Showing posts with label Biden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biden. Show all posts

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Obama Insane, Provokes N Korea To Brink Of War

While you were all sleeping not only did the US fly a B-52  and several F-15s and F-16s over South Korea they also flew a special jet over the Hydrogen Bomb Site in North Korea.

Obama is desperately trying to get this Nuclear War started.

See The Video:

Obama Demands Nuclear War - Provokes N Korea - YouTube

Just a few days ago he granted the US State Department to transfer $150 Billion Dollars to Iran for absolutely NO reason. It was all "Hush Hush" and done by computers and there are no strings attached.

Please keep in mind the US can kill and bribe.

1 April 2016 a New US/UK/Rome Operation Begins in Russia to remove the current leadership from that country and take St Petersburg away and form a separate nation out of North Western Russia --- they want the Hermatage and the want to documents proving the Eastern Church presides over Rome in accordance with Emperor Constantine's Treaties with Rome - both the Emperor and the Pope in 324 AD. - they want them destroyed. .

Please pray the evil fails to start WW3 and instead destroys themselves.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Pete Santilly - Keep up the good work.

North Korea reveals its 'stealth' ship-destroyer in warning to Seoul and the US | Daily Mail Online

Science Can Tell if North Korea's Test Was Really an H-Bomb | WIRED

picture of north korea h bomb hole - Google Search

nevada nuclear test zone - Google Search

mars craters - Google Search

Friday, December 11, 2015

Obama Impeachment Process Begins

The impeachment process for President Obama has begun and this may include the Vice President As Well and they can be thrown out and arrested, tried and sentenced.

Watch the video and find out How and Why.

Obama Impeachment Process Begins - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

US, China, Russia - Did you get God's Message Yet?

Leaders and Handlers  of the US Corporation, China and Russia did you get GOD's Message yet?

Within a few minutes after stating GOD will speak for me DC had an Earthquake with an evacuation of those living underground. The next day the man who is in charge of Russia's Natural Gas Pipeline Manufacturing Facilities was shot, the next day Japan had a large volcanic eruption that turned into the Chinese Mainland.

As for the US Corporation: Harry Read and Dumb Dumb John Kerry were beaten a few short weeks ago. Harry Read is now blind in one eye and retiring from the US Senate. Dirty Murdering Harry got the message, Kerry did not.

Two days ago Dumb Dumb John Kerry was shot twice - someone who was working for Kerry and  who is killing fellow Muslims put out a hit on John Kerry. The Muslims are tired of killing themselves for the Mighty Fascist Pigs in the White House.

A little while ago Vice President's son - Beau Biden - died. The cover story is Brain Cancer - but we can cure Brain Cancer with Sea Weed and Immusist - so how did he suddenly die and why were there no stories about his cancer before he died and no pictures of this public figure after using Chemo?

Beau Biden died suddenly - you put the pieces together. Murder is murder.

In yet another story we see even more Wall Street Bankers are dying and no one in the White House  is MAN enough to investigate.

The question remains - did the leaders of the US Corporation, Russia and China get the message?

Apparently not or they would have done as they were asked.

GOD will now speak even louder for me because apparently the deaths of their own sons and daughters do not sway them - so hold on to your hats because I am not sure exactly what the Living GOD will do.

Never before in history has the Living GOD killed the sons and daughters of world leaders and they remained too stubborn to do as GOD has asked them to do so   - hold on people - GOD will now speak.

The News You Need:

Dr William B. Mount

Beau Biden 26 years ago swearing in George Bush Senior on a Satanic Bible - notice the crosses are upside down and the markings on the bible - One happy little Satanic Family:::::

beau biden - Google Search

Beau Biden, vice president’s son, dies at 46 of brain cancer - The Washington Post

Wall Street Banker Deaths Continue; Where Are the Serious Investigations?