So you think your Cell Phone is secure?
When you turn off your phone do you feel safe - like no one can hear you or send frequencies through the phone ot mess with you?
Think again.
Today while writing my story my phone kicked me off the internet and the phone remind off line until I complete the actions using another phone. So it appears whoever hacked my phone wants this little CIA/FBI/DHS Terrorist Plot to succeed on Christmas. Trace the URL of the hackers and you have teh network of US Corporate terrorists.
When I called Verizon they were shocked this happens so frequently - and that it only occurs while I am writing a story. They could not believe what I was saying. So here is what I learned from them:
1) If you have an Application like Solitaire on your phone you have just downloaded a hidden App that will allow almost anyone to track you, download your data, track your location, ofr send your a frequency that will disable you or kill you or shut your computer down.
Yesterday while my phone was in the room and I was playing CIV 4 on my computer my entire computer shut down. It was not until I turned the phone completely off an took it out of the room that my computer stopped shutting down.
As you recall - about 18 months ago a friend in the CIA gave me a stomach flu using my Cell Phone - it activated an imbeded virus on the GMO Wheat and I was down for 2 days - nice friend, eh?
Once I figured out what he had done it took 24 hours to cure but it took me buy surprise.
2) Unless you can remove the battery your phone it is never really off. I downloaded an App that allows me to improve battery life ---- when you battery says 10% and shut down you actually have about 50% of your battery life left. So if your phone off it still tracks you and can send out signals without your phone being on.
This is why at a Hardware Store my phone - while it was off - did a Factory rest and my data. The reset took well over 30 minutes. After the reset my data was erased, then 5 minutes later my data was reloaded.
We all watched this odd thing occur at the Hardware Store..\
Strange - Yes - but apparently not uncommon.
Most of the newer phones have built in batteries to force you to be a Slave of the phone and the few that remain that have removable batteries have internal batteries that last for days after pulling out the battery.
3) The phone can actually charge by itself from signals being sent through the airways.
When I do a Whopper of a story -- like the last one - my power rating often goes from 90% to 30% in about 30-45 minutes as Intel Agencies access my phone.
Occasionally it goes back to 50-60% without being placed on a charger - so like several radio chargers - you phone only needs to be NEAR on of these hidden charging stations and it recharged - - or it can be done through the airways.
4) In the Army in 1995 we had Smart Phones that lasted 7 days without a recharge, would work world wide, and could read minerals down 100 feet AND read your Blood Sugar levels and Oxygen Levels instantly.
The Phones were not allowed into the Public because you were "Not smart enough yet to accept this kind of technology."
5) Finally - the technology for these phones is being given to the phone companies as if their leaders are Slaves of one big colony.
Cell phone techies that work for Verizon, or any other American Based cell Phone company, do not have the technology to find out who hacked me - or who is currently hacking me - which means they are only given so much technology and that is all.
I will set my phone down and you can watch it cruise the internet and the settings actually change s it is sitting there and my cell phone carries - Verizon - cannot see who is in my phone or that it is actually cruising the internet.
We set it on the table and watched it do this.
Yet when I do it they can tell me what I am doing on the phone.
So suppose you are Angela Merkel and you take the phone battery out of you phone - and you have a phone made by a company based in America - your entire conversation is not only taped but video taped as well and Iris Pattern recognition Software identifies those you are talking to.
Want to play in the bedroom - so you set your cell Phone on the dresser turned off - it is video taped.
Angela Merkel - your New New bedroom is very noisy - too many talkative guards.
6) American Made Electronics are not high tech - they are is made to track you, record where you go, who you see, make you sick, and kill you.
The frequencies they broadcast at are almost the same as your Microwave Oven - or "Radar Ranges" as they used to be called.
Read COINTELCOPRO to confirm what was just said.
This is why you must get a new phone when you come back to America - just in case your phone is NOT made by an American Company.
7) So what do we do?
We turn our phones off at night and put them in a different part of the house and we sleep so much better at night.
BRIC Nations - you need to look at my last story to get the jist of the US Corporate planned Jet terrorist Attacks --- your Latest Christmas Present from the US to you.
1) No GMO foods - Spelt bread is OK as it is the original wheat.
2) No Chemicals - If you can't pronounce it, don't eat it.
3) Lots of Sea Weed.
4) Lots of Immusist -
Food, Water, Toilet Paper, Ammunition, Heat, Communications
For Medications I keep Immusist and Citricare and Kelp Uncle Harrys essential Oils for Breathing, and lots of cheap Cinnamon Tablets for those who have sugar problems. They run about $5 for 60 through Puritan foods.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
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