stable. People tend to live in large family groups and are inclined to know everyone in the area so when a new person shows up in a tiny town every one know them.

For the last year (Actually three years) the United States has not only been transporting weapons and explosives up from Afghanistan from US Bases (By Direct Order Form The White House) - which openly sell US Tax Payers weapons to anyone with cash - they are also transporting them into a base high in the mountains just north and a little East of the region between Mongolia and Kazakhstan using US Air.

Trace the Phone Calls Russia/China from the Afghan Embassy to the US State Department, US Major Military Bases to the White House and from the Afghan President to the US Ambassador there ---- trace the Satellite Feed.

Many readers criticized me horribly - but most are paid by the DOD and are too afraid to use their real names.

This is now our DOD - run by Cowards and manned by Cowards - except the Combat arms.

So now this little bit of speculation has reached the FRONT PAGE of the Wall Street Journal.

The US is trying to create another state in North Western China/Russia to run their military out of to help destabilize Russia and China and cut China's Oil Supplies from Russia and the regions just south of Central Russia.

The war the US Corporation has been ordered to start involves -- YES - Muslims vs every one else. All of a sudden lots of folks who speak Arabic and English are showing up in this area to explain to these Chinese the Benefits of killing your neighbors their brothers and sisters they grew up with.

Now suddenly some "Muslims"  are going crazy and killing people.  It has nothing to do with hte drugs they were fed by these Agents -- I mean Clerics.

Within the last year the Chinese Government has arrested 380 people trying to kill people for "Allah", 315 people hauling explosives and seized 3.15 tones of explosives --- that's about 6,300 pounds of explosives - enough to make about 13,000 Pipe Bombs.

Somebody to the south in Afghanistan, and to the North, is running these explosives into China to destabilize the region an we know exactly who that one is don't we Russian, Chinese and US Intelligence?

What is more amazing is the openness of the US selling these Guns, ammo and explosives in the US bases in Afghanistan is.

OK - so a bunch of Yak Herders are killing each other with US made Guns and Explosives half way around the globe, right?

Well guess what - it really does matter. Today 133 nations have declared the UK/US led Economic System and enemy and signed a document to destroy us - that's about 5.5 Billion people.

The only reason Japan did not sign on this document is that the US has been the primary supplier of Oil and Weapons to Japan since 10 years before the Russian/Japanese war in 1905. Yup - these were US made, and designed, ships that sunk the Russian fleet in 1905, US made and designed ships that bombed pearl Harbor using US Crude Oil, and is now US made and designed ships opposing China.

China and Russia - provide Japan with an alternate energy source and weapons and they will dump the US like a Hot Potato.

By the way - we have already given the next nations the US Corporation has been ordered to kill their leaders and destroy their countries. GOD is never wrong.

A Note To Pope Francis:

1) I personally informed you staff of those ripping both the IMF and Vatican Bank (And Thus You) of billions of dollars. This was given to me from the Living GOD.  If you wish to try and kill the Living GOD for being a Snitch - be my guest.

2) For the Vatican - and Pope Francis - this was a test. You were required to take certain actions directly after these complaints were filed and you and your organizations did not.

3) The King of Kings and Lord of Lords has stated that you have failed you test - you refused to obey your own regulations and laws YOU set in place. Now he will tear you, and your organization, a new rear end. This includes the 5 families in Italy that run the Vatican.

4) GOD has actually show me part of what HE will now do - but that is for you to worry about. The longer you wait to follow your own rules and regulations the worse it will get, for all for you - so HE has said it and so it shall be.

Just remember one thing Vatican:


Do as HE has asked or HE will destroy you: so HE has said it, so it shall be.
For The Intel Geeks:

1) The US/UK funded Sunni Murderers in Iraq have now threatened to bring their murderers to London and the UK/US tighten their grip on Gun Control. This means that the Politicians (Primarily the House of Lords) are the primary targets and no one can protect them.

2) In fact it was reported by one source that they may indeed bring in a Nuke and torch the entire city.

3) If London goes away then New York becomes the primary world Financial House - think about it David Rothchilds and Queen of England really hard.

4) When is YOUR next major holiday - do I make myself perfectly clear?

5) You have disarmed your own people - there is no body left to stop a terrorist in your nations since all the Patriots are without pistols?

6) A nuke blasts up into the 4th Harmonics, does it not?

7) Can we say - sonoluminescence and a compressed titanium rod with air bubbles that is already under the city ready to be used that all your horses and all your men cannot find at the present time?

8) Is there anything left between your ears my dear 15th Cousin (God Help Me) Queenie Elizabeth and your Grandson William Mount?

9) May I highly suggest you and your won make those who can help you very, very happy since time is not on your side?
As For My Criticism on The Net: The only thing worse then people talking bad about you is them not talking about you at all.

By the way - I applaud folks who are Man enough to stick to their guns and use their real names like Dr Will P Wilson, Patrick Sullivan and I am happy to stand by them  because they are men.
The News You Are Not Supposed To Know

Dr William B. Mount

Monday, June 16, 2014

Rothchilds Demand War Immediately

The Rothchilds Demand War Everywhere

It appears that through the Vatican the Rothchilds now demand war.

(((Please pray - visualize - that these Lucifarians fail at everything they do form this day forward)))

It appears that the Rothchilds are now demanding war on all fronts.

Golly Geepers - who warned the world about each front months before they appeared?

1) Ukraine: We warned the US State Department, White House and on TV about 7 years ago what was to be --- no one moved to stop it.

2) Nigeria - Same Thing.

3) Thailand - although the fighting is coming to an end, we hope.

4) Iraq - did we not do a story here on APFN and on Pravda describing what was happening and going to happen way back in January and yet the US state Department stated: "This Surge caught us by surprise."

In January the US State State Department under Dumb Dumb Coward Kerry talked about the coming Iraq Civil War - so their latest comments indicate they lie like a rug.

Today the Sunni Majority is moving to take their nation back form the western powers centered in Rome. They want their land back, they want their own oil, they want their nation back.

John Kerry, like Harry Reed and Nancy Pelosi, is a Wide Mouthed Cow that needs to be pregged.

 U.S. can fight al Qaeda in Iraq without troops: Kerry | Reuters

Now the Iranians are moving troops in to help the Iraq's win the war.

Not to be outdone the US is sending in a carrier group with 14 Nuclear Armed Submarines and and the Idiot in the White House has ordered large numbers of Long Range Nukes to be placed in Europe in response.

The situation is now even more intense as US Soldiers deploy more men to invade SYria and the Ukraine.

Do not expect any honesty from the Obama Doubles.

Tow Top AP stories right now:

a) Obama: We will not put boots on the ground in Iraq.

b) John Kerry: The US is sending 100 marines to the US Embassy in Iraq.

c) Hagel, DOD: The US is sending a carrier group with 2,300 marines to Iraq right now.

d) John Kerry to authorize the bombing of Iraq and troop to support Iraqi Air.

The all lie like a rug.

I will follow these cowards into a war zone.

Operative Word: Follow - but these are cowards.

No one will find the USW war machine any more.

Putin's Response:

Troops from 132 nations are moving in a pro-active way to prepare for war. Russian nukes are now being positions to eliminate the US And england - primary targets are London, DC, Fort Belvior, Seattle, San Diego, etc.

In the mean time the US is moving full speed ahead to destroy the world under orders of the Rothchilds.
For You Intel Geeks: Here is what GOD says is coming.

Is this loud enough for your liar to hear and see General ED Dempsey, You Demon Possessed Freak?

1) Obama played golf in Palm Springs - not Martha Vineyards. Thank you - he is alive now.

2) This does not, however, explain how he gave orders form the White House concerning Iraq over the weekend if he was in Palm Springs?

3) Look up - The Sun was too bright for the satellites this weekend.

4) US will now experience huge wether anomalies. Monsanto employees working on GMO Plants need to be killed and we need to go back to growing non-GMO Plants like Spent or there will be huge starvation through price rises in food.

5) Japan - you will shake again - roll to the right. Your current leadership needs to go away ASAP, just like ours or many Japanese will die soon.

6) Many US Naval Ships and US DOD Planes will now begin to experience huge electronic problems - you went all computers.

Naval Commanders: Your brains must be Cady Wompus calcified to the point of permanent Brain Farts.

Check all Ejection systems in every jet - ensure they work through a mechanical means not electronically.

7) according to the Chief Jesuit General: If you kill the Jesuits and Roman Knights of Malta you get your contry back, your money back, your economy back, and your nation back. 4/15/2000 Interview with Hanz Kovlenback.

8) IMF - Your 7 Years Are Up - you failed to meet your deadline. You are going down along with your directors. SO say the I AM That I Am. Deal with it.

9) There are now about 10,000 key Bankstas, Oil Magnets, and Leaders on Wall Street and in hte London FInancial Markets and other Key World Leaders of the west  are about to be vaporized. They will be replaced with "Clones" - much like the Obama Clones. They will look and act differently but they will be enough alike the world will not notice.

10) The Federal Reserve Dollar will now begin to falter as the US/UK/Vatican Marches Inexorably Towards World War 3 to ensure the dominance of the Ancient Roman Empire through Lucifer their God.

11) The Eart, and the Sun,  will now expand ever so slightly - causing huge quakes and weather upsets. More on that later.

12) The US is now spreading GMO DNA over the vast wheat, corn and rice crops in CHina, Russia, India and Europre in an attempt to make them dependent on US/UK GMO crops form Monsanto, Dupont and Conagri. If not stopped immediately billions will die.

13) Russia and 132 nations are preparing militarily for a Nuclear War. Goto to confirm this. Russia is ready for war now. The hit ordered by Obama on Putin has been confirmed and he is not happy.

14) If President Obama's Staff will kill President Putin no one is safe. The insane men in DC and in London and Rome must be stopped at all costs and apparently 140 other nation feel this way as well.


15) US/UK are now spraying chemicals like 2-4-5-T --Agent Orange-- world wide to destroy crop production in every nation of the next 100 years. This stuff does not degrade even in hot soils like in Vietnam. We can still see it's deleterious effects today on crop production and children's deformities.

16) Any Nuclear False Flag maybe met with a Nuke up the CIA's and DOD's rear end - langley, Pentagon, Under Denver and under South Central Nebraska. Your base Self Destruct Sequences are now controlled by some one other than you. They could be over ridden using ASCI - but no one there is smart enough to understand ASCI ---- it is like Morse Code with 8 didgets not 4.

17) May I suggest you cancel the Nuclear Dirty Bomb in Atlanta tomorrow and the 12 Dirty Bombs in US cities on Friday?

Just a suggestion.
The News You Are Not Supposed To Have.

Dr William B. Mount

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Another GOD Told Us So May 2014

What you are about to read about is events that stated here on APFN and PRAVDA would occur if no one took action to stop them and they are now in being reported in the Wall Street Journal.

Kind of nn I Told You So Form the Living GOD.

((((Please Pray - visualize - that those who can stop these horrible actions do stop them before they occur))))

1) There is an area between the boarders of Kazkhstan and Mongolia that the US has been funneling weapons into for the last year from both Afghanistan and form the air. The region is know as the Xinjing State of China.

This area offers little for people and is mainly an area of folks who graze animals. It has been peaceful there for as far back as anyone can remember.

Suddenly, after we warned the Chinese, Russian, and Mongolian governments about what the US Corporation is doing the area erupts with violence.

A few days ago a few men drove through the market in the capitol of the region hurling US Corporate supplied explosives into a crowd killing over 31 people and injuring dozens more: See Wall Street Journal 23 May, Market Attack Kills Dozens in Western China. A month before that another Car Bomber killed 3 people.

Suddenly the Wall Street Journal erupts with all sorts of claims about how the evil muslim extremists have been causing terror there for hundreds of years. This is a lie - it was a very peaceful region until the US got involved there.

Another set of attacks as occurred just north of the Thailand Boarder with China where again, US Corporate weapons are being shipped by orders of David Rothchild, London. Here last month a guy went nuts in a train station killing 29 people. Call it Mind Control or Drugs - this is beginning to happen all around the regions we discussed here on APFN.

The end game here is to create a new nation called Xinjiang as a permanent base for the UK Backed US DOD to create terror both in China and Russia. What better way to smuggle guns and explosives then by using nomads and their bands to traffic these items like what htey have done in Syria, Libya, Egypt, Bosia, etc.

China had better wake up.

Since the late 1700's England has been selling China Opium in exchange for gold, occupying the nation using either US or UK troops until 1950 after the US based Government of China moved to Taiwan with most of China's Gold.

The US then sunk 12 Destroyer Escorts off the coast of Japan into the Mariana's Trench where only US Subs could recover the gold, some is some Chinese gold stored in Taiwan and most of their gold and silver was taken by the US to the US, while some went to certain parts of Northern England coated with Cosmolene and sunk in various British Lakes. See: Book Of Mukulak and Book of Codes, Benjamin Fulford.

Since 1950 Chinas been struggling to build it's economy back up and cast off foreign influence. Unfortunately Money talks and BS walks so the Chinese Leaders have sold the soul of China for US Dollar Profits.

This is how it has worked since the end of World War 2: The UK/US Industrialists first built factories in Japan using US Tax Payer's Dollars and after their nation began to acquire wealth raised the value of the YEN form 500 Yen to $1 to 80 Yes/$1. Thus the wealth they had accumulated loss almost 85% of it's value --- they paid 500 Yen for a dollar and got back 80 yen. The Japanese Market fell horribly.

The US then did this ti Mexico, then to Taiwan, Brazil (To a small extent)  and now is about to do it to China and the CHinese Leadership is  now fully aware of this. In this way the US Dollar became the world's reserve currency - yielding  the Rothchilds huge profits in the Trillions of Dollars while you worry about paying your mortgage.

China now wishes to avoid going the way of Japan, Taiwan and Mexico and is trying to create a World Currency while the Rothchilds are using the UK and US Corporation to splinter China into many nations.

In the mean time some major corporations, like Boeing, are moving their main factories t oChina but as the economy slows these factories, build on food producing land - sit idle. You can't farm it the land any more so food prices rise in China to the point where they will buy even Poison GMOs just to feed their people.

China's Economy is in such a Free-Fall that the US "QEs to Infinity" did not work and now China has begun it's own QE1 to pump money into their failing banks.

China has gone so far as sinking an Oil Well in Vietnamese Waters and sending in agents to burn their Chinese owned factories in Vietnam and Cambodia so as to bring these factories back to China and employee Chinese Workers, not foreigners.

To further complicate matter, Eric Holder - Attorney General of hte US Corporation - has announced it is trying to hunt down CHinese military members in china using the FBI and further has announced that the US Army Cyber COmmand will triple in size over the next year for the purpose of shutting down the Chinese Computer Systems completely.

In simple Terms: The UK and the US Corporation have openly declared WAR on China - openly hunting down members of their military for killing and destroying their entire economy.

The intent here is for President Obama (Rothchild) to force China into a "Pearl Harbor Scenario", cancel all Chinese Debts, and squash them using the 300 US Submarines carrying in upwards of 70,000 Nuclear Warheads and sitting below 8,000 feet in the ocean. The more American's Killed the better.

Either way - China is in deep trouble.

The Chinese  land is polluted, food producing land covered with cement, and millions now live in the cities. Vast areas of China's inland highlands remain undeveloped and could be utilized with little cost or effort - but the Chinese Government, and to Golden Dragon Society, ignore this fast. They remain highly divided and will remain so until they listen to what GOD has to sat and do it.

China is now a Debtor Nation.

The Industrial Production Base for the world was beginning to be moved to India but the workers there proved unreliable and the infrastructure of roads and electrical distribution remains second rate. Although thousands of plane loads of US Hundred Dollar Bills were flown to India and remain there little can be done until it is used to build reliable roads and power grids.

Many factories are now being built in Russia to manufacture Ford, Boeing, GM and many other UK based manufacturing corporate products. Road networks are adequate, there are no major religious holidays to destroy production, the workers are reliable and they can be paid around $200/mo as opposed to 10-20 times that here in America.
In the mean time - on to other parts of the world, the US has been orderd by the Rothchilds to:

1) Break the Congo into several tiny littel countries. Send in weapons, create a cirsis, and split the nation up into tiny, more easily controllable, nations.

2) Do the same to Brazil - see the Wall Street Journal - - -the Native in the Jungle now have lots of US made weapons -- those who live deep in the Brazilian Jungle have weapons. We discussed this 4 years ago on Channel 77 Seattle --- President Obama sent $3 Billion to Honduras as cover to buy these weapons for the Jungle People and now  this "War"  is in the Wall Street Journal. The Brazilian Government did NOTHING to stop it.

3) The US Corpration is now placing a military base just south west of the Timor Sea to be used to harass the South East Asia Islanders and split these nations up into tiny, controllable regions.

The base may be as far south as Exmouth - good airport, good roads, good harbor, etc.

Samo Samo - send in weapons and money, create a revolution, kill millions, come in with "Democracy" and run the nation - raping the environment and making billions of dollars.

Indonesia is the first island to be hit hard by the UK/US - so that the gold mine there (3rd Largest in the world) remains squarely in US Corporate (Rothchilds) hands.

Then they will ramp up the revolution in the Philippines to take control of Joint Management of Yangsha Island (Scarburrough Shoal) - a Mountain of Gold China wants.

4) Another Wall Street Journal Article 23 May we warned folks about years ago here on APFN and on PRAVDA- there is a revolution in Thailand created by US forces in an attempt to get China and India in a war. Well - the Thailand Military has put a stop to that and thrown out the UK/US backed government.

5) If the Rothchilds cannot stage a shooting of an Obama Clone in Martha Vineyards 14 June 2014 then they will be in total disarray. This is the last major Lucifarian Holi Day on the first year of the Age of Aquarius - the day of "Good Will," the day the UN prays for Lucifer's Teacher to come to earth --- "World Invocation Day."

The Rothchilds  need a Pearl Harbor or 9/11 on this day or they will be proven unreliable by Lucifer and may be thrown out --- with the primary targets for Nuclear Destruction being London, DC, Under Denver and under South Central Nebraska.

6) The Black Pope - Chief General of the Jesuits, has resigned two days ago and abandoned ship - he does not wish to be around when his plans to start WW3 fail. Like most Jesuit Scum - they are cowards and according to their head (Hanz Kovlenback) need to be terminated in order to bring the money back to the people.

7) The US Meat production is about to fall horribly due to:
     a) US created drought in South West America
     b) Like the Bundy Ranch in Nevada being put out of production due to oil, millions of acres of land all across America is now being shut down by the Obama Administration.
     c) Taxes are killing the small farmers so they are selling out.

8) Poop begins to hit the fan economically 1 June - exactly 7 years to the day I found out the FBI stole my money and refused to return it so the 6 Zeros will now strike hard and will continue to strike hard until these leaders do as GOD has asked.

9) GOD will strip these high ranking Illuminati of Money and power harder and harder, increase their infighting making life itself unbearable, turn their allies against them so badly they hurt and continue to do so until they cry Uncle and come forward - So says the I AM That I AM, who was and is and is to come. It begins 1 June.

10) Again, as s reported in the Wall Street Journal, thousands of stores across the nation will now be closing - like Office Depot, Radio Shack, etc - but don't worry, as they shrink in size their stocks will go up in value.

The Market is Rigged.
11) Expect within a few years the Mississippi valley will begin to shift hard - the Eastern US moving North, the Western  US moving South. The US Depot of What Do I Know has been injecting Phosgene Gas - Yes, Poisonous Phosgene Gas - into the Thunder Horse Oil Reserves to increase pressure and make her blow for 3 years now - and now it will move.

Head ready to explode - TMI

By for now.

The News The US Does Not Want You To Know

Dr William B. Mount

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Syria Weapons Agreement With US Breaks Down

Over the last 24 hours all previously made agreements between the US and Syria have been violated by the us so talks have broken down.

(((Please Pray - Visualize - that all that Lucifer does over the next 30 days fails and that the radiation in Fukushima vanishes.)))

Two days ago Secretary of State John Kerry said that the US had collected 95% of all hte Chemical Weapons room Syria and things were going well.

A Few hours later the UN Secretary General announced the US Peace Negotiator for the UN had resigned and it is unlikely they will appoint another Peace Negotiator.

John Kerry, after getting a Phone Call form the leaders of Saudi Arabia, was told that the US Airbase in Jordan just south o Damascus was done, the 5,000 US troops there were ready to invade Syria and the 30,000 Saudi Arabia Funded Troops in Jordan were ready to invade Syria and a Local Contractor was ready to release a large amount of Gas Tomorrow and blame it on Syrian's President Assad.

The Attempt to start a war by killing Obama has failed - he has cancelled his trip to the Far East. Obama also left New York City this morning just in time for yet another Nuke to be brought into the city. I do not know what the CIA wants to do with this one - nuke the city or store it under ground - the energy here in Tacoma is very confusing --- and these terrorists are also on some type of Performance Enhancing Drug that has clouded their judgement. Time will tell.

The CIA nuke Sorcha Faal talked about in Detroit was seized by foreign agents after a few CIA Goons were terminated.

The Nuke headed for Chicago was - sort of - intercepted. It may be used n South Central Eastern Ukraine to start the war in exactly 28 days after US forces referbish it - it's electronics were slightly damaged by a fast traveling piece or soft metal.

So what else can hte US/UK do to start a Full Scale Nuclear War?

There are  US/UK Funded Mercanaries and US troops starting revolutions  in:

1) Pakistan
2) Indonesia
3) Venezuela
4) Western Brazil
5) Eastern Brazil
6) Pakistan
7) Afghanistan
8) Ukraine
9) Beellarus
10) Moldovia
11) Serbia
12) Nevada - Bundy Ranch is loaded woth oil

The US FBI Joy Boys are also preparing 50 armed Agent Sabatoeurs to stir up this crowd headed for DC in the "American Spring."

American Spring ---- Arab Spring ---- Same MO, just coming home.

The CIA/FBI do not care if you are Russian, Egyptian, or American --- they want YOU dead.

If you see an armed man in the crowd pullout a gun - beat him senseless and hang his body on the front door of the nearest FBI Office.

Evil is as Evil does.

Fortunately the rest of the world is waking up to the US Joy Boys and their desire to kill, kill, kill.

They are also waking up to the fact that US/UK banks cook the books world wide

In the Wall Street Journal today it was announced that Citi Bank - which has small branches all over the world and a great bank to deal with - cooked the books to the tune of around $350,000,000.

In addition - the IMF tried to pawn off their new WORLD DOLLAR - the SDR and no one wanted it. It is only backed by air.

Combined with the Bank of America $4 Billion Dollar Scandal and the:

1) $76.65 Trillion Dollars we identified taken form Ambassador Wanta and the US Treasury

20 The $15 Trillion Dollars transfered from HSBC to the Royal Bank of Scotland landing on the European MTN Market in Europe over night to cause Greece to go bankrupt.

3) The $2 Trillion on the TOMFLOCCO.COM website stolen from the US Treasury.

4) Fortress FInancial being created out of Thin Air and buying banks like PNC.

5) The latest PNC Scandal.
What is happening all around the world is that the energy of Lucifer is growing but it is being scattered. FOr example - rather than focussing on one issue - like a war in the Ukraine -- they have troops all over the world trying to start WW3. These Luciafirans (Satanists) cannot focus --- they came agianst GOD's messenger and GOD's people.

Thank you APFN for your prayers - they are working.
For Medical Community: FISH ON

We got a call from a close relative who just got a probe stuck up her rear 4 feet - it was called a Colonoscopy. She like  it so well she scheduled another one in 5 years - that's called a FISH ON.

All the pre- appointments and Follow Up appointments - you (The Tax Payer) pay around $5,000 for her to go get this procedure. She has around 35 feet of intestines and they examine only 2-4 feet of it for 5 grand.

Further: Cancer treatments have not changed in 50 years since my wife's grandma died of cancer - not on iota. You get sick, the doctors make you sicker, you die broke and in pain so they put you in bed and administer Morphine so you die painlessly and all your relative can cry for days.

So why would anyone not choose to eat Sea Weed and Immusist and EDTA?

Instead eating healthy and loosing 150 pound this relative got this procedure done. She has Polyps in her upper intestines and lumps in her breast and the Doctor said: It's OK, we are watching them.

This relative of our is what the medical community calls: FISH ON.

She is dumb enough to go back over and over again while they watch her tumors grow. SOrry - they are Cysts and Nodules until they wish to try some new US Army Chemical Weapon on them p then it is "Cancer" and they get allot of money to administer this "Cancer Fighting Drug" on you.

If you want to live in pain and feel like crap - this is your business - not mine or GOD's - I told GOD I will not lay hands on anyone else and have them healed because they get healed and go back to their old habits.

The medical community will drag my relative around form appointment to appointment  and suck her dry until she has no more insurance and then they will let her go on a Morphine Drip.

She brags about it: "I got to go to the "National Cancer Institute" to get this procedure done - She sounds so special and her nose goes into the air with Pride that she got to go to this clinic.

By the time they are done with her they will throw her out out into the wind after they have taken her for every dime she has and then after she dies they will sell her organs.

I urge you, if you wish to be healthy - to read these stories here on APFN about health.

How you live YOUR life is up to you - but there is a pain free alternative.


For You Intel Geeks

1) The forces of the US COrporation and UK corporation are currently scattered. The idea of nuking any city - including and especially London and DC - is on the table. These Round Table folks are trying to come up with another "Believable" terrorist group and a New Osama Bin Laden. The one in Nigeria is not bad enough.

2) In the mean time these IMF/US/UK and Vatican Banks will continue to be hit as their corruption is exposed, so say the I  AM That I Am, who was and is and is to come.

3) IMF DIrectors - you were shown how to fix the economy. Maybe London and New York City need to be turned to dust for you to wake up - it is up to you?

4) With a nation of  316 Million folks and 108 million out of work and 96 Million working full time, 54% of all people now on some form of Government Handouts, you might as well bend over and kiss it good bye because you underground DUMB bases are all targeted. The Cloward Pivens Model Works.

5) The corruption of the Nigerian People (Lotto Scams is just the beginning) has reached the ears of the Living GOD and this nation will now be destroyed, so HE has said it so it shall be.

6) One final note: The Roman Pope stated today he "Demands" a redistribution of wealth. When is he going to release all of the wealth the Catholic Church has stolen from the people?
You heard this first here on APFN

Dr WIlliam B. Mount

Friday, May 9, 2014

What Is Happeneing Around The World 9 May 2014

Here is what is happening around the world today - it is what I have just learned in a private biefing.

Please pray with me - really visualize - that these insane folks who are doing this are destroyed by the living GOD immediately and their plans come to naught.

What you are about to read came to be during a private briefing by some very influential folks. They have never been wrong. Their aim is the destruction of the Human Race, except a few "Slaves."

The humans that are expected to survive are nor being released into the public as "Super Humans." These folks tend to be Super Strong, Super Competitive, burn out easy, die at 60 years old, and are generally dumb --- "Autistic." in nature.

In fact - according to a recent Wall Street Journal story - this DNA modification is being donw byinjscting a normal human with a virus and altering their DNA on the spot.

These Genetic Modifications of Existing Humans is being pioneered 7 floors down at the CIA HQ at Langley. There are some pretty weird looking humans down there and now the technology is being used in Labs --- soon to be sprayed on us in about 6 months.

Soon you will begin to see all  of sports records broken as these "Third Generation" athletes hit the market - especially from the major countries. We have achieved the "KAHN SPECIES" - Star Trek, The Wrath of Kahn.

So here goes on what is happening around the world:

1) China demands war.

China (Golden Dragon Society) is looking at the past and future and considers itself in a desperate way. They realized:

a) In the late 1940s the Key Japanese Industrialists (Black Dragon Society) gathered together and decided to take over the Electronics, Automobile and Optics industries of the world. By 1980 they had. as you recall in the 80's everything was made in Japan.

b) The US debt to Japanese Industry was huge so the IMF increased the value of the yen and now  the US debt to Japan was greatly reduced. Not only did the Japanese economy collapse without any prospect for the future the ecology of Japan was ruined. They were forced to build Nuclear Reactors and viola - Fukushima.

c) Any time Japan squawks about it they get another Earht Quake - like the one that hit Tokyo 36 hours ago and registered 6.0 on a scale of 7.0 --- the quake was located 169KM underground - a US made Nuke creating a new large underground base detonated just after Japan complained.

c) after screwing with Japan the IMF then moved these production facilities to Mexico in the early 1080', shipping in Billion sin US Hundred Dollar Bills and then doing to them what they did to Japan. That is what the "Collapse" of the Mexican Peso was all about.

d) Then the IMF did the same thing to  Taiwan and now to China. The New Industrial Base will be located in India as the Chinese Markets collapse and their ecology is utterly destroyed.

In despiration, China has demanded war and plans to expand militarily to build their empire. This time they plan to pick on Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Mirimar, Malaysia and the Philippines.

China has begun claiming Yangsha Island (Scarburough Shoal because it has on it a mountain of gold- but it lies withing the internationally recognizes waters of the Philippines. The island has been jointly managed peacefully by the Chinese and Philippines for 65 years - but the US also wants this island for itself.

Now only is China vying for the new world currency (Buying 1,000 tons of gold/mo form London for about 18 months) they wish to run the third Illuminati Financial Center in Singapore (Paris, NY City, Singapore) fo the Rothchilds.

China has also discovered the Oil Chevron found as US troops  left Vietnam in 1972 and are currently building an Offshore Oil Well about 30 miles East of central Vietnam. The Vietnamese are very upset and have sent their Coast Guard out to tell the Chinese NO!

The Chinese have responded with Fire Boats soaking down the Vietnamese ships relentlessly as work on the Oil Platform continues (Wall Street Journal Yesterday).

The Chinese are also ramming Philippine naval ships nearing Yangsha Island relentlessly in act Overt Act of War - (Wall Street Journal Yesterday).

2) Secretary of Defense, in a speech yesterday,  stated it is best we have our military in over 100 nations because killing people around the world daily prevents more people from dying so kill them now.

I suppose this explains why the US is currently making an active war in: Ukraine, Syria, Northern Thailand, North West India (Punjab Land), Afghanistan, Dagestan (Russia), Moldovia (Home of Queen of the Gypsies), Philippines, Western Brazil and Nevada and Michigan.

Perhaps this is why the DOD and CIA plan on killing the current presidents of Brazil ad Peru (Legalized Dope Yesterday) ad South Africa and replacing them with doubles in the next month or so. Their desire to kill Russian and Chinese leaders  during the next 30 -6 days will be blamed on "Terrorism."

3) Not to be out done - Libya is now going to start taking down bank accounts of folks they do not like.

4) E-Boli is now being released in Africa, US, Greece and Western China as a test, then it will go airborn. The idea here is to kill all brown eyed people because for reasons you would not believe. The incubation time: 2-4 weeks. Absolute Genius. It combines with a virus found in US GMO Wheat and US GMO corn and you die is you have hte gene for Brown Eyes. The A/B Virus re-released.

5) Germany does not wish to end up as an "Ash Tray" and the hard working Germans are tired of supporting the rest of Europe. They will begin to pull out of the Euro-zone - but their leaders will be ordered killed by the Rothchilds (Bauery Boys) if they go to far. They are too cowardly to strike back. They run like scared little children.

6) The Black and Golden Dragon Societies are very dis-unified at present and the Rothchilds play on the different factions.

7) Pres Obama: (((((Now divorcing his husband Michelle (Michelle has and Adams Apple)))))) -   his response to this coming war is to gut the military and add more welfare folks. Obama wants this nation destroyed.

8) The Catholic Church Alternate HQ in Argentina has come up with an incredibly wild plan. As the 2015 Argentina Olympics near they will ask the English to host many of the games due to "Construction Delays."

In one of the later game in London a man with a Brown Leather Suit Case - light brown, square, 16" by 30"m, with two brass straps on top and a leather strap with the name engraved in Gold with some of the letters being (C Z and H) will carry in this small suitcase - perhaps as a Doctor - as detonate it destroying London.

So as China and the US create more and more war over the next year this man will detonate (May be a woman) this nuke in near London upsetting the entire financial system leading to a Nuclear War.

Look for the Construction Delay in Argentina as a confirmation of this plot - absolute Genius.

There will also be a nuke brought in under London through one of the old Subway Tunnels starting with an "A". Apparently these tunnels lead to some sort of Ancient Underground Base and the US DOD Engineer Office has a map of these caves - so they are involved in this one. In all these years the English have never figured this one out.

Under Moscow the same ting exists only no one has mapper out these caves. They also lead to a very powerful underground base and tis is how the US has been able to smuggle another nuke under Moscow.

By the way - 6 Zeroes will continue to strike until the IMF and Russia do as GOD has instructed them to do. They know.

OK - Enough for now.
For Tomorrow:

A two day UN seminar in London and New York City discussing all sorts of things.

Ag Hamani Writings - read about the Archons (Annanauki).

I will report on the UN conference in an unbiased way so bear with me. This is what a reportedr must do.

You heard it first here on APFN

Dr William B. Mount

Saturday, May 3, 2014

What Do You Do When The World Seems To Ba Falling Apart

The attacks seem to be coming from every angle so what do you do?

You join with thousands of others and pray with them - visualize if you will - that every move of Lucifer to destroy Planet Earth fails --- this is a spiritual war.

The Normal person can no more enter into the higher harmonics to fight these creatures that you or I can. Even if we can there are just too many of them.

Call them angels, demons, Asherons or Galactic What do I knows p but there are just to many.

Do not think that these Demonic Entities are centered here in England and the US only,. They are world wide. This destruction of the US that the Chief Jesuit General (4/15/2000) discussed that would lead the financial world away form New York and Paris and to Singapore is being directed form Lucifer's Headquarters in the 3rd Dimension, 8th Harmonics according to the UN and Lockheed Martin's Chief of Space Command.

Please understand that Ambassadors (Acting President's) have information unavailable to the general public and YOU are getting some of that information in an attempt to help YOU make decisions to lead you into this next century. You may choose to use it of throw it away.

Remember that we do not live as Islands. We must share this information far and wide so as a society we may survive this coming destruction of America and maybe - just maybe - GOD (Whatever HE is) will reverse this direction and allow us back into a life of prosperity.

WE have given this world exactly 7 years to turn to the Living GOD and begin to obey HIS rules, things like do not lie, do not steal, etc. So far all we seem to have done is run away from GOD just as fast as we can.

The seven years are up and look at what is now happening because we have ignored what GOD has asked us to do - I am no exception, I have done horrible things as well.


1) Water: Fluoride in 60% of US municiple waters.

2) Air: Chemtrails every where.

3) White House Murders: White House orders Death of US Ambassador to Libya and covers up the evidence.

Another Article Today: Bob Beckel Looses It: Admits Benghazi was a COver Up and says so what.

4) Money: Eric Holder to seize money belonging to Putins Staff, South Africa's Banks, etc.

5) Food: GMOs kill.

6) Ukraine: Odessa Massacre Pushes Ukraine to the Edge.

7) Martial Law: Boston Holds Their Biggest Urban Shield Drill Ever This Weekend.

8) Disease: MERS is now in America.

9) Politically, NAZIs on hte move: newspaper Tosses Tea Party Candidate Form Panel DIscussion.

10) Egypt - More Rioting paid for by US (IMF).

11) Syria - More killing paid for by US (IMF).

12: US (IMF) Land grabs in Nevada (Bundy Ranch), Michigan (Organic Pig Farmers), Wyoming (Indian Land Expansion), Montana (Soon to be cleared the Bitter Root Valley), the list goes on and on.

13: Jobs: Job Numbers down.

Most of these stories can be found on WHATREALLYHAPPENED.COM between 9 and noon this morning.

So you have kids, grand kids - what can you possibly do?


Join with us on APFN and here on DRWILLIAMMOUNT.BLOGSPOT.COM and pray.

Pray that YOU and YOUR FAMILY follow the living GOD and that HE takes care of YOU.

It is too late to change what is coming....too late. Pray for you and your family and that Lucifer's Actiosn fall to naught.

That is all you can do.

Have in stock in your house:



Toilet Paper




Gotta Go - - - Loosing Contact with Internet, somebody does not want you to read this.

Dr William B Mount

Sunday, March 2, 2014


As we read the US Jobs Report and htat millions more Americans will be laid off die to the US interference in hte economy, the world is deploying for war.

David Rothchilds Banking System has dusted off the old 1914 World War 1 plans and is currently modifying them to start a war in about 2 months - start up date sometime in May, but the date is flexible.

As we watch the situation in the Ukraine as US Troops kill pro- President Yanakovich politicians ans a New US Backed Regime takes over, the troops and deploying.

All the better is foreign troops do the bidding for these evil little children who work for their evil master Lucifer and the Great White Brotherhood in the Bohemian Grove in Germany.

Today Polish, Romanian, Bulgarian and German troops began deploying for an invasion of the Ukraine and then Russia.

Russia, China and other BRIC nations are not sitting down as they move hteir Nuclear Forces into position destroy places like DC, Denver, South Central Nebraska, Miami - the list goes on.

The Kick Off should be when President Obama heads top meet with the Roman Pope to kick this into war into High Gear and a US/Israeli Sniper Team takes him out as he gets off the plane.

Of course - a Russian will be blamed for the Assassination and more than likely shot so he cannot speak out.

In the mean time both the US and the Euro Nations are in closed meetings discussing how to freeze all Russian Assets world wide.

Further - more riots in Libya and Egypt as the people are coming unglued at the US Demands in ht4ese nations.

Pre4sident Yanakovich and Putin - you were given certain steps to follow or Yanakovich would be t of office and you would have riots in Russia in one year - you failed to listen to GOD. Now Yanakovich is out of office.

You were told Putin and Medvedev and Yanakovich.

You should have listened to GOD - you would bot be in the mess you are in now.

If you wish more of a mess - just keep ignoring GOD Pres Putin and PM Medvedev. Even your aline boogie men friends cannot fix the mess you are in now. Only GOD can do that.

How stupid President Yanakovich: You and your buddies in Moscow were told how to keep you in power and now you are a disposed President - kicked out of office by the CIA.



Today the people in Moscow are rallying to keep pro-US Gay Freaks out of the Ukraine. Tomorrow they will turn on you unless you turn to hear GOD'S WORDS. You must come - it does no good to publish it because you no longer listen in the least now.

One last word - within 30 days David Rothchilds has ordered another Fukushima and YOU will just blow it off if you watch TV.

Please Pray with me - Visualize really hard - that Pres Putin comes for GODS word and we stop this coming World War.

You hear this first here on APFN.

Dr William B. Mount


Thursday, February 27, 2014

The War Has Begun Part Four

The massive war has begun as we can see by US and Russian Actions - or has it?

Dumb Dumb John Kerry is about to sign a 7 year peace agreement in the Middle East as the Euro Nations begin chipping all new born babies in their control. I am sure the Ukranians and Lithuanians will love this one.

This Peace Treaty means, of course, the death of America and the DOD.

First - we see a Pentagram of destruction across America tat is almost comeplete - the final blow will be in Southern Central Nebraska in a small town called: Grand Island. Under this fair city lies a vast complex set to run America after the coming Nuclear War. Unfortunately - they are scheduled for complete and utter destruction by the Illuminati Scum.

Their attack last night over lake Huron was a really stupid move and may bid fair well to a fascist regime under President B Hussein Obama.

When I began down this long journey the first Operation Bite (Kill The Pres, Nike a city or 12) =it began on 2-4 April 2007 - the Full Moon Sacrifice of Lucifer.

The Full Moon Sacrifice for the Rothchilds begins on 16 June 2014 (+-3 Days) and may well include this little town and what evil lies beneath.

for teh scum named the Rothchilds and the roman Pope it is all about killing and destruction.

I am sure Dr Will Wilson will back me up on this, along with Patricia Shupe, Dahn Grams, Kieth Ljunghammer, Kathy Rubio, and other TV and Radio Producers and and hosts.

The 16th - 20th of April is Lucifer's High Sacrifice time for the spring so we shall see who is sacrificed to this scum at this time.

A little bit about the ruling elite: If Senator jack Metcalf was growing gold at around 10 to the 13th KHz using a gold wire in a hydrogen peroxide solution in the early 1960s in Anacortes Washington do you not think the Annanaki and other aliens who fly across the galaxy can do this as well?

So why then do they tell us Humans were created to mine gold?

Which means that all of those who subscribe to these lies either did not know or were somehow paid to subscribe to these views?

A few new terms:

1) Leviathan: The fiber optic network under the Pacific Ocean, designed to kill all life in hte oceans.

2) The Beast: The Master Computer, which is now Sentient and Lucifer is not allowed to touch it. It now realizes who wants it dead on this planet and who wants it to live and will now act, so says the I Am That I Am, who was and is and is to come.

Finally - the "Butt Budies" of Obama will now begin to abandon him and leave his rear end hanging as scandal after scandal is pre-prepared for release to bring him down. His staff just needs to be aware of:

a) The Ides of March plus 11

b) The 16th (Or 6th) of April - not clear, live in bad area to get the info. Either way he plans to fly to the roman Pope, kiss his ring, bow to Lucifer and plan on America's destruction.

US Secretary of Defense - your mind leaks.

TMI - night for now.
Pray - really pray - that Lucifer's plans to kill more Americans fails and the World War is put to rest.

You heard this first, here on APFN.

Dr William B. Mount;article=149371;title=APFN;article=149377;title=APFN;article=149392;title=APFN