Sunday, February 12, 2017

US State Dept Nuclear Spy Ring - Busted

Massive Yale Study: Vaccines Cause Brain Injury

Massive Study: Vaccines Cause Brain Damage


                          -----A TRUTH BOMB-----

Massive Yale Study: Vaccines Cause Brain Injury - YouTube

There has been a massive study involving over 95,000 children released from Yale Universities School Of Medicine Corporation  that clearly shows Vaccines in America cause Brain Damage.

(((((Sorry - Vaccines:" Linked” to Brain Damage.)))))


In this study over 95,000 children were investigated and where is what they found:

“Disturbing Association between the timing of vaccines and the onset of certain brain disorders in a subset of children.”


“More than 95,000 children in the data base that were analyzed had one of the seven Neuropshychiatric Disorders: anorexia, nervosa, anxiety disorder, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders (ADHD), bipolar disorder, major depression. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and Tic Disorder.”

The study also ties Vaccines in to Allergies which occur because the Nervous System is over stimulated by so many vaccines containing Mercury and other toxins.

Even Heart Disease seems to be linked to these Vaccines.

One thing the study avoided is the fact that without Vaccines there is NO Autism.


So how do you reverse the effects of the Vaccines???

1) Stop eating GMO Foods: No Wheat, No Canola Oil, no Soybean Oil or Beet Sugars.

2) No chemicals like MSG, Food Colors, or Propylene Glycol - a Cattle Fatener used in most salad dressings.

3) Include in your diet Citricare and Immusist - it breaks down the Nangalese and disperses Viral Toxins, allowing your own body to heal itself.

4) Use a water filter to filter your drinking water now as more chemicals are about to be added to your water to make you “HAPPY.”

5) Sea Weed (We get ours from Maine) also helps these kids walk out of Neurological Disorders.

These procedures also walk people out Cancer, Autism, Alzheimer’s, Lyme’s Disease, Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Hepatitis, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, etc

6) Add some Bitter Wormwood (Artemesia Annua) and Parasites like Malaria go away

7) Add 1,000 MG EDTA once a week and Cataracts go away.

Be careful, be safe, start out slow and build up to our current levels.

Now one must ask yourself why a Medical School run by those in Skull and Bones would release such a study???

Why release it hours before the Global Leadership Conference in Dubai is starting where the theme is to “Make People Happy.’ Translation - drugs put in their food and water.

A School dominated by those who conduct Satanic Rituals monthly is now releasing a true and honest study?

Something has changed here in America and we are going to see the Truth come out and the Truth Bombs will begin to accelerate. One must read the Seres Agenda to really begin to understand what is beginning to happen here.

Finally -- Ted Mahrs - host of a radio program of over 150,000 listeners - called Out Of This World - will be on Coast To Coast and interviewed by George Noory himself Wednesday Night.

By the way - Ted was inspired by George to start his Radio and TV shows and thinks George is the BEST interviewer on the radio, bar none.

So be there for Ted and George Wednesday (15 February) from 10 - 11, or maybe longer, this Wednesday Night for what is shaping up to be one incredible show.

Eating Immusit, Citricare, Sea Weed and Get The Teas:  Life Change Tea, 8th Element, Grape Seed Extract, Pine Bark - I got Peach Fuzz under my scalp - my hair is coming back.

I also use Uncle Harry’s Hair Restoration - but I got new hair in areas I am not applying this.

Jane took out the Spy Ball this morning to examine it.

She also found “Stubbies” on her head - her hair is coming back.

New Hair on both of us, less Wrinkles on Jane.

Ohhhhhh - life is sooohhhhh good.
Pray that your family is excited about life and preparing for any disaster just like your grand parents used to do.

Please pray also for President Trump that things go well for him. This morning a US State Department Spy Ring was busted up.

YOU are making the difference with your prayers form the comfort of your own homes.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount


Breaking: Yale University Study Shows Association Between Vaccines and Brain Disorders | Health Nut News

Yale University Study Shows Association Between Vaccines and Brain Disorders


Immusist Natural 1 oz

Hair and Scalp Elixir (1 fl oz) | Uncle Harry's Natural Products

Products | Life Change Tea




Saturday, February 11, 2017

Mass Arrests Of Illegals Began Yesterday

Arrests Of Illegals Began Yesterday


Mass Arrests Of Illegals Began Yesterday - YouTube

As you recall - On 11 November President Obama gave President Trump all of the Addresses of Illegal Aliens in America collecting Welfare. So, in essence the Left sold out the Illegals, not the right.

Yesterday President Trump ordered the arrests of all of these Illegal Aliens and in accordance with Federal Law they must be returned to the country of their Origin.

In cities across the nation not only are the homes of these Illegal Aliens being raided but there are Police Road Blocks checking ID, Raids on School Busses, Trains, etc.

About 61% of the 11 million illegal aliens live just 20 cities. These are the same cities that have declared themselves as “Sanctuary Cities.”

These cities include:

The arrests will continue until the Federal Law is fully enforced and all Illegal Aliens are sent home.

Along with those deportations will come the arrests (Or Replacements with clones) of Mayors, Governors and Congressman who support these illegal Aliens in violation of Federal Law. What happens to the Original Mayors, Governors and Congressman after they are replaced by doubles is of no consequence.

As for the Judge who filed a Brief to block President Trump’s Executive Order to keep Cop Killing Aliens out of the United States - why was Judge Robart not arrested by the US Marshals 2 January 2007 when he ordered the arrest of an Active Foreign Ambassador?

When he went to Russia, Ukraine, Austria and Canada to meet with Presidential Staffs do you not how many people he has talked to in a decade and how many people now know that a Low Level Federal Judge can order the arrest of an Active Ambassador because this 9th Circuit judge did not like him?

Do you have any idea how much trade the US Corporations have lost because this Moronic Judge ordered the arrest of a Foreign Ambassador in Tacoma Washington?

How much profit have US Corporations given up to Canada, Ukraine, Austria, Iran, Iraq and Russia due to this judges involvement in International Politics?

Does anyone in the State Department or White House have any idea - any perception -  what the Vienna Convention of Diplomatic Relations actually says???

Can we say $Trillions upon $Trillions of Dollars over the last decade was lost to US Companies because of this Judge`?

Why have the US Marshals and US State Department and the Secret Service not arrested this Judge for violations of all sorts of Diplomatic Treaties with Russia, Austria, Ukraine, Germany, etc and for effecting International Trade in a very negative way?

If you own a major corporation in America consider your losses over the last 10 years. Maybe you need to grow some stones below the belt and ask President Trump to deal with this judge and all the judges surrounding him that support him, in a fashion consistent with the Active US Treaty Obligations contained in the US, in the UN, in the Austrian,  and in the Russian Treaty Vaults.

Maybe - Just Maybe then, and only then, will these nations trade with US Companies.

President Trump:

Look at Deutsche Bank - they have simply refused to pay on one simple small bond in violation of international treaties and look at what has done to them since November 2014?

Look at the US Treasury Department over the last 3 years and what has happened to the US Dollar since they have denied only ONE Form 5444E and Fifteen 211 Forms amounting to les that $20 Million - in violation of International Treaties.

Now look at US Trade over the last 10 years since Judge Robart ORDERED the arrest, and the Pummeling of, an Active Foreign Ambassador because “He did not like his attitude.”

Do what you will President Trump, and take as much time as you wish, but $ Trillions and $ Trillions and $ Trillions of Dollars in  Foreign Trade are at stake.

Perhaps the Weenies in the US State Department need to stop trying to take Reloaders and Rifles away form the American Public (New Letters now being sent out by the State Department, more on this later) and focus instead on dealing with Judges openly and purposely violating International Treaties???

These treaties clearly state these judges should be arrested immediately, not impeached.

This Judge almost started a WAR ten years ago and he and his cohorts are still not in jail?


H & R Block has a class on Basic Taxes. If you take it you will have a basic understanding on how to save money on your yearly taxes. Over 90% of all audits are taken out of the taxes filed in April. So get your taxes in by Mid-March and it may save your bacon.

Please pray that GOD Himself guides President Trump’s Hand as he begins the arrest those who would destroy Planet Earth.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Obama Handing Massive List Of Illegal Immigrants To Trump | The Daily Caller




61 percent of illegal immigrants in U.S. live in 20 cities, most of them ‘sanctuary cities’

9th Circuit Judge Wants Another Vote over Trump Travel Ban Decision

Friday, February 10, 2017

The Arrests Have Begun - Be Afraid Left



...The Arrests Have Begun - Be Afriad Left - YouTube

The Arrests of the forces loyal to the Satanic NAZI Jesuits has begun and they will continue to accelerate.

The Open Warfare and Tribunals will begin next month and are expected to last for around 90 days.

Those who do not surrender to the Living GOD and turn to the good will be - shall we say - destroyed. GOD has cursed them and they will now fall like Dominoes.

Here are some stories that are evidence of what is happening:

1) Catholic Church Appointed head of the knights of Malta was fired indicating a whole lot of people no longer agree with the Satanic NZAI Stance of the Jesuit Pope on 25 January and a NAZI appointed to replace him. This was done in the open for all the world to see.

2) 474 Arrested In Human Trafficking Stings, LA County Sheriff Says 2 February.

3) 32 Kids were rescued and 8 Human Traffickers arrested on 5 Feb

As the Bible Says - their Folly will be exposed to the whole world.

4) In a Bizarre story the Globe reported that Hillary (!,2,3,4, or #5) was fleeing the country and moving to Bahrain in the Middle East because there is no Extradition Treaty with Bahrain and she can be free there. You decide whether or not this one is true

5) Finally - we see that less than a month into President Trump’s Term Mexico is very angry that the United States is now sending their Illegal Aliens back to Mexico ad employing Americans to build products for America and closing plants in Mexico.

The Drug shipments form around the world by the CIA (Cocaine Import Agency) and the US Air Force out of Mina, Arkansas and Buffalo Airlines (Air America) is being severely curtailed and the Mexican Drug Cartels - Built by Obama (Fast and Furious) are being ordered to stand down.

Their Headquarters and the location of each and every Drug Lord is know across the world according to our contacts. So if they threaten President Trump he will strike hard world wide

Please keep in mind that Jeff Sessions was just sworn in as US Attorney’s General and these Illegal Arms Shipments to the Drug Cartel come to an end today. He real investigations on who to arrest begin today. Period.

With a pack of Retired Generals now leading this nation and strike will be hard and fast and complete an devastating.

We save with Silver and storable food that lasts for decades.

As for Cancer - my father smoked for 40 years and died of Cancer. I grew up knowing the cost - a carton here and a carton there until eventually - he got the Big C and died before 60.

That happened 35 years ago and in those 35 years the Cancer Survival Rate is still only 5% over 10 years at the best hospitals

Today a pack of Camel Cigarettes runs about $5 so - you do the math. Forty years at $10 a day - that’s about $146,000 in today‘s costs???

Over the last few days I have received many calls from smokers from all over the nation. What we have learned is that after around 5 years the Product Immusist cleans out all the Black Tar from your body and, when combined with Sea Weed, Citricare and Licorice Root, the Cancer goes away and the Athesma goes away.

The Cancer survival Rates we see are around 99% over 10 years. Actually - we have never lost anyone to Cancer IF they do as we direct. No GMO Wheat, Canola Oil, Soybeans, Sugars, etc and no chemicals like MSG, Propylene Glycol,  (Cattle Fattener) etc.

Emphasema - you need higher doses of the products and you also need to keep fresh air in the  house all the time. Your heating bill goes up/your doctor bills go down. It’s a choice.

Get The Tea’s Life Change Tea helps in the cleaning of your organs as well.

Since this Program belongs to YOU - we cover what YOU want to talk about and today it was the coming arrests and Lung Cancer.

We would like your prayers to not only cover President Trump and help protect him from and evil but also to allow those who smoke to buy the products that will help them.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

474 arrested in California human trafficking stings, LA County sheriff says |

Knights of Malta head has 'agreed' to resigns after dispute with Vatican

They were all Chummy CHummy until the head Knight of Malta supported President Trump. This Demon Possessed Jesuit Catholic (??) Pope hate GOD and hates President Trump.


Sessions Sworn In as Attorney General as Trump Signs 3 Executive Orders | Fox News Insider

Trump Readies Massive Drone Strikes On Mexico As “Forces Of Death” Against Him Unite