Tuesday, August 8, 2017

You Tube Announces More Restrictions On Content

Exposed - Secret Handbook To Destroy America

Welcome to the smartest, most active, and the most loving audience in the world.

Isiah 6:8 : I Heard The Voice Of Adonai (Lord) Whom Shall I Send, Who Will Go For Us, I said “Here I Am”

You are my friends and Family - I will go.

We will do our best to help you prepare for what is coming.



In 1966 Professor Cloward-Pivens of Columbia University, working with Frances Fox Pivens, developed a plan to destroy America called the Cloward-Pivens Model

Quickly adopted by the Democratic Socialist Party (Democrats, party of Adolf Hitler, a NAZI) the strategy involves growing the Government to  large and having it fall in on itself, allowing a FASCIST take over. 

Seeking funding from the “Elites” overseas the Democrats have done everything in their power to destroy this nation.

Recently a Private Book was published on just how to complete this job.

Written by “Democracy Matters: this “Strategic Plann For Action” calls on the complete take down of everyone who tells the truth.

If they cannot take them  down politically they will do it with the courts.

If the courts do not work, they will kill them.

The Primary NGO’s that are doing this - Lying, Bribing, Murdering include: 

1) Democracy Matters
2) America Bridge - 21st Century
3) Media Matters For America 
4) CREW - Citizens For Responsibility And Ethics In Washington
5) Shareblue

Both Media Matters and American Bridge were founded by David Brock - a real Satanic Worshiper who works directly for those destroying America - a Traitor. 

The funding for these NGOs come primarily from overseas and from Public Employee Unions - an illegal use of Public Employee Union Dues. 

Like all good National Sozhalelests (NAZIs) (Democrats) they will do anything to regain power.

Until they are behind bars, or repent, the attacks on news that is true will continue and you will eventually be left with Propaganda and an utterly destroyed nation - splintered by these NAZIs. 

That’s what NAZIs (Democrats) do - they attack their friends and kill their enemies.

Please pray that they all either repent or go down immediately. 

You will find the link to the secret 49 page book at the end of the story and please realize - they have unlimited finds and will continue to have this money until President Trump has them all arrested. 

In other news: 

1) Government Energy Report clearly states the US Energy Grid has been made - MADE By Orders Of Homeland Security - highly vulnerable to complete failure.

So apparently we have allot of Traitors working within Homeland Security attempting to destroy America.

Rather than regional power grids that were not susceptible to these Vulnerabilities Homeland Security has connected these grids all together so a Power Failure in New York could destroy the power grid in, say, Alabama or California. 

So apparently the Department of Homeland Security is still trying to take down the electrical grid in America. 

2) Finally, Fannie Mae and Freddie will need another $100 Billion to keep functioning. 

As you recall - these two Corporation were “Nationalized in 2008 - seized by the US Corporation - had their assets stripped by the last President to pay for his Health Care Reform and these corporations never got paid back. Now - they are utterly bankrupt and begging for dollars. 

Then these loans were sold off in Hedge Funds.

Today there exists - thanks to the last President - over $1,500 Trillion Dollars in Hedge Funds Alone and most are worth Zip, Zero, Nada, Nothing. 

For example: A $200,000 home loan were $200,000 is owed has a net value of $0. Yet -- under the last Presidential Rules these loans were sold into Hedge Funds with a value of $200,000. 

Only these loans were broken up and pieces (Derivatives) of it were sold to a hundred different Hedge Funds - making it impossible to find out who really owns the loan. 

Thus the Entire American and European Home Loan System is not only ready to fall but illegal. 

Please pray that the system is returned to the people and those suppressing the people are taken out if power immediately.


If they terminate your subscription - then stand up and be heard and - re-subscribe


This is OUR country and here WE stand for FREEDOM 

This is YOUR channel where about 90% of the stories come from YOU

YOU have a voice

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Monday, August 7, 2017

You Tube Announces More Restrictions On Content

You Tube Announces More Censorship

Welcome to the smartest, most active, and the most loving audience in the world.

Isiah 6:8 : I Heard The Voice Of Adonai (Lord) Whom Shall I Send, Who Will Go For Us, I said “Here I Am”

You are my friends and Family - I will go.

We will do our best to help you prepare for what is coming.

This show is brought to you by Ronnie at GETTHETEA.COM


(1326) You Tube Announces More Restrictions On Content - YouTube


Both You Tube and Google are now introducing more restrictions on what you can watch.

Videos on Porn are OK

Videos on how to hack into a bank are OK

Videos pertaining to starting riots and killing are OK

Videos telling the truth about Vaccines and Prescription Drugs are now being banned.

Sounds allot like NAZI Germany in 1935, right?

Create ONE News Outlet then restrict what can be said on the news.


New algorythms are now being introduced into You Tube to search your “Words” on exactly what you say.

Further - Google (You Tube Owners) are hiring lots of NGO’s (Non Governmental Organizations) to watch your You TUBE Vides and either remove them or make them or make them unavailable to the public.

For Example: we can no longer publish a video that says: The Cure For Hepatitis and the one we did put out was simply removed - along with about 20 other videos You Tube found “Controversial.”

The problem in all of this editing is we never know what we can and can’t say so what we said yesterday may be banned today.

The now “TRUSTED FLAGGER” program will bring in 15 different Left Wing FASCIST organizations to identify “Extremist” speach - such as the “THE CURE FOR CANCER” video and flag it, then pull it.

Imagine if you exposed the Rape Culture that is allowed under Shariah Law - your video gets pulled. A law, by the way, that would clear out the roads in one day. You see - under these restrictions:

1) Women can’t go to school
2) Women are now allowed to drive
3) Women can’t work outside the home
4) A woman may be raped by anyone if she looks provocative
5) A woman may be beaten like a dog women are property.
6) A woman cannot give a speech.

The most Holy Muslim Mosque has these words inscribed at the entry way:


So here we go again - NAZI Lefties restricting news.

Please pray that You Tube and Google Executives are changed to allow us to produce the truth every day for YOU or are removed from their positions of power.

Please also pray that the Google Stock Holders and Advertisers have their eyes opened as to why they are loosing money - the censorships - and that they take actions to remove those who are destroying their income from Google.


1)  It has been confirmed - President Trump left the White House so that listening devices and explosives may be removed form the walls, floors and ceilings.

2) Rahm  Emanuel, mayor of Chicago, is suing the US Corporation to force them to fully fund “Sanctuary Cities.”

This Perverted Mayor refuses to take action to stop the 3,000+ shootings a ear in his city, now he wants more Illegal Immigrants so they can work for new factories for SLAVE wages.

It’s all about bringing in a New Groups of people to work as Slaves in their factories.


3) The United Nations has now officially sanctioned North Korea.

Do you really think these sanctions will hurt the Elites in Power?

All it will do is allow China to sell more goods overseas instead of North Korea.

4) More Microchipping of Humans

First we traded Freedom for Security, now we are trading Privacy for Convenience.

Finally - Factory Chickens grown in the US are rotting before they are killed.

Think about ti the next time you go to the Grocery Store to buy a chicken.

We wonder what FAKE NEWS SERCO will publish this after noon.

Please pray that the CEO, and the other staff, of the SERCO Corporation either Immediately Repent or are thrown out of power.


This show is brought to you by:


This morning I already ate the Gymnema to control my Blood Sugar Level, Allicyn C to help reduce fevers, and Life Change Tea.

As  for Anti - Aging we are still eating Immusist and Get The Tea’s 8th Element for Resveratrol.

When I entered the hospital they opened me up pretty good and rerouted everything from the ribs to the hips. The original opening for the wound was about 10 inches in diameter. We have pictures. It was pretty gnarly.

When  I left 25 days later it was still a pretty large wound - too large for any rehab center to take me. They all said NO - so I asked to go home.

Today - 5 weeks later - several nurses and two doctors have told us they have never seen anything heal so fast.

So between your prayers, our overly positive attitude,  and the 8th Element and Immusist the outside wound is now only about 3 inches by 3 inches. Inside - will take some time. I still get dizzy when I walk more than about 10 minutes.

Apparently in about 4 months I will have to go in for a series of short surgeries to re-rout everything and these are likely to last fro about 18 months - but with the healing going on so fast - they should be a simple in/out procedures.

One last thing - I have not been able to wear glasses for about 10 weeks now my eye sight is back to where it was 10 years ago - so I am wearing my 10 year old glasses.

 Your prayers really work.

Words cannot express my gratitude to you, the viewers.

You are the best.

Please pray your family is safe and well fed in all of this “Economic Upheaval.”



If they terminate your subscription - then stand up and be heard and - re-subscribe


This is OUR country and here WE stand for FREEDOM

This is YOUR channel where about 90% of the stories come from YOU

YOU have a voice

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount



YouTube just announced new rigging scheme that will allow it to censor videos about vaccines or statin drugs – NaturalNews.com

Trump Evacuated From White House After Massive 9/11 Spy System Discovered



Chicago Sues Justice Department Over Efforts to Deny Funding to Sanctuary Cities - NBC Chicago

Microchipping Humans: First They Traded Freedom for Security, Now It’s Privacy for Convenience

Factory chickens grown in the U.S. are too heavy to stand on their own feet; meat begins ROTTING even before they’re killed – NaturalNews.com

Saturday, August 5, 2017


Trump Coalition Drains Swamp Worldwide

Trump Coalition Smashing ISIS Worldwide

Isiah 6:8 : I Heard The Voice Of Adonai (Lord) Whom Shall I Send, Who Will Go For Us, I said “Here I Am”


(1295) Trump Coalition Drains Swamp Worldwide - YouTube

President Trump is not only exposing the CLOWNS in DC but he is helping lead a coalition to clean up all of the “Bad Guy” overseas.

Can’t say the ISIS.. word

Can’t say “Terrorism.. Word

Can’t say Obama…. Word

So let us just say the “Bad Guys” supported by the BIG “H” and the “Last President” are now being exterminated like rats across the planet.

In a recent Email we received from the US State Department over 40,000 foreign Folks from 110 different countries are now working in these countries where it is really hot and there is allot of oil (Syria, Iraq) to clean up the mess the Elites set up.

Further - Many refugees are now going home to their towns to clean up the mess.

Many of the “Bad Guys” have literally thrown down their weapons and stopped fighting.

Over 5 Million people living under ISIS are now free.

Further - the 100,000 Iraqi troops trained by the United States have never lost a battle.

So here is what you are not hearing from the Main Stream media:

…a) The US Military is now working with these 100 different countries world wide to eradicate these “Snakes”

..b) The tactics involve surrounding the enemy and eliminating them down to the last man.

…c) With 69 nations and  four international organizations over $2 Billion Dollars has been raised to destroy these Snakes world wide - from Indonesia to Morocco.

Once this is done world wide these forces will then be dealing with those FBI Sponsored Groups here in America.

Please keep in mind that the American Troops overseas are working in areas where the Average Daily Temperatures exceed 120 Degrees and they are dealing with the most evil scum on this planet evil that enjoy killing and injuring children - this is their way of having fun.

If you want more you can go to the link and read the Email from the US State Department.

On September 25th the Kurds are holding an International Meeting to set up their own nation. We shall see where that goes.

Under President Trump most of out fighters will be coming home soon.

The fight is almost over.
When they come home - tell them thank you.


1) Several Medical Journals Confirm: Eating Tumeric Every Day Reverses Cancer

Yup: Sea Weed, Immusist, Citricare and Tumeric.

This means reversing cancer runs about $50 a month.

2) Berlin may call for Sanctioning the United  States so they can continue building the Nord Stream Natural Gas Pipe Line from Russia to Germany to cut their cost of heating.


3) The Catholic Church is embroiled in nearly 100 Law Suits Over Sexual Abuse in Guam Alone.

Catholics: Do Not Let The Actions Of A Few Nasty Demon Possessed Priests Effect YOUR Relationship With GOD.

4) Continue To Pray For President Trump - that the Elite NAZIs clowns in DC either Immediately have a change of heart and repent or are removed from power forever

4) Drug Cartels Are Furious - President Trump is now having the Boarder Patrol inspect all trucks coming into and out of this country - just like they used to do under President Bush.

5) Finally - Pictures Of The Presidential Bunker in Hawaii.

The one YOU paid for.

The one the President will go to if “Poop” hits the fan.

If  SERCO can carry out some pretty bad False Flags we will have Marshal Law --  and it will be called “Continuity Of Government”

Please pray that the CEO, and the other staff, of the SERCO Corporation either Immediately Repent or are thrown out of power.


This show is brought to you by:


This morning I already ate the Gymnema to control my Blood Sugar Level, Allicyn C to help reduce fevers, and Life Change Tea.

I believe that when a Colostomy (Illyostomy) bag is installed on a person Life Change Tea should be given to the patients automatically. It really helps allot.

For those that do not know - Ronnie is helping us support people in America and Mexico so they can eat and those in the Orphanage are learning to read so they can find work and become self sufficient.

Ronnie has literally just donated enough to feed these kids in Mexico for a year.

To a lesser extent - so are the owners of Citricare, Immusist, Noble Gold and Trade Genius helping support older women who can’t afford to buy things like - meat or fruit.

Please pray your family is safe and well fed in all of this “Economic Upheaval.”



If they terminate your subscription - then stand up and be heard and - re-subscribe


This is OUR country and here WE stand for FREEDOM

This is YOUR channel where about 90% of the storie come fro YOU

YOU have a voice

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Update: Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS

I Am Laying A Blanket Of Prayer Over President Trump. Secret Service Vacates Trump Tower Command Post After Lease Dispute. McMaster Says Susan Rice Did Nothing Wrong. Congress Does Nothing And Leaves On Vacation. – InvestmentWatch

Berlin calls for retaliation against 'illegal' US sanctions on Russia — RT Business



New science confirms eating turmeric every day reverses cancer – NaturalNews.com



Guam Catholic Church In Sex Abuse Scandal | The Daily Caller

Drug Cartels Fuming at New U.S. Border Truck Inspections | One America News Network

Inside Obama’s ‘Super Bunker’ That YOU Paid For! (IMAGES) – Americas Last Line of Defense