Tuesday, November 17, 2015

How To Prevent A Mud Slide

This video shows you various techniques for stabilizing a hillside.

With the weather coming this is absolutely essential for those living near, or on, a hill - especially in areas that experience high rains or live on hills that are prone to sliding.

When I was a child I watched hill side after hillside slide in the San Francisco Bay Area taking homes with them.

In almost every case the Mud Slide could have been prevented using these techniques.

The video:

How To Stabilize A Hillside - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Monday, November 16, 2015

Thrive Cooking For Fun #6: How To Join Thrive & Make A Pizza

Thrive Cooking For Fun #6: How To Join Thrive & Make Pizza

In this video we show you how to join Thrive Life and save money plus Fat Free Pizza  that tastes great.

The best part of the video is we made a Fat Free Pizza that tasted great.

I need to take my belt down another inch since switching to thrive and the money we save - well - that's

The Video - which YOU will love:

Thrive Cooking For Fun #6: How To Join Thrive & Make A Pizza - YouTube

We also have Black Friday coming up and we plan to buy lots on that day.

Our commissions goes to products to reverse Cancer.


The News We All Need

Dr William B. Mount

I Love Thrive Life Because I loose Weight Eating It.

Paris False Flag - Who Done It And Why

The following video will tell all.

Who put the False Flag Together

What was the name of the Operation

Why these Generals did this

What does it mean to you

How can you stop the next one - and yes - they have several more planned:

1) 23 Dec 2015: Nuclear Take Out If US Command Structure And Invasion

2) 17 January: Next attempt by CIA on Obama. I believe the Operations Order states he and his Enterage' of Murderers will be on Air Force One at the time and they will blame the Chinese.

3) 5 March 2016: Next attempt at Full Scale Nuclear War and invasion of America.

4) We think AMEC Corporation, as contracted by the CIA,  will blow their nuke off under Yellowstone right before March of 2016 claiming it merely "Erupted." Several US Satellites have been heating up Yellow stone for years now using FM frequencies.

Ever wonder where the missing 3,000 nukes from the Air Force went?

Watch the video to find out more info.

One last thing - China - the US will demand war by March with many False Flags.

The Video:

Paris Shooting: Who Done It And Why? - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Lets just say: NATO Employees talk allot.

Sunday, November 15, 2015