Friday, December 11, 2015

Obama Impeachment Process Begins

The impeachment process for President Obama has begun and this may include the Vice President As Well and they can be thrown out and arrested, tried and sentenced.

Watch the video and find out How and Why.

Obama Impeachment Process Begins - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Weather Manipulation - Everything You Are Told Is A Lie

You Ain't Crazy - Your Weather Is Manipulated

Video showing prof that everything you have been told about the weather is a lie.

The Video:

Weather Manipulation - Everything You Are Told Is A Lie - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Cure For Osteoporosis

The Cure For Osteoporosis Video

This News Story is designed to lead you to watch a video which clearly shows how we "Cured" Osteoporosis.

My personal bone mass went from 65% to 105% by using the products you can find at most Safeway grocery stores. Obviously we have improved the method in 10 years since it was developed - and this is discussed in the video.

We believe a Bone Mass going from 65% to 105% in 90 days pretty much means your body "Cured" itself of Osteoporosis.

Watch the video and be amazed:

The Cure For Osteoporosis - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Vets: we do not leave you behind. Here is the cure for Osteoporosis you got from serving.

The Cure For Osteoporosis

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Russia China Deploy For War

As you slept events have now led to both China and Russia deploying to not only utterly destroy Israel but the United States As Well.

Watch the video to understand and Pray

Russia And China Deploy For War - YouTube

The News We All Need

Dr William B. Mount