Showing posts with label Dragon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dragon. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Red Dragons Make Their Move As FEMA Roundup Nears

The World is in quite a tizzy at the moment - complete utter cinfusion.

(Please Visualize - Pray That - those creating this confusion become violently sick while they remain on Planet Earth)
1) When that Nuke was detonated and the Russians ground the one on the way to Stalingrad the entire face of politics changed. So far we have detonated:

     a) Nuke near Pearl Harbor - the next day the Command Structure went form a 2 star to a 3 star.
     b) The Nuke Obama threw at Omaha way back in October 2009. I raised my hand on Live TV and the            Sun broke out with Sun Spots and it will not end until GOD is satisfied.
     c) The Nuke Senator Nelson of SOuth Carolina screamed about that caused a 4.5 Earthquake in Charleston last year
     d) The Nuke NCIA admitted thy found near the White House that almost went off.
     e) The Nuke in the Eastern Ukraine that was detonated and the 4 more that are headed to their destinations.
     f) The Nuke that almost reached Stalingrad and Murmansk a few days ago - Almost.
2) The weather has  gone nuts: We have Snow in Arkansas and melting snow in White FIsh Montana
3) The President of the Ukraine and Obama have abandoned about 10,000 US and Polish Troops as they are being slaughtered in the Ukraine in the town of  "Deboltsava. Luckily most of the Polish troops got out as soon as the Ukrainian President abandoned them.

4) The nukes meant for 15, 16 and 17 February were contained and the CIA headquarters at langley is under total Lock Down and their agents are being asked to explain where these 3 nukes came form.
5) West Coast US Ports are under lock down as China (WHich now owns the ports) refuses to pay Union WOrkers $150,000 a year to work fort 2 hours a day. A Truck Driver can only drive a truck, a Fork Lift Operator can only operate a fork lift, etc.

What this means at US Ports is that you only work 2-4 hours a day if you play by the rules. This "Overhead" is unacceptable by the Chinese.
6) US Bases worldwide are preparing for war and cannot be abandoned as they have access to large military underground bases worldwide - especially under Europe.  The Pentagon is currently negotiating with the BRICS to keep most of their bases open.
7_ FEMA Roundup is supposed to begin 27 February but the US Congress refuses to fun them in their Rounding Up of American Patriots nation wide. This happens to be the day the US Corporation owe a HUGE debt payment to China.

Yes Folks - it is time to round up 20 Million Patriotic Veterans and throw them into FEMA camps complete with Huge Gas Chambers.

The Democrats, being rallied by Nancy Pelosi are Furious, as  they Demand the full finding orf FEMA to initiate their roundup of Americans.

Senator McCain is also screaming about the lack of Homeland Security (SS) funding screaming: "You Can't Shut Down The Government."

Oh yes they can Senator McCain and they will to stop this FEMA Round Up.
8) The US Corporation is still headed for a Full scale Nuclear War on 3 April 2015 and therefor being contained.
9) In the mean time the US Navy is running cable after cable 200 miles out into the Pacific Ocean and using them as communication devices with the submarines - this is why all the fish are dying. It is the Low Level Soundwaves that are killing the Whales and Dolphins, fish, birds, etc. The particular Soundwaves fry their brains.
10) Finally - Greece has said "ENOUGH." When they joined the Eurozone they had outsiders demand how they spend their Euroes and it put Greece in over their heads. They have had enough and have cancelled all Euro Zone Debt Payments. They have told the Rothchilds in England (Bauery Boys of Frankfurt) "NO" on $500 Billion Dollars of Debt.

The Germans are furious and other nations are seriously considering doing the same thing and the United States Corporation is unable and unwilling to step in to mitigate the situation.

Remember - the United States Corporation is still under redevelopment by the IMF - USC 2, Sec 286.
11) Further - Russian Credit Ratings are falling. Since they have refused to honor their debts - a $500 Million Dollar bond with an Ambassador - the Living GOD is about to trash their credit rating once again. I wonder how much this one will cost the Russian People?

Since the leadership of the Russian Federation refuses to do as GOD has asked they will always play second fiddle, never rising to Number One - so GOD has said it, so it shall be.
12) Finally - the Large Gas Clouds on Mars: The Off World CABAL has been contained. Those ofn Mars chose death.
What this means is that the US Corporate Way Of Business - Welfare, wars, killing, destruction, slavery - is about to end wither with a whimper or a big bang. This all depends on whether the Big Boys and girls in the BRICS choose to follow GOD or their own advice so HE has said it, so it shall be.

OK = Enough

Time to pray.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

PS: On a side note: If you  had some guy locate over 100 Nukes and 5 went off and I found 5 more under your feet ready to go off - wouldn't you think you would at least talk to this guy?

To date no one has approached me. Funny how that works.

Instead of assisting me the local police department put a NARC House in front of my house - so a bunch of Drug Selling NARCS  live next store. That should help me find the next nuke headed to Stalingrad or DC. 

No pressure there. 

I am burned out. Please Pray - Visualize - that GOD renews my strength.  GOD says there will be none after me. I am HIS last messenger.

I am not a profit or a preacher or a man of great wealth - just a messenger.
All Spelling Errors brought to you by US Army Cyber Command.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Message To The Dragon Families

In a few hours the decision will have been made by the Red Dragon Family NOT to follow the Living GOD and do as HE has directed.

Whoever they follow, whoever they bow to, has convinced these Dragon Family Members that either GOD is dead or a wimp and they can ignore what HE has to say.

Well - there are allot of Dead Western Bankers since 12 June including Lady Rothchilds and David Rothchilds Son.

So in a few short hours the Living GOD will also turn HIS head against the Red Dragon Family.

Russia lost GOD's blessings 7 years ago by not listening to the Living GOD and now they are in constant war and their economy has not recovered.

Israel lost GOD's  Blessings 4 years ago by ignoring the messages from the Living GOD - we announced it on TV, and they have been at constant war ever since.

Now in a very few hours the Red Dragon Family, after coming so far and actually taking control of the IMF, will loose GOD's Blessings. They have already decided - but their time is not up yet so I pray they still may change their mind.

Still - I feel they do not care and they will ignore GOD at every level despite the shake up HE has given them already. Their Gagillion Dollars are absolutely meaningless to GOD.

If they ignore GOD then things will remain as they were - except there will be allot of Dead Red Dragon Family Members coming up dead VERY Soon, so GOD has said it, so it shall be.

If the Red Dragon Dragon Family chooses to Ignore GOD then: 

The US will continue to print more debt and this time sell it to the African Nations it is currently toppling. Just kill a few president's, put in a few "Pro-US Leaders", they buy our debt and trade in dollars to sell African resources in Federal reserve Notes.

The US will find countries all over the world with essential resources, kill their leaders, and then rebuild them using Federal Federal Reserve debt.

The $45 Billion Dollar trade Debt the US Corporation made with China this month was never meant to be paid back.

The bonds currently being created by US Corporations, like City Muni Bonds and Schools bonds, were never meant to be paid back. The School bonds due today all over California will be paid in 2054 after you are dead - with no interest on them between now and then.

The interest on your investments is now zero as the real Rate of Inflation is about 15% per year.

You cannot stop the US War Machine without the Living GOD red Dragon Families. It will just go on, and on, and on.

If the Red Dragon Family Leaders do not do as GOD has directed it is over in terms of World Economic Stabilization.

All YOU can do is take care of your families and keep them out of the US Hospital Death Traps and try and save money in something that will not vanish - like Gold or even Dimes and Quarters.

The Rothchilds may artificially keep the Stock market up - but it is about to be gutted. The 30 DOW Jones Stocks may be kept high n value but the stocks will pay no dividends as the Corporate CEOs working for the Rothchilds gut these companies.

The rich will get richer, the Middle Class will go away, and the streets will be filled with the poor - this is Lucifer's way.

Do not blame GOD - as you turn on your TV Sets and bring in the Gay, the Murders, the Child Molesters right into your homes teaching you children the morals of the GUTTER SNIPES.

So the next few hours should be very telling in terms of the direction this planet will head over  the next century.

Will it be Anarchy or Peace?

More economic and environmental troubles or a New Age?

The decision rests with the leaders of the Red Dragon Family this very night., and so will het consequences.

Choose Wisely Red Dragon family. Your very lives depend on this.
A Message for the Living GOD directly your family leaders.

Dr William B. Mount

Thursday, October 30, 2014

QE Two And You

Now that the Dragon Family has taken financial Control of the IMF, The BIS,  and Federal Reserve Bank and System what exactly does this mean to you?

(((First - continue to pray (Visualize) that the evil on Planet Earth will become absolutely unable to function and leave. Second - that it rains in the US South West....It is expected to rain all over California in a few days and pray the rain continues for 6 months - Gentle, Mild, Continuous Rains.)))

First - What is the history of Monetary Policy and what is QE?

Way back in 1913 the European Bankers (Rothchilds) took control of the monetary supply be creating the Federal Reserve System which then created the Federal Reserve Banks. The intent was to suck America dry of all her wealth. It worled.

For every dollar you have in your pocket you pay these Bankstas 3 1/2 cents per year. Thus over 100 years the dollar has become fairly worthless.

Second - During WW2 an agreement began making this Dollar the World's Reserve Currency and set the price of the dollar at 1/35th of an ounce of gold.

Third - in 1971 President Nixon took us off the Gold Standard and the World's Currency went Fiat - nothing backing the money but thin air; thus violating the agreement made at Bretton Woods 14 July 1944 between 40 nations.

Fourth - Fast Forward to President Clinton. In 1994 the economy took a Nose dive so he ordered the US Treasury Department to begin buying Stocks and Bonds to prop-up the market. Over the last 20 years the US Corporation has purchased over $300 Trillion in US Stocks and Bonds.

Currently under Obama the US Corporation is  seizing State, County, and City Stocks and Bonds and replacing them with US Corporate Treasury Bonds.

Fifth - During the last year of President Bush being in office he gave the Major Banks about $4 Trillion Dollars to help stabilize them. About 90% of this stabilization money went into Banksta Bonuses.

Sixth - Over the last 6 years Obama, Lucifer's False Profit,  managed to hand out about $16 Trillion to these Banks and, as in the case of Bush, 90% went into the pockets of about 10,000 Bankstas as "Bonuses."

Seven - The White House comes up with an Illegal Scheme called "Quantitative Easing." Here Financial Institutions (Including companies like IBM) could issue bonds and the Federal Reserve System would buy them at near Zero Interest.

The "Financial Companies" could then re-invest them with the US Treasury and earn 3-4% on these bonds --- all paid for by the Tax Payer.

Many companies invested their dollars in Russia at 9%, or wherever else the CIA had them invest it. .

Thus - a company like Bank of America could issue $1 Billion in bonds and re-invest and earn 4% - or $40 Billion per year and you have to pay for it.

So why are these banks crying "Bankruptcy?

Because rather than re-investing the money they took it an bonuses for their 10,000 Top Bankstas leaving their banks without the money meant to pay off their debts and stabilize their companies.

It is called theft - Fraud.

Now here are some other problems that have arisen in the last two years than complicates the entire issue:

One - US Banks are now having their Books Cooked by (In the case I know of) Former Frank Russell Employees. No one really knows where the money is, where it went, how much there is, or what kind of money it is. It is thus impossible to trace.

Two - the $76.5 Trillion I Identified in the Grand Cayman Islands Banks  belonging to the US Treasury is still there and has not been returned.

When it is returned if there is no 15% Reward then GOD will take the Dragon Families to task.

If it is not returned in the next week GOD will take the Dragon Families to Task.

Is that clear Dragon Families?

Three - the $2 Trillion I identified By Bank Routing numbers is still out there and has not been returned.

Same thing here Dragon Families.

Four - the $45 Trillion the Rothchilds used to destroy Greece a few years ago, now sitting in the Royal Bank of Scotland ( I Believe) needs to simply go away- vanish into the Great Beyond where it came from - that great Federal Reserve Computer based in Utah.

Please keep in mind that the Entire World's Gross Domestic Product is between $80 and $90 Trillion.

The Rothchids (Bauers) under orders from the Bankstas in Frankfurt, under orders form the Vatican, make this money up on their computers. When the  Dragon Family tried to stop these things from continuing happen last week someone in Frankfurt and someone in Geneva tried to  make up false accounts and cooked the books.

That actually happened last week and threw the Dragon Family into a Tizzy.

Without GOD they are not gong to succeed.

Do as HE says and you will succeed.

Further - not only are the Rothchild Forces still trying to start a Nuclear War but they are trying to destabilize Afghanistan, Dagastan, Western Brazil, Northern Thailand, Most of Africa where oil and diamonds are found, the  area just North East of Irkusk (Russia), Northern Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, and right here in the US with More Gun Violence, Ebola, and letting Child Rapers and Murderers out of jail while holding Marijuana Smokers in jail.
So what does this all mean for YOU and I?

If the Dragon Family actually does as GOD has directed then they will be able to   contain the US Corporation and the moron Obama, stop the arms transfers Dagastan and other parts of the world, stopsthe next assassination attempt on Obama 7 November and the Nuke headed for Paris on the same day, destroy the GMO manufacturers and their people world wide, and contain the Jesuits by either killing them or rounding them up and putting them in prison, then things look pretty good for the Worlds Economy.

After a re-evaluation of the Euro and the Dollar then things will be  looking up for you and I.

The price of foreign made products will go up a little and life will get better. Welfare will go away but the Retired on Social Security and Physically Disable Soldiers and Retired Soldiers will still receive a Pension.

If the Dragon Family does not do as GOD has directed them to do   "He..". will break out financially. There will be shortages of goods world wide - food, clothing, etc and prices will sky rocket.

If they do not do as GOD has stated then stories on whatrealyhappened like the following will increase:

1) 10:58AM: Anti-Quaranteen Nurse Hickox was trained by as an Intelligence Officer by the CDC.

Remember the gal Obama hugged and seemed to be reaching out to - a Naval (CIA) Intel Officer.

2) 11:22AM: WTO Says Consumers Do Not Need To Know Where Meat Comes From.

Remember Soilent Green?
Please store up 3 months of Food, Water, Toilet Paper, Ammunition, Heat and Communications. This includes Medications as well.

I personally have Sea Weed, Vitamins, Immusist and Rice packed in Diatamatious Earth for 1 year.
Pray with me (VisualieE) that the Dragon Family is forced to do as GOD has directed. Already GOD is destroying their base and let us hope they are intelligent enough get the message.


Not by the Dragon Families, not by the Russians, not by the Rothchilds. Not now. Not ever.
So, as a side not, who are the Dragon Families?

 These folks are very secretive but the early Imperial Russian symbols and Chinese symbols are identical. It appears they are a collaboration of  wealthy families living in Central Asia and are tied into the se Ascended Masters - the same ones GOD is currently shaking up until they do as GOD has directed.

Their members live a very long time.

Apparently these family leaders are rich, powerful, and slow on the uptake and very, very arrogant.

 If somebody shook my home for a week I would be standing at attention listening with both ears.

Until they listen, and do as GOD has directed them, the Rothchilds and the Vatican will continue to Double Cross the Dragon Families daily.

Wonder how long it will take them to grasp this simple concept?

(((((Now you know why we are in an economic mess - apparently the Powerful World Leaders are not very bright and appear to have NO honor. Exactly how this New Economic System filters down to us is only a guess  but there will be changes.)))))
The News You Need To Know

Dr William B. Mount

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Dragon Family Now Runs The IMF

It is official - the Dragon family now controls the IMF, Federal Reserve System, Federal Reserve Bank, and the overall Bank of International Settlements. This means they necessarily own hte US COrporation and US DOD and the UN.

General Ham may also now be running the New Republic and the US COrporate Joint Chiefs of Cowards (Staff)  may soon be replaced.

Time will tell.

(Please Pray - Visualize - that the Evil on this planet is ejected immediately and that there are Gentle, Continual rains in the American South West and that those Fracking with Chemicals and those manufacturing GMO Foods are immediately are immobilized permanently while on, or near, Planet Earth.)

As a result of these take overs there may be some huge changes coming.

First Story: "Fed Set To Finally Get Out Of Market.'" This means that h\the $300 Trillion Dollars the US Corporation owns in Stock and Bonds will be liquidated to pay back those they owe and to put this nation back into order.
Second: The $76.5 Trillion DOllars and $2 Trillion Dollars I identified as stolen from the US Treasury will be put back into the US Corporate Treasury.
Third - Quantitative Easing - "QE To Infininty" ends Immediately. This may mean major bank failures and a down sizing of the US Stock Markets fairly quickly.
Fourth - it this take over is a reality - the US Marines on the ground in Syria ends and they go home.

Stories that lie like the following should end: "Rogers Can't Rule Out Boots On The Ground In Syria.'

How dare Rogers lie like that purposely.
Fifth - the Obama Administration is no longer blaming Bush for his errors but now he is blaming the Chinese - the Little WImpy Gay COward. Here is the story: Stock Market Threatened Collapse in Chinese Consumer Demand.

In other words - since the Chinese are not buying Chinese the America Stock Market will fail.

If you add up the entire Brain Power of this Gay Liberal White House and they still could not tell you which way is up.
Sixth - the US Corporation may stop sending another 35,000 troops to Iraq, 10,000 troops to Africa and another 20,000 troops the Afghanistan to bolster US Weapons Sales to locals the US COrporation gives Millions of Dollars of US Cash to on a monthly basis. They really want war in hths region on the boarders of China and Russia.
Seventh - Next week the US will send more weapons into Dagastan (Russia)  just like they did a few years ago. Be ready Puitn. These US Arms Dealers will stop at nothing to start a Huge war. Kick off date seems likely around the next Obama Assassination Attempt - 7 November.

Eight - Western Bankstas will continue to fall out of windows, off bridges, shoot themselves 30 times in the back with a bow committing suicide, etc. If the Chinese Dragon Family does not comply with GOD their Bankstas will also fall like Chaff. GOD does not care who you are - just do as HE says.

Nine - US Welfare may come to a screeching halt. The US only needs to pay (Contractually) retired soldiers, physically Disable Soldiers, Retired Folks on Social Security, and those on Social Security Physically Disabled as a result of a Work Related injury. All else is to be terminated nad not contractually needed to be paid.

Ten - The Mars Bases of the US Corporation are now terminated and what is left is controlled. I am told that on the next Full Moon the US Corporate moon Bases will surrender of die. Then comes Planet Earth.

Eleven - there is Panic among the US Fund Managers as no one undrestand what is coming. Expect huge uneasyness in the funds.

Twelve - As the IMF Owned DOD is returned to the US, and the Republic is rebuilt, there will be certain threats to the world to start WW3. This will be tough to control due to the large number of US Rogue Nuclear Weapons and other non-detectable weapons.

Good luck Dragon Family. Without GOD's Help China may become a huge hole, Not kidding.

Thirteen - the Dragon Family feels it acted Prematurely in seizing the IMF and other Banking Assets but the King of Kings and Lord of Lords is tired of your Lolly Gagging while people die protecting this planet. Now, since you control all of this, GOD will expect YOU to meet the 12 June deadline or face the same consequences as the Western Bankers.

In other words - do it GOD's way or die.

Ascended Masters, Great White Brother Hood, Shamballa or whatever else you want to call yourself today - may GOD remind you that we are ALL just one breath Away from Eternity.

MMy job apparently has been to stop the Rothchilds form killing major politicians and starting a Major Nuclear War. Thanks to the help of thousands of people around the world these events have not happened.

May I highly suggest Dragon Family that you act in a wise and equitable fashion and you do it GOD's Way - the consequences for dishonoring GOD will be swift and severe.


Yesterday I was asked by the BOSS - what card in a deck of cards is the least important if you wish to win at Solitaire?

Is the King of Hearts more important than the 2 of Clubs?

Is the 3 of Diamonds more important than the 5 of Spades?

They are all just as important, arn't they?

So may GOD suggest you not leave HIM out of this equation.

The Living GOD is now showing himself to the leaders of the Dragon Family and those in Shamballa.

It is YOUR head on the chopping block when things go wrong because you did not listen to GOD.

Dragon Family: You were allowed to take control because the other bankers were very evil. Do not make the same mistake.

Look up - GOD is still in charge. Look at the sun and feel the ground under your feet.

IRIS Earth Quake Map
Enough -

The News You Need

Dr WIlliam B. Mount


Monday, October 6, 2014

White Dragon Society, Ascended Masters, I Call You Out

For the last 3 years all I have heard is that the White Dragon SOciety, guided by the Ascended Masters (Great WHite Botherhood) will lead us out of the economic and environmental  dull-drums we are in.

You will save the day.

Give us projects to help humanity and we are directed by the Great Galactic Federation to step in a  help yoiu.

So I contacted a person doing interviews with the Dragon Family Ambassador and challenged him to fund these projects immediately.

The Dragon Family Ambassador responded: "Humanity is too stupid to accept these products, Humanity is not advanced enough.

Any excuse will do.

Dragon Family - you have lost face, you look like liars.

You now refuse to do as you said you would do.

I Call You Out.

I challenge YOU in the name of the Living GOD to Put Up or GOD will shut you up, so says the I Am That I AM, so was and is and is top come.

Is that clear enough?

Unless you produce NO ONE will ever trust you and your family again.

Fund the construction of the products we identified in the story "A Message To The White Dragon Society" or the Living GOD will knock you into the next century.

GOD gives you until this  Full Moon tomorrow to Put Up or Shut Up and if you refuse HE will "Rip You a New Rear End" and will continue to bear down on you until you do as you said you would do.

You know how to contact me.

Thou Shalt Not Lie Dragon Families and GOD is calling you out.

Deal with it.