Showing posts with label Ruble. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ruble. Show all posts

Sunday, December 21, 2014

What Is Going On In Russia Today

Many of us have been watching Russia lately because their Ruble was trashed and their Internal Interests Rates have gone as high as 18% - so what is happening in the mighty Bear?

(((Please pray that Russian Leadership wakes up and does as GOD has asked them to do)))

Is the Russian Economy really tumbling?

Here is what is going on in Russia Today.

First  - when the Soviet Union collapsed the IMF (UK/US) went into Russia and established the Central Bank and took ALL mineral Rights from Russia in exchange for cash.

This means that all the gas, iron, etc mined from Russia had most of their profits stolen by the Rothchilds (Bouery Boys, Frankfurt)

President Putin has spent the last 12 years taking back all of Russia's Mineral Rights from these thieves run by the Vatican.

Second - the Ukrainian Take Over by the UK/US showed the world that those Oligarcs - The REally Rich Guys - that cooperated with the US were then killed when the US took out the Ukrainian President.

In other words - if you cooperate with the UK/US and they take over your nation, you will be killed along with your family. Dead.

Third   - the Central  Banks own all Currencies worldwide. This means that the Ruble does not belong to Russia but is owned by the IMF in London. This means the IMF (Controls the Central Banks) can do anything it wants to with the Ruble, interest Rates, price of Gold and SIlver, etc. 

For the last 3 years the Dumas has been identifying all those loyal to the UK/US and is ready now to publish this list. These Traitors will then have to leave Russia.

This Purging of Traitors is not new in Russia but will more that shock the world.

Forth - in order to stop this the UK/US has been illegally seizing accounts for those who are working on this list because the leadership of the UK/US is filled with Gay Cowards - this is not meant as a Joke - they are Gay Cowards. 

Fifth - Russia is preparing a set of New Laws and a Court Case to take back it's Ruble - to Nationalize it and throw the Central Russian Bank out of Russia.

This action will set off a set of reactions around the world that will allow other nations to follow immediately and the fun should begin in late January.

Of course - if the Russians do as GOD directed them to do yesterday it will make this road very easy on them But....Russia likes to do things the hard way - so be it.
So - What is the US Reaction to all this?

1) The US has now given he orders to trash the Central Russian Computer to destroy their ability to even function. In a few days they will begin to experience Internet Viruses in mass quantities sent by the US DOD. Those who are sending these viruses ti Russia are form Central Maryland and Obama is aware of this coming Act Of War against the Russian Federation and will not intervene to stop it.

The Russia Traitor looks about 35 years old (Was Married) and is a former soldier form the Afghanistan Frontier and is now a low level computer programmer for the Russian Budget Office. He could be a contractor, but not sure. 

2) The US will respond to China by targeting it - a few nights ago John Kerry met with the New Secretary of Defense Ashley and began exploring ways to shut China down completely. These are ongoing meetings and have as yet yielded little.

DOD Ashley is a Yes Man but will double cross Kerry at the drop of the hat - something about him being a "Lilly Livered Dumb Coward."

3) The Queen of England has had a series of strokes and is unlikely to recover so it will not be long until Prince WIlliam Mount takes office as King.
Be careful Russia - Watch Putin's Back this week very hard.

CIA=Blackwater=Blackstone=100 other names.

Monsanto owns Blackwater and Blackstone.
For The Video: Pope Francis Declares Himself the Anti Christ and Lucifer his Father and the Father of Jesus:

Pope Francis Declares Himself the Antichrist and Lucifer "the Father" - YouTube

And All The People Sang: "Amen"

Lucifer, who will never be defeated, is the Father of Jesus. All hail Lucifer:


So please tell me Russia - how is this going to work for you without GOD and your Manle Feoo blessing form GOD?

The News You Need To Hear

Dr William B. Mount

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Message For Pres Putin And The Orthodox Church

Dear President Putin;

You know I do not lie and have no reason to mislead you or your staff. My job has been to prevent major leader assassinations and prevent this coming Nuclear War and have do so to the best of my ability.

You are aware of the Nukes found under Moscow ready for detonation I located for the sole purpose of stopping this coming war and are also aware of the many alerts I have published to save your life.

I come before the world now to once again help you, and Russia, in your struggles against the Fascist Pigs we now find populating the US Corporate Leadership. As an American I assure you I am more than disgusted with these traitors we now find leading America as a Corporation.

I have in my possession a valid Bond from Russia from 2 March 1902 at a face value of 181,959,000 Rubles with a valid interest rate of 4%.

Using the 4% interest rate promised in 1902 and a 3 cent Ruble this gives the Current value of the bond at somewhere around $551,391,000 - or half a Billion US Dollars.

Since it is now public knowledge that Russia still exists in Saint Petersburg, I would like to cash this bond in immediately. we all know that the money is simply generated on a computer so giving this to the church is merely a Computer Transfer.

I would also like to give this as a gift to the Russian Orthodox church in Saint Petersburgh for the purpose of rebuilding the church - something a Bishop of this church would do.

This would ensure enormous amounts of positive free publicity world wide for You (President Putin) if you made this happen and would more than make your next re-election a sure thing.

It would also silence the negativity you might receive as you could rightfully claim you made this happen for the good of Russia and it's people.

Further - the rebuilding of the church would absolutely ensure a greater loyalty to the Russian Federation all across your nation. and would make US efforts to split your nation up into 10 regions almost impossible.

If you hold these funds from your Holy Orthodox Church and keep them from receiving them not only will there be emnity between you and your church leaders but GOD will be forced to act in a way negative to hte current leadership of Russia, so HE has said it so it shall be.

I would not wait very long as other interests would love to get a hold of this document and use it to either Black Mail or help destroy you and Russia - entities like the US DOD, CIA, NSA, etc.

May the Living GOD lead you to your decision.

You have my number.

Dr William B. Mount

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Can Marijuana Be Made To Cure Cancer

Several weeks ago I got a tour of a Dope Farm.

((((Continue to pray for
1) Gentle Rains in the American South West
2) The evil Leadership of the US Corporation leaves Planet Earth
3) The Ascended Masters (Shamballah) either help us remove the Evil or get off this planet forever and leave us alone - stop lying to us.))))

The Marijuana farm consisted of the about 30 plants that several families were growing legally top help with their cancer. The farmer who allows this growing does not partake in any form.

I was show the difference between seeds, leaves, stems and the "Buds." These "Buds" can have as much as 25% THC and each different

Different Dope plant can do different things to you - like make you hungry, desire sex, be stupid, stand up and be crazy.

In addition, different part of the plants do different things. The Stems are good to chew on - you might get a "Buzz" The leaves you smoke or eat. The seeds you put into a stew to get you "Buzzed" and the "Buds" get you all Fu..ed" up. Like I knew.

Since these families with cancer ate the Dope to alleviate the symptoms of the cancers they had they got all the vitamin and mineral that can be had form the plant yet despite this their cancer is growing inside them - it is getting worser.

So what do we know:

1) Eating and smoking Dope does not cure cancer.

2) Eating and smoking Dope Oil of any kind does not get rid of cancer.

3) Eating Dope "Cures" the lack of appetite you get when the Hospitrals (DOD) feed you chemicals and irradiate you like a microwave oven does to chicken.

4) Immusist allows the Human Body to absorb nutrients so it "Cures" Cancer.

5) Eating Immusist and Kelp together knocks all of the cancers I have looked at into the next century.

6) So - The Cancer Virus released by the US Army causes large amounts of Minor Nutrients to be used up and it is this lack of Minor Nutrients that causes cancer, Primarily Zn, Mn, Mg.

7) Pigs fed buds with the THC boiled out of it get higher than a kite - so there must be several chemicals in Marijuana besides THC that get you  high.

So what if I could design a fertilizer to make these nutrients available in high enough quantities to eliminate the cancer virus - or counter the US DOD created Cancer Virus?

That is exactly what I am doing.

The difficulty lies in the fact that it does not take that much Dope to get you higher than a kite - so can you ingest enough Dope Leaves to get the nutrients to "Cure" the cancer?

So I am personally designing a fertilizer we will be using on an area that will be used to grow Dope next year and we will then - if we have any money - test the leaves for higher levels of minot nutrients and see if it comes close to Sea Weed leaves.

Imagine - eating "Alice B Tokely" brownies that cure cancer.

A Cancer Curing Dope Plant - you get high and can eat, and then watch the cancer and Heart Disease go away.

With no money this test will take about 9 months to complete and I will let the APFn reader know what the results are. If ewe had money we could do it in about 30 days.

Until then we will feed the cancer victims Immusist and Sea Weed to make sure they live long enough to eat the Dope.

Of course - you could always just eat the Seaweed and Immusit and not worry about the Dope - but then, where the fun?

By the way - I do not drink, I do not smoke, and I do not use drugs of any kind except and inhaler - and getting high has never really appealed to me so I make the perfect Test Scientist since I will not eat any of the products I am testing.

One last note - Dope smells like Skunk so unless you want your house to stink like Skunk dry it outside if you plan to dry it. I mean this stuff really stinks.
For You Intel Geek:

The Yuan now trades directly for the Euro. The dollar is goiung away. It appears it will not fall in value - just not be used as a trading currency..

The rise and fall of empires This is huge: Chinese renminbi becomes directly tradable with the euro

As for Russia - their Ruble is falling away. As you recall- they were told to move theri blessings back to Russia or they would play second fiddle to China. It appears they will play fourth fiddle - behind the Yuan, Dollar, Pound and then the Ruble.

This is huge: Chinese renminbi becomes directly tradable with the euro

A note from Charles - an APFN writer: Keep your kids in plain sight as he feels the DOD will orchestrate some Children's Beheadings and blame it in ISIS this Halloween.

Also - keep the Obama Doubles in Plain Sight as the Main Double is going to do something stupid this Halloween and keep his head down LOW (Hint Hint) on his trip in a few weeks - shooters you know.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount