Friday, July 10, 2015

Greece To Leave Eurozone, Already Billing In Drachmas

Coming form Bloomberg (New World Order) Greece has decided to leave the Euro Zone.

(((Please pray that those trying to stop the Greek People from freeing themselves from this Slavery are completely and immediately immobilized for life)))

Apparently Bloomberg states it verified this fact as a Hotel (Athens Hilton)  is already billing customers in the Drachma.

With the arrival of the "US Killer Angel" Victoria Nuland (Sherwin Nuland) form the US state Department Corporation the entire process has been sped up in order to avoid the assassinations of Greek Leaders.

 Under the original Maasticht Treaty forming the Euro Zone the United States Corporation illegally used it's 300 tons of stolen gold to back both the Euro and tied it to the US Treasury Note - the "US Dollar" and the Japanese Yen.

Over the last few years the White Dragon Society has taken China's 300 tons of gold back and now the Euro and Dollar and Yen as so tied together and they are backed by nothing but thin air.

If the US really showed the gold they have in reserves they would have to admit that Senator Jack Metcalf showed the US Corporation how to grow it and they now have huge supplies in reserve and to do that they would have to reveal their hand -- so they would rather trash the economy and destroy millionsof lives than admit the truth. Sound Familiar?

(((If you think this false - way back in 1997 I watched Iron being grown in a metalergy class at US Berkeley as we sat in class over a working Nuclear Reactor - which is under Evans Hall at the University. It is grown at 10 to the 14th hertz, the exact frequency I do not know.)))

So under the UCC and International Contract Law if Greece has a beef with the Maasticht Contract (Treaty) they have the right to write off their debt every 7 years and pull out of this contract ---- a little thing they left out of the treaty - Oops. Apparently the US Treaty Writes are 3 bricks shy of a full load?

What this also means is that this New Drachma does not belong to the Rothchilds. This will be the first currency in decades that does not belong to the Rothchilds and they are going to be plenty angry. You can bet they are going to try and change this with either Hit Men or War. That's all they know.

If the Greeks, supported by Russia and China, are successful in freeing Greece form Rothchild's Slavery then more than likely Portugal, Spain and Italy will follow in that order. Then we shall see France, Germany and the US and Japan follow in that order.

Wait until it is revealed that JP Morgan sold twice as many US Treasury Bonds as were issued - they double sold each bond and got away with it. It will not be too awful long until we see the US Treasury Dollar collapse and the New World Order Currency follow.

The two videos that follow will show the New World Currency.

Medvedev Shows Off Sample Coin of New World Currency At G8 - YouTube

Global Economic Crisis New World Order Currency Announced by Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev - YouTube

The Article showing the Hotel Receipt using the new Drachma in Greece.

NO DEAL; NO BAILOUT! Greece to Exit EURO on Sunday, banks & Businesses already told SWITCH TO DRACHMA; CDS Unwind imminent

The News You Need Today

Dr William B. Mount

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Bankstas - You Were Warned 8 Years Ago

Bankstas - you were warned 8 years ago what was coming and you took no actions to avoid this calmaty that we all must face now.

(((Please pray that those destroying America are immediately and completely flattened)))

I was yelled at by the FBI, US Marshals and Secret Service for interfering with your Nuclear War and attempts at assassination presidents around the world. Your response was to allow some Freaks in the FBI to steal my money and make this Ambassador Homeless --- so I used the back of my Pick Up Truck and a portable computer to find out exactly why.

Eight years is a time of Completion for GOD. You had 8 years to make it right and you have used every excuse to come against me.

It's GOD's turn now.

I have been told by two different  sources that it is getting very lonely up top with the lead Bankstas - it will get worse every day until you do as GOD has directed. So here is how it began:

1) A few week ago your Red Dragon Ambassador was called out in a conference in Virginia about these promised Prosperity Funds and he backed down, stating he would use the funds to invest in solid business deals - the idea of Prosperity Funds was a lie. His Family Members lied about the St Germain (Marco Polo) Funds.

2) I warned the Red Chinese here in this media that their markets would fall unless they called. Do not give me an excuse and a Chinese Consulate Lap Dog lives 30 miles north of this Ambassador.

3) Voila - just like they were told their markets are falling and will continue to fall hard --- they still need to call me yet they ignore me --- their excuse: Their Is No God, the hundreds of Presidential Assassinations and Nuclear False flags stopped was all a ---- Coincidence.

Well - GOD was not impressed with their excuse as their markets fell again today

4) In retaliation for their markets crashing they took down the New York Stock Exchange today - so it was shut down until the Chinese Hackers were shut out of the NYSE. The rest of the World Markets will now follow.

5) What do you  think the Rothchilds will now do to the Chinese Markets - considering their Yuan belongs to them - as do all currencies world wide?

Yeah - it has begun - the Financial War - and the heat will be turned up by the Living GOD as they attack each other relentlessly.

The White Dragons will now have a hard time keeping the members of the Chinese Bankstas alive until they do as GOD has directed them to do.

(((Wait until the Rothchilds figure out the FBI lost them Trillions today)))

In the mean time the CIA and FBI seem awful busy as they have been attacking the US Infrastructure.

There were 11 attacks on the US Electrical Infrastructure last month by these FBI paid Mercenaries and they also have been destroying one train a week in the US carrying chemicals they are exploding in America and destroying America's Ground Water and killing hundreds of Americans.

Than you FBI for randomly killing more Americans for fun.

Further - the Ukraine has mover 2,500 National Guard Troops from their "NAZI Battalion" to Fort Collins to begin training on how to detonate Nuclear Weapons and Chemical Weapons using time delayed fuses. They answer to the US State Department Corporation not the Department of Defense Corporation, they have been regulated to a secondary role.

These are the troops they will use to set of Nukes around the world.

Finally - it appears that the US SS - Homeland Security - has killed 5 doctors that practice Alternate Medicine here in America. It's Called Murder directed form the White House.

Doctors - Arm Yourselves and please remember - the local Cops are filled with these  "SS" Hit Men so always call in a routine stop to find out if you are being stopped by real cops and NEVER travel alone. Never.

And please do not forget to Zeig Heil.

One Last Note Bankstas - You Cannot Hide. There is no place on Earth that is safe until you do as GOD has directed you to do.

Just as surely as Obama ran form the White House 4 July on a warning from GOD - so to YOU have been warned by the Living GOD and please remember - Hell (and Dimension, 10th Harmonics) is forever.

Please also keep in mind Bankstas - when the Nukes Fly YOU will be first - GOD does NOT lie. may i suggest you do as GOD has asked to you to?

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Hipknowsys: Benjamin Fulford - July 6, 2015: Top secret negotiations continue as Greek “No” vote pressures Western oligarchy to surrender

China shares: Regulator takes action after slide - BBC News

Dow ends down 261 as NYSE shutdown stuns markets

All spelling errors brought to you by the Rainbow Boys of US Army Cyber Command.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Super Soldier Tells All

Super Soldier Tells All

Many thanks to Project Camelot and Kerry Cassidy

MK Ultra Project Camelot Super Human Soldiers - YouTube


Obama Missed The Tomato

Several weeks ago we stated that if Obama #2 stayed in the White House for the 4th of July he would more than likely get hit with a Tomato in the face.

((Pray that those trying to destroy Freedom and America are themselves immediately and completely immobilized for life))

Well - Obama #2 Ran from the White House to the Underground Command Center in the Pentagon on the 4th after the Russian Defense Department issued a War Order that if the attack in South Western Russia (Chechnya) as planned (And Funded) by the United States Corporation occurred then Russia would respond by sinking the USS Porter - DDG 78.

Russia further not only put it's Black Sea Fleet on High Alert but placed their base near Gyumri Armenia on High Alert - the same base that cripple a US Destroyer not to long ago - the 102nd military base.

Russia us further taking action in Greece as the US States Department Corporation just send Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs for the US Corporation, to Greece with a limited Budget to kill the Greek Leaders starting with PM Alexis Tsipras and then institute a Coup and a revolution - as she did in the Ukraine. With over 300 CIA operatives now in Greece  being paid by either the US Embassy in Greece or Macedonia in Euroes this should be an easy kill, right?

The riots and killings in Greece should be kicked off within 3 weeks and follow the format used in the Ukraine -killing, destruction, riots - all paid in local dollars.

In Comparison the US Funded Coup in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) despite warning the world here on this media outlet was a breeze a few weeks ago ---- an easy take down..

Victoria Nuland has a Nick Name: "The Killer Angel" because she brings death to any one who stands in her way. She is Evil to the core.

Set aside for this operation is around $500 Million Euros in Cash (200 in Greece, 150 in Macedonia and 150 hidden in US Embassies in Albania, and various places throughout cities to the north of Greece - especially Mosques) with a top out of about around $3 Billion.

If successful the Entire Monetary system will be reset in accordance with US Protocols 14 September 2015 and the people of the world will become slaves to the Rothchilds.

If unsuccessful the UN Protocols go into effect and the Rothchilds loose their Debt Control over the world.

It is likely that the US will resist and like the Giant Bahemoth will need to be killed to end the evil reign of the United States Corporation. If they go down - like the Giant Bahemoth - they intend to take as many people with them as they can.

In the mean time we see the next expected hit on Obama #2 will be 17 June 2015 ( +- 3 days)  by CIA paid "Shooters." It would be best it he hid underground like a rat in a cave or took a trip to --- say --- Boston or some other really liberal gay city on that day. Unfortunately few citizens are armed there and if shots were fired no one is left to defend the President so maybe he does need to go underground.

If the US does not bow to international pressures then the combined forces of Russia and China, and all their allies above our heads we never see, plan on taking out the United States Corporation 12 October 2015 with Nuclear Weapons - starting with DC, NYC, Atlanta Underground, Under Denver, Seattle and under South Central Nebraska. If this coordination fails and the US Corporation (Rothchilds, Rockefellars) the next Nuclear Strike date is set for 17 November 2015.

The Rothchilds and Rockefellar's Underground Bases will also be detonated.

The actual Nuclear Strike Map is the same as what we showed a few days ago.

The Jewish High Command believes the White Race is from Lucifer and Adom in the book of Joel is North America and Europe and it will be completely destroyed in this coming Nuclear War - which is why they feel OK about plundering these areas and than when THEIR Messiah returns 14 September he will make the Jews the Master Race. I just got a briefing and I am sick about it.

Much to their surprise the land of Adom refers to the land where Adam was born - Iraq and Quiwait. This is consistent with other prophesies claiming the Nile and Euphrates will dry up in the last days as we see them today.

Either way - it should prove to be a very eventful year.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Stunned Obama Flees To Pentagon After Receiving Putin “War Order

Rectified_Languages_of_Europe_map.png (733×599)

The Giant Behemoth Trailer - YouTube

PS APFN - you have 18 viruses on your website. Run Spybot to remove them. You can also download Malware form Filehippo to do the job as well - but it only works  30 days.

A Mysterious Box Contents

For those of you that missed the article.

Mysterious Box Was Found, It's Better If They Never Opened It

The box was handmade from wood, fit with hinges, a handle and a pair of locks.


From what was written here, it appears that the author had an experience that was definitely not from here.


A hand-drawn table of the elements.


This patent is not filed with the United States Patent Office – but the drawings are remarkably detailed. But this is not the weirdest part…


This drawing was dated 1939 – why would someone discard this?


Oddly, this map shows air travel routes.


A lot of the maps are hand-drawn with a “center” noted on it.


The maps represent aerial patterns and/or routes of some type.


There were quite a few of the maps.


and the mystery continues…


Sponsored Link

A note perhaps from the previous owner.


Another map with a “center” on it.


A piece of the past – a note from a very old Veterans Affairs office.


The artist depicts an event from Tampa, FL in 1977. He notes the event to be extraterrestrial in nature.


Odd to see extraterrestrial UFO on the same page with angelic-looking creatures.


Drawing of an entity.


A slight summary of the events.


Geometric shapes that are related.


Another drawing of one of the entities – looks strangely like something out of the Biblical book of Ezekiel.


An additional sketch of the same being.


Beings from the side view.


The artist was fixated on these creatures for some time.

Was this a dream or did this really happen?


One might say this looks like wheels within wheels, wings full of eyes and creatures with 4 heads (man, ox, eagle and lion) from the book of Ezekiel.


The drawings seem to mix biblical and extraterrestrial visions.


A close-up of the corner.


The details of this drawing include some of the patent drawings seen earlier.


A different view of one of the patent drawings.


It appears that these new train wheels might have come from the train he drew earlier.


What are your thoughts?

30_Pic30 31_Pic31
Whatever your conclusion – someone who was working too hard, a drug-induced vision, or a true extra-terrestrial experience…it sure is a puzzle. Unfortunately, we cannot ask the artist and know for sure. All we know is that this person experienced something very odd. Perhaps he knows something that we don’t!

Monday, July 6, 2015

International Financial Conference Starts In 7 Days

Coming form a very private meeting from the heart of the United Nations The most important Financial Meeting will begin in 7 days.

In the capitol city of Addis Ababa in Ethiopia at the United Nations Conference Center Ambassador's from around the world, along with their banking representatives, will gather to in one of the fastest  growing cities in Africa - the Political Center of Africa.

This city in Ethiopia has the third largest number of Embassies and International Organizations around the world in the world, behind only New York and Geneva.

The New UN Conference Center there is extremely large and state of the art.

Here, in less that one week, the World's Financial Reset will be set in stone and laws will firmed up as to redistribute the Worlds Resources in a more equitable way.

The bankruptcy of Greece, Puerto Rico, Spain, Portugal, Italy, then France, Germany and the United States Corporation will all be firmed up and exactly what the currency will be worth will also be discussed in private meetings.

In Layman Terms - the New World Order Agenda will be set in stone - in less than 7 days.

Not One Word In the press about it - not in the Main Stream - not in the Alternate Media - completely under the radar ---- and yet these meetings will effect every part of your life in less than 3 months.

Things such as: will the United States be broken up and it's population terminated, how many FBI Agents are about to he terminated, how much money a retired American will actually make - will there be Mental Disability in America, what happens to Social Security  - all will be discussed in just a few short days at the conference center.

As a side note - my new Military ID Card no longer uses my social Security Number because the Social Security Agency will be fundamentally changed. This too will be discussed at this meeting - - behind closed doors.

The meetings are to discuss overall objectives of meeting the 17 United Nations Goals and how to achieve "The Plan" in America (Total Godless Anarchy in America).

The key here is to look for a World Wide Financial Leader to move forward into a world that fits the United Nations Agendas.

With the deaths of the Original Obama, Putin, Kerry, Hillary (and the fall of the Chinese Economy) and a host of other world leaders there appears to be NO world leader stepping up to the plate at this time - we will have ----Financial Leadership thus coming form the Director of the United Nations Finance Department - a Complete New World Order set in stone to be initiated by the fall under J.A.D.E. H.E.L.M. 2015.

For those who did not know - J.A.D.E. H.E.L.M. 2015 - is an exercise to eliminate those opposed to the NEW WORLD ORDER and the world wide rule of Lucifer and the UN Agenda. At this point - accept what you cannot change. Any form of patriotism shall be terminated.

Wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall at this conference?
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount
Captain, Retired, US Army

Yesterday A President Obama Double signed another Executive Order authorizing Martial Law in the US and it's Territories - A Complete Department of Homeland Security (NAZI SS) take over of America.


Third International Conference on Financing for Development

Third International Conference on Financing for Development .:. Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform
All Spelling errors brought to you by the Rainbow "Soldiers"  in US Army Cyber Command.


Sunday, July 5, 2015

How To Cruise The Net

  • When you cruise the net use headings like:  or Google.Ca, or or MSN.Ca and you will get better results.

  • AD Andorra
  • AE United Arab Emirates
  • AF Afghanistan
  • AG Antigua and Barbuda
  • AI Anguilla
  • AL Albania
  • AM Armenia
  • AN Netherland Antilles
  • AO Angola
  • AQ Antarctica
  • AR Argentina
  • AS American Samoa
  • AT Austria
  • AU Australia
  • AW Aruba
  • AZ Azerbaidjan
back to top
  • BA Bosnia-Herzegovina
  • BB Barbados
  • BD Banglades
  • BE Belgium
  • BF Burkina Faso
  • BG Bulgaria
  • BH Bahrain
  • BI Burundi
  • BJ Benin
  • BM Bermuda
  • BN Brunei Darussalam
  • BO Bolivia
  • BR Brazil
  • BS Bahamas
  • BT Buthan
  • BV Bouvet Island
  • BW Botswana
  • BY Belarus
  • BZ Belize
back to top
  • CA Canada
  • CC Cocos (Keeling) Isl.
  • CF Central African Rep.
  • CG Congo
  • CH Switzerland
  • CI Ivory Coast
  • CK Cook Islands
  • CL Chile
  • CM Cameroon
  • CN China
  • CO Colombia
  • CR Costa Rica
  • CS Czechoslovakia
  • CU Cuba
  • CV Cape Verde
  • CX Christmas Island
  • CY Cyprus
  • CZ Czech Republic
back to top
  • DE Germany
  • DJ Djibouti
  • DK Denmark
  • DM Dominica
  • DO Dominican Republic
  • DZ Algeria
back to top
  • EC Ecuador
  • EE Estonia
  • EG Egypt
  • EH Western Sahara
  • ES Spain
  • ET Ethiopia
back to top
  • FI Finland
  • FJ Fiji
  • FK Falkland Isl.(Malvinas)
  • FM Micronesia
  • FO Faroe Islands
  • FR France
  • FX France (European Ter.)
back to top
  • GA Gabon
  • GB Great Britain (UK)
  • GD Grenada
  • GE Georgia
  • GH Ghana
  • GI Gibraltar
  • GL Greenland
  • GP Guadeloupe (Fr.)
  • GQ Equatorial Guinea
  • GF Guyana (Fr.)
  • GM Gambia
  • GN Guinea
  • GR Greece
  • GT Guatemala
  • GU Guam (US)
  • GW Guinea Bissau
  • GY Guyana
back to top
  • HK Hong Kong
  • HM Heard & McDonald Isl.
  • HN Honduras
  • HR Croatia
  • HT Haiti
  • HU Hungary
back to top
  • ID Indonesia
  • IE Ireland
  • IL Israel
  • IN India
  • IO British Indian O. Terr.
  • IQ Iraq
  • IR Iran
  • IS Iceland
  • IT Italy
back to top
  • JM Jamaica
  • JO Jordan
  • JP Japan
back to top
  • KE Kenya
  • KG Kirgistan
  • KH Cambodia
  • KI Kiribati
  • KM Comoros
  • KN St.Kitts Nevis Anguilla
  • KP Korea (North)
  • KR Korea (South)
  • KW Kuwait
  • KY Cayman Islands
  • KZ Kazachstan
back to top
  • LA Laos
  • LB Lebanon
  • LC Saint Lucia
  • LI Liechtenstein
  • LK Sri Lanka
  • LR Liberia
  • LS Lesotho
  • LT Lithuania
  • LU Luxembourg
  • LV Latvia
  • LY Libya
back to top
  • MA Morocco
  • MC Monaco
  • MD Moldavia
  • MG Madagascar
  • MH Marshall Islands
  • ML Mali
  • MM Myanmar
  • MN Mongolia
  • MO Macau
  • MP Northern Mariana Isl.
  • MQ Martinique (Fr.)
  • MR Mauritania
  • MS Montserrat
  • MT Malta
  • MU Mauritius
  • MV Maldives
  • MW Malawi
  • MX Mexico
  • MY Malaysia
  • MZ Mozambique
back to top
  • NA Namibia
  • NC New Caledonia (Fr.)
  • NE Niger
  • NF Norfolk Island
  • NG Nigeria
  • NI Nicaragua
  • NL Netherlands
  • NO Norway
  • NP Nepal
  • NR Nauru
  • NT Neutral Zone
  • NU Niue
  • NZ New Zealand
back to top
  • OM Oman
back to top
  • PA Panama
  • PE Peru
  • PF Polynesia (Fr.)
  • PG Papua New
  • PH Philippines
  • PK Pakistan
  • PL Poland
  • PM St. Pierre & Miquelon
  • PN Pitcairn
  • PT Portugal
  • PR Puerto Rico (US)
  • PW Palau
  • PY Paraguay
back to top
  • QA Qatar
back to top
  • RE Reunion (Fr.)
  • RO Romania
  • RU Russian Federation
  • RW Rwanda
back to top
  • SA Saudi Arabia
  • SB Solomon Islands
  • SC Seychelles
  • SD Sudan
  • SE Sweden
  • SG Singapore
  • SH St. Helena
  • SI Slovenia
  • SJ Svalbard & Jan Mayen Is
  • SK Slovak Republic
  • SL Sierra Leone
  • SM San Marino
  • SN Senegal
  • SO Somalia
  • SR Suriname
  • ST St. Tome and Principe
  • SU Soviet Union
  • SV El Salvador
  • SY Syria
  • SZ Swaziland
back to top
  • TC Turks & Caicos Islands
  • TD Chad
  • TF French Southern Terr.
  • TG Togo
  • TH Thailand
  • TJ Tadjikistan
  • TK Tokelau
  • TM Turkmenistan
  • TN Tunisia
  • TO Tonga
  • TP East Timor
  • TR Turkey
  • TT Trinidad & Tobago
  • TV Tuvalu
  • TW Taiwan
  • TZ Tanzania
back to top
  • UA Ukraine
  • UG Uganda
  • UK United Kingdom
  • UM US Minor outlying Isl.
  • US United States
  • UY Uruguay
  • UZ Uzbekistan
back to top
  • VA Vatican City State
  • VC St.Vincent & Grenadines
  • VE Venezuela
  • VG Virgin Islands (British)
  • VI Virgin Islands (US)
  • VN Vietnam
  • VU Vanuatu
back to top
  • WF Wallis & Futuna Islands
  • WS Samoa
back to top
  • YE Yemen
  • YU Yugoslavia
back to top
  • ZA South Africa
  • ZM Zambia
  • ZR Zaire
  • ZW Zimbabwe
back to top
  • ARPA Old style Arpanet
  • COM US Commercial
  • EDU US Educational
  • GOV US Government
  • INT International
  • MIL US Military
  • NATO Nato field
  • NET Network
  • ORG Non-Profit
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