Thursday, February 23, 2017

Senator McCain Pegged As White House Leak

24 Democratic Congressman About To Be Arrested

McCain Pegged As WHite House Leak


Senator McCain Pegged As White House Leak - YouTube

In a recent Sting Operation with General  Michael Flynn - still head of the  Bureau Of Intelligence Research (INR) and National Security Advisor On Contract to the Prez - a series of Fake Stories were released by those in the Oval Office and many of those working for Congress took the bait hook, line and sinker.


Senator John McCain swallowed the fishing pole as well. In a series of Press Briefings he dispersed this FAKE information he could have only gotten by tapping the President’s Personal Telephone Line. He released it as if he had a right to leak these stories since he is a “Senator.”

As soon as it was announced he was busted he took an Emergency Flight to Syria.

This 80 year old Senator Traitor John McCain - who’s massive Arizona Republican Election Fraud won him the elections - has been using his Bully Pulpit to bash President Trump ever since he was elected and it is no wonder he took the bait - traitors always expose themselves.

Once a traitor always a traitor.

Here is Then Naval Office John McCain selling out our troops in Vietnam:


Like we stated yesterday before the news broke: Two Republican Senators have openly committed Treason: McCain and Cruz.

1) Senator McCain - For this and his treason in Hanoi in 1969. Might I add from personal experience as a Young Lieutenant of 30 year old: McCain is one Ungrateful, arrogant Jerk.

2) Senator Cruz: Who was sworn in as a US Senator as a Canadian Citizen. Now how did that happen Vice President Biden?

As for what Senator McCain is actually doing is Syria - he is looking for Money to keep this Insane War In Syria going.

Once US Oil hit’s the market at $9 a Barrel it is over for these wars in the Middle East - no money, no weapons no war. That’s why the push on the Keystone Pipeline.

Once US and Russian Oil sell worldwide and undercut every other nation on the planet, wars dry up in the Middle East and in South America, no more US Soldiers coming home in boxes or being prescribed LSD (Prozac) for depression for killing randomly for no apparent reason.

Then the US pulls out of Afghanistan and stops supporting the Opium Crops and the CIA and FBI Covert Activity Funding goes into the toilet - even less Dead US Soldiers.

For the Left Wing Nazhiional Zozhaleests Democrats (NAZIs) its over.

The Living GOD will now tear this Council of 45 +1 that rules the planet into little pieces -and curse them down to the 5th generation of those on the council - until they do as GOD has directed them to do. So HE has said it, so it shall be. Any questions 45 +1.

If you break ranks and do as GOD has directed you to do - GOD will reverse this curse and bless your family.

Please pray that all that President Trump is attempting to do is accomplished and that those who interfere with it are pushed aside by the Living GOD like locusts in a strong wind.



Huge Sale of Storable Foods are coming in March - so hang on until then.

For You Girls And Boy In Intelligence:

1) Keep a close eye on the FBI Protected Muslim NO GO zones for people leaving them in mass. Be prepared to “Contain Them” with prejudice.

2) Ensure that those McCain is now paying to come to DC are well vetted through Interpol (Untrustworthy) and through the Russian SVR. He is apparently trying to entice active “Shooters” to come to DC for - well - you can put 2 and 2 together.

Living here in Tacoma - this is all I can give you. Sorry.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

White House Fingers John McCain As Media Leak; Believes U.S. Senator Eavesdropped on Trump’s Classified Phone


BUSTED: Senator McCain gives US Secrets to Russian Hackers days after Maxine Waters attempts Meeting. • TD Newswire


McCain Fingered as Major Trump Leaker | Zero Hedge

John McCain Makes Secret Trip to Syria in Midst of U.S. Assessment

Sen. John McCain Makes Unannounced Trip To Syria To Meet With U.S. Forces : The Two-Way : NPR

Breaking News: John McCain’s 1969 “Tokyo Rose” Propaganda Recording Released Showing he WAS a Traitor who Turned Against His Own Country | Oath Keepers

Trump “Shadow Move” Of General Michael Flynn To Feared Spy Agency Rattles Russia


John McCain’s 1969 “Tokyo Rose” Propaganda Recording Released - YouTube

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

24 Democratic Congressman About To Be Arrested

Deadly Flu Sweeping Asia - 40% Human Death Rate

Deadly Flu Sweeping Asia - 40% Human Death Rate

Deadly Flu Sweeps Asia - 40% Human Death Rate


Deadly Flu Sweeping Asia - 40% Human Death Rate - YouTube

We have discussed this before but new evidence must be brought forward to protect your families.

This New H7N9 Bird Flu has spread to over 40 countries, like China, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Macau - anywhere in Asia the Mareks Vaccination was given in Asia. Somebody is going to an awful lot of effort to kill Humans.


The three viruses that seem to be appearing out of nowhere are the:

1) H7N9 that does not make birds sick but kills 40% of all Humans Infected. Out of 1,040 identified with the disease 368 dies - a 38.5% death rate in those who have been identified and given hospital treatments.

Actual Death Rates should be around 75% since most do not have Hospital Care.

2) H3N2 and the H5N9 - which seems to make chickens sick nad is easily identifiable by Chicken Farmers - but most sick chickens are butchered and sold in Asia, making the problem even more difficult.

The area being hit hardest is Southern China where about 1/3rd of the chickens being sold on the market are infected with the H7N9 Virus.

Death Rates in Southern China from this Deadly Flu were 5 last January and over 100 this January - so it is now spreading into Humans.

Across the planet - only Commercial Flocks seem to have been infected.

Interesting Indeed???

So who patented this New H7N9 Disease?

Patent Number W02015112994A1 for this new strain was approved 22 May 2014 and was filed by Genentech Inc out of San Francisco.

Genentech is owned by Roche - which make Vaccines.

Roche is owned by Novartis Inc out of Basil Switzerland - and they make drugs and vaccinations.

Novartis Motto: Medical Researchers Using New Tools To Turn Science Fiction Into Science Fact.

So how does this tie into the National Weather Service announcing that the Oroville Dam Would Collapse and the recent Reno Dam Collapse?

In Oroville - a Spillway was damaged and the National Weather Service warned that the Oroville Dam would collapse - so they set up an Evacuation Center and gave 30 people the New Noroviris the same day a Noroviruas Vaccination was released.

The same thing was tried at Reno - the National Weather Service announced a Dam was about to collapse, Red Cross came in to set up an Evacuation Center, and the county said: Get Lost the Dam is going down in level.

The National Weather Service then cancelled their warning despite more rains.
So who gave these insane orders and was behind these Bizarre Evacuation Orders?

The Head of the National Weather Service - Dr Louis W. Uccellini. Whether he gave the orders or not he is the Chairman and ultimately responsible for their actions.

The National Weather Service is owned by NOAA and they are owned by the US Department of Commerce and they have a Cabinet Position under the President.

So since this H7N9 was released about 18 months ago it had to have been ordered by the last President and his handlers who’s name we are not allowed to say.

((((Let us just say his name sounds like ovomit.))))

Dr Uccelli has a rather Unique Background. He graduated with a PhD in 1977 and instantly became director of the Goddard Flight Space Laboratory in 1978 - a Medical Research Laboratory - and he received 5 major awards for Medical Research, and today this Medical Researcher is in charge of the National Weather Service

Kind of an odd career change for someone who conducted Medical Research???

Never underestimate the evils of the Nazhional (Democratic) Sozhaleests (NAZIs)  - they are alive and well and still very powerful.

So What Can I Do If I Get Infected?

Same as Cancer or HIV or Arthritis or Alzheimers, etc:

1) No GMO Foods

2) 50 Drops of Citricare Per Day for 3 days and see how your flu is.

3) Immusist - I am 210 pounds and eat 21 drops of Immusist per day

4) Sea Weed - 1 Table Spoon per day minimum

5) Get The Tea’s Life Change Tea

Anything else and you may end up dead - this is not a joke.

My wife gets Pneumonia ever October and the Flu once or twice a year. When she gets sick we give her Citricare and a little Immusist.

We are in the early stages of this Outbreak so hang on - the New World Order Elites are throwing every thing they have at us.

Please pray that people across the planet awaken and start resisting these few Satanic Globalizes at the top.

This council of 45 +1 that runs the world is desperate and in total disarray.

Please - pray that your families are ready for what is coming. You are making the difference - a million prayers a day.



On cold nights crank your thermostat down to 64 degrees and cover up. We save about $2,000 a year doing this.

Also - as for the anti-aging - I just tried Get The Tea’s Allicin Advanced and Niacin Advanced - wowzers for energy.

It can be accessed through our videos.

The News You Need

Dr William B Mount

Flu with 38.5% HUMAN FATALITY RATE Spreading Fast

Patent WO2015112994A1 - H7n9 influenza a therapies with anti-h7 virus antibodies - Google Patents

Roche - Doing now what patients need next


Medical researchers using new tools to turn science fiction into science fact

Novartis - Wikipedia

Board of Directors | Novartis

Nevada Weather Service Warns Of Dam Failure Threat | Zero Hedge

Lyon County Emergency Management: Imminent failure of the South Dayton Retention Pond | Carson City Nevada News - Carson Now

Biography - Louis Uccellini, Director, NWS

Goddard Laboratories | University of Pennsylvania Facilities and Real Estate Services

who owns the US Departemnt of COmmerce - Google Search