Sunday, October 18, 2015

Keep Praying - It's Working

Please keep praying- it is working.

Here are4 some results of your prayers:

1) It is now raining in Southern Californian and Texas pretty regularly.

2) The King of Saudi Arabia went into a Hospital and his son, head of the Saudi Military, took control of Said's Arabia and went to Russia to given them control of his country to ensure the survival of his regime. Russia will now take over the Saudi's Remaining Oil Fields and ARAMCO.

3) The remaining carrier has left the Middle East.

4) China, Japan, and the Philippines will  not start WW3 with the US nor give up possession of Yangshaw Island despite the horrible Hurricanes  the US is currently throwing at China, Japan and the Philippines.

5) The US Military Hacking Center just North of Kabul (Afghanistan) has been discovered and reported to both the Chinese and Russians to deal with.

6) The US Army Trolls that make nasty comments on our videos are beginning to understand that we are the Good Guys, trying to spare America so the nasty, swearing comments may be lessened.

7) Marine General Joseph Dunford may have taken control of the Federal Reserve System as it's website has changes. is now

8) The French and British may be integrating into the Russian Banking System as the US Banksta War Machine may grind to a halt very soon.

9) The Trans Pacific Partnership is unknown so keep praying this falls flat on it's face.

10) A memo has surfaced from the CIA stated Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA Asset.

A memo from FBI files clearly confirmed Lee Harvey Oswald was employed by the CIA – a fact the agency denied repeatedly for nearly 50 years

11) Thanks to your prayers America inside the Pentagon is waking up.

Keep Praying.

Hipknowsys: Benjamin Fulford - October 13, 2015: The Khazarian mob is on the run as US military takes over Federal Reserve Board

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Friday, October 16, 2015

Thrive Cooking For Fun #3, Soup and Salad

Here we show how to make Soup and Salad in an inexpensive way that is nutritious and healthy.

I know it is hard to focus whole the world seems to be falling apart but these cooking  videos will teach you many ways to  to cut your food costs and travel expenses.

One last thing that is very important - if we do have Planned Riots and Food chain Disruptions if you are a member of Thrive Life you simply pick up the phone and order the food and it comes UPS to your front door.

UPS is now working with the US Post Office to ensure food deliveries around the nation.

Just go on  line to : and wither buy using my number of join and save 5%.

All of my profits are either going to Patch Adams Free Hospital or to our Cancer Camps we are not developing.

When I get a suitable home in either Kalispell Montana or Jackson Hole Wyoming Area I will immediately begin inviting people to come a learn how to cure cancer, autism, etc.

Give me your stage 4 and 5 Cancer Children and we will walk them out of Cancer at NO cost. Your ordering Thrive and your watching my videos will pay for this. All we need now is a home.

Both Immusist and Citri Care can give out my number and it is on THE CURE FOR CANCER video.

God bless your family.

Dr William Mount

The Video: Thrive Cooking For Fun #3 on You Tube
Thrive Cooking For Fun #3 Soup & Salad - YouTube

What The F?

Is the US So Fu**ed as the US Treasury Director Stated in a call last week?

Is he too stupid to do as GOD has asked him to do, really, and he will not even call this Ambassador?

Would he rather watch the United States Corporation fall?

Will they not skin him alive for this knowing he could have prevented it?

This is not a Joke Jacob, they will skin you alive inch by painful inch.

Here are events this week that directly effect YOU:

2015: Oct 17: News of Today:

1) Eight years is up - it is time for a New Beginning in GOD’s Time Frame. A few days ago Jacob Lew of the US Treasury told a friend  “We are Fu**ed when the Yuan hits the market.” It hit Monday, the same day Russia shot down a US Jet over Syria. The war is starting.

2) US invaded Camroon to seize Chad Oil Resources that were only recently released.

3) US is landing troops in the Disputed Islands surrounding Yangshaw Island - a mountain of Gold jointly administered by the Philippines and China for 70 peaceful years - Obama demands the island.

4) Putin  called Obama an “Oatmeal Head” in an international broadcast.

5) Putin’s Father’s last name was Abuteen - he was from Iraq. Hs mother was from Russia and his loyalty to Russia or Lucifer will be severely tested over the next 4 days. Will he do as GOD has directed him to do and show his love for Russia, or as Lucifer directed him to do and fall on his sword. HE has 4 days.

6) Saudi’s are issuing Bonds because they are almost out of oil and with Russia keeping the Yemen Oil in Yemen’s hands and Oman Oil Deposits in Oman’sHands the Saudi’s are out of options.

Pray for your families and see the video BE READY on You Tube.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Royal Saudi Family Is Jewish

Things are not what they seem to be.

The Royal Saudi Family is Jewish and leading the Muslim World.

The Wahabi Religion is also of Jewish Origin, and is the religion supported by the United States Corporation.

President Putin's real last name is Ahbuteen, shortened to Putin, and his father was form Iraq, his mother is Russian royalty.

See the video for more information:

Royal Saudi Family Is Jewish - YouTube
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Russia Just Authorized Shooting Down US And NATO Aircraft

The Russian Federation will give the orders to shoot down American and NATO planes that interfere with their mission of eliminating all foes to the legitimate United Nations Recognized government of Syria.

In other words - when the US Jest go to resupply ISIL/ISIS the Russian Federation along with the Chinese troops now in Syria are authorized to shoot down Americana and NATO jets and helicopters.

There have already been several instances over both Syrian and Iraqi Air Space where US planes have been shot at with Man Pack Missiles but not from Jet launched missiles with Nuclear Tips.

At 0600 hours today (2 Hours Ago) Syrian Time Russia Federation Jets and helicopters WENT HOT on taking down American and NATO Jets and Helicopters.

The time for restraint is now over as GOD's protection has left both the United States and the nation of Israel.

Obama and Handlers - Please note that New York City, DC, Under Denver and under South Central Nebraska, London are the primary targets once a Nuclear War begins. Be assured that these targets are already on the grid and their take downs would only take minutes once the US authorizes a Nuclear Strike.

Please pray for the safety of your families and that those formenting Nuclear War connected with those in London and DC are immediately flattened for life.

2 Chronicles 7: 14: "If my people humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn away from their evil ways I will hear from the heavens and forgive them and heal their land."

So Release The Dogs Of War.

Obama and Handlers - GOD promises all of you that you will not like the results.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

I Have A Dream

I have a dream.

I have a dream that we can bring families  with children with Stage 4 Cancer to our house and teach them how to eat so as to get rid of their cancer for life.

The Team is in place.

The financing is in place.

The Sole Corporation (508) is in place.

We have the video team all ready set up to do a weekly update on these camps.

What we are looking for is a large home near a small community like Jackson Hole Wyoming that has another nearby home. We can build the cabins we need.

If you have a large home and you wish to leave a legacy while you are still alive call me and we will put you in touch with our team member that can work with your attorney to make this happen.

Leave a legacy while you are still alive and get a deduction for the full value of your home.

Here is the video describing what we need.

The Video:

I Have A Dream - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Supporting video:

The Cure For Cancer, You Tube:


Monday, October 12, 2015

Two Incredible Phone Calls That May Change Your Life

Today, like most days, I received about 5 calls form the original video The Cure For Cancer.

These two calls were absolutely incredible.

1) The First call is heart wrenching.

An older gentleman - a veteran - called because he had just lost his wife to cancer.

She had had breast cancer and after it was eliminated she cancer free for about 20 years.

She was one of the 5% that actually lives over ten years after the First diagnosis of her cancer.

At age 64, 20 years later,  the cancer came back with a vengeance. She developed cancer through out her entire body in a very rapid time. The husband took his wife to the hospital and there she remained until her death.

Fighting first with Chemo then with radiation and tehn they began to cut on her.

On her 65th Birthday a man walked in to her hospital room, added something to her Chemo Bag, and walked out. A drain tube was placed in her chest and pink fluid came out. They dissolved her lungs and there she died.

The "Death Panel" for the hospital decided to terminate her the day she was determined to be no longer useful to society and the Government would pay all the bills.

They just - dissolved her lungs in front of the husband and he had no idea what was going on.

Yes folks - Obama Death Panels are real.

This is Obama Care for our veterans.

The cost of her Chemo - up to $6,000 a day including the lung dissolving drug - is now charged to his estate so when he dies all that he owns will be seized by these National Zocialeest (NAZI) pigs to pay for the Murder of his wife.

This is Obama Care.
2) The second call was inspiring.

A young kid barely wet behind the ears called - his mom had been diagnosed with Stage 4 Brain Cancer and he was still living at home.

The doctors wished to poison her with Chemo and Burn her with radiation.

I asked him if he had a car and $20 and he said yes.

He went to the grocery store, bought some Sea Weed, Tumeric and Baking soda and tonight he will put Baking Soda in her coffee, and feed her a meal containing sea weed and Tumeric.

The cancer will stop growing tomorrow and be gone in 6 months.

He also bought some Immusist to speed the process up.

This one will have a happy ending.
People wonder why I do this?

I spend 3 hours with a family on Saturday who's children we are walking out of Autism and they are happy again as a family - first time in 12 years. The children were happy and playing and interacting with others.

God Bless those who read, listen, and try these products because they are form God.

Thank you for all the calls.
The News We Need To Survive.

Dr William B. Mount