Monday, March 17, 2014

The Great Ukrainian Screw Job of 2014

Before you read this visually focus - pray - thet Lucifer's plans in the Ukraine fail miserably and back fire on those politicians keyed into this horrible plan.

What you are about to read is typical and has occurred since the Rothchilds (Bauers form Bohemia, Germany) too over the managing of the UK/US budgets and the Vatican banking system way back before our grandfathers were born.

At first the English acted as their the Military Might for these German Scum, then the US took that roll when the Pound collapsed.

The current DC Government (US Corporation) has 3 star on their flag: One for the US Corporation's military, one for the Rothchild's money, and one for the Roman Pope - Chief Priest to Lucifer.

I have been to the Ukraine three times. Each time I enjoyed the people and culture of this remarkable nation. This Ukriain Take Down is personal to me.

Unfortunately this nation has a bad history of being destroyed over and over again in the 20th century.

1) WW1 - 1914 - The German War and occupation of the Ukraine, funded by the Rothchilds.

2) 1917-21 the Russian Revolution, funded by the Rothchilds.

3) WW2, German Occupation. Funded by the Rothchilds.

4) Break Up of the Soviet Union. Funded by US Ambassador to Russia (Leo Wanta) through President Reagan ( A good loyal Catholic Knight of Malta), backed by the Rothchilds directly.

5) Now, 100 years later, the Great US Occupation of the Ukraine. - funded Directly by the Rothchilds. Remember - USC5, Sec 103 - the US DOD works Directly for David Rothchilds now, not the US Corporation and the CIA is owned by the Crown of England and their money is directly corporation by David Rothchilds in exchange for keeping the crown.

So here we go again - more Bread Lines and lack of jobs due to the IMF and Rothchilds.

For the last 7 years the UN has been sending in reps to try and tie the Power and Water systems of the Ukraine in with the Euronations bu the infrastructure is literally falling apart and without the money to upgrade such things as "New Power Poles" and New Wang Computers for the Power Grid (Now GE Computers)it will never be done so the Ukraine will remain seperate from the Euro Nations.

In comes the CIA - Avanti - with $5 Billion Dollars of Local money. They send in 1,800 troops (Mostly from the US) and start riots, shoot up the place with weapons stored at teh American Embassy, and try and kill President Yanakovich with Machine Guns.

The Ukrainian people do not have guns. The average wage there is between $200 to $400 a month so where are they going to get $500 for a pistol and ammo and import taxes?

Yea - exactly.

These were weapons form the US Embassy Weapons Storage Locker, When the initial rioters went home in the morning (Brown Shoes, Baseball Caps) they went to the American Embassy with their guns.

So in comes the IMF Thugs and they kill those who support Democracy and put in place a "US Backed" government.

Next Step: In come the US troops to Kill - just to kill. That is what we do best - we kill.

Then comes $50 Billion in loans to the Ukraine Government, of which $20 Billion must go to Russia. Of course - in a war ALL DEBTS are cancelled.

The other $30 Billion will be split among the IMF Politicians. They will borrow at 3 1/2% and invest in Russia at 7 1/2%. Not bad for killing a few folks and putting up with dirty streets for a couple of weeks.

In the mean time - the interest the people of the Ukraine must pay for the $50 Billion is about $200/yr - or about 2-4 weeks of pay for the average worker there and about 2 months pay for someone living on their Social Security.

(((((And YOU wonder why I hate Politicians and could not stand other Ambassadors.)))))

Within a few months the Ukrainian Currency will go away and the New Gold Backed Rubble will once again be used in there as a money.

(Iraq, and many Arab Nations are now dumping the Dollar as a currency)

Funny - seven years ago I had dinner with a retired Minister of Anti-Monopoly. I toasted their currency and he laughed and said: "The Ukrainian Currency is a joke. We all use Rubles and US dollars."

So what can be done about the destruction of hte Ukraine once again by the IMF?

In recent years the Russian Federation has purchased about $160 Billion in US Treasury Bonds. If they had any brains they would offer the Ukranian People the opportunity to buy back their debt for Natural Gas and then cancel it in exchange for them rejoining the New Soviet Economic Block and allow them to remain an independent nation.

Unfortunately the Living GOD will now allow this to occur while passport aa-00029 remains outside of Europe, so HE has spoken, so it shall be.

So once again the little guy gets screwed and the Rothchilds and their Lucifarian Friends make enormous amounts of money all backed by the might and power of the Insane Obama US Military and Homeland Security.

Sounds allot like the NAZI take Over of Austria MARCH 12th 1938, doesn't it?

Then came the assassination of the Blacks, Gypsies and Jews in huge prison camps across Europe. IDF - GOD has a solution, but you are not looking so get scared, really scared.

See any burning Synagogues in Kiev lately - YUP, and Jews openly attacked on the streets by IMF backed Avanti troops - Obama's Brown Shirts. Scares me Israeli Defense Force.

Can we Zeig Heil yet?

You heard this first here on APFN

Dr William B. Mount

UN Broadcast 16 March 2014 - The Beginning of The Age of Aquarius

What you are about to read is a summary of the Internal UN broadcast given a few hours ago from both London and New York City.

Whether YOU like it or not this is how they think and this is how your world leaders think. I will give a fair and unbiased synopses of the broadcasts.

The meditation for these broadcasts began at about 4AM my time and I was awoken (By Something I cannot describe) to join in on these meditations.

The two broadcasts were apprehensive and tense ans I felt an anticipation towards something that is coming - something that is not supposed to come - like a Nuclear War.

Something was strange as the time of the Full Moon was estimated to be at 3 different times. One reference stated about 1PM GMT, one stated about 3PM GMT, and the UN one was at 5:09GMT. I never seen this before. Something is wrong with the Sun/Moon.

When the Farmers Almanac, Google and the UN do not agree on the time of the Full Moon something is wrong - there was 0ver a 4 hour variation in times.

The most significant item covered is that at 10:06 Western Standard Time we have now entered the Age of Aquarius.

This age is Aquarius in the Heavens and Virgo on Earth.

The these of the broadcast was: I leave my fathers house and turn back to save.

In other words - As a 4th Dimensional Energy Being I leave this dimension, come to the 3rd Dimension and experience the Riches of the Material World, and then turn form these riches to start the slow ascent back to the 4th Dimension through many life times.

At this time, and this time alone, the Spiritual Hierarchy and Shambala - home of the Asherons - were completely aligned for us to bring down whatever energies we wished so as to help Humanity.

The Role of Humanity is to act as Mediators for the Great Sons of Lucifer to bring their energies down to Earth and use them to unite Man Kind. and to become our own Christs.

Christianity will now be transformed beyond itself and through the example of Christ teach us how to emulate this Christ and reunite Planet Earth under our great saviors the Asherons.

We are the leaders in this New World Religion and will usher in The Great Teacher through the Great Invocation - something Eleanor Roosevelt read on the radio way back in 1932.

The Emerging Churches - the Post Pentecostal, Post Presbyterian and Post Catholic - that are arising throughout Africa and the US are now relying more on Spiritual Encounters and teachings through these encounters than on the Bible or a Preacher. It is in these Spiritual Experience that occur during worship sessions that these people will Transcend Christianity.

There will be a Back Lash form the Fundamentalist - those who read the bible and obey it - but we will transcend these Narrow Minded Folks in this New World Religion. We must accept these new ideas of Abortion and Infanticide (Killing Live Children) and Homosexuality and respect them a Personal Choices in this new age.

It is through the combining of Buddhism through Lord Buddha and Christianity that we will be united as one world religion.

The New Pope is accepting these ideas and if they relinquish their Spiritual Hold over people will lead the way into this new age of Aquarius.

The Sign of Pisces takes form all other signs and it is through this time that the New World Teacher will be invoked and brought forth to teach us how to combine Buddhism and Christianity.

Master KH and Jakool will guide us through this transition.

(((Master KH is Koot Hoomi, an Indian Saint of Budha, Jakool is an Indian Mystic. Both Channel Spirits of Asheron, sons of Lucifer)))

Once we give up all attachments to the Glamour (Riches) of the world then we can truly have anything we wish - and we will then tern back to our Fathers House to save Humanity as a Christ Like Conciousness.

"Omanepadum" - Behold the Lotus Springs Forth

The Lotus Flower Blooms.

We start out in dirt, flow through water, and rise into the light and bloom as a flower heading towards the light. So too must man follow in this example.

We now unify ourselves with Humanity as a Light Worker and Meditate to bring down the energy of the Asherons though the Hierarchy form Shambala.

We then meditated during the Full Moon.

You heard this first here on APFN

Dr William B Mount

Sunday, March 16, 2014

You Are Making A Difference APFN Readers

Over the last few weeks we have been using APFN as a platform to guide Visual Prayer and stop what is coming.

-------Blogger Readers - you can join in. You make a HUGE difference in World Politics------

Today we entered the Age Of Aquarius - more on my UN report - at 10:09 Am my time here on the West Coast. Apparently we passed through some line in space.

The New World Order had until this time to start this Nuclear War and they have failed Miserably and now their system must come down - according to the King of Kings and lord of Lords.

SO here are today's events:

1) The 3 Jets Pres Obama uses are down due to both mechanical and software problems.

2) The Russians stopped the Nuclear Weapon's Transfer to North of Chernobyl by the US Army Attache's to the US Embassy in the Ukraine.

3) Crimea voted 95% to join Russia in accordance with the Russian/Ukariane Treaty. Observers form the Austrian Courts certified the vote.

4) The New Illegal Ukraine Leaders may be murders but they are not Suicidal - a Nuke in Chernobyl would have been insane - and they have signed a treaty with Russia to cease hostilities.

5) Angela Merkel of Germany scraped her Gold Mirror (Rt Side) and something fell off - a Bug placed there by orders of Pres Obama so she is not really happy with this Obama Created War.

6) Finally, Venice is now voting to leave Italy - and they have the right under treaties signed before WW2. They need their tax dollars to prop up Venice before it sinks too far.

All of this may be found on either



You are making a difference APFN - keep visualizing - praying - that Lucifer fails at every attempt to steal money and make war.

As for flight 337, or is it 307, or maybe 377?

It was shot down - but there was another plane --- see the radar shots --- but the Diego Garcia airfield is a little tight for a Boeing 777 at 1,200 feet long --------- I will leave you with that.

You heard this first here on APFN.

Dr William B. Mount

The Cure For HIV

In 1972 the US Army released HIV in RHodesia at the Rothchilds DIamonds Mines in response to the Soviet Metal War.

The disease was developed from Sheep Wasting Disease and then grown in 24 Monkeys and then released in a HEP B Vaccination to ocntrol Black Populations - kill them.

If you want to lvoie with HIV you must do several things:

1) Stop eating White Flour.

2) Stop eating Dairy Products.

3) Stop eating Cashews.

4) Use 45 Drops of Immusist per day - or about 100 drops of Citricare.

5) Eat Sea Weed -.2 OZ/Day. If you cannot find Sea Weed call me.

Citricare was found to be 1bout 95% effective and Immusist 100% effective in allowing your body to completely fight off the HIV virus in 90 days - but you must keep using the product at a much lower rate to help your body. The HIV virus hides in all sorts of places.

The goal here is to allow your body to heal itself.

Even when I lay hands on folks it is not me healing them - it is GOD, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, who was and is and is to come.

The same proceedures are used for Lupis, Cancer., Autism... everything you can think of.

Citricare can be found at Vim and Vigor.

Immusist may be found at

Dr William B. Mount

Friday, March 14, 2014

Treaty Obligations Demand World Wide Trade Cessation With US/UK

As you read this please pray - focus hard - that this coming war is stopped and Lucifer's plans fail.

Within the Treaty Vault of the UN, NATO HQ in Brussels, and the Pentagon are stored International and Intergalactic Treaties that are not accessible to most but literally run the world. Violation of these treaties means serious consequences. It may take some time - but there will be consequences.

"The Mills of the Gods grind slow, but exceeding fine."

The Ukraine is tied to Russia by Mutual Agreements, just as NATO is tied to the Ukriane with treaties.

As agressive move towards the Ukraine is a huge violations of the US/Russian Anti-Agression treaties, NATO treaties and UN treaties.

All nations that are currently participating in the US Invasion (Through the CIA and Avanti) of the Ukraine are in violation of these treaties.

Trade with these nations must immediately cease - Oil, Food, Gas, and other commodities must be stopped from being sent to the US/UK and any other nations involved in this obvious invasion of the State of the Ukraine.

In addition, the Greata Treaties clearly state (In an Alien Language) that the US may NOT violate it's treaty obligations with anyone or it violates the their agreements and treaties.

From this day forward ALL alien species interacting with the US Corporation may do so under Emergency Conditions and only if it is absolutely necessary. The Transfer of Advanced Technology to the US Corporation must cease and desist upon realizing these Treaty Violations exist.


Otherwise ALL treaties between the violating species and all other species are deemed as being violated as well.

This is some pretty serious talk in some very serious treaties.

In other words: Because the US Invaded the (Under orders on the UK) Ukraine ALL nations States must immediately stop trading with the US and England and any NATO nation that supports the US and England.

Mr. Secretary of Defense and President Obama: You do have to the Security Clearance to access these treaties NOR do you have the mental capacity to absorb the information and process it correctly or you would not have gotten us into this mess in the first place unless you are both completely mad, insane beyond belief.

OK - let's see what happens now -
You hear this first here on APFN

Dr William B. Mount

Thursday, March 13, 2014

US Threatens War WIth Libya, Russia, Israel, N Korea, and Syria

Within the last 24 hours US Secretary of State has threatened Russia, Libya, North Korea and Syria with WAR - Nuclear War unless they all bow to President Obama and HIS MASTER the Rothchilds. This is what happened:

1) This morning Dumb Dumb Kerry demanded the Russians violate their treaty with the Ukraine or he will"Have Serious Consequences" by Monday morning.

2) Again he threatened North Korea with "Serious Consequences By Monday" is they test fired a Missile.

3) This morning on WHATREALLYHAPPENED.COM Dumb Dumb Kerry threatened Russia with Serious consequences unless they violate their treaty with the Ukraine and pull out of the Crimea Peninsula.

4) Then he met with Isreali Ambassadors and all is well after he ordered Jews Assassinated in Kiev.

5) Then the DOD releases now WAR PLANS to attack Syria.

6) To top that off Dumb Dumb Kerry threatened Israel.

Did we leave anyone out?

He (and the entire Obama staff) have gone utterly MAD.

What are you going to do Dumb Dumb Kerry and Obama - somebody else controls the Nukes over your heads?

Your staff has already double crossed the Off Worlders you were hosting at Indian Springs and Los Alamos, right?

As the DOD sends in a 12E80 with a Nuke to torch off Sunday Night just North of Chernobyl Kerry threatens country after country with "Serious Consequences."

On the Home Front Pres Obama hides like a Rat in his underground bunker trying to phone Pres Putin and Pres Putin will not answer the phone.

Either the US and England sanction 210 nations or we will have a full scale Nuclear War by Monday Morning.

Please focus people, pray with me that this skunk pot Lucifer and his forces fail in everything they do over the next few days.

Either the US launches a Nuclear False Flag followed by a Nuclear War by Monday or the rest of the world will realize ED Dempsey and the Joint Chiefs of Cowards and Obama's Staff are Gay Blow Hards or the rest of the world will begin tearing the IMF and World Bank to pieces, so says the I AM That I AM, who was and is and is to come. So it has been stated, so it shall be.

IMF - you should have listened to the Emails you were sent by this Ambassador.

You heard this one first here on APFN

Honorable Grace
Dr William B. Mount
K of Malta - Russian
Cpt, (RET) USA

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Yesterday we announced that the US was planning a False flag to torch off a Nuclear World War.

This morning is was revealed that the US Army Attache to the US Embassy in the Ukraine emailed someone and is planning a Nuke False flag in the Ukraine. Here is part of the Email:
"KIEV, Ukraine — Ukraine may have to arm itself with nuclear weapons if the United States and other world powers refuse to enforce a security pact that obligates them to reverse the Moscow-backed takeover of Crimea, a member of the Ukraine parliament told USA TODAY."

The U.S. media is acting as if Russia invaded the country, when in reality the U.S. is the one who invaded the country before Russia. Russia is only protecting their assets in Crimea.

The U.S. went in and got all of Ukraine's gold reserves and flew it to the U.S. for 'safe keeping'.

"A source in the Ukrainian government confirmed that the transfer of the gold reserves of Ukraine to the United States was ordered by the acting PM Arseny Yatsenyuk."

It is our belief that within 3 days from last night a 12E80 from the US Army will enter the Ukriane with another US made nuke.

He will then be escorted north near the Polish boarder and place the nuke in a location so as to knock out the Chernoble Nuclear Reactors - thus creating maximum carnage.

As we speak NATO, teh US and the the BRIC nations are preparing for Operation Barbossa 2014.

This morning at around 10 AM my time a Russian Asset in Moscow took control of all US Nuclear Space Weapons - the movie "Space Cowboy" with Clint Eastwood was pretty correct. The US still uses DOS 2.11 and 3.02 to run these nukes.

The US has about 150 Nuclear Space Weapons over our heads - each with 6 warheads - 6 shooters. Total Nuclear Warheads about 900 15-25KT Hiroshima/Nagasaki sized nukes.

Thus in a 5 - 10 second period about 900 US cities would be absolutely leveled. US Population Loss would be around 325 Million in about 24 hours.

President Obama, Congress, Supreme Court, Pentagon Officials, LD (ED) General Dempsy and the rest of the Joint Chiefs of Cowards would be absolutely baked, toasted and fried instantaneously and spend the rest of Eternity in Hades - the 2dn Dimension, 1st Harmonics.

For 7 years I have tried to stop this but again without Russian or Chinese assistance I can go no further and GOD may let it happen.

These Fascist NAZI Pigs in the White House and in London and in the Vatican want a full scale Nuclear War by 16 March - the Full Moon signalling the End of the Zodiac and the beginning of the New AGE OF AQUARIUS.

The Mayan Calendar was off - the date was the AGE OF AQUARIUS 16 March 2014 when the power of this New World Order begins to fall apart.


Read the writings of the United Nations - I do and it scares the He.. out of me.

Further - it was the UN NGOs that imported the weapons for the 2,000 Avanti (US Mercenaries) currently in the Ukraine.

We could discuss all sorts of things tonight but we really need your prayers and you to focus on the idea that Lucifer looses on this one.

If they fail at this then the start all over again with Operation Bite 16 April 2014 - Nuke Salt Lake after bumping off Obama and blame the Evil Iranians.


You heard this first on APFN

Dr William B. Mount