Saturday, January 19, 2019

President drives Demoncrats Nuts - Ta Da Trump

President Throws Down The Gauntlet

President Throws Down The Gauntlet

President Throws Down The Gauntlet

Trump Throws Down The Gauntlet At The Dems

President Trump threw down the Gauntlet at the Demon-Crat Lunatic Liberals Today.

This Video contains other news today:

Video:  (559) President Throws Down The Gauntlet - YouTube

Plus what is coming that is not allowed on You Tube any more:

So Here It Is INTEL GEEKS everything +- 3 Days

We are seeing the Massive Hurricane/Storm Across the USA as stated in October

1) Return my hits and subscribers or in 3 days GOD will kill 12 more Intel Geeks

What will that cost you in terms of loyalty?

2) 17 Feb - President Avoid Arlington Cemetery

3) 12 March - Presidential Speech, FBI Shooter - in Rafters

4) 20-22 March Presidential Convoy to be blocked by man in car - FBI Shooter waiting for President

5) 2 April - Another FBI Shooter

5) 17-18 April - President Stay Out Of Sight - Sniper Pointed in White House, Armour Piercing Rounds. Cancel your plans to travel.

6) 12 May Dirty near historic Chinese Port of Shontou, One Nuke SW Irkusk at a military base?

7) June - Not sure Date - Learn To Land AF1 With Nose Up - See Small Man Made Tornado Pushing Nose Down Hard anbd accept no Substitute Pilots in June for AF1.

8) President Trump - do not go to China in June - It's A set Up.

9) Malania will soon become a target - the Davos/Geneva Lucifarians to target perhaps her SS Double. It Begins 15 March and is called the "Malania Take Down." and is being run out of a Joint CIA/FBI Base in Central South Carolina. May be underground - not sure. Too many electronics in my area - can't get a good lock.

10) Active Today - The Nuke near Cairo is headed to Western Syria and hte one near Kiel Germany can be found in a very large Brown Paper Bag in a warehouse almost due north o Central Berlin - the Reichstag


For The First Time Ever, Wall Street Banks Top $100 Billion In Profit | Zero Hedge

Yellow Vests Battle Tear Gas And Aggressive Riot Cops During 10th Week Of Chaotic Protests | Zero Hedge

Yellow Vests Battle Tear Gas And Aggressive Riot Cops During 10th Week Of Chaotic Protests | Zero Hedge

Glowing space billboards to show ads in night sky? ‘Cubesats’ form luminous words, logos – Investment Watch

AA controversial startup that charges $8,000 to fill your veins with young blood now claims to be up and running in 5 cities across the US – Investment Watch

Pornhub Reports Traffic Spike In Washington As Shutdown Drags On | Zero Hedge

Vaccines found to contain pig virus DNA and monkey kidney cells… the “dirty” little secret the vaccine industry doesn’t want you to know –

Feds Find 23 Guns In Office Of Indicted Chicago Democrat


Trump Trumps Lunatic Left - Again

Our President has done it again

He has just made Pelosi and Congress look like uncaring turkeys.

While he is in the white House bargaining with Congress Pelosi and other Demon-crats have left for a 10 day party in Belgium and Afghanistan.

Video: (555) President drives Demoncrats Nuts - Ta Da Trump - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

President drives Demoncrats Nuts - Ta Da Trump