Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Jade Helm - Russian Intel Reports

Here is what the Russian Intelligence is saying about Operation Jade Helm:

Video: William Mount Jade Helm - Russian Intel Report

Jade Helm - Russian Intel Report - YouTube

Articles Confirming what the Russian Intelligence Services say on Pravda:

US army exercise on preventing civil unrest spread to Tennessee - English

Marines to suppress domestic disorders in the US. Video - English

US plans military operations inside USA in response to statement from Chechnya Parliament speaker - English

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

More on the 17 May Detonation when Info comes in - but after the 8 Feb Nuke in the Ukraine and the Nuke Hand Grenade near the White House causing the Power Outage (Both Nuke I tracked) there does not seem to be much interest in a Nuclear Detonation from any Intel Service.

Not from the Fudge sickles from Langley, or the Russians, or Chinese - or anyone for that matter.

How odd.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

A Call To Prayer

For the first time in many years I am worried.

I am able to see through the veil and see what Lucifer is planning for America and it is not pretty.

I am asking every one to pray that those who worship Lucifer/Satan are immediately and completely immobilized for the rest of their lives and that Lucifer himself, the Big Coward, is sent away immediately for a thousand years.

Current Situation:

1) The US did not pay on a Chinese Debt 17 April and, in a Dejure Manner, declared Bankruptcy but vetoes action in the IMF and World Bank.

2) This Veto Action by the US is no longer valid. As it was with the Bretton Woods Agreement hthe US Veto Power ran out 15 July 2014. This is in the original Bretton Woods Agreements, the IMF initiation paperwork and the World Bank Initial Charter Papers. The

3) The treaties are in The Treaty Vault. The US Can No Longer Veto Anything Legally.

4) The US is pitting China against Russia - an action that when the Red Dragon Family finds out and contacts me will back fire on the US State Department.

5) Greece refused to pay on the Euro Debt and will now begin to trade in Rubles.

6) Seventy Years after the destruction of the NAZI Government they are once again rising their ugly heads and stirring up trouble in America and plan on rounding up the Blacks and then Jews. They plan on destroying America, France, England and all  other nations that opposed them in 1945.

7) This is what Baltimore is all about - same actors in Sandy Hook Fake Shooting, Boston Marathon Fake Bombing, Furgeson Fake Shooting and now Baltimore.

8) The American's are the last opposition to the new World Order and Currency.

9) America must be destroyed to bring about this New World Order and unless the Chinese and Russian leaders do as GOD has asked they - along with all other World Leaders - will be terminated with the rest of us.

10) Yesterday a Lowes in Riverdale Geogia was occupied by a bus load of FEMA employees. It has begun and Jade.

11) Further - a Nuke is ready to detonate 17 May just SE of Indianapolis. Apparently the Langley Fudge Boys have about 12 Nukes pre-positioned and ready to detonate.

12) Riddle Me This Li and Putin and Medvedev, Obama and Biden, Bush's: What do those Fascists living underground need with Presidents, Prime Ministers, Congressman, Senators, CIA, FBI... - worthless Food Eaters. You will die with the rest of us unless you MAN UP and stop this insanity now and we all know where YOU are going when YOU die, don't we?

Perhaps it is time to work together to stop these Fascist Pigs?

GOD has the answers - all you need to do is ask.

PRAY - YouTube

Do not fear the Mark Of The Beast. Whatever they do to your body can not change your relationship with the Living GOD.

The News You Need

Dr William B,. Mount

Fountain Of Youth Discovered

Using the following products and procedure your life span should reach 600-900 years.

As in the Days of Noah, so it shall be on Judgement Day

Fountain Of Youth - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Puritan Products

Main Coast Sea Weed

Video: William Mount Fountain Of Youth

How To Film Covertly

If you find yourself in a situation where you feel you need to film but it may be unsafe - then film covertly.

Please - stay out of the way of the Police ad CIA Rioters. They are both armed and dangerous.

Film Covertly - And Stay Out Of Trouble - YouTube

The News You need

Dr William B. Mount

Video: William Mount Film Covertly - And Stay Out Of  Trouble

Monday, April 27, 2015

Nepal Earth Quake - US Caused

We the people of the United States are very angry at the culpability of the United States Forces in indirectly causing this Earth Quake in Nepal.

Amy those that caused these horrible Earth Quakes be damned to the Eternal Fire Forever.


See Video: Nepal Earth Quake - US Caused

The Red Dragons, which now control these US Forces, should be furious about now.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount


Aging Reversed

We are ready to share with the world how to reverse the aging process.

We think we have extended the Human Life to 700-1000 Years.

Along with this we see the following Reversed (Cured) :::: Cancer, Heart Disease, MS, Traumatic Brain Injury, Lupis, Malaria, Babesiosis, Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, HIV, Pneumonia, Autism.........

We also see toxins leave the body, and Radioactive Material leave as well.

"As in the days of Noah, so shall it be on Judgement Day."

Aging Reversed - YouTube

See You Tube: William Mount Aging Reversed

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Saturday, April 25, 2015

US Perpetual War Machine - Why

The US has been at war since I can remember - and I am almost 60 years old.

(Please pray (visualize) that these War Hawks become so sick they cannot even speak for the rest of their lives)

This video tried to answer not only why the US Corporation has been at war for over 60 years but who is in charge as seen by an Ambassador - An Acting President.

 US Continually At War - Why - YouTube

Dr William B Mount