Sunday, February 19, 2017

Age Backwards - Secrets Exposed

Secrets Exposed - Aging Backwards

AGE BACKWARDS - Secrets Exposed

Age Backwards - Secrets Exposed - YouTube

In this remarkable interview with the owner of GET THE TEA we show techniques to age backwards


1) Wrinkles begin to go away

2) Energy Levels increase

3) Hair begins to come back

4) Virility Returns

When combined with Detoxing as show in the video THE CURE FOR CANCER, Sea Weed, Immusist and Citricare the results are remarkable - Cancer, arthritis, Alzheimers, Lymes Disease all begin to go away and children begin to walk out of Autism. See our other “THE CURE FOR” VIDEOS:

Siabetes, Depression, Demon Possession, Cancer, Parasites, Lyme Disease, Erectile Discunction, Morgellons, Athesma, Hepiutitis, Cataracts, Tooth Pain, Allerfgies, Tree Diseases, Lawn diseases, Osteopersis… the list goes on and on and on….

The original anti-aging studies were done using Mice and most have been wiped form the internet.

The Human Studies remain unpublished but they are available if you know where to look. The results were aging backwards one year for every month - so within 2 years one is 12 years back.

Initially results are slow.

The original studies did not account for the bodies need for more nutrition and to detoxify - so these have been added into the equation and the results on the 3 of us now entering this study have been remarkable.

This is all discussed in this video.

These techniques will only be revealed here on You Tube, On our Blogspot and on APFN. Period.

The 4 Pills TRW Aerospace gives it’s Top Secret Key People do reverse the aging process very quickly but the long term results are disastrous - look at Dick Cheney - 4 hearts???
Please pray that if this is what you wish to do that GOD opens your eyes and allows you to do this.


We have tried products from other companies to no avail. Either they do not work or they are really, really expensive.

Due to “Get The Tea’s” quality of products we can now move forward with the study.

If you access Get The Tea from our videos all profits go to help those with cancer.

The News You Need

Dr William Mount

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Sun Begins Shooting Green Elctrical Bolts Million Of Miles

Sun Now Shooting Electrical Bolts Million Of Miles


Sun Begins Shooting Green Elctrical Bolts Million Of Miles - YouTube

What YOU are about to see will shock you and stun you and no one else will report on it because it is the Raw Truth - and you CAN handle the truth.

We need to get this out to you ASAP so you can plan for what is coming next - weirder weather, food production decreases world wide - these GMO Crops cannot handle what is coming but the old crops using the formula we developed will handle the coming weather anomalies.

We talk allot about  preparing for what is coming - well look up folks - look up in utter shock.

OK - This One Scares me.

In a bizarre, yet deadly, display of force the Sun began shooting out Green Electrical Bolts millions of miles.

Just look at the pictures - you can watch them on SOHOWWW.COM - until they paint them out.

Time is up - time to unify Planet Earth or we may not survive.

Arrest these Satanic NAZIs, unify Planet Earth, and let’s figure out how to survive what is coming.

We need Tax Code Changes, the arresting of most of the City and County Officials, and State Officials,  that belong to this Nazhional Democratic Socileest Party (NAZIs).

There is no time - it must be done now.

This political Bruhaha is just that - lies to keep us all hating each other.

Take General Flynn for example. He will leave office in about 90 days and then beginning working directly with President Trump. All of the rest of the stories are complete, utter, fabricated lies by the Prestititutes.

Think about it - you do not throw away a resource like General Flynn - 40 years in Intelligence, admiral - the guy is a real asset to President Trump

Please pray with me that your family is ready for what is coming.

Period - get ready NOW.

First - if you soak your clothes in the washer you sill use less soap.

Second - Please - buy food while you can at a reasonable price and please learn how to save money using the foods we use - most of them last 25 years plus.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount


The Sun Has Begun "Arcing" Terrifying Green Electric-Type Bolts Millions of miles high

Current Solar Data                  -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids

Friday, February 17, 2017

Alert: HAARP Disabled, Los Angeles To Flood

Alert: HAARP Disabled, Los Angeles To Flood


Alert: HAARP Disabled, Los Angeles To Flood - YouTube

There is a Flash Flood Watch that has been issued by the weather channels that state there is the possibility of 12 inches of rain in Los Angels over the next 24 ours, beginning tonight.

It appears that we have three things going on here to create this Weather Pattern

1) HAARP has now been disabled, allowing rains not to come into the Lows Angeles Area..

2) We have Chemtrails every where all over the Los Angeles Area.

3) We have hot, dry air rising in an Adiabatic Manner, causing Oceanic Air to be drawn into Los Angeles. What Adiabatic means is that Hot Air rises and expands- causing cooler air form the ocean to come in and, when this air hit’s the mountains, it rises ad causes rain.

This is literally a once in a life time event.

The Concrete Jungles we call Los Angeles have little room for rain and muchh of the land surface in this area is either compressed or just concrete - causing for huge runoff and Flash Flood Warnings.

As for the Oroville Dam Spillway Breakage - ongoing repairs should soon have it patched up and why is no one asking:

….a) Why did it break - was it super heated form a satellite?

….b) Why do we not see any rebar in the spillway and if there is no rebar there is there any in the cement structure of the Dam???

Please pray that YOUR family is protected in this coming flood and please - keep your pantry full. If the flash floods do occur across Southern California then distribution networks will go down for a while.


Great Time to order storable food, period.

Be ready for any disaster.

Last night since my wife is on a trip - I cooked up some Pasta Primavera and added Chicken, peas, corn Sea Weed, Immusist (Increased Hydration) and rice to extend it so I do not have to cook while she is gone.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount - Interactive 3D globe brings weather to life

A flash flood watch is in effect as a once-a-decade rainstorm barrels toward Los Angeles - AOL Weather

Firestorm - Wikipedia

(87) Socal Skywatch


It's CNN's Illegal Alien Boycott Day Today