Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Market Panic - Gold Supplies Fall Hard, Demand Skyrockets

Govt Worker - Keep Them All Laid Off, They Do Nothing

In a recent interview with at least one Government Senior Executive he says keep them laid off./

Those Laid Off employees destroy our agencies.


(1498) Government Shut Down - Keep Them Laid Off Says Federal Worker - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Market Panic - Gold Supplies Fall Hard, Demand Skyrockets

Market Panic - Gold/Silver Supplies Fall, Demand Skyrockets

Gold and Silver production have fallen across the globe - by almost 20% over last year yet demand is skyrocketing.

Banks are also buying as much Gold and Silver as they can.

What us so strange is that the Deep State Elites in London have held the prices down - that cannot last for mush longer - can it?

Video:  (317) Market Panic - Gold Supplies Fall Hard, Demand Skyrockets - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

I buy my silver form Noble Gold Investments.

I called 877-646-5347 and our silver was in the mail in a day.

Pretty quick delivery too.

The RESET Is Here - Expect Massive Financial Confusion

Breaking - Another $Trillion Dollar Scam Exposed

And Yet another $trillion Dollar scam has been exposed in Congress.

Congress has been funneling $Trillions to buy, and create, hundreds of Corporations that then pad their pockets.

$Trillions of Dollars

Unbelievable Level Of Treason: (1484) Breaking News: Huge Treasonous Plot Now Exposed In Congress - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

As things crash you will need extra income. Goto TRADE GENIUS and begin learning today.

Monday, January 14, 2019

RESET Has Begun - Expect Mass Confusion

As we enter the Economic RESET expect allot of confusion in the markets

The Lunatic Liberals do not help any either.

In fact - the Boarder Wall was funded in 2006 and signed into law by then President Bush.

So President Trump is tracking down where the $50 Billion Dollars went to build the wall and it all led back to the Demon-crats and their Pet Projects.


(266) The RESET Is Here - Expect Massive Financial Confusion - YouTube

What happens next we shall see on the video

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount