Sunday, April 27, 2014

Oregon Burning Aborted Babies For Power

It's all about money and control.

Please pray - visualize - with me that these despicable practices stop.

In fact - this article has been repeated over and over again all across this nation: Aborted babies burned for power and heat.

It's OK, right because 95% of the babies are now white babies?

The practice of burning dead bodies for heat and energy goes way back to Jolly Old England - where dead bodies were burned in hospital incinerators to generate heat and to dispose of these unwanted, and usually infected, waste.

What the NAZI's did to the Jews the US Corporation does to our babies.

Think this odd - please reread the APFN Story about Soilent Green, where half of the Human Population has had their DNA changed (CODON 127 turned to CODON 129) because they have eaten Human Brains in their processed meats. Without the use of a Food Grade Surfactant like Immusist this ( insures Alzheimers Disease.;article=138870

Oh - I forgot - a US corporate Agency outlawed it, for a few days anyway.

At the VA in Phoenix an recent article on CNN showed these VA Employees purposely killing vets - you should see inside the hospitals. After they die they rip out as many body parts to sell as possible before "Disposing " of the body. It is one sick process run by sick men like General Shesenski - a Lucifarian Priest, a man who is incapable of getting within 100 yards of me he is so evil.

In Russia there was a factory cutting up Dead humans to make meat for the market.

(((((I had to sleep on the couch for 3 days after doing this story on Channel 77 Seattle.)))))


If I walk you through certain oriental sections of Seattle I can buy Human Body Parts for eating - hand, eyes, ears, livers, etc. It is a religious thing.

So now that you are totally grossed out and sick - let your eyes and ears be opened as to what is really going on around you.

This is a real spiritual war we are fighting and we need to focus on Lucifer and his forces of evil to be expelled from Planet Earth as soon as possible.

Look around you - do not ask GOD why he is trashing the economies of the world - the world is Evil run by Evil Men.

Ask instead how GOD can protect you and how YOU can pray to end this evil here on Planet Earth before we end up like Adama, Marduk, Mars and now Earth.

As you recall, we did a story on the Chinese grinding up dead babies and selling them as PEP PILLS. 

You saw this first here on APFN

Dr William B. Mount

Russian Insurgent In Ukraine Are Wearing Clothes Purchased In America

he Russian Insurgents show on the front cover of the Wall Street Journal were again wearing shoes available in America, not the Ukraine.

(((((Please pray with me - visualize hard - that the US Corporate Government stops these needless wars world wide immediately.)))))

If one goes to the Front Cover of the Wall Street Journal you will see several strange things about a picture in the "Ukraine?"

1) First, the Ukrainian Soldiers are wearing American Tan Colored Combat Boots. Did the American Army REBOOT the entire Ukraine Army in a week?

2) There is a stop sign on a dirt road. Excuse me - there are scant few Stop Signs in the Ukraine, let alone a sign on a Dirt Road where a "Government Building" is?

3) New Tires thrown away in the Ukraine - they wear the tires out until they are bare.

Now go to page A-8 and look at the next picture.

1) Civilians lolly gagging around during an armed confrontation?

2) The shoes are, I believe, QMUniform.comn 5.11 Tactical Trainer Mid 2.0 Shoes - cost, $100. Now where does a Ukrainian get $100 for shoes if their average wage is around $200/month?

3) Note the Shoe Laces: Unavailable; in the Ukraine.

4) The hood is a Lawpro premium watch cap with eyes cut out.

5) It is currently about 18*C, or about 50 Degrees F, yet a guy is lollygagging in the left background wearing a T-Shirt?

So perhaps - just perhaps - the writers being in both Moscow and DC had their names attached to a story that is Propaganda?

Arn't you tired of being lied to APFN audience>

You heard this first here on APFN

Dr William B. Mount

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Nazi Corporation Demands War Anywhere and Everywhere

The Nazhional Zocaleest (NAZI) US Corporation is demanding war any where and every where.

Please pray that those in the Vatican, London Financial District and New York City that are demanding war are made powerless immediately.

Fascism: When a nation is run by corporations - the merger of Government and State. By definition the US Corporation (USC 2, Sec 286, United States Senate Report 93-549, Organic Constitution of 1871) is a Fascist State - Nazhonal Zozhaleest - NAZI.

For any one with a head on their shoulders that should scare the bejeezus out of them.

Since the Obamas (^ Doubles) took office this has occurred, as ordered by the Vatican through the Roman Knights of Malta, Jesuits and US DOD:

1) 74 attempts to kill Obama, see APFN, Pravda, Euronews, Ch 77 Seattle.

2) Over 100 Nuclear False Flags created by the US Corporation - (this actually started 2 years before he took office).

3) Obama receives Nobel Peace Prize.

4) Destruction of Egypt by US, killing of their President.

5) Destruction of Libya by US Corp, killing of their President.

6) Destruction of Serbia by breaking off Kosovo - an illegal nation.

7) Destruction of over 35 countries in Africa nd the deaths of countless African Leaders.

8) Destruction of Santiago Chile with an Earth Quake Generator.

9) The destrution of the economy of the world.

10) Open selling of weaons in Afghanistan.

11) Open selling of weapons all over Iraq and trhe complete destabilization of this nation with thousands of deaths attributed to this.

12) Weapons sales up 15 times. John Shapiro, Ast Sec of State, 1 June 2012: "The Purpose of the State Department is to sell weapons."

13) Countless threats of Nuclear War against China and South Korea.

13) Acceleration of tensions all over the Middle East - the ARAB SPRING.

14) The Demands for Yangsha Island (Scarburouigh Schoul) because it has enormous amounts of gold.

15) Denial of requests to return gold stored in the US vaults, that no one knows where it is?

16) Countless attempts to start WW# with Syria and Iran.

17) The purposeful releasing of Nuclear Radiation form Fukushima, Carlsbad Canyons, English Nuke Reactor,, etc. See:


18) Murder of countless folks around the world through the use of GMO foods and vaccinations - they laugh at the world when your people die --- it is fun for these folks in DC, NYC, London and the Vatican. It entertains them and YOU can't touch them ads your sons and daughters are crippled and die.

19) Destruction of Organic Pig Farms nation wide so we must eat commercially grown pork that has a vaccine that sterilizes you and since most blacks eat pork - it terminates their population ----- ordered by a "Black President?"

20) Murdering of 51 Cattle Ranchers in Nevada and now the coming attack on the Bundy Ranch by US Cowards ordered by Obama the Coward?

I called the Governor of Nevada on this and "Girly Man Governor Sandoval" has been ordered to Stand Down. They told me:


Can we ZEIG HEIL yet?

Shall we go on?

WHAT DO NAZIS DO TO: Americans, Germans, Russians, Chinese, Japanese, Iranians, French, Spanish, English, Dutch, Scottish, Finnish, Swedish, Norweagens, Italians, Indians, Pakistanis, Africans, Australians, Indonesians.....


President Putin and PM Medvedev: Seven years ago Putin's Personal Priest (Antonio) was serving as the head of the Orthodox Chuch in Russia (Not Russian Federation). He gave you a personal gift but YOU TWO let it leave Russia, Leave the Russian Federation and go to Kiev.

There in Kiev in the Hotel Ukraine (7th Floor) you fed it radioactive water and almost killed your gift.


The gift, if left in Europe (Anywhere in Europe), would have stabilized the European Economy (US as well) and brought a new prosperity to the Russian Federation.

Your gift is now far far away watching you move Headlong into WW3 - against a nation that has 65,000 Nukes, over 250,000 Air TO Air Nuclear Tipped Missiles, and allies that have another 30,000 Nukes and an anti-gravity fleet that rivals the world and they are all pointed at China, Russia, Syria, Iran and north Korea.

This gift could have opened a Star Gate in Machu Pichu, and found the oldest base on Earth that would have pulverized your enemies.

Your lost Soviet Satellite Countries (15 In All) would have come back to Mother Russia to from an Economic Council - a Soviet Type Economy.

Instead you have let your gift rot in America where is is illegal to say his name on the Radio or on TV.

There is still time before the Nukes are launched on Moscow you old Buzzard.

What you do is up to you.

Let the Russian People know that their leaders could have prevented the coming Nuclear War.

As you read this NATO mobilizes for war - it will take the US about 7 seconds to make Moscow a desert --- SCRAM NUKE from London.

Heck - 4 Compressed Titanium Rods form one of the cloaked x-37Bs would also do the job quite well - and once launched President Putin you would not even have time to wipe your rear before the rods hit the ground.

((((((15 May - next False Flag ----- Small Nuke in a US City, most likely Chicago or Detroit and a trip for Obama to the Promised Land - keep him underground. Since Obama wants to cover his tracks he is most likely to kill his "Friends" in the Chicago Financial District.))))))

((((((On the street, in a small package. 2KT load, with strange Bio Weapon Spores. delivered in Diplomatic Vehicle Black in Color - very official like. Strange License Number. Suicidal Maniac Bomber, American with an accent, Male, 35-50, thin, wiry, 5'6"?. False Flag, then WW3. Oodachia.))))))
The Equipment to destroy Russia is on it's way to Europe.

The Troops to kill Bundy are on their way to Nevada - hundreds and hundreds of them, then Marshal Law and a revolution.

The troops and equipment to destroy China is already in place.

The Nukes to destroy Iran are now ready to be mounted on F-15s in Israel.
The sixth and final war - 6,6,6

Adama, Marduk, Mars and now Earth

The End.
Please pray - visualize - that these insane Demon Possessed Nut Cases that run the world are stopped.

You heard this first here on APFN

Dr William B. Mount

Just a personal Note: When I am done with a story like this I am exhausted.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Fukushima Number Seven

Please pray - visualize - that this Radioactive Melt Down is neutralized as we have already shown how.

The leak is so bad that within a few days the radiation was detected over 20 miles away.

Unbelievable but true.
For You Intel Geeks:

1) Obama is in Japan, Martha Vineyards and Oso Washington at this very moment VP Biden in in Kiev. The Assassination Attempt there set up for an Obama was Biden's Doing - for this he was promised a place in history as President by the CIA - Cocaine Import Agency.

2) In the mean time an Obama has ordered Putin and his VP and PM to be stripped of their wealth and then terminated permanently just as soon as possible. PM Medveded will be left alive if he shuts up and obeys the forces in London like a good little puppy dog.

3) On the Ukraine Front: The US Forces - prisoners being released by Eric Holder - are being sent to the Mezyn National Park as it now belongs to the IMF. There should be some shootings in, and near, Shoosta in the next few days by "Russian Troops" fresh form American Jails.

4) Follow English and US Embassy Workers headed East from Kiev - stop them and search their cars for arms and large pots of cash.

5) Shoot to kill cloaked US vehicles flying near the Eastern Ukraine right now. Tye are air dropping food, munitions and other such supplies for these Soul Less Prisoners.

6) Harry Reid is still a Wide Mouthed Cow that is about to be Prepped - and he will soon have a stroke, so says the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

7) It is show down with GOD for the leaders in London, Moscow, Peking and other major world leaders.

8) If you think the rich are not being destroyed for ignoring GOD goto and look at the number of homes over $2 Million on there. Over 50% of all home sales are now by investors backed by money created on a computer in London.

9) Russia - the Nuke the CIA took when they killed your agent is now sitting in a CIA/FBI house just North and West of Chicago and is fairly unguarded. It will only yield 1-2 KT BUT it will project this new "E-Boli Spores" hundreds of miles.

10) E-Boli - hockey puck. It is a new GMO designed by you know who - the cure sits on my desk.

11) US Space Command in Kings Mountain - (((oops, top secret - so after reading this article you must kill yourself))) - you are about to get your wings clipped.

12) In Iraq today 105 were killed, 127 injured. Our military forces are still in Iraq to insure the weapons sold last month reach their destination. Sell sell sell, missile launchers, rifles, ammunition, - US weapons sale are up 15 times since Obama took office.

13) Eric Holder plans more seizures of US held pistols and rifles.

You heard it first here on APFN

Dr William Mount



Any questions?

Fukushima Number 7

Please pray - visualize -- that the world turns to alternate power immediately. Alternate power being: Solar, Wind, Tacheon Generators, Water Powered Cars, Nuclear Fusion Reactors, Etc.

Here we go again - more large amounts of radiation are now discovered outside the Cumbrian England Nuclear Storage Facility.

Here in a small town named Driggs on the West coast of England - just East of the Isle of Man, lies a fairly large Nuclear Storage site.

Radioactive liquid is simply dumped into a sand pit. It then travels about 100 yards into the ocean.

Form the pictures of Driggs you will see a huge, and strange, Algea Bloom just directly west of the dump site where the radiation goes. It is also toe end of the road where folks in the town go to swim and play on the beach.

So now count them:

1) Chernobyl, caused by the CIA.

2) Fukushima

3) Nuke reactor in England that we showed a few weeks ago here on APFN that is now leaking.

4) Hanford - which now leaks enormous amounts of radiation into both the Ground Water and Columbia River.

5) Spokane Indian Reservation. Here we reported on over 100 ongoing dump sites of raw radioactive materials - thus causing great harm to the Spokane Indian Tribe.

6) Driggs, England.

7) THE CAVES - East Central New Mexico - which has has a Nuclear Melt Down making Fukushima look tiny.

Here on APFN we were told by hthe Living GOD that one Fukushima would break loose per month for the next 12 months - all ordered by the Rithchilds in London.

Yet the DOD Joint Chiefs of Cowards (Staff) remains Inept and unable to fix anything - only desiring to provoke Nuclear War with nations that have no malice towards Americans.

No wonder the head of the Joint Chiefs of Cowards, General Dempsey, has ED - he is absolutely Inept and Limp D....

Please pray that these Joint Chiefs of Cowards are removed from office immediately and replaced with real MEN.

Forget about the 2,300 vials of Eboli the Joint Chiefs gave to terrorists.

Forget about the "New Eboli" that is genetically modified to kill 95% of all Brown Eyed Folks that has now broken loose in Italy.

Forget about the fact that the New GMO Wheat contains over 300 frequency activated GMO Viruses.

Forget about the fact that Putin and his staff are about to have their accounts zeroed out for not listening to GOD.

Forget about the fact that Senator Harry Reid is a "Broken Mouth Cow" and about to be "Pregged."

We now have another Fukushima leaking into our oceans - the North Atlantic - ordered by David Rothchilds, who works directly for the Roman Pope.

Pray hard - Visualize - that these radiation leaks are contained and neutralized.

You heard this first here on APFN

Dr William B Mount

President Obama in Japan and Washington State at This Time

Please pray that this NWO garbage unwinds as Lucifer looses control.

Right now, this very second, as you read this President Obama is in both Oso Washington and Japan.

There is also a website that states that President Obama is in Martha Vineyards - at this very moment.

So - what is going on?

And there are pictures all over the web of this?

These stories are being put on the net and taken off the net at a record speed.

You have never seen so much White Washing and covering up in my life.

First he is pictured at Martha Vineyards, then Oso Washington, then Tokyo simultaneously. Now the stories are being changed as you read them.

the First Obama has warts on his left side and dark spots on his left side, looks old and skinny, the Second Obama  has two warts on his left side, the Third Obama ........

Dr William B. Mount

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Putin And Friends To Be Stripped Of Bank Accounts

As you read this pray that Putin and his staff do what GOD told them to do 7 years ago and their personal fortunes will be left alone.

Today it was announced by one of the President Obama's that Russian President Vladimir Putin and his closest associates will have thier bank accounts located and seized by the IMF. through the Federal Reserve System.

As you recall, about 3 1/2 years ago on TV (Ch 77, Seattle ALL DAY LIVE TV Show) we announced that the Federal Reserve System had obtained access into ALL bank accounts cross the globe.

Now these Demon Possessed Bankstas will "reach Across The Oceans" and begin to personally destroy the assets of all of the Russian Industrialists.

The US Took down Victor out and seize the assets of the second largest airline company in Russia just a few short years ago because Victor refused to haul CIA Opium from Afghanistan to Southern California

Now these same Bankstas are targeting

1) Pres Putin,
2) PM Medvedev,
3) Vladislov Surkov, Putins Deputy Chief of Staff
4) Valentina Matviyenko, ......

The list goes on and on.

Pres Putin and, at the time they were warned by me 7 years ago President Medvedev, may find themselves out quite allot of money.

It is rumored that Pres Putin's Investment Assets total around $52 Billion.

Don't think your Alien Allies will assist you either - money is not their Cup Of Tea.

When GOD asks you to do something President Putin and PM Medvedev why do you think you are above HIM?

Now you will both pay with your own money, and pay and pay and pay - until you both have nothing, so says the I AM That I AM, who was and is and is to come.

Forget about the E-Boli outbreak in Italy, it's not E-Boli any way but a new Virus Strain targeting the brown Eyed folks. The cure sits in my office.

Forget about the fact that your technology now matches that of the US fleets and you can shot down a cloaked Drone at will like you did last night - see Sorcha.

Forget about the Gold Backed Rubble or Gold Backed Yuan.

You are about to be striped of your entire portfolio because YOU and YOUR STAFF refused to do as GOD asked.

It's your money not mine.
You heard it first here on APFN

Dr William B. Mount