Sunday, July 25, 2021


Get It Together NOW!!! - A call from GOD

VIDEO: Get Your House In Order NOW!!!

We have the advertisers we have to help YOU get ready for what is about to occur

Supply lines are being cut by the CIA., Homeland Security & the Military

Power rates and gas prices are set to sky rocket

There are no advocates for the American People

We are set for destruction

The Carnegie Foundation has been leading the charge

NASA leads the way in creating hot, dry conditions in the west and then lighting fires that are killing people - no one at NASA has been arrested

The department of Justice, working from their underground head quarters, condones mass murder and mass rape (Minerva, Remember) but if you are invited into the Halls Of Congress you will be arrested and tortured

They ALL have abandoned DC and their state capitols

Anyone obeying them is crazy, insane and a Demon Possessed Nut

Even Windsor Castle on London is empty - and all the Lawyer Members of the BAR who are loyal to a Knight of the Queen of England  are loyal to a Walking, talking Demon now hiding underground like a little coward - my 15th cousin the COWARD

So take a lesson from those now hiding underground - stock up while you can



FOOD - 12 Month Supply. Period

WATER And WATER FILTERS as More Poisons Are Added To The Water



HEAT - Alternate Heat Source As Power Is Intentionally Taken down


GOLD/SILVER - Solver For Barter

MEDICINES - The Medical Community Will Fall Apart


Prepare for Martial Law, mandatory Vaccinations and half of those vaccinated to die within 12 Months

Prepare for ALL Vaccinated people to die within 3 years

Prepare for food costs to go through the roof

Prepare for food Rationing and gas rationing

the day of Reason and Logic ended when President trump left office

Now it is seriously time to:


The Wall Of truth

Dr William B. Mount


Mount 1 Report Premier Entertainment

Friday, July 23, 2021

Mount 1 Report Premier Entertainment 7/23/21

Internet Shutdown - A Prelude To Coming Attractions - & What's Coming


VIDEO:   Internet Crash - Prelude To Coming Attractions - & What's Coming

When Rand Paul interviewed Dr Fauci and wore the Symbol of Lucifer on his lapel this should be a sign of what is to come

Both the Republicans and Democrat congressman all worship Lucifer and support the Sacred Sex Trade - 

Lucifer being Ishtar, Hera, and a dozen other names 

Lucifer - Minerva - Hera - Ishtar - the GOD of the Masons according to Albert Pike in Morals and Dogma

even the Statue of Liberty is the Goddess Libertas - which is the 7 horned Ishtar - the Whore Of Babylon, the symbol of New York City & DC - United With London and the Vatican

But now the city of New York & DC are vacant - the entire financial World must now come down - the whole the Masonic Empire must fall

Albert Pike - a Chief Free Mason, illucidated their own Chain of Command and they have violated this Chain of Command and it all must come down.

Sun Tzu: An Evil leader Will Burn Down His Nation To Maintain Control

Not One Mason has the guts to stand against Lucifer - since this is their GOD 

Not One

They will destroy the Planet to maintain control

Their Leadership is Evil to the core

Try talking to their Masonic leadership in England & France - they are walking, Talking demons

I tried once and their English Masonic Office spread across the Internet I have 35 wives in 35 different nations and 50 children - which is impossible because I was born with everything working but infertile

They are EVIL to the core and is must all now come falling down

And all the kings horses and all the kings men will never put it back together again until they decide to do as GOD has asked them to do.


So hang on

Stocfk Up

Mid - Aug the civil War will hit us - We the Little People

Mid - Sep - Dark, dark month unless Trump returns

Oct - Things Begin To Shut down for real for a really long, tough winter for so many of us

Funny - GOD laid this out in January and it was just to horrible for any of us to believe - and now we are watching it play out ---- month by month, bit by bit

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Thursday, July 22, 2021

China: 3 Dams Failed a& One Factory Nuked Yesterday

 Dams Are Failing & Factories Blowing Up In China

VIDEO:   (326) Mount 1 Report Premier Entertainment 7/22/21 - YouTube

1st) The VA Can't Even get 835,000 out of 33 Million vets to use their hospitals - they are that bad

As a disabled vet we have a private doctor and a private dentist - the VA promises to pay and lies all the time to every one so their directors can get bonuses

2nd) Prince Harry's Child does not qualify to take the thrown in England - Megan Merkel's Family lied about their relatives - flat out - to become powerful.

3rd) an aluminum factory blew in China 36 hours ago and had the Same Destructive Signature of

   a) Bakini Atol

    b) Beirut 8 Aug 2020

    c) Caspian Sea 12 Jul 2021

You wish to censor me Google then YOU are responsible for these detonations 

Wake the Heck Up Russian SVR - It Was A F'n Nuke

Wake the hell up CCP In China- It Was A F'n Nuke

Your capitols are now easy targets you idiots

Uncensor me and move me to a location where I can find these Nukes quickly you Morons

Or cash my Russian Bond as a Russian Citizen & I will do it myself

4th) 3 Dams blew in China yesterday. form the videos I saw they were pretty poorly build in the 1st place - crumbling Cement, no rebar (617) no retrofitting to shore up the dam - like the CCP wanted them to fail and kill their own people - wiping out entire towns downstream.

So as we progress into this Planned Take Down of "MAN KIND" - events should speed up considerably

The Wall Of Truth

Dr WilliamB. Mount

Mount 1 Report Premier Entertainment 7/22/21