Sunday, March 29, 2015

Why the US Corporation Shot Down Flight 9525

There is no question that the United States Corporation shot down Flight 9525. The evidence was released just after it was shot down. The Debris field is huge and Lufthansa announced that they have complete control of every jet they fly. For it to go down it had to be shot down.

Further - the Pilot has the key to the cockpit - Duh.

The real question is why did the UN Corporation shoot down this flight?

Under who's authority do they act and why?

(Pray that those involved in perpetrating these murders are completely and immediately immobilized for life)

We have already seen, in recent history , many, many airliners shot down by the US Corporation, such as:  Flight 800, Flight 447, the two Malaysian Airliners, the Airliner over Algeria, the airliner over the Ukraine, and now this one.

Perhaps a little history will help us understand why.

Many years ago the head of the Free masons wrote a book - remember him - Albert Pike - a Confederate General who believed in slavery who's statue stands in Washington DC?

Albert talked about the three wars to be executed by Lucifer the following reasons:

1st) Destroy Russia
2nd) Destroy European Royalty
3rd) Destroy the world and bring about the Temple To Lucifer in Jerusalem.

These would be funded by his father Lucifer through the Vatican, using the German Banks in Frankfurt that control the Rothchild's Empire that spans the gone. The US/UK would start,and fund, all three wars. After the Third War all politicians, Intel Agents  and judges would be terminated and the Earth would have a sustainable population of 500 Million.

Fast forward to 1919 and we see the development of the League of Nations.

In 1922 the Lucifer Trust Fund was created to run the League of Nations for Lucifer.

In 1944 the United Nations was created by the Rothchilds and the Lucifer Trust (Now the Lucis Trust) would run this outfit for Lucifer.

On 14 July 1944 the Bretton Woods agreement was created and the United States Corporation was to be under the complete control of the IMF (USC 2, Sec 286) and would obey them as their slaves. The purpose of this Vatican Treaty signed at the United Nations was to bring about World War 3 and maintain certain national populations AND to allow the newly created CIA to import drugs through out the world to pay of these activities and to build their underground bases.

Politicians are bribed out of these accounts to accomplish these objectives, with the rebellious being terminated with Prejudice - like President Lulu of Brazil of Chavez of Venezuela.

Individuals who try and stop these goals are terminated and those insider who talk simply vanish.

The shooting down of the airliners are meant either as a warning to a particular President or to kill an individual on that plane - flight 800 killed the US Ambassador to France, Etc. These have all been covered over and over again in our previous stories.

In addition - in 1956 President Eisenhour clearly signed a series of treaties with the ETs - 12 in fact - that control just exactly how we will interact with them.

In recent times amany of the original Alien Races have been fed GMO Food to change their DNA to cause their race to suffer and eventually die. IR - the Tall Whites.

Keep in mind the end goal: Earth's Population of 500 Million, Lucifer's Temple on the North Temple Mount in the year 2032, and Lucifer worshiped as GOD,and the need for Lucifer and hos minions to suck off Human Suffering to get high.

Please keep in mind also  that the Current Muslim Temple in Jerusalem is not King Davids Temple Location. The real location is just north at the North Temple. This north Temple  it lines up with the viewing of the Chief Jewish Priest through the East Gate of the Mount of Olives and is directly above the Old East Jerusalem Gate.

Thus when Lucifer builds his temple (A tent) on top of the North Temple Mount and declares himself as god the Messiah will return and crush his little rebellion after a huge earthquake.

The US Corporation was thus given the authority  kill and destroy through the US State Department's "Office Of Population Control" (Now called the Office of Population) with unlimited funding to accomplish the goals of Lucifer. This is why we see:

1) Chemtrails that are killing us.
2) Aluminum Dust in our Jet Fuel, Destroying our ability to synthesize Vitamin D
3) Killer GMO Foods
4) Killer Vaccinations
5) 900 US Bases in 153 different nations
6) Abortion every where
7) Viruses in Gasoline
8) Plagues
9) Over 22 different active wars worldwide
10) Over 850 FEMA Camps in America.

Further - the Chief Jesuit in an interview on 4/15/2000 stated it was time to destroy the North America and outlined just how they were going to do it. He also stated that if we kill the Jesuits world wide we get our money back, our nation back, etc - and that no world leader was Man enough to do this - especially Wimpy Gimpy Putin.

This is why Putin tries to be so Macho - the three Putins look so Macho. They are, in reality, New World Order Schills. If Putin really wished Russia to thrive do you not think he would have done as GOD has asked him to do?

So far - so good - they are right on target in the destruction of North America, the coming Nuclear War and the building of the Temple for Lucifer --- oh wait -- the Nuclear War has been stopped for 8 years now ---- Lucifer has a Chink in his Armor called GOD  - so keep praying. .

The few videos I produce like THE CURE FOR CANCER are not even a hinderance to them. I am not even an minor annoince.

So now you know why the United States is on a Killing Rampage.

Five days ago the United States Corporation missed a payment to China - essentially declaring bankruptcy - but life just goes on. They keep killing, destroying, murdering all for Lucifer and no nation can deny the United States Demands.

Do not expect relief from the Great Red Dragon Family or from Russia. They could have bailed out this economy 8 years ago when I showed them how - but GOD is not on Lucifer's Agenda and until GOD acts all we can do is pray - Visualize - that GOD stop these Murdering Kleptomaniacs from starting this insane Nuclear War.

The next window is 3 April (+- 3 Days) The US Forces loyal to those at  the Base in NW Nevada plan of sending 12 High Tech, almost undetectable nukes (Ukraine 8 Feb) to 8 US Cities and to: Beijing, London, Paris and Rome?

More than likely they will be stopped.

Then comes the Grid take down - just like the US just did in Holland. It was a test.

Sure - the ETs are going to help - yeah.

Hockey Puck.

During the ran Hostage Crises President Reagan ended in one day, Admiral Hyman G. Richover stated that 3 AWACS could terminate Iran's Grid - including all switch boards - that was 35 years ago. Imagine the technology they have today!

OK - Now you know why the US Corporations shoot down Commercial Airliners - that is their job under the Bretton Woods Agreement - which ran out 14 July 2014.

So how can we change this mess and put Lucifer to bed?

To re-establish World Control the BRICS Nations would need to send a delegation to New York  and sign a new agreement at the United Nations. This is something that apparently the Red Dragon Family never thought of based on my communications with them.

So - apparently this is not on the agenda of the Chinese Red Dragon Family, the BRICS or the Russian Hierarchy.

The treaties above are simple enough to understand and even I could write a new treaty in an hour. It is that simple.

A BRICS Coalition could be assembled in one hour and delegates could be in New York (Or the Geneva UN Building) and a gathering convened by tomorrow morning.

They do not do this because they do not want one - this is why YOU are so needed - to pray (Visualize) that this insane destruction put forth by Lucifer and his forces stop immediately and permanently.

The destruction of their Banking Leaders and Banking System for not honoring their obligations to this Ambassador as GOD has set forth -- this also directly hinders their efforts

Let us pray - visualize - that the BRICS have the intelligence to create  this New Breton Woods Agreement within the next 48 hours before the Rothcilds (Frankfurt Bauery Boys) can orchestrate a Nuclear WW3.  I could write it in 10 minutes since I know the Old Treaty.

A final note to the Industry Leaders who think they will hide in their underground shelters when the Nuclear War begins: Do you not think your shelters were not built with Self Destruct Devices?

Are you that childish?

The news you need.

Dr William B. Mount

US Laser Test That Destroyed Germanwings, Next Plunges Holland Into Darkness

Obama Rages Over Germanwings Plane Shootdown, Refuses To Meet NATO Leader

US Laser Test Destroys Germanwings Airliner Killing 150 Innocent Civilians

Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Cure For Alzheimers

This is the worst disease I have ever seen as you watch your relatives slip away before your eyes.

I would rather die then have Alzheimers - and we have know the cure for this disease since 1951.

Following is a video stating what I have found reverses Alzheimers. The Nutrient Base and Surfactant Immusist combine to create a situation in your body were it heals itself.

Unbelivable - but it works and it will cot you about $200 a year.

Since I tell the truth I cannot, and refuse, to make any money by doing this.   The ad money will be sent to Patch Adams to help fund his 2 FREE hospitals so put up with the ads and realize you are helping fund something that is really great just by watching a video.

Kinda of cool if you think about it.


 The Cure For Alzheimers - YouTube

Dr William B. Mount
Ambassador William Mount to the US Based Corporations

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Cure For Morgellons Disease - Update 1

If you read The Cure For Morgellons Disease story we wrote last year then here is an Update.

First of all - if you have Morgellons Disease you are not crazy.

If a Doctor treats you he will more than likes be arrested by some US Zeig Heil Department so he must send you to the Psych Ward and back out of it.

We all know it is real - but how do you get rid of it?

Please watch the video:

The Cure For Morgellon's Disease - YouTube

Please also realize there is hope at a  Morgellon's Help Line.

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: The Cure For Morgellons Disease

The Website is

The Morgellons Help Line Number is number is 832-343-5425

This Cyborg Parasite gets worse and worse every year ans new and improved versions are sprayed out of hte sky on us. .

Morgellon's Disease is meant to sterilize planet Earth and is Alien in Origin.

You are not crazy - you are perfectly sane --- you have just been hit with a nasty, nasty parasite meant to inflict huge amounts of pain on you and cause you to commit suicide.

Watch the video and good luck.

There is hope.

Ambassador Mount

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Kitty Alzheimers Cured Yeah!

US Carrier Disabled By Russian Submarine

WE are currently checking out a story stating that the US Carrier Roosevely (CVA 71) was disabled by the Russian Navy.

During Wargames the Carrier and most of her fleet, wer "Knocked Out Of action" by a French Submarine during Wargames on 15 March.

Apparently she headed with her Fleet up into the Baltic Sea sn the Russians told her to stay back, she ignored them, and was disabled.

What makes this story so believable is the Pain Stream Press states clearly that the Carrier was too big for the docks at Portsmith England.

When you look at the the port you can clearly see a Carrier docked there and 4 escort ships each about 300 feet long on the other side of the dock. In other words 0 the Main Stream Press was lying about why she entered the port.

So not only are we getting reports of Dead US Infantry, 4 US jets shot down but now a Carrier Group.

A Submariner calls a Carrier a Target - so all these years the United States has been building machines that can be easily destroyed by Submarines and their only purpose is to bomb nations out of existence from the sea.

Consider This: Why would ALL the main stream press lie about the Carrier being too big to be docked unless they were hiding something?

You make up you own mind when you read these stories.

<center><font color="black">GENERAL FORUM: U.S.S.Theodore Roosevelt Too Big To Dock in English Port

U.S. Aircraft Carrier and Part of its Escort “Sunk” by French Submarine During Drills Off Florida


Terrified US Aircraft Carrier Flees From Russian Subs To UK Safety

May I highly suggest US White House Personnel and Congressional Personnel that you reconsider what GOD has asked you to do. In a war - you will be the First Casualties. You are hated by the BRIC nations and of no need to those who live in the cities below you feet. This includes you FBI and CIA.

One little Submarine destroyed knocked out a Carrier Group.

US Corporation: That may be YOUR last warning.

You know my number.

Look up - my help comes from above.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Monday, March 23, 2015

The Website That Has Been Destroying Web Servers

Who has been attacking the internet - here is an Email form Sorcha describing just who.

Please pray that the Web Master and his minions collapse forever immediately.

Here is the E-Mail:

 Well Folks,

It's been a very trying week for us, but we're back up and online so let me take a few minutes to tell you everything we know about what happened. Granted, this may get a little more technical than you're used to, but please try to follow, and by all means go to the links I'm providing here because this issue is critical for everyone to know about and understand.

First of all, our thanks go out to the geniuses at Kaspersky Labs (and there is no better word to describe them) for working on solving our problems this week and providing the fixes to (hopefully) keep them from happening again.

Secondly, the attack we suffered which destroyed one of our main servers was caused by something called "nls_933w.dll".

Rather than me trying to explain what this is, the tech site SecureList in their article Equation: The Death Star of Malware Galaxy describes it in these words:

"Perhaps the most powerful tool in the Equation Group's arsenal is a mysterious module known only by a cryptic name: "nls_933w.dll". It allows them to reprogram the hard drive firmware of over a dozen different hard drive brands, including Seagate, Western Digital, Toshiba, Maxtor and IBM. This is an astonishing technical accomplishment and is testament to the group's abilities."

Who is the Equation Group? No one really knows, except for these facts:

Since 2001, the Equation Group has been busy infecting thousands, or perhaps even tens of thousands of victims throughout the world, in the following sectors:

*Government and diplomatic institutions
*Nuclear research
*Oil and gas
*Islamic activists and scholars
*Mass media
*Financial institutions
*Companies developing encryption technologies

Eugene Kaspersky, the founder of Kaspersky Labs, in an article he wrote for Forbes Magazine a couple weeks ago (The Most Sophisticated Cyber Espionage Campaign Ever -- But Who's Behind It?) also stated this about the Equation Group:

"The second investigation was into a group of expert hackers we've named the Equation Group, probably linked to a government, which has been running the most complex and sophisticated cyber-espionage campaign we've ever seen. The media is saying the NSA is behind it, but we never did. And I wouldn't recommend pointing any fingers at anyone."

Now you surely notice that Mr. Kaspersky didn't say the NSA (or any US government intelligence agency for that matter) was behind the Equation Group, but nevertheless he was forced to respond to accusations that he did a few days ago in another Forbes Magazine article, Security Without Borders: Equation and Suspicion.

That didn't stop the attacks against Mr. Kaspersky, though, for daring to tell the public about the Equation Group, as evidenced by a vicious hit piece directed against him by the Bloomberg News Service (The Company Securing Your Internet Has Close Ties to Russian Spies) reminding everyone that he had been trained by the KGB/FSB, was a former military intelligence officer, and still has close ties to his countries intelligence agencies.

What Bloomberg failed to point out, however, was that Mr. Kaspersky has never hid his background or his present fact, like ALL global cyber security firms, Kaspersky Labs even has government accounts too. Big Surprise!

But as all of us know all to well, expecting Bloomberg, or any US media to report honestly about anything is never going to happen...especially the FACT that both Google and Facebook were both created by the about calling the kettle black!

So where we stand now is that we're fixed for the moment, but the experts at Kaspersky Labs tell us that these attacks are not only still occurring (specifically targeting alternative media websites in the US and EU), they're beginning to see a pattern they believe will enable the Equation Group to shut down all of their targeted sites at a moments notice.

Now why do you suppose they would want do that for???

Anyway, and as these experts have strongly suggested to us in order to prevent/minimize any future attacks, what we're in the process of doing now is converting all of our data to what are called Cloud Servers.

And as you correctly surmise, none of this is easy or fact, we still don't know how we're going to do it without your help.

So PLEASE go to Sister Ciara's report [Click HERE], Just Hours Away From Nuclear War, America Remains Asleep, read what she says...and then give what you can to help us today.

And for all of you whom are able to...please don't forget the sites AntiWar.Com and RumormillNews.Com too as they are both suffering for daring to tell people the truth and have been economically attacked by Google.

All the best,


Dr William B. Mount