Saturday, August 22, 2020

Massive Financial Confusion About To Hit World Wide

Friday, August 21, 2020

Massive Financial Confusion Is About To Hit


VIDEO:   (197) Massive Financial Confusion About To Hit World Wide - YouTube

With The Coming New Digital Dollar Only 153 Days Away And A New Digital Dollar Looming In the Back Round There Is Bound To be A Huge Amount Of Financial Confusion Ready To Hit

Yes - 2 Digital Dollars Are Being Implemented and Many Rothchilds (Bauers) And European Bankstas Will Now Die As GOD Said Over 10 Years Ago: "Cash This Bond Or Face Me Directly & Spend An Eternity In Hell."

All Of These Bankstas Have Chosen An Eternity In Hell Rather Than Doing As GOD had Directed Them

So Many Mid- Level Bankstas Are Now Dead, So Many More Will Now Die Until The New Bankers Loyal to the Pope (Lucifer Incarnate)  Back Down And Negotiate And Agree To This New Digital Dollar. So GOD Has Said It, So It Shall Be

Their Protection Is Now Removed as Of Right Now

Of Course - These Chief Bankstas You May Never Have Heard Of - Yet - They Will Die Just The Same - When GOD Speaks It Happens - And He Has Now Spoken

I Am Only A Messenger

It's The End Game

Time Is Up

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


Financial Confusion Is About To Hit World Wide

Financial Confusion is About To Hit World Wide

RESET: Digital Dollar Arrives 1 Jan 2021 - SB 3571

Thursday, August 20, 2020

RESET: Digital Dollar Arrives 1 Jan 2021


It's Finally Here - But The Infrastructure Is Not

Digital Wallets Are Being Created Using Your Debit Card 

If You Do Not Have One It Will be Issued By Your Local Bank Or Post Office

Yes - Post Office

The Post Office Will Also Maintain ATM's In Rural Areas.


The VA In The Pacific North West Is Paying Out Millions But The Millions Are Not Going To The Local Hospitals & Dentists - So Where Is the Money Going?

To Whom Is The Money Addressed?

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

RESET: Digital Dollar Arrives 1 Jan 2021 - SB 3571