Monday, January 21, 2019

EU Burns As Trump Wins Victory After Victory

EU Burns As Trump Wins Victory After Victory

EU Burns As Trump Wins Victory After Victory

EU Burns As President Wins Victory After Victory

As the EU Burns with protests as the leaders there destroy the economies of these nations the US President wins victory after victory.

VIDEO:  EU Burns As Trump Wins Victory After Victory - YouTube

Unfortunately there are 2 victories  the US President mus focus on

1) A Few House Democrats have conspired to stop the Coast Guard form being paid - this is an act of Treason under USC 18.

The Department of Justice has taken no actions to arrest those now committing Treason.

2) Monsanto - Now admits to modifying fruit and human DNA using CRSPR Technology and Retroviruses sprayed from US Planes.

The Department of justice has made no arrests in Monsanto for Killing Americans with GMO Products.

Pray that both the Demon-Crats in Congress, the Employees of Monsanto and the Lawyers on the Department of Justice go down hard immediately and are immobilized for life.

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

President Throws Down The Gauntlet

UN Now Moving To Eliminate Freedom Of Speech

We would not even bring this up but when we posted a You Tube Video with the world Vaccine in it we got Hits

After we eliminated the world Vaccine we got hits

So this is Very Real

The Department of Justice and Homeland Security have made no arrests for eliminating our Freedom of Speech.

Please pray that these "Departments" - Agencies of a Fascist Government Funk and Wagnals Dictionary 1945 - are eliminated.

Video: (1574) UN "W.H.O." Now Eliminating Freedom Of Speech In America - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount