Guess Who Pulled Ahead After The Last Debate? - YouTube
Tonight the last Presidential Debate occurred tonight between the Big T and the Big H
As for the performance during the debate they both looked pretty good
Both candidates responded very well to the questions
So after watching this exciting debate the question was - who is still ahead after the debate with less than 3 weeks before the General Election?
Unlike Rasmussen or Gallop polls we conducted a poll of likely voters and here are the final results and we included people regardless of race and sex.
Yes - we actually did not ask what there race was so we actually included White People in our polls. That is the way you do a real poll.
1) Undecided 15%
2) For The Big H still around 5%
3) For The Big T around 80%
Margin of Error is around 2%
Thus - if the election were held today the likely results would be
Big H 12%
Big T 88%
That clearly puts the Big T ahead by 88-12 = 76%
The comments were across the board but the most common one was that the voters saw through the Big H lies and were upset that she thought the public was that stupid.
As for the minorities - they still sided with the Big T overwhelmingly.
Also - “PROJECT VERITAS” - where the Big H hired folks to incite Riots at the Big T Rallys really angered the general public - $1,500 to have some Homeless Guys start throwing punches ---- unbelievable.
So in the end the Debate did not really change the minds of the public
As for me - who will I vote for - well, my opinion is meaningless in any poll so let us leave it at that.
My guess is that you already have a pretty good guess who I will cast my vote for.
Thank You For Watching
Dr William B. Mount