Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Too Big To Jail, Really - Murder, Extortion, Treason?

Are The Demon-Rat Leaders, who commit Murder, Extortion and Treason Daily - Really Too Big To Fail?

THE GAME for President Trump ended when he realized 2 things:

1) The Demon-Rats Openly Announced They Were Trying To Kill Him

2) He Must Do As God Directs Or His Family And Himself Will Be Removed Form Planet Earth

We are talking about the Destruction of the United States - followed by the destruction of this planet - as Outlined by the Lucifer Trust 10 December 2019.

So we pray for our President's Safety and that he does what GOD directs him to do.

VIDEO:  (1545) Too Big To Jail - Really? - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

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Too Big To Jail - Really?

Jim Willie - Dollar Being rejected World Wide - 3 Of 3

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Jim Willie - World Massively Rejecting The Dollar

This is an interview with Jim Willie -

Jim is a Statastician/Economist wit a sense of humor

In these 3 videos we examine the world's  recent

1) Dumping of the US Dollar

2) Introduction Of The Gold Trade Note from China

Which Means - The Massive devaluation of the US Dollar is on the way along with Hyper Inflation

As layoffs continue we will see squishy brown stuff hitting the fan inn about 7-8 weeks both economically and politically

Since YOU TUBE allws only 20 minute videos - we have broken the interview into 3 parts:


1)...(1489) Jim Willie - US Dollar Being Dumped World Wide - Pt 1 Of 3 - YouTube

2)... (1489) Jim Willie - US Dollar Being Rejected World Wide - 2 Of 3 - YouTube

3)... (1490) Jim Willie - Dollar Being rejected World Wide - 3 Of 3 - YouTube

The Wall of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Jim Willie's Website:

Golden Jackass, home of Hat Trick Letter by Jim Willie

Jim Willie - US Dollar Being Rejected World Wide - 2 Of 3

Jim Willie - US Dollar Being Dumped World Wide - Pt 1 Of 3

Treasonous Billionaire Rats Now Begging Trump For Help